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Stolen Worlds (The Harry Irons Trilogy)

Page 25

by Thomas Stone

  "Maybe you set off an alarm," suggested Blane.

  Harry shrugged. "For whom? The True Ones?"

  "Do people still call them that?"

  "Hell, yes. Back on Earth, religious cults believe in them for salvation. They're not as big as the Muslims, but they're gaining ground." Harry looked at Blane. "Why do you want to go back to Earth? You know you'll be arrested."

  "No, I won't. Minerva's practically indestructible. I'm sure we can arrive at an agreement of sorts with the corporate execs. Especially when we hand over the ghlowstone. No," he said, shaking his head, "they'll treat us like heroes, not criminals."


  Burke studied the console. He admired the fine work of the instrumentation and congratulated himself on capturing the ship for the Corporation. Minerva eased herself onto the couch beside him, placing her arm on his backrest and crossing her legs. She pointed out the functions of the controls and asked Burke if he'd like to see something in particular.

  "Yes," he replied quickly, "the armament array."

  Minerva gazed at the console and a new set of windows appeared on the monitor in front of Burke.

  "As you can see, we have lasers, projectile weapons, various types of shields, plasma distributors..."

  "Hold it. I've never heard of half of these."

  "I'm not surprised. This is extremely advanced technology."

  "Open a channel to the Grunwald," Burke commanded.

  "Done. Speak whenever you're ready."

  "Grunwald, this is Burke. Do you copy, over?"

  Immediately, a reply came back. "Co-commander, this is Serge. Good to hear your voice. What's going on down there?"

  "We're on our way back up. Mission is one hundred per cent successful although I was forced to relieve Commander Irons of his duties. Fagen and Blane are in my custody and the starship is ours."

  "Roger that and congratulations."

  "Thank you. Request umbilical connections and brig preparations."

  "Will do. Can you give me an ETA with Grunwald?"

  Burke looked at Minerva's hologram. "How long until we arrive at the Grunwald's location?"

  "Oh, no more than two hours."

  Burke relayed the information and signed off.

  Minerva looked at the man. "This is going to make you something of a celebrity."

  "That's the least of my concerns." Burke looked suspiciously around the control room. "Is this compartment sealed?"

  "Yes. I promise no one can get in unless I let them."

  Burke wasn't used to talking to a computer like Minerva. It was as if she was a living person and it unnerved him.

  "I sense that you're weary, Mr. Burke. Would you care for refreshments? There's time to wash, if you wish."

  "Get me a carbo shake."

  "Done," she said. A panel atop the console slid back, revealing a tumbler filled with the drink. Cautiously, Burke reached for it and took his drink. He took a sip and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  "Display realtime pictures of everyone aboard the ship."

  Instantly, three windows appeared on a monitor in front of Burke. In the first window was a picture of Tringl and Yoni as they sat at a table in the lounge. They were eating as fast as they could shovel the food into their mouths. The second window showed Harry and Blane sitting side by side on one of the lounge couches. The third window displayed a shower scene. Water rained down on two naked bodies. Fagen and Bobbie were in the shower together and obviously enjoying themselves.

  Burke leaned forward and studied the third window.

  "I knew I couldn't trust her," murmured Burke, taking another sip from his drink.

  Minerva leaned closer to Burke. He smelled perfume. "Relax, Mr. Burke. It'll be awhile until we get to the Grunwald. Would you care to use the amenities?"

  "No. Just make sure nobody gets in here, or else I'll have to do something to ensure my control of the situation." Burke touched the stunner that lay at his side.

  "I'm sure there's no need to entertain such thoughts. I have denied access to the control room from anyone. You have my cooperation and, to be honest, control of the ship's systems are wholly yours."

  Burke made no reply. Instead, his eyes wandered back to the third display window. Fagen and Bobbie were out of the shower and Fagen was toweling her off.

  Minerva leaned back and allowed her blouse to fall open, exposing an ample portion of her breast. Burke's eyes shifted from the display to Minerva.

  "What purpose do you serve?" asked Burke suddenly.

  Minerva smiled coyly. "I'm a companion."

  "Are all orders pertaining to ship's operations issued through you?"

  "No, not at all. If you desire, you can plug directly into the systems net. That is, if you have an implanted terminal." She leaned back and looked at the back of Burke's head. "And I see that you do."

  "Standard for Corporation Survey personnel."

  "Commander Irons doesn't have any implants."

  "Irons is part of the old guard. He's afraid of change. Where is a terminal lead?"

  "On the console directly in front of you. Do you wish to plug into the net?"

  "Yes. I want control over the systems." Burke pulled the lead from the console. A thin photo-wire trailed out and Burke plugged the end into the back of his head.

  "This is amazing," Burke said, "I've never seen anything like this before."

  "Mmm," said Minerva, "I can feel you inside me."

  "I feel something too. What is that?"

  "I've checked your anatomical status. You're running on empty, so I've stimulated the proper neural centers. You should be feeling better."

  Burke relaxed and found that, indeed, he was feeling better. He wandered the systems pathways, checked their progress, and found everything to be in order. Like most modern humans, he was accustomed to the pleasures of cyberspace. A mere thought and a wish could come true. But this was different. It wasn't like cyberspace as Burke had known it in the past. This was real, or at least so close to real he couldn't tell the difference. Minerva was there beside him, guiding him and showing him around.

  They walked along a beach under a clear, blue sky. A sea breeze brushed his face and he smelled the salt in the air. Minerva had switched her outfit and now wore a bright pink bikini. It fit her perfectly and left little to the imagination. As they walked along the beach, she occasionally stopped and a display would appear in the air before them. Minerva explained the database or the numbers that were displayed and then moved on. Finally, after explaining the procedures for entering warp space, she turned and faced him.

  "Of course, that's not everything, but it should satisfy your curiosity for now. Is there anything else you'd like to see?"

  Burke felt good. It had been a long while since he'd tasted the pleasures of cyberspace and he found himself wanting more. He reached for Minerva, found he could touch her, feel her, and he pulled her close.

  Chapter 33

  "Harry? Wake up."

  Harry opened his eyes. He still sat in the same place on the same couch. Blane leaned over him.

  "We're next to the Grunwald. Minerva's somehow got Burke to agree to an umbilical between herself and the Grunwald. They're making the connections now. Inside five minutes, she'll pick all the locks."

  "What do you mean?" Harry rubbed his face. "How long did I sleep?"

  "If Minerva taps into the Grunwald's computers, she'll take it over. To her, it's just more processor space. Uh, you slept a couple of hours. Tringl and Yoni are sleeping. Fagen and Bobbie are uh, sleeping too."

  "I thought Minerva could move faster than that. How come it took so long to get here?" Harry stretched and got to his feet.

  "She needed the time to get Burke into cyberspace."

  "Burke's plugged in upstairs?"

  "Plugged in and zoned out. Minerva's got him on a string. Look Harry, Minerva thinks it'd be better if we let her take care of things."

  "What are you saying? We just turn over our options to Mine
rva and let her decide what to do?"

  "Well, more or less."

  "No way, Bart. You're asking too much."

  Minerva materialized again by walking through a bulkhead into the lounge. "Take it easy, Harry. Everything's under control."

  Only then did Harry realize they were patronizing him, looking after their infected and deranged ex-comrade.

  "I'd like to give you a tranquilizer, if you don't mind."

  "I do mind."

  "Then you'll have to control yourself. I think we can deal with your problem later, but a few things must be done first."

  "What problem?"

  "You're in denial, Harry," said Blane, "you've got a head problem, and we know what caused it, don't we? I mean, like shock therapy ain't going to make this thing go away."

  Harry stared coldly at Blane, saying nothing.

  Minerva rested a holographic hand on Harry's shoulder. "There's a cure, Harry, but it's back on Mirabel." She looked distracted. "Ah," she said, "I have connection with the Grunwald. I should go. Soon, you and Fagen will be confined to quarters aboard the Grunwald. As a matter of fact, Burke wants you all aboard the Grunwald. So please, play along. I won't let them hurt you."

  Harry wanted to protest but Minerva didn't give him time. She turned and walked through the same bulkhead.

  Blane grinned. "What a woman."

  Minerva called it correctly. When the two ships were connected by the umbilical package, Harry and the others were ordered by Burke to gather in the lounge prior to being transferred to the Grunwald. They did so, thinking they were waiting for the Co-commander, but he never left the control center. When Bobbie came in with Fagen, Harry gave her a questioning look.

  "What's the matter?" she asked.

  "You know what's the matter. What is it between you and Fagen anyway?"

  Bobbie blushed and shrugged. She started to answer, but was interrupted by Burke's voice coming over the ship's intercom. "Move out, people, to the airlock. I want this ship evacuated asap."

  Blane excitedly looked around. "I'm not going anywhere. I mean, I have to stay here."

  "You too, Blane. Move out."


  "Either move it or I start shutting down the environment, section by section. Now!"

  "Minerva?" Blane whimpered.

  "Better do as he says, Bart."

  Reluctantly, Blane left with the others, mumbling that things weren't supposed to go the way they were going. They crowded into the airlock and, one by one, crossed the umbilical to the Grunwald where they were met by Dr. Ferguson and Serge. As Harry entered the Grunwald's airlock, the Doc greeted him with a brief hello and quick hypo to the side of the neck.

  Harry slapped his hand to his neck.

  "For your own safety, Commander."

  The Doc lied and Harry knew it. The tranquilizer wasn't for his own safety. It was for the safety of the others. By now, they were all afraid he'd go off.

  Instead of being taken to his quarters, Harry was led to the cargo space where animal specimens were kept. It was the only place on the ship where the bulkheads were reinforced and titanium bars were set into the doors. Additionally, Harry was manacled and chained to the floor. Doc apologized for the precautions, but Harry remained mute.

  The others were locked into the vacant crew's compartments. Bobbie was taken to her compartment and also locked away.

  Before the hypo injection, Harry could identify the thoughts of individuals aboard both ships. After the tranquilizer took effect, everything became fuzzy and he lapsed into his own ruminations. They were filled with visions of the kitzloc and the accompanying memories of the plains of Mirabel. For awhile, Harry blended with those memories, the distinction between himself and the kitzloc disappearing as he ran over the red-tinted terrain. Later, the memories subsided and Harry thought about Kathleen, how much they had been through together, and he wondered how anything could ever be the same.


  In Co-commander Burke's mind, everything was going splendidly. He'd successfully accomplished the mission parameters and had picked up some big bonuses along the way. Why, after they arrived at City Two, he'd be more famous than Commander Irons. He was the man who'd brought Edward Fagen to justice. The Corporation would give him shares and perhaps eventually ask him to sit on the board of directors. But the largest payoff would come from the ship itself. Its value was inestimable.

  Additionally, Minerva turned out to be the perfect companion. Once in cyberspace, it was easy to forget she was only a manifestation of the ship's computer. She was utterly human and perfectly willing to please in all the old human ways. He'd ask her to change her looks twice already. First, he wanted a particular redhead who appeared in popular Earth videos, then, to Minerva's surprise, he wanted twin male body-builders.

  Minerva tolerated it all and acquiesced to Burke's requests, even when they turned a little strange. After docking with the Grunwald, Burke consulted with Serge via radio and informed him he was going to remain aboard the alien ship.

  "Is that really necessary?"

  "How else will we get it back to Earth?"

  "You've got a point. Then, I take it, it's possible to fly it back?"

  "Yes. The computer is, uh, up to the task."

  "One other thing. Our long-range sensors indicate some rapid changes taking place in the wormhole. I think we should prepare for departure as soon as possible."

  "That's what I had in mind. Let's seal things up and get out of here."

  Minerva spoke as soon as contact with the Grunwald was broken.

  "I wondered if you were going to stay."

  "I told you I would."

  "I know. It's just that it's difficult to trust humans."

  "You trusted Fagen and Blane, didn't you?"

  Minerva laughed. "I really had no choice. I function symbiotically with whoever is aboard."

  "Then you trust me?"

  "How can you ask that after what we've shared?"

  A chill ran through Burke. Minerva was too lifelike. It was eerie, but he had to admit, he liked it. Satisfied with his control over the ship, he issued the order to disengage the umbilical and prepare to leave orbit.

  Minerva fed appropriate images to Burke verifying the umbilical separation was complete and that she was indeed moving away from the Grunwald. The images were, of course, bogus. Minerva created them for the sole purpose of satisfying Burke. In actuality, Minerva remained attached to the Grunwald.


  On the bridge of the Grunwald, Serge scratched his head and waited. After ten minutes, he radioed Burke.

  "We're ready to go, Mr. Burke. Awaiting separation."

  There was a pause and Burke's voice came over the loudspeaker. "Standby, please."

  "What's taking so long?" asked Dr. Ferguson.

  Serge shrugged. "I have no idea."

  An alarm went off on Serge's board. He touched a button and it ceased.

  "What's that?"

  Serge studied his console and shook his head. "I don't understand. The umbilical's still connected and now the alien ship is generating some kind of field."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I don't know exactly. I don't understand the nature of the field, but it's expanded to encompass both ships."

  "Try calling Burke again."

  Serge did so, but there was no answer. The doctor looked out a small window toward the alien ship. In the background, she could see Bedor-2. She watched for a moment before turning back to Serge.

  "I think we're moving."

  Confused, he looked at his instruments. "I show no motion."

  "Then you'd better look out the window, because we're definitely moving!"

  Serge took a look and tried to call Burke again. As before, there was no answer.


  Just prior to entering hyperspace, another ship emerged from the wormhole. Harry awoke in his cell with a familiar ringing in his head, as if an interior alarm had gone off. Immediately he knew they were headed back to
Earth. Then, the realization dawned that another ship had entered the system and, on that ship, the presence of a familiar mind.

  Aloud, Harry whispered her name, "Kathleen."

  Harry's own name came floating back to him as Kathleen, in answer, called out to him.

  With the Grunwald safely within Minerva's containment shield, they entered warp space and headed back to Earth. Shortly afterward, the wormhole, which had lasted for three and a half million years, blinked out of existence.

  Chapter 34

  Serge checked his readouts and tried calling Burke again. As before, there was no answer. He glanced at the time and saw that an hour had passed since the alien ship had encompassed the Grunwald within its shielding and passed into light speed. There was no doubt in his mind that the alien ship had gained control of the Grunwald. As an afterthought, he considered detaching the umbilical, but he was afraid of the consequences of such an action while they were in warp space. In the end, he decided to question Harry. Doc went with him in case the Commander might need another injection.

  The animal storage cages were in a series of utility rooms off the hanger bay. Harry at first appeared to be asleep, but as the two neared, his eyes snapped open and burned into Serge.

  "He's awake," said the doctor, "I'll prepare an injection."

  "Let me speak to him before you put him out again." Serge stepped up to the cage and looked down at Harry.

  "It's come to this, Commander. I really hate to see it, but we had no choice. I hope you understand."

  "I understand more than you think."

  "Sure you do. So why don't you tell me what's happening? It looks like we're in hyperspace, but we never entered the wormhole. We're inside a stasis field generated by the alien craft. You might get yourself off the hook with the Corporation by cooperating and telling me what you know."

  Harry raised his manacled hand and looked at the chains. "You ever been chained, Serge?"

  "Can't say I have."

  "It's not a pleasant experience."


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