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Derrick's Choice (Titan Security Book 1)

Page 23

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  Jesse’s sister, Makenna, had been discharged from service and would be starting as a new recruit to Titan Security, training under both Rick and myself when we returned after our nuptials. She seemed just as smart and as beautiful as Jesse, but she definitely had the eyes of a hawk, spotting any small movement by security personnel at our service. No wonder she’d been a sniper.

  My dad still had a hard time letting go of his need to control my life. He’d called with an assignment, and it had worried Jesse that I’d take it. She’d been right there beside me while I’d had him on speaker. We both reminded him that we were newlyweds just returning home from our honeymoon and needing time to ourselves.

  I could tell by his voice he was desperate, so I listened to the issue and offered him a solution, knowing that Jonas wanted back in the field and definitely needed to get away from society as a whole. I’d help get Dad his charge and place some calls to set things up, but that would be the extent of my help. “This is the last time this happens, Dad.”

  “I know, son. I couldn’t get a hold of your brother, so I called you to see your thoughts. If the situation weren’t critical, I would’ve waited. Thanks.” He paused for a moment before adding, “You have everything you’ve ever wanted in life. I’m proud of you son; I just wanted you to know that.”

  Jonas’s Redemption

  Titan Security #2

  Coming Spring/Summer 2017


  Jonas Forgione

  I had been fucking bored out of my mind the past couple months. I don’t know whose idea it was to stick me in a damn suit and parade me around the Prescotts’ property or their business, but I was on edge and ready to blow.

  I normally found peace spending time with my sister, Robin, her newborn twin sons, and her stepdaughter. I’d missed so much time with Robin when I’d been serving as a marine. I had left her with our father, thinking she’d be fine at the time. I’d needed out of that small town we were in. I couldn’t spend another day watching our dad pine away for our mother who’d walked out on us, so I joined the service and only looked back to visit while on leave.

  My sister had ended up in a huge mess with an ex-boyfriend of hers. Thankfully, the things I’d learned while in service, and the connections I had, came in handy to help her escape and start over with a new identity. That’s where everything in my life went wrong. Dad and Robin had moved from Texas to Florida. It had been fine at first, but then I’d gotten word of him becoming ill and later dying before I’d had a chance to take leave to see him. I’d always lived with the regret of never being able to say goodbye. I’d come damn close to losing my sister and being all alone in the world. Sure, Titan Security and Prescott International had pulled me into their world by offering me a job, giving me a place to stay, and making my life fairly easy, but I didn’t deserve any of it.

  My soul was tainted with the blood of men I’d killed on the fields of battle. I’d been scared out of my wits when I’d heard that douche of an ex had almost managed to kill my sister. I’d failed many…I’d failed myself…and now I was living in hell, forced to be in a city bigger than anything I was used to and feeling out of my element.

  I’d volunteered for any assignment that kept me busy and had me following orders. It made me connect with the few good memories I had of the service to my country. The only problem was, as of late, I didn’t want to take orders from anyone. I wanted to be a lone wolf left to my own devices.

  Sure, I’d been talking with Prescott’s doctor friend Kent Bradford. In fact, I’d just been on a mission protecting his brother and daughter down in Tampa, FL. I was thankful the coverage I provided was on the outlying parts of town and not in the heart of the city like Prescott’s place had me. I didn’t fit anymore, not at Prescott, not at Titan; I didn’t know where I belonged or what I should do.

  See? I can’t even manage to keep my thoughts in line as I’m sitting here pondering my next move in life. Dr. Bradford had been instrumental in getting to the root of my problem: my feelings of failure and guilt. However, we’d had a hell of a time trying to find something to help get me out of my head enough to regain some feelings of control in my life.

  BDSM seemed like an option. Hell, I’d been in more than my fair share of clubs while overseas; though, I’ll admit they weren’t nearly as controlled and classy as the joint Bradford, Prescott, and his friend had. The women in Bradford’s club, The Shanty, dressed fine, submitted freely, and everyone seemed to be able to find their kink…except me.

  The dominant side was a given, but the means in which to find it was the issue. The idea of marking one’s skin with a whip, belt, or any implement known to shred even the top surface of skin was abhorrent to me. I’d already caused enough pain to others; I didn’t want to cause more.

  I had plenty of submissives willing to try doing a scene with me, but I was the one who usually called it off, calling out my own safeword. I just couldn’t get into it. No one seemed to excite my soul.

  It wasn’t until I saw a sampling of Shibari rope work done in the club that I knew I’d found my avenue of release. I was entranced with how the ropes curved and molded to the woman’s body, and how I could twist and turn her to whatever form I wanted. So I signed up to take lessons.

  That was a few months ago, and I’d devoted all of my free time to learning the different knots and studying picture books with various poses displayed. I hadn’t found a permanent person to play with, because while the rope play turned me on, the women I encountered were lackluster. I didn’t even get a semi-erection from their closeness. They were beautiful, but fake. I wanted a real woman, someone who’s lived on the edge of life and appreciated it for what its worth. Someone who would entice my body, mind, and soul.

  I’d been contemplating taking off for a few weeks, just disappearing into the dark of night and letting my sister know I’d return once I was more at peace with myself, when I’d gotten the call from Derrick.

  “I’ve got a job for you…”

  Before he could go any further I cut him off, “I can’t deal with another stuffed-shirt detail. I’m ready to drop off radar for a while and just be left alone. Can you find someone else?” I didn’t want to leave him in a lurch. Hell, I wasn’t that mean. People’s lives were at stake when they enabled the help of Titan Security.

  “No one else is available. Shit, even my dad called me, begging me to provide input on this since it’s one of his friend’s—two of your co-workers’—daughter who needs immediate assistance.”

  I let out a frustrated breath and ran my hand over the beard I was just starting to grow out; I’d been so fed up trying to still fit the idea of a marine that I started letting my hair and the scruff on my face do whatever it wanted. “Let me guess, I need to be a fucking babysitter, letting her roam through the city but keeping an eye on her?”

  “Negative, and I don’t like that tone you’re using, Jonas.” His voice cut through my tough exterior, calling me on my bullshit and making me listen to what he had to say.

  “Give me the details. Let’s not beat around the bush.”

  Derrick laughed on his end. I missed hanging out with him and Jesse. “Now you’re sounding like my friend again, Jonas.”

  He paused a moment, “You know who Ivan and Sophia are, right?”

  I chuckled, “You got to be kidding me, right? Everyone knows who they are. They’re legends in the security world. Why?”

  “And you’re aware of their time working with my dad when they were deep undercover, then being forced to go into hiding, thanks to an operation gone wrong?” Derrick’s voice was all serious.

  “Yes. They’re admired and revered for their talents and their patience. I don’t know many people besides them and Tennison who’d tolerate being hidden for that length of time. What gives?” Now he had me nervous. Were they in trouble?

  “Their daughter Erica Jamieson just graduated from college and was on a road trip up the coast to New York to celebrate in the Big Apple with her fri
ends, a last hurrah before starting their respected jobs…” Derrick trailed off, which wasn’t normal for him. This must be some serious shit they got into.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He let out a frustrated breath on the other end of the line, “They were recording a video of where they were in Manhattan, sending a copy to their parents so they’d know they’d arrived safely. However, the girls unintentionally filmed two people exiting a bank being killed and an armored truck being robbed. Sophia had honed in on the images in the background and tried to warn her daughter, but the thugs had already taken action.”

  My heart rate was up. I loved Sophia and Ivan as if they were an aunt and uncle to me. Their other daughter Dawn had been extremely gracious around me, welcoming me into their family network when Robin had married Dawn’s husband’s former brother-in-law. I’d met Erica once, only briefly; she was nice and all, but a bit too focused on schoolwork for my taste.

  “What kind of action?” I hated this suspense thing Derrick liked to pull. His brother, Rick, was much the same way. Give me the facts and give them to me fast, don’t build it into a suspenseful explosion.

  “One of her friends was struck down in the crosswalk and died en route to the hospital. Another took a bad tumble down three flights of stairs and is in critical condition at the hospital, and her last friend that was present at the scene was found beaten and left for dead by a dumpster. She’s on life support, and it doesn’t look good. Erica realizes she has incriminating evidence. She’s ready to turn it over to the authorities, but the problem is the criminals in the video—one of the men is related to a well-known crime-syndicate in the area that was supposed to be inactive. I don’t know if their group is in the process of reemerging or if it was just a fluke, but given the accidents these girls are having, I’d bet the group is reorganizing, and they seem to have someone in the FBI on their payroll. This all seemed to escalate as soon as the FBI was contacted.”

  Holy hell! These people just got out of hiding and now their daughter has to go back in? Shit, this was a clusterfuck of astronomical proportions. “You need me to retrieve her?”

  “Not necessarily. We have an operative in the area who’s already taken her to a safe house. We’ve uploaded a copy of the video to a secure private server. My dad and Ivan are trying to find who the leak is in the FBI and trying to figure out whether this threat extends beyond the one guy or if he’s acting alone.”

  I was nodding, to whom I don’t know. “Sure, I can keep her hidden for a while. It’s better than wearing a fucking suit all the time.”

  He laughed, “Then you’ll love your assignment. I’m going to fly Tennison’s, I mean Mr. Bradford’s plane up to collect her. It will be obvious, and I want it that way for a bit. I’ll bring us into Tampa, but we’ll have another plane—with no flight plan—ready for you to head to Miami. At that point, you’ll be given further directives with a longitude and latitude for your final destination. I can’t say exactly where you’ll be, not yet, in the event we have ears and in case the plans I have in mind fall through. All I’ll say is you’ll be in a remote, isolated location with limited communication with us, and you’ll be set up with security in and around your area to watch for any incoming threats. Your mission is to keep her alive, keep that cell phone away from everyone, and to relax and refocus yourself. This is a twofer mission—client protection first, self-reflection second. That’s not a request, but an order.”

  “Yes, sir.” I knew I’d said that with too much enthusiasm, but I didn’t care. “What time do you need me in Tampa?”

  His laughter over the phone was infectious, causing me to laugh too. “I know you’re having a hard time transitioning into civilian life. It’ll get easier. It took us all different lengths of time to feel comfortable in our own skin again. Hell, I hadn’t felt really comfortable until Jesse walked into my life. This is the perfect opportunity to help us out and get the tranquility you need away from city life.”

  “Thank you, man.” I was elated, grabbing my things as we finished up our talk.

  “Be at the longitude and latitude I’m sending you at 0300 hours. It’ll keep you on the outskirts of Tampa. We want to break her out of her holding place in the dead of night and get her rerouted. If we can’t get to the final destination before daybreak, we have a secure house waiting with information along the way. You’ll have Titan Security contacts identifying themselves with identification and the other way we’ve developed. Trust no one and make sure to watch your back. See you soon, my fellow brother-in-arms.”

  The line went dead. I hated that Sophia and Ivan were hurting trying to protect their youngest daughter. The irony of it all was mind-blowing, but I’d do my job, especially if it meant getting out of here. I needed the peace and quiet an isolated location would give, time to reflect on my soul, to attempt to become one with nature, and to seek redemption for my sins, releasing them out into the world. I just prayed Erica wouldn’t get in my way and be the wimpy person I remembered. In order to keep her safe, she needed to willingly follow my orders.

  A Note from the Author

  This book touches on several issues that should not be taken lightly. Millions of people suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, more commonly known as PTSD. Many associate this malady as being a part of the military, but any major trauma can cause this. Here are some links for information about PTSD:

  PTSD Information Voice Mail:

  (802) 296-6300

  I would like to thank, first and foremost, all my followers, fans, bloggers, and friends. Without all of you, my books would not be possible. Keep spreading the word. Hugs to all!

  To my family, you are my world!

  To David Wills, for being the perfect vision of Derrick. It has been a pleasure working with you on this book and I’m looking forward to working with you again in the future.

  To Eric David Battershell. Our paths crossed when I was looking for inspiring book covers and now look what you’ve inspired with your images. It started with the first book of the Need Series, never intending to end up with five and then halfway through, one conversation about the potential for a spin-off and here we are. Your work is amazing…I look forward to more book projects together in the coming future, my friend.

  To my formatter Stacey Blake. You rock! I love your work! Hugs to you.

  To Mia Mincheff, my good friend, editor, and fellow book enthusiast, I’m at a loss for words. Your belief and encouragement in my dreams means more than you’ll ever know. You help make me a better writer with your knowledge and guidance. I’m forever grateful.

  To Stacy Nickelson. You’re a friend, confidant, and beta reader. I don’t know how I can repay you for encouraging me to follow my dreams.

  To Lisa Markson, a remarkable blogger, beta reader, and friend – your encouragement of my writing, your willingness to give into the steamier side of romance, and your thoughts are all invaluable to me. I’m so thankful for your friendship! Hugs hon!

  To Randy Potvin, my cover artist. You are a miracle worker, bringing the covers of my books to life. I love how you can take my vision and go beyond what I ever imagined possible. This cover is over the top and I love it!

  Above all, thanks to God, for giving the ability to write.

  I grew up in a small town in South Florida and moved to Central Florida to attend college. I married my friend, love, and soul mate and still reside in the area with our amazing son, and a feisty, four-legged little doggie boy.

  In my books, I draw on my background in healthcare, business, and science, along with my husband’s engineering and wireless technology knowledge.

  I currently write in all areas of Romance, from tame to steam and everything in between. A Learning Series, the Need Series, and Titan Security are for those who like a little more steam with their books, falling into the categories of Contemporary and Erotica, with a hint of Suspense. The Remembrance Series encompasses Young Adult, with a touch of Paranormal and H
istorical romance, with a touch of Fantasy.

  I try to make my writing very personal and close to her heart. Regular life is the inspiration for my books, but I’m only limited by imagination taking ideas to new heights, opening up possibilities that would normally not exist.

  When I’m not writing, I’m busy with my family, taking in the amusement parks in the area or just kicking back and relaxing. On a more personal note…I love to cook and create in the kitchen and on the bbq grill. I sometimes lose myself in a song at the piano. I often sing with my son while we are driving or making dinner together. I enjoy crafts (flower arranging, making wreaths, painting pottery, needle point and drawing in pencil and charcoals). My music tastes are eclectic at best, ranging from classical piano to pop dance and even some hard rock/heavy metal. It all depends on the song, group, and if it has a good beat or is a soulful ballad.

  To learn more about me, feel free to check me out at:




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