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Affair with the Princess

Page 9

by Michelle Celmer

  “Very much. It’s exactly what I needed.”

  She gave his arm a sympathetic pat. “Phillip said it’s been rough for you.”

  She was so sweet, so kind. There was something refreshingly…simple about her. Elegant and refined, yet amazingly down-to-earth. A stranger on the street would never guess she was royalty, and several years Phillip’s junior, they might have a tough time buying that she was a wife and mother. Of course, there probably wasn’t anyone in the country, in much of the world even, who wouldn’t recognize Queen Hannah. She was regarded around the globe as a compassionate royal and tireless philanthropist.

  “No divorce is ever fun,” he said with a shrug. “I am glad it’s over though.”

  “If you need anything at all you be sure to let us know.” She gave his arm a quick squeeze, then drew her hand back. “Have you and Sophie had time to get reacquainted?”

  He could swear there was a suggestive lilt to her tone. “Yes. She’s very much like I remember her.”

  She sipped her water, peering at him over the rim of her glass, and asked, “Does she know how you feel about her?”

  And here he thought he’d done a pretty good job of hiding his feelings. Either he was far more transparent than he thought or Her Highness was quite perceptive. “What makes you think I have feelings for her?”

  She shrugged. “Something about that first night at dinner. A subtle vibe I was getting.”

  The only vibe he’d been giving off then had been derision. Maybe she was mistaking contempt for attraction.

  Maybe he was, too.

  “Sophie may be tough on the outside,” Hannah said, “but don’t let her fool you. She has a soft center. But I have the feeling you already know that. In fact, I think you’ve known that for a very long time.”

  She obviously suspected they had some sort of history, but did she know just how personal?

  “Me and Sophie,” Alex said. “It’s…complicated.”

  “Relationships usually are, Alex. Even more so when you’re dealing with royalty.”

  Wasn’t that the truth.

  He wondered if Phillip had the same suspicions. If he and Hannah had discussed it. And if so, why hadn’t he ever said anything to Alex?

  Hannah seemed to read his mind. “Phillip doesn’t know. At least, he’s never said anything to me about it.”

  And considering the nature of Alex and Sophie’s relationship, hopefully Phillip wouldn’t figure it out. Even though this sexual liaison had been her idea, he doubted that argument would hold much water with Phillip.

  “So, being newly divorced and all, I suppose your relationship with Sophie will most likely be…fleeting,” Hannah said.

  “I would imagine so.” That was a polite and diplomatic way to say they were having an affair. And he wouldn’t lie to her by denying it. It’s not as if it had been his idea.

  All right, maybe it had been. But his plan had been to seduce her against her will, not ask her permission. But either way, he was getting what he wanted. She may have thought she wouldn’t fall in love with him, but she had no idea who she was dealing with.

  Although he had to admit that this was feeling less and less like a plot for revenge and more like…Well, honestly, he wasn’t sure what it felt like.

  “That’s a shame,” Hannah said. “I get the feeling you two would be very good for each other.”

  There had been a time when he would have agreed with her. But this time he wouldn’t be sticking around long enough to find out.

  “I would imagine you’d prefer I didn’t say anything to Phillip about this.”

  “I would never ask you to keep secrets from your husband,” he said.

  “But you would really appreciate it if I didn’t. I don’t tell Phillip every little thing. Besides, Sophie is one of my dearest friends, and if you hurt her, Phillip’s wrath would pale in comparison to what I would do to you.”

  “I’ll consider myself warned,” he said.

  She smiled. “Good.”

  Phillip reappeared at that moment and reclaimed his chair. “Good news! The meeting I had planned for first thing tomorrow has been cancelled.”

  Alex wasn’t sure why that was such good news, and his confusion must have shown, because Phillip added, “No meeting in the morning means we can get an early start on our trip.”

  “Oh, great,” he said, even though leaving earlier meant less time tonight with Sophie.

  “In fact, I see no reason why we should wait until tomorrow,” Phillip said. “The cabin is only an hour away. We should leave tonight.”

  Normally Sophie loved babysitting her nephew, but tonight she’d been edgy. She’d put him to bed at eight, and hadn’t stopped pacing past the window, watching for Phillip and Hannah’s car. By nine-thirty, when it pulled up the driveway, an hour and a half early, thank God, she’d practically worn a path in the carpet. She forced herself to take a seat on the sofa and crack open the book she’d brought with her. It seemed to take them forever to get up the stairs to their suite.

  “How is my little angel?” Hannah asked the instant they were through the door.

  “Sleeping,” Sophie said, rising from her seat, expecting Alex to follow them inside. She waited, thinking maybe he was just a few steps behind, but Phillip closed the door behind him.

  How was Alex going to offer to walk her home if he wasn’t there?

  “How was he?” Phillip asked.



  “Oh, right. He was good. Perfect, as usual.”

  “I’m so glad,” Hannah said. “He’s cutting his bottom teeth, so I was afraid he might be cranky.”

  “How was dinner?” Sophie asked, when what she really wanted to know was where the heck was Alex?

  “Pleasant,” Phillip said, then he tagged her with a kiss on the cheek on his way to the bedroom. “I’m going to go pack.”

  Pack? “Are you going somewhere?”

  Hannah dropped her purse on the coffee table and collapsed onto the sofa. “Phillip and Alex have decided to leave for the cabin tonight instead of waiting until morning.”

  They were leaving tonight?

  No, no, no! They couldn’t leave tonight. She and Alex had plans. They were going to have sex, dammit. “It’s kind of late, isn’t it?”

  Hannah shrugged. “You know men and their insatiable desire to bear arms.”

  She bit the inside of her cheek so hard she drew blood. “You don’t care that he’s going to leave you and Frederick alone all night?”

  “It’s not a big deal. I’ll probably just go straight to bed anyway. I’m exhausted.”

  There had to be a way to stop this. She had to talk to Alex. “Well, if you don’t need me for anything else, I’ll be heading home.”

  “Sure, Sophie,” Hannah said, her voice already heavy with sleep and her lids drooping. “Thanks so much for watching the munchkin.”

  “Tell my brother I said to have a good time.”

  She let herself out of their suite, then left the family residence, but rather than take the stairs down, she crossed to the guest wing and rapped on Alex’s door.

  He opened it, looking apologetic, and said, “I know you’re probably upset.”

  She stepped inside and shut the door behind her. “You’re going tonight?”

  “This is so not my fault.”


  “What was I supposed to do? He said he wanted to go early. What reason could I give him to wait until the morning?”

  “You could have come up with something.”

  He looked at his watch. “I have to pack. I’m meeting him downstairs in fifteen minutes.”

  He walked to the bedroom and she followed him.

  Fifteen minutes wasn’t very long, but they could probably pull it off. But if they were only going to do this once, she didn’t want to rush.

  “By the way, Hannah knows,” Alex said.

  “Knows what?”

  He stepped into the clo
set and pulled down a small travel case from the shelf. “About us.”

  “What?” Sophie stopped in her tracks. “What did you say to her?”

  “Nothing.” He tossed the case on the bed and began shoving clothes in it. “She approached me about it, said she picked up on a vibe that first night at dinner.”

  Oh, not good. “Did she say it in front of Phillip?”

  He shook his head. “He was away from the table taking a call. She told me she wouldn’t say anything to him. And she more or less threatened to do me bodily harm if I hurt you.”

  “Hannah did?”

  “Yeah, it was weird. She seems so sweet and unassuming.” He stepped into the bathroom and she followed him.

  “Does she know the extent of it?”

  “If she does, she came to that conclusion on her own. We didn’t talk specifics.” He gathered his toiletries and dropped them into a case. “Although we did determine that it’s temporary.”

  “And she’s not going to tell Phillip?”

  “That’s what she said.”

  That was good at least.

  He zipped his case and brushed past her to the bedroom, and goodness did he smell good. Like fresh air and sunshine.

  She followed him, watching as he stuffed the case into his bag and zipped it closed. It wasn’t fair. This was supposed to be their night. This wouldn’t be so bad if she had at least gotten to enjoy that appetizer this afternoon. Or who knows, maybe that would have been worse.

  He checked his watch and grabbed the bag from the bed. “I have to go.”

  She didn’t want him to go, but what could she do? Beg him not to leave? Implore him to fabricate some excuse to leave the following morning instead? She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing just how important this had become to her. After all, she didn’t want to give him false hope. Because if anyone was going to be doing any falling in love, it would most likely be him.

  It had happened before.

  “Well, have a good time shooting things,” she said.

  “I’ll try to talk Phillip into coming home Thursday,” he said.

  “If you do, and I’m free, perhaps we can spend the evening together.”

  He grinned. “If you’re free, huh?” Then he hooked his free arm around her waist, tugged her against him and planted a kiss on her that curled her toes and melted her bones. When he abruptly let go, she nearly sank to the floor. “Think about that while I’m gone, and tell me you won’t be free.”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but by the time her brain cleared and she formulated a snappy comeback, he was already gone.


  Alex had a good time at the hunting cabin. It was his and Phillip’s first chance to really catch up and speak frankly about what they had been up to since college. And it made him realize how much he missed their friendship since they had drifted apart. Jonah would always be Alex’s best friend, his brother, but it was a nice change to hang out with someone who didn’t know him so well. Someone not so quick to judge Alex, but instead observe his life with an unbiased opinion.

  But late Thursday evening Hannah called to say that Frederick had a fever, and even though the doctor said it was nothing to worry about, Phillip insisted on coming home.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” Phillip said as they loaded their bags into the car.

  “Of course not,” Alex told him. “Family comes first.”

  “The physician said it could be a reaction to his teething, and there’s nothing to be done, but I feel better if I’m there with them.”

  If Alex had kids, he was sure he would feel the same way. And had he and his ex produced children together, they would have been pawns in the divorce. One more weapon for her to use against him. And he didn’t doubt that she would have. She’d had no problem lying to his family and twisting the truth. And even worse, they seemed to trust her over their own flesh and blood.

  His ex spent years spinning her web of lies, and by the time he realized what she’d been up to, it was too late. She had everyone snowed.

  And yes, he admitted to himself as he and Phillip climbed in the car, he had unfairly transferred some of that pent up animosity on to Sophie. If his only motivation for sleeping with her had been revenge, would he have missed her company this past day? And would her face be the first thing he wanted to see when they got back to the palace? Which seemed to take an immeasurably long time for some reason. The hour drive felt more like two, but his watch confirmed that it was indeed only ten forty-five.

  He wondered if Sophie was available. Or if she might have already gone to bed.

  When they walked inside, Hannah was in the foyer pacing, a sleeping Frederick sprawled limply in her arms.

  “I just got him to sleep,” she whispered as Phillip leaned in to kiss her. He pressed a cheek to his son’s forehead. Checking for a temperature, Alex supposed. He recalled seeing his sister do that with his niece and nephew. It was a reminder of what a devoted family man Phillip had become. And for the first time, Alex wondered if he had missed out on something special by refusing to have children.

  Not that he couldn’t still have them with someone else.

  “He still feels warm,” Phillip whispered back, caressing his son’s flushed cheek.

  “Every time I try to lay him down he has a fit. My arms ache from carrying him all day.”

  “Give him to me and I’ll try to lay him down.”

  She transferred Frederick into his arms.

  It still struck Alex to see Phillip so settled. And content to be that way. “See you tomorrow,” he told Alex, then carried the baby up the stairs.

  “I’m sorry to make you come home early,” Hannah told him. “I would have been fine alone for another night, but Phillip is very devoted to his son. More than most fathers I think, because his own parents were so absent from his life. He and Sophie were raised by nannies and housekeepers. I think it left deep scars in them both.”

  “Speaking of Sophie,” he said, glancing at his watch, “do you think it’s too late to call her?”

  He didn’t say why, and he hoped Hannah wouldn’t ask.

  “She’s not home. She helped me with Fredrick for while, but when she heard Phillip was on his way home, she left. She said something about having a date.”

  A date? She knew for a fact that he was coming back to the palace, but rather than wait, she’d found someone else to occupy her time? Not that he cared either way.

  And if he didn’t care, why did he feel as though he’d just been kicked in the gut?

  “I hope it was all right to tell you that. I mean…I don’t want to cause any hurt feelings. But since what you and she have is casual, I just figured…” She shrugged.

  “It’s fine,” Alex told her, because it should have been. He had no expectation of fidelity from a woman he wasn’t technically seeing. “I just had a question about the fund-raiser tomorrow night.”

  “Do you have her cell number?” Hannah asked. “I’m sure you can reach her.”

  “It’s not important. I can talk to her tomorrow.”

  “Well, I should get upstairs and help Phillip.”

  “I’ll walk you up,” he said.

  They walked up together, then parted ways at the top of the stairs. She disappeared into the residence, and he walked to the guest wing. Once inside his room he fixed himself a drink and walked over to the window, looking out across the dark yard to Sophie’s residence. The exterior was brightly lit, and several of the upstairs lights were burning. It looked as though she was home. It was possible she wasn’t really on a date. She may have only told Hannah that to take the focus off her and Alex.

  And if that was true, he should at least let her know that he was back.

  He walked to the phone and dialed the number she’d left him on the itinerary. Wilson answered, and when Alex asked for Sophie, he was curtly informed him that the princess was out for the evening.

  Alex thanked him and hung up, feeling like an ass for calling i
n the first place. And even more of an ass for caring where Sophie was or who she might be with. And the last thing he felt like doing was sitting around sulking about it.

  He carried his drink to the bedroom and switched on the light beside the bed, and felt, for the second time that day, as if he’d been poleaxed. Lying on top of the covers, curled in a ball and sleeping soundly, was Sophie.

  He had no idea what she was doing there when she was supposed to be out on a date, but he couldn’t deny he was happy to see her. So happy that it was more than a little disconcerting. It wasn’t supposed to feel this good. Just seeing her, knowing she was there.

  By being here, she was in her own way telling him just how much she wanted to be with him. And he didn’t think he would ever look at her quite the same way again. Or for that matter, himself.

  He set down his drink and sat on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes and socks, then lay down and rolled on his side, facing her. She didn’t budge. And although he wanted to wake her, he liked her this way. Quiet and vulnerable. And peaceful. For a few minutes he lay there just looking at her, memorizing her face, wondering what the hell he was doing. What he was getting himself into.

  Just to see what she would do, he leaned closer and brushed his lips against her cheek, the tip of her nose. She wrinkled her nose and mumbled something in her sleep.

  He brushed his lips against hers, whispered, “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”

  Her eyes fluttered open, hazy and unfocused at first, but when she saw him lying there, she smiled. “You’re back.”

  “Boring date?”

  She looked confused, then she laughed softly. “Oh, yeah. I just told Hannah that to throw her off. Then I sneaked in here to wait for you.” She yawned and stretched out beside him. “I guess I was tired.”

  She was dressed in a pair of white cropped pants and a pink silk tank that rode up to expose a sliver of soft, deeply tanned stomach, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She looked young and sassy. And completely irresistible. He reached up to brush a wisp of dark hair back from her face. Any excuse to touch her.

  “So, here we are,” she said.


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