Book Read Free

Plain Again

Page 30

by Sarah Price

  “A lie?” She repeated the two words as if in shock. Oh, how she wanted to believe him! How she wanted to know that what he had said was the truth. But the pain of accepting this as truth would mean that she, too, had sinned by having lost faith in him. “How can I be sure, Alejandro? My heart is . . . it was broken,” she said, holding back a sob that wanted to escape her throat.

  “My heart was broken, too, Amanda,” he admitted. “I could not continue singing onstage. That was when Mike admitted everything.”

  None of this made sense to her. How could someone be so cruel? Even though she never cared for Mike, their first meeting in Los Angeles over lunch having been all but disastrous, she simply could not imagine that he would do something so cruel to Alejandro. It was coldhearted and evil. As much as Mike disliked her, she knew that he cared deeply for Alejandro.

  “I . . . I don’t know what to say,” she whispered. “If this is true . . .”

  “It is true,” he interrupted. “Maria admitted it, too. He paid her for it.” Gently, he pinched her chin and tilted her head so that she had no choice but to look into his eyes. “Look at me, look me in the eye, and you will know that it is true. I never should have doubted myself, Amanda. I should have known it was a lie. And you should have, too.”

  His words cut through her, and she knew that he spoke the truth. Yet there was no reproach to his words. That, too, was painful to realize. She tried to lower her eyes as she whispered, “If this is true, then I am ashamed of myself.”

  It was at that moment when he pulled her into his arms, pressing her head gently against his chest while she let the tears flow from her eyes, not caring that she was sobbing. The shame of having lost faith in him, of not permitting him the chance to explain, was more than she could bear. If the thought of Alejandro having let her down was devastating, the realization that it was she who had let him down was twice as painful.

  “Oh, Alejandro,” she sobbed, clinging to him, unleashing the pent-up emotions that she had been trying so hard to hide, for far too long. “I’m ever so sorry!”

  “Shh,” he soothed, holding her as tight as he could. “You didn’t know any better, and I should have.”

  “I thought horrible things,” she admitted through her tears. “I don’t think I can ever forgive myself.”

  “Ay, Princesa,” he moaned. “None of that. We have punished ourselves enough, no? We have to move beyond this and get back on track.” He kissed the top of her head. “I love you more than anything, Amanda Diaz. You have to know that, Princesa.”

  “I do,” she whispered, shutting her eyes and feeling his arms around her, a feeling that she had feared she would never experience again. “Oh, I do know that!”

  For a long while, they stayed hugging, clinging to each other as they let the emotions of the past week shift into a new direction. When he finally pulled back, just enough to peer down at her, he reached up and wiped away her tears. “No more tears except for tears of joy, Amanda,” he said. “In just a few days, it is Christmas. This is a joyous holiday, sí? And I want to give you happiness from this day forward.”

  “You always give me happiness,” she said softly. Then, as if something dawned on her, she looked up at him. “What will we do for Christmas?”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Do you have to go back to Miami?”

  “Ah,” he said, realizing what she meant. “We will do whatever you wish, Amanda. We can fly to Miami or we can stay here with your family. The only thing that I care about is that we are together. There will be no more of this back and forth. Not for a while, sí?”

  She laughed through her damp eyes. “¡Sí!”

  “Are you teasing me?” he asked, bending down just a little so that they were eye to eye. “I like it when you tease me.”

  “Then I shall do more of it!” she proclaimed, life slowly returning to her eyes.

  Leaning forward, he kissed her lips, soft at first, but when she placed her hands on his shoulders, his kiss became stronger and more passionate. With his hands on the small of her back, he pulled her until she was pressed against his chest, his arms holding her as tight as he could. He rested his chin on top of her head, sighing as he embraced her.

  “I thought I had lost you,” she whispered, the tears returning to her eyes. “And it was a feeling I never want to have again.”

  He soothed her by rubbing his hands along her back, still holding her as tight as he could. She let the tears fall again, sobbing against his shoulder as she realized how relieved she was to not only have learned the truth but also to have him before her, holding her and comforting her. For the first time in almost two weeks, she knew that everything was going to be all right and that they could survive whatever the future would throw at them. Together, she realized, they would overcome anything.


  The noise from the crowd was deafening, a constant roar of voices and noisemakers, with the occasional blast from a police car somewhere in the distance. The lights from the buildings lit up the area, creating an even more festive mood. Everyone seemed to be facing one direction, looking into the sky toward the roof of One Times Square. In less than thirty minutes, the ball would drop and the crowd would begin counting backward, saying good-bye to the old year and welcoming the new one.

  Alejandro stood beside Amanda, his arm protectively around her waist as they waited for the security detail to indicate that it was time to leave the comfort of the building. They would then proceed to the area facing the crowd, where Alejandro would perform his last song for the year to both the people jammed into Times Square and the millions of viewers who watched from the comfort of their television screens at home.

  He leaned down and nuzzled her neck, his warm breath tickling her ear. “Te amo, Princesa,” he whispered.

  She smiled but did not respond.

  “Ready, Viper?”

  She didn’t have to look to know that Alejandro had nodded to the head of security. With a slight increase of pressure on her waist, he indicated that she should walk beside him as they followed the men outside and through the cordoned-off walkway toward the stage that was set up, facing the waiting crowd. Those who stood nearby cheered when Viper emerged with his wife by his side. Unbeknownst to Amanda, a camera was simulcasting their entrance and displaying it on the enormous screen that was on the side of the Times Square building.

  Despite the unusually cold temperature, Amanda found that she was warm, wrapped in the black faux-fur jacket that Alejandro had given to her just that morning. Like Alejandro, she wore dark sunglasses, which helped to shield her eyes from the bright lights shining down on them as they made their way to the stage.

  He had insisted that she join him up onstage. She hadn’t wanted to, proclaiming that it would be awkward for her and distract his fans. But Alejandro said he didn’t care.

  “I want the world to see you,” he had said as they dressed in the hotel before leaving earlier that evening. “They will always see you by my side and never again will anyone have reason to question the depths of my love for you.”

  Now, as they climbed the stairs to the stage, Amanda took a deep breath and fought the pounding of her heart. She tried to remember where she had been the previous year at this time. Home, she thought. Home in bed, for sure and certain. The Amish certainly didn’t stay up to ring in the new year, at least not the farmers who had to arise at four in the morning. After all, their daily chores didn’t care whether it was the old year or the new year . . . not on a farm.

  She stood toward the back of the stage, trying to stay in the shadows of some of the equipment. His transformation into Viper had begun the moment they had walked through the black curtain, strolling through the crowd toward the stage. She watched from behind as he grabbed the microphone and greeted his fans. They responded with a roar of cheers and screams.

  It was hard to see into the crowd, what with the lights from the stage shining down on them. Those who were closest to the stage w
ere easier to see, while the rest of the people morphed into a never-ending sea. The young women who were up front screamed and waved their hands in the air. Viper leaned down and touched several of their hands before he stood up and turned back to the band, nodding his head for them to get started.

  The music began, and Viper started dancing, the microphone clutched in his gloved hand. He wore a broad smile on his face, laughing as he moved across the stage, interacting with the five scantily clad dancers through their choreographed moves. The energy from the crowd was contagious, and Amanda found herself swaying ever so slightly in rhythm with the music. The deep bass seemed to pulsate throughout her body. She found herself getting lost in the excitement and actually enjoying herself.

  “Everybody having a good time out there?” Viper shouted into the microphone. “The party ain’t over!”

  The crowd responded with another loud roar, and he laughed, glancing over his shoulder, first at the band and then at Amanda. He reached up and pulled down his sunglasses just enough so that his blue eyes peered over the top. A mischievous gleam came to his eyes, and as the intro to the next song began, he pushed his sunglasses back up and began to dance toward her, his hips moving in rhythm with the beat.

  The crowd saw the direction in which he was headed and went wild, the energy at a frenzied level. When he reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the shadows and into the spotlight, the noise from the audience drowned out the music from the speakers. As they ventured toward the front of the stage, he took a step back from Amanda, continuing to hold her hand. He stared at her, from head to toe, in an exaggerated leer that caused the color to flood to her cheeks but delighted the crowd of partygoers.

  “Ay, mi madre!” he said into the microphone, a lustful tone to his voice. He pulled her into his arms, and not caring that the crowd was still screaming and shouting, he kissed her lips, dipping her backward ever so slightly so that she had to put her hand on his shoulder to steady herself.

  When he gently released her, he turned to the crowd. “End of the night is going down!” he shouted into the microphone. “Let’s make it a night you won’t forget!” The crowd went crazy, and he stood back, laughing at their enthusiasm. When they quieted down enough to hear him, he placed his hand on his chest. “Everybody raise a drink, and let’s make a toast!” As if on cue, a stagehand dressed in black crossed the stage with two fluted glasses filled with champagne. He took both glasses from him, handing one to Amanda.

  “If you all are like me, it’s been a year of ups and downs. Let’s reach for the sky in the new year, because if there is one thing that I have learned . . . you can do anything that you set your mind to! And I have one person to thank for that.” He took a step back and turned toward Amanda, lifting his champagne glass in the air. “To the heart of my heart and light of my soul,” he said. “This toast is for you, Amanda.”

  He took a sip from the glass and encouraged her to do the same. Then he took the glass from her and handed it back to the stagehand before he wrapped his arm around her waist once again, the music playing. He leaned over and kissed her one more time, then released her, but kept holding her hand as he began to sing the next song, pulling her along with him across the stage as he sang. During the instrumental section, he danced with her, sometimes twirling her so that she spun around under his arm. He laughed and reached out to brush her cheek with his thumb before he turned back to the audience and continued singing.

  When the song was over, the audience gave a final roar of approval, the electric energy of their adoration overflowing onto the stage. Alejandro took Amanda’s hand, lifting it to his lips to plant a soft kiss on her skin before he gave a slight bow, allowing the crowd to cheer for her. She flushed and lowered her eyes until he encouraged her to wave to the crowd.

  Laughing at her shyness, he grabbed the microphone one last time and shouted, “Happy New Year to you all! See you at eleven fifty-nine!” And with that, he gave a final wave before leading Amanda from the stage and through the black curtain that separated the public area from the private.

  At the bottom of the steps, he turned to her and pulled her into his arms, lifting her from the ground as he spun her around. The joy on his face was contagious, and she found herself laughing, although she wasn’t certain at what.

  “¡Dios mío, Princesa!” He set her back down on the ground and placed both hands on either side of her face. “You are simply the most amazing woman!” He didn’t wait for a response as he lowered his lips onto hers, ignoring the people who were nearby as he kissed her. “My Amanda,” he murmured. “Happy New Year, Princesa.”

  “My Viper,” she teased, oblivious to the people who were nearby, waiting for them.

  “¡Ay!” He winced playfully. “There is no Viper with you!”

  “Good,” she said, reaching up to put her hand on the back of his neck. “I much prefer Alejandro.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Always?”

  She pursed her lips, trying not to smile at the insinuation behind what he said. “Ja vell,” she whispered. “Perhaps there are times when Viper is welcome . . .”

  Tossing his head back, he laughed and pulled her into his arms for one more hug. “That’s my chica,” he said.

  Someone coughed behind them. They both turned. A young man stood there, a clipboard in his hand. “They are ready for you at the Countdown Stage,” he said and motioned for them to follow him.

  Holding her hand, Alejandro followed the man up the metal stairs to the elevated platform before the crowd in Times Square. When they emerged and joined the host of the countdown to midnight that was airing live on national television, they both waved to the crowd. When a general roar of approval came from those watching before them, Alejandro pulled Amanda into his arms and, in front of the millions of people watching, gently kissed her, the cameras zooming in on the happy couple.

  The host laughed and waited until Alejandro released her, though he kept her at his side with his arm around her waist.

  “The couple who needs no introduction,” the host said into the microphone. “Viper and his leading lady, Amanda!”

  The crowd roared, and Alejandro lifted his hand up in acknowledgment, pausing to correct the host. “My only lady,” he said into the microphone, a mischievous smile on his face.

  “We’re just a few seconds away from the ball starting to drop. Any last words before we welcome the new year?”

  Amanda remained silent, but Alejandro took the microphone and stared into the camera. “I wish everyone a year filled with good health, success, and lots of time for the things that really matter,” he said, glancing at Amanda. She smiled and lowered her eyes. He turned back to the camera. “And with all of God’s love and blessings,” he continued. “May this year bless me with more happiness and, perhaps, even an expansion to my family!”

  The crowd gave one last cheer as Alejandro handed the microphone back to the host, laughing as Amanda stared at him, her eyes wide and questioning him while her cheeks turned red.

  The host laughed with him and said into the microphone, “Sounds like that’s a new resolution for the both of you!” He pressed a finger to his ear and nodded his head, turning back to the camera. “I’m getting the word that we are just a minute away! You all ready for the countdown?”

  With every eye trained to the sky, the crowd watched as the ball descended and a large clock ticked off the final seconds of the year. Alejandro pulled her into his arms, her back pressed against his chest as they, too, stared up at the Waterford Crystal Ball flashing brightly against the night sky. The crowd began to count backward as the numbers flashed on the clock:

  Ten, nine, eight . . .

  Amanda turned her head, and Alejandro bent down. “A family?” she repeated into his ear.

  Six, five, four . . .

  He laughed and nuzzled at her ear, waiting for the final three seconds to be counted down.

  As the crowd erupted into cheers and song, Alejandro let his lips find hers o
nce again, this time for a drawn-out kiss before he embraced her, rocking her gently in his arms as “Auld Lang Syne” played over the loudspeakers.

  “Happy New Year, Princesa!” he whispered into her ear, feeling her tighten her hold on him.

  As Alejandro and Amanda stood on the platform, the millions of people around them seemed to disappear. For them, the only thing that mattered was that they were together and that together they would face whatever the new year would bring, united in their commitment to supporting each other.

  The cameras panned out, shifting from the Countdown Stage to the happy faces of the people in the crowd. The rest of Times Square celebrated the end of yet another year and the beginning of a new one, a year that many resolved would be filled with positive change and joy, peace and happiness. With God’s blessing, it was something they all hoped to achieve.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear before releasing her from his embrace as the song ended.

  She smiled and lowered her eyes. “I know that, Alejandro,” she replied.

  He leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the top of her head, a hint of a smile still playing on her lips as he did so.

  That was the photograph that would be shown across the world, the famous Cuban hip-hop star and his famous wife, the former Amish woman from Lititz, Pennsylvania, sharing a private moment as they celebrated their first New Year’s together with millions of people in Times Square.

  Within minutes, the unlikely couple was quickly escorted down the steps of the Countdown Stage and to an SUV waiting in a cordoned-off area with a police car ready to lead the way. With lights blazing atop the police car, the vehicles whisked Alejandro and Amanda through the massive crowds and traffic, leaving the joyous celebration in Times Square so that they could retreat to the peace of their hotel, away from the crowds, the noise, and the paparazzi . . . at last.


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