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The Allyen (The Story of the First Archimage Book 1)

Page 29

by Michaela Riley Karr

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Early Spring 7th, Year 34 of King Adam’s Reign

  Today was the day I married my best friend. It wasn’t like the dream I’ve had in my head since I was a little girl of getting married in the barn just like my parents did. It was far better than that.

  Maybe a month after Duunzer was destroyed, we found ourselves heading toward northern Lunaka once more, nearer to Lun. We would have married earlier, but I wanted to walk down the aisle, not limp with my leg injury. These were the uncharted prairies where the Rounans lived, and we were happy to get away from Soläna, which held so many painful memories for the both of us.

  Instead, our barn was an open field full of newly green prairie grass with only a handful of witnesses. Rachel sewed my dress for me, and it shall remain the most beautiful dress I’ve ever worn. It was a sky blue color with a white head covering, deep blue accents decorating the cuffs, sleeves and skirt. Also, since I married the Kidek, I wore a traditional Rounan scarf around my shoulders; the blue, purple, and golden stars I’ve seen so often atop Sam’s bandana. Sam gave me his mother’s ring, a thin band of stones that were too tiny to see, but it was impossible to miss their sparkle.

  Rachel, her brothers, Frederick, Mira, Xavier, Cornflower, and Cassandra were all there. Yes, I said Xavier!

  When I destroyed the Darkness with my magic, many of the people that it consumed reappeared in the very spots where they had been taken. It ravaged the continent terribly, many buildings were ruined, but the most devastating blow that it struck was the death of many of the elderly and infants. They simply never awoke from their slumber in the Darkness, possibly because of their weaker bodies. Nerahdis has been wracked with grief ever since Duunzer was defeated, and I feel anger toward Rhydin for this.

  However, I was overjoyed when Xavier came from Mineraltir, using the mass confusion to simply disappear. He and Mira have already wed, and the happiness on their faces throughout my own wedding was a joy to see. They are staying here in Lun in disguises, as are Frederick, Cassandra, and Cornflower. Apparently, Queen Gloria told all of her children to leave the castle for their own safety, refusing to leave herself because she still loves King Adam deep down. It makes me frustrated that we’re unable to do anything about King Adam, but nobody will believe that their great king is evil.

  Frederick and Cassandra have married as well, although I’m not sure any of Lunaka knows. King Adam is still rather peeved at Frederick’s choice of wife. I am getting to know Princess Cornflower rather well, and she is spunky and full of the energy expected for a twelve-year-old. We have heard basic reports that Evan and his Ranguvariians as well as King Daniel and Queen Lily are all alive, but nothing too detailed yet.

  Cassandra, Mira, and Rachel were my maids in the wedding while Frederick, Xavier, and Luke were Sam’s men. I never would have dreamed in a million years that we would have Royals in our wedding.

  The Owenses act more themselves after spending much needed time at home in the mountains recuperating from their recent proximity to Rhydin’s magic. They are planning to return home again soon after the wedding in order to report to their grandfather, the Clariion, or leader of the Ranguvariians. For a wedding present, they gave us a wind chime made completely out of their shard feathers, which will protect our whole new house from Rhydin sensing us as well as for decoration. Rachel is ever the practical one.

  Now that life is quieter, I’ve taken the time to actually go through this journal that I found at Grandma’s. Apparently, it has more magic that I originally thought because, no matter how much I have begun to write, I never run out of paper. Grandma’s journal entries are still here in the book, and she writes about how every single Allyen has written in this same book, yet Grandma’s is the only other writing I can find.

  When I asked Rachel, she told me that the book probably only keeps the current and previous Allyens’ writing, so the current can continue to learn from the previous. I love it because it feels like Grandma is still here to teach me how to be the best Allyen I can be. The only thing I seem to not be able to get an answer to is whom the Allyen was between Grandma and I. If there’s one per generation as the magic is physically handed down, then who was the Allyen before me and after Grandma? It certainly wasn’t Mama or Papa.

  I hope to figure this out soon, but, because of the never-ending supply of paper, I feel better about writing my meager life into it. From the day a Ranguvariian saved me from being kidnapped by Rhydin as a child up until today, a month after Duunzer was destroyed. Someday, I will continue the tradition and give this journal to the next Allyen after me.

  I wonder all the time what Rhydin will do next. I try not to let it consume me, but it is difficult not to with the recent events. As you can well imagine, Nerahdis is rather chaotic right now. People are waking up from the Darkness to find their grandparents or young children dead, their buildings destroyed, and their animals lost. A world of people terrified by magic are wondering where this dragon came from and are pointing fingers. Lunaka says it was Mineraltir. Mineraltir says it was Auklia. Auklia says it was Lunaka. And so forth.

  I don’t know what will happen, but it isn’t looking good. I hope every day that Nerahdis is not headed for war, but Sam tells me that it is only a matter of time.

  We are still settling in our new home. I haven’t had a chance to meet the Rounans who live up here, and so I am hoping that the few hateful stares I’ve received can be changed. Sam wasn’t kidding when he said he was the first Rounan to marry a Gornish woman. Surely, they can’t hate me forever, right?

  Rhydin continues to inhabit my nightmares. I know he is out there, planning his next move and finetuning it to perfection amongst his army of Followers and Einanhis. I keep practicing my magic and my sword skills every day in this rural prairie. Duunzer was one thing, but Rhydin has been honing his magic for the last three hundred years. I can only hope that Evan and I will be powerful enough to defeat him. There is no doubt that Rhydin will return to take Nerahdis and form his empire. I have to be ready.

  Because it is only a matter of time.

  End of Book One


  F irst and foremost, I would be remiss without thanking you! That’s right, you with this book in your hands. Whether you picked it up because you know me or because you thought the cover looked awesome, I cannot thank you enough for reading my book. I hope that you enjoyed it thoroughly, and that you’ll be back for Book 2!

  Now, for the people who made this happen. I began writing this book in late 2006 at only twelve years of age. Obviously, this book and my writing have evolved tremendously over the last eleven years, but that time has also been filled with people supporting me who deserve recognition.

  First off, I am so thankful to my wonderful husband, Olin, for always telling me to shoot for the stars. He has supported me through everything, and for that, I will be forever grateful.

  Secondly, I would like to thank my parents, Mark and Cynthia, for always boosting my self-confidence and pushing me toward publication. I hope to make you both proud.

  Also, thanks to the world’s best brothers, Matthew and Jason, for always joking around that their big/little sister was someday going to be a famous author. You guys are the best!

  Thank you to everyone who has ever read this book before it came to its final state! You guys put up with a lot trying to translate the bizarre ideas of a twelve-year-old into something amazing and a story worth telling. Rachel Evans, who has been there every step of the way since 2006 and for letting me use her and her brothers’ names. Daphne Evans, who tore every sentence apart like every good grammar Nazi should. And, of course, Hannah Robinson and my wonderful mother, Cynthia Riley, for helping me finetune details. Also, Dakota Caldwell for answering all of my millions of questions about publication. This book would not be here without you all!

  I’d like to thank all of my faithful followers. You guys make me feel like a million bucks just by following all my random stuff and
being excited for me with each stage of the publication process. Thanks!

  Lastly, I cannot go without thanking Magpie Designs, ltd. for the amazingly epic cover, as well as L. N. Weldon for the beautiful map of Nerahdis, that they designed for The Allyen. Only special people can translate rough pencil sketches into something spectacular.

  Now, readers, if you put up with all my acknowledgements, I thank you again. You all are awesome, and I can’t wait to continue Lina’s journey with you in Book 2, coming soon in 2018!




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