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Page 19

by Jurgen von Stuka

  Ned nodded slightly, for he had already learned that making sounds in his throat not only hurt, but was an action that was usually rewarded in this prison with a few stripes applied to his ass or thighs with a salt-water soaked cane. Thus, Ned kept his lips sealed, except for the place where the now heavy chain had slowly replaced the increasingly thick string in his mouth.

  “Good. I am Doctor Melinda, the chef, the boss, the head keeper and you are here at the express orders of your employer whose daughter you apparently diddled without his permission. Bad, bad Ned,” Melinda said, shaking Her finger at the chair-bound figure with the chain dangling out of its mouth and ass.

  “But don’t worry. You are here in good company. Your associates here have committed similar crimes and like you, are here for retraining and punishment. You and the rest of The Gang will be joined shortly and you’ll soon get the details on what is expected of you. Today, you will leave this chair and be chained outside to observe your partners in action as they work on their projects. Learn well and your life will be miserable. Fail to learn and it will be worse than any Hell you imagined. As of today’s progress report, I see that you now have about twenty-four feet of that chain in your digestive tract. At about two and a half pounds per foot, you now are providing shelter to about fifty-four pounds of steel in your guts. Once you are up and about, you’ll better understand why we usually don’t need any additional controls on men like you here…other than, of course, the usual manacles, collar and shackles, which are standard. And, just so you’ll know, the chain serves a multitude of purposes, among them it is a fine conductor of electrical current. When you are all connected, a bit of medium voltage applied to one end of the chain will give each of you a far more effective lesson than doing it one at a time. Of course, that means that if any one of you misbehaves, the whole gang suffers. Welcome Ned, number fourteen. We’ll see each other now and then.” Melinda patted Ned on his cheek, gave a painful tug on his chain and left the room.

  The next day was equally enlightening for Ned. He was taken to a large room where thirteen men stood quietly, their hands chained behind them, their necks in heavy steel collars and their feet shackled. But the distinguishing element to any observer was that they were joined together by a single chain that entered one man’s mouth, exited his ass and entered the mouth of the next man. This sequence repeated thirteen times and when Ned Cossen was added at the end of the chain, there were fourteen men chained together in this silent room. Ned noted as he was being locked into the gang, that some of the members wore an additional metal headpiece that allowed the chain to enter their otherwise plugged mouths. He could only assume that this was some sort of additional punishment; one that he vowed not to solicit if he could help it. This device was a steel brank that also served as a Scold’s Bridle, silencing the wearer as well as providing an anchor point for any additional chains or bindings deemed useful in controlling them.

  Guards with horse whips and electric prods emerged from the shadows and snapped their whips until the lead man of the chain stepped carefully forward and the rest followed exactly behind him, getting quickly in step so that the connecting chain had some slack and no one got their mouth or ass jerked by the straining chains. The lead prisoner had the chain that locked to the front of his collar and went into his mouth. Ned then realized that his chain came out of the naked ass of the man ahead of him and rose to meet his half open mouth. The tail exited Ned’s ass and was locked to the chain around his waist.

  This is how they stayed, worked, slept; locked together by steel and unable to do little more than work in some ghostly unison as they were ordered about.

  The work consisted of removing debris from the furnaces, digging holes for it and generally helping maintain the property. None of this would have been too difficult if it were not for the continuous chain forcing them to move slowly and carefully. Having ten or fifteen pounds of stainless steel chain inside their digestive tract also presented something of a handicap.

  No one ever saw them because they worked at night. During the day, they were kept in a series of tiny rooms interconnected by metal doors with slots in the bottom to allow the chains to pass under the door. Once all fourteen were in their assigned rooms, the doors between were closed and locked. No one escaped. Most could barely sleep in this condition. At some point, weeks after he arrived, Ned heard a guard talking to someone in the outside passageway. The bits of conversation Ned heard indicated that when The Gang numbered fifteen, “alterations” would begin. He had no idea what this meant, but the guard and his companion laughed heartily at the discussion and then went about their business. Ned lay on his side on the floor, idly licking the metal plate next to his head and managing to take in a bit of tepid water carefully from the plate.

  A few days later, The Gang was shuffle-marched into another section of the cellars where they lived and was ushered through a series of locked doors until they halted and stood still in a darkened room. The aroma is the air was a mixture of unpleasant human odors and other things. There was some background noise, but otherwise it was quiet.

  “Listen up, you assholes,” a guard said in the darkness. What you are about to witness is perhaps your fate as well unless you fully cooperate now and in the future. You know that punishments here are strict and unpleasant, but I doubt any of you have imaged this…”

  Suddenly the room was filled with brilliant light and the standing Gang members shuddered and twisted their chained heads away, but could not avoid the sun-like brilliance of the lights.

  “Observe and learn,” the guard said.

  Ned and others looked up and saw naked bodies fastened in different ways to posts and the overhead by chains and cables attached to their bodies. All were female and all were strictly bound with chains around their torsos and lower bodies. They too were connected by the internal mouth-to-ass chain system. They also bore apparently whip marks on every part of their bodies.

  “Any of you male dogs recognize any of these females hanging here?” the guard intoned gravely.

  The men in the chain gang looked, but acknowledged nothing.

  “Well,” said the guard laughing. “Four of you should know these cunts. In some way in the past you have been involved with one of them. They are your co-conspirators in whatever crimes or misdeeds you committed and they are here, like you, to pay for their errors.

  “Number nine, number six, number four, number twelve and number Fourteen. You each should recognize one of these little twats. In fact, number six, this is your old girlfriend, Donna, who drove the car you used to rob The Mayor’s mansion a while back. The civil courts gave her to us and now you two are together once again. Note too, that she has a rather large ring mounted in her cunt. The lips are further sealed by that massive bolt you can just barely see. I gotta tell you that putting that stud in her pussy was lots of fun. We had to drill a bigger hole than usual and then slip the threaded end of the bolt through before we cinched up the double washers and lock nut. What one guy here referred to a ‘bolting the door,’ ha, ha, har, har.

  “The chain that goes up her ass is just like yours, so you can get the idea how she must feel in that hog tied position, huh?”

  “Just for good measure,” the second guard added, “we play with them every night. I have attached the mouth chain to the asshole chain of the other one and that works really well as we drive them around the floor with the whips and cat-o-ten tales. ‘Course, they get fucked in all three holes on a regular basis and I can tell you, it takes some getting used to having those chains in there with your dick…sort of like a steel massage... .”

  “You can try and figure out where that one goes... .heh, heh, heh,” he laughed. “She works daily in the farm yards with the sheep and pigs. Maybe, if you’re really good, you two can meet up again sometime for our mutual entertainment. Imagine screwing her in the ass without that chain in there.”

  The lights were turned off, the whips cracked and the Fourteen members of The Gang shuffled o
ut, leaving behind them what they each swore they heard was quiet weeping.

  Melinda liked the chain gang concept and spent more time than She should have working on additional applications for it. At some point, She decided that the group might benefit from extreme gender modification and this action was undertaken without the benefit of much planning, Melinda’s theory being that whatever She learned from experimenting on the first two or three would benefit the eventual outcome on the rest. Castration was thus initiated with the first two subjects and carried out using a sharp-edged, contracting clamp, a procedure historically successful with pigs, sheep and other farm animals. As the clamp tightened its grip, the hanging sac was severed and the entire organ eventually just fell away. It was slow and painful but as long as infection was avoided, the ball sac was slowly separated from the groin and the wound healed in a few weeks. One of the victims was Ned Cossen.

  Melinda made certain that the rest of the gang knew what was being done and that they heard the screams that lasted a few days until the nerves were eventually cut by the clamp. She wondered if the same technique could be used on the penis and selected one of the more feminine gang members to test this. Cut out of the gang and chained with his arms behind him and his legs shackled to the floor rings, former bank vice president Hendrick Posner discovered that losing his balls wasn’t anywhere near as unpleasant as having his dick slowly cut off at the base. The stainless steel clamp Melinda used was razor sharp, so She applied only minimal pressure to the device when it was closed around the organ.

  The next day, as Hendrick whimpered and sobbed into his gag, Melinda attached a small weight to the clamp and waited another twenty-Four hours to see the progress. It took three days before the offending shriveled cock dropped to the stone floor of the operating chamber and Hendrick was long past caring, hanging in his chains in a semi-conscious stupor. By the end of the fifth week, he was reassigned to the gang and Melinda closely monitored the reactions of his companions when they saw the results of her experiment. Ned Cossen was one of the observers and when Melinda approached him, he literally shrank back, hoping against hope that he wasn’t next for the ghastly experiments.

  “What a shame,” Melinda said to him. “That even though we have already removed the two offending organs, we’ll have to open you up again in the same wound area so that we can create a new female organ for you, Ned,” She told him while examining his sexless crotch. “You would prefer, I assume, to have some sort of sex, even if it’s female?”

  Cossen didn’t respond.

  “Do not worry, Ned Dear. I know just what to do with you. Hormones and some adjustment of your key internal organs will speed this along. Meanwhile, your friends in the gang here will benefit from what we learned and may even end up with a full gender change much faster than you have. They will, I am sure Ned, thank you for that.”

  As time went on, Cossen and others that Melinda thought were viable subjects for a gender change began to show promising signs of an evolutionary move from male to female. While surgery created the new and necessary organs, drugs and hormones effected other visible alternations. The staff made certain that these EP’s, “experimental patients,” as Melinda called them, were carefully segregated from the remaining males in the compound. They wanted no incidents in which the males attempted to use the new “girls” for their own purposes. As breasts and hips blossomed, cheek bones seemed to emerge, waists actually shrunk, (assisted by surgical removal of the extra ribs), and the bodies of these former males actually changed, just as Hank had become Holly months before.

  Melinda was delighted with her success and set into motion an evolving transition program for gender changes with a minimum of surgery and time needed to affect the complete switch. Still, to yield the expected results, it was a two-year process.

  And not without problems. There was a forty percent failure rate among the transies and Melinda worried day and night about this, driving hard to reduce the drop-out figure to what She considered an acceptable level.

  The reasons for the losses were complex. Some men simply could not tolerate the medications, hormones and psychological impact of the enforced changes. Others seemed fully adapted only to fall victim to sickness and health issues rendering them useless. Selling a half man, half woman to even her most jaded and demented customers was often impossible because the patients were not healthy enough to withstand the transfer to another climate or geography. These damaged experiments ended up in the furnaces.

  Still, the marketing efforts of her enterprises continued to generate new business and the cellars were almost always full. The surgical suites operated 18 hours a day.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Melinda advertised her services in obscure, but productive ways. It came as no surprise to her and her expensive New York advertising agency that there were thousands, if not millions of women who would either pay to have a gender switch performed on their spouse or were anxious to sell their unfaithful partners to Melinda’s program. The advertisements were almost too productive. The agency found Melinda’s business not only a challenge, but also a creative relief from selling drugs to the elderly and laundry soap to the housewife. The ad men and women worked tirelessly to build an effective image program in women’s magazines and other businesses that catered to female clientele. One highly productive target was spas and massage services patronized mostly by women. The brochures were enticing, especially for women who were, as Melinda often put it, “shopping for a new pair of shoes.”

  Is your husband or boyfriend cheating?

  Is he often late coming home at night or doesn’t come home at all?

  Have you ever discovered that your live-in male companion has been going through your personal clothing and lingerie? Borrowing your intimate underwear or stockings?

  We offer a fast and productive solution.

  Yes, it is not cheap, but we guarantee that if we accept your partner into our program, you will be thrilled with the results.

  Consider a permanent gender change for your husband or boyfriend.

  Imagine having a female partner who you can depend on

  and control to do as you wish.

  Or perhaps your own gender preferences have changed and now you’d really rather have a female partner around the house or to travel with.

  Maybe you just want a full time, live-in cook or maid that you can handle easily and who is not going to leave you for someone who will pay them a few dollars a day more.

  If this sounds like an impossible dream, call us today.

  Speak in total confidence and privacy with our counselors to see if we can improve your present situation. There is no charge for our initial counseling and you may discover the perfect lifetime alterative.

  Call THE SWITCH now.

  Our previously male, now female operators are standing by for your call.

  The results of the advertising were impressive. The agency and her financial advisors also encouraged Melinda to branch out beyond gender alterations and develop new products that could be sold on the internet and in selected stores where dominate females might procure interesting and useful items to improve the obedience of their wayward boy friends and spouses. A line of “Training Packages” was introduced and almost immediately sold out in several countries. The contents of the elegant package included locking chastity belts with the accompanying anal penetrators and plugs, cock cages and penal probes that offered either electrical or mechanical activation, subtle herbal remedies that included contents that could increase sexual performance or kill it entirely, and other useful items that the beleaguered married or single woman might use to improve the cooperation and attention of her mate.

  Two factors made these packages an immediate hit with professional and working women: they cost nearly nothing and were in fact produced and sold at a net loss and they served as an introduction to Melinda’s other services. In other words, the hard-working professional women might easily throw a few dolla
rs or Euros down for the electrified combination dildoe and ass probe while signing up for emails and other promotional materials that might entice her to consider more permanent alterations of her male companion. More than expected responses from the initial sales and follow-up yielded enough incoming captive males to keep the business going for years. Many were turned down and in the process of doing this, the error rate also slowly dropped as only the top candidates even got to enter Melinda’s programs.

  The Switch organized and hosted home gatherings where customers would exhibit their newly unendowed companions to the guests. It was always impressive. A former football coach turned cheerleader was always a popular alternate choice for women who were sick and tired of their spouses wasting hours and days watching pointless ball games on TV. Cheating husbands who were now complacent housemaids with remotely controlled correction devices implanted in their asses were also good demonstrators. Men who for years had traveled on their company’s expense accounts and paid for sex in thousands of global cities were now easily controlled with any one of Melinda’s long rage monitoring devices. These were cleverly controlled by tiny micro attachments secretly embedded in the man’s smart ;hone, laptop, tablet or any other electronic gear he carried on his journeys. And, for effect, a few who violated their controls were often displayed in cages, their packages long ago removed and their bodies rendered useful for any kind of sex their new male or female owners chose to practice.

  The ad agency team arranged videos and photo shoots of Melinda’s very best work: the TV (television, not transvestite), personality who had grabbed the woman producer’s ass once too often found himself undergoing a transition that ultimately had him as the victim in endless commercials for hemorrhoid medications.

  The new car salesman who tried once too often to induce a pretty young wife to buy a defective and damaged vehicle was often displayed as a fully latex encapsulated household cleaning fixture; one that got double takes from any men who visited the owner’s home. Ernie the car salesman from Chicago had become, thanks to Melinda’s surgical interventions, a silent, busty maid always ready to present her mouth, naked, enlarged ass or frontal pseudo cunt to anyone and everyone who even gave her a second look. Etc, etc.


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