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Earth Kingdom Chronicles Collection

Page 9

by The Tale of Aang; Azula; Toph; Sokka; Zuko; Katara (retail) (epub)

  I looked all around the drill, but saw no sight of him. Then I looked up to see him running straight down the outer wall of the city. He could not be an easier target.

  But as I drew back my hands, preparing to destroy him, the Avatar shocked me. He leaped from the wall, grasping a large pointed stone. He plunged downward, heading right for the slashes he had made in the top of the drill’s armor.

  I timed my blast perfectly. It struck the spot where the Avatar landed—just as he drove the pointed rock into the shell. The armor tore open and the force of the Avatar’s blow deflected my fire blast. Then a torrent of slurry, that sloppy mixture of pulverized rock and water that the drill funnels away as it digs deeper into the wall, slammed into me. Try as I might, I could not keep my footing on the slick metal surface, and the slurry knocked me from the drill.

  No! I will not let the Avatar slip from my grasp again. Not when I’m so close!

  And then it got even worse. I watched in horror as the entire drill vehicle collapsed, the braces having been split by the Avatar and his ragtag band. The weight of the outer shell buckled, then fell onto the drill mechanism itself, stopping the machine in its tracks. When I looked up, the Avatar had escaped again.

  Then the back end of the drill opened and a gush of slurry poured out, depositing Mai and Ty Lee at my feet.

  Mai looked up at me, stating the obvious: “We lost.”

  I was so angry I could barely respond. How much more time did I have to waste on the capture of the Avatar? It was clear that I needed to come up with another strategy.

  Chapter 5

  I need time to think, to plan. We failed at Ba Sing Se, and I have no intention of returning to the Fire Nation with news of another failure. My father gave me far more leeway than he ever gave Zuko, but he is not a patient man.

  I left Ba Sing Se feeling a little depressed, but immediately felt better when, while traveling through the Earth Kingdom, we came upon more of the fur from the Avatar’s beast.

  Odd that the bison is so far from Ba Sing Se—it must be separated from the Avatar. All at once I feel inspired. We will finally get the Avatar, and I will not have to waste any energy seeking him out: If I can capture his beast, the Avatar will come to me.

  We followed the trail of bison fur into a thickly wooded area. It led us to a forest stream, where we eventually came upon three girls dressed in bright, colorful ceremonial costumes, standing in the stream bathing the Avatar’s bison.

  This search couldn’t have been any easier! I fired a bolt of lightning to announce our arrival.

  It split a tree and startled the girls. The bison growled and snarled, but I could smell its fear. I waved a handful of its fur in the air. “My, my, you’re easy to find,” I said. “It’s really astounding that my brother hasn’t captured you yet.”

  The beast roared as the girls struck warrior poses—with fans! “Who are you, the Avatar’s fan girls?” I asked.

  “If you’re looking for the Avatar, you’re out of luck,” one of them said.

  “That’s okay, any friend of the Avatar is an enemy of mine,” I replied as I fired a flaming blast at the girl, but the bison slammed the water with his tail, sending up a huge wave that extinguished the fire before it reached her.

  While Mai and Ty Lee fought the other two girls, I launched a series of fiery attacks at the beast, and this time I could see fear in his eyes.

  “Afraid of fire, I see. That’s good, you should be,” I said, before creating a ring of fire around him. Now the bison was truly terrified.

  But one of the warriors doused the fire with mud from the stream. Now the animal had a way out.

  “Go, Appa!” she shouted to the bison. “Get out of here! You have to find Aang. We’ll be okay!” The beast took to the sky.

  I turned my attention to this warrior, and knocked her off her feet with a leg sweep. I learned that these girls were warriors from Kyoshi Island—and quickly a plan took shape in my mind.

  Ty Lee, Mai, and I returned to Ba Sing Se dressed as Kyoshi warriors. I was amazed at the warm reception we were given. The guards at the outer wall threw open the gates and welcomed us. An elaborately woven carpet was rolled out leading up to the palace. It was a little infuriating that Kyoshi warriors would garner such a welcome, but I will not complain just yet.

  It’s strange to think that all along I had only thought in terms of bigger and better weapons, of more complicated schemes to capture the Avatar. Yet all it takes is the right dress and makeup to open the door to the throne of the Earth Kingdom. And when all is said and done, that’s exactly where I’ll be seated.

  The fancy carpet led directly to the king’s throne. He stood as we approached. We paused before him and bowed respectfully.

  “In our hour of need, it is with the highest honor that I welcome our esteemed allies, the Kyoshi warriors!” he announced to rousing cheers and applause from the gathered throng.

  I bowed again and spoke softly. “We are the Earth King’s humble servants.”

  Following a formal welcoming ceremony, we joined the king in his throne room. There, he filled us in on the latest goings-on in Ba Sing Se. “It’s been a difficult week. My most trusted adviser, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me.”

  Tried? I believe we will have more luck than they did. “It’s terrible when you can’t trust the people who are closest to you,” I said politely.

  “But there is good news,” added the king. “The Council of Generals is meeting to plan an invasion of the Fire Nation this summer—on the day of a solar eclipse, when Firebenders are at their weakest!”

  Ah, that’s their plan! All Firebenders dread the Day of Black Sun. It only comes every few years, but its effects are devastating. And while this news is shocking, I do not allow it to change my expression. Stupid Earthbenders; their plan will never come to pass—now that I am aware of their intentions.

  The king has also foolishly told me all I need to know in order to successfully overthrow him. The key is the Dai Li. They are the elite members of an agency that keeps order in Ba Sing Se. I will gain control of them and set up a coup from within. And the delicious part is that the king won’t even know who is taking over his throne!

  Silly Earth King, you have handed the Fire Nation the ammunition it needs for its final victory. I must avoid eye contact with Mai and Ty Lee. They wear their emotions on their faces more overtly than I do. And I can’t risk having the king suspect anything.

  “Really? Now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan,” I replied with a smile.

  We were led to the palace’s most beautiful guest chambers, where I presented my plan to Mai and Ty Lee. “We have been given an extraordinary opportunity, girls. The chance to conquer Ba Sing Se.”

  I can see that I have shocked them. They are loyal companions and fine soldiers, but they lack any capacity for thinking beyond what is right before their faces.

  “I thought we just wanted to capture the Avatar,” Mai replied.

  “Why settle for the Avatar when we can have the whole Earth Kingdom? For one hundred years we have tried to break into Ba Sing Se from the outside. But now we are here, inside, and we can take the city by ourselves.”

  Still they stare at me like wide-eyed deer. Looks like I will have to spell it out for them. “We have the king’s trust, and so we are in a perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow him,” I explained. “The key is the Dai Li. Whoever controls the Dai Li controls Ba Sing Se.”

  And I intend to control the Dai Li—without them even knowing it. First I have to get them to believe that they have the upper hand. I have spotted them spying on us as we moved about the city, although they are, of course, unaware that I know of their presence. A well-timed, well-rehearsed conversation for them to overhear our “plans” should plant the proper seed.

  The following day I sent Mai and Ty Lee outside the palace while I waited just inside the doorway.

  “How much longer do we ha
ve to serve the Earth King?” Mai asked.

  “Princess Azula promised we would go back to the Fire Nation once we capture the Avatar.”

  “Shhh! Do you want the whole palace to know we’re Fire Nation?”

  I laughed to myself and was proud of the girls. The bait has been cast, and I’m certain the fish have bitten. Now to add a final convincing touch: I stepped into the palace with an angry look on my face, as if I’d just overheard their blunder. Mai and Ty Lee looked sufficiently ashamed. After a few minutes, when I was sure the Dai Li spies had scampered back into their holes to report this terribly interesting piece of news to their leaders, I dismissed Mai and Ty Lee. “Good work, girls,” I said.

  That night, still dressed as Kyoshi warriors, we returned to the king’s throne room to continue the pretense of being his loyal servants. But the king was not there. And then another gift was handed to us.

  The Waterbender who travels with the Avatar burst into the throne room. We retreated to the shadows, preparing for a fight, but the girl mistook us for real Kyoshi warriors, including one she obviously knew by name.

  “Suki! It’s Katara. Something terrible is going on,” she cried. “The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city!”

  How could word of our presence have traveled so fast that Katara is aware of it? And why would the Dai Li share information like that with her?

  “I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle!” she continued.

  So THAT is what she means. I am relieved that she is unaware of our true identities, and very, very intrigued that Zu-zu is in the city. Things keep falling into place with each passing day. This scheme is indeed my masterstroke, destined to place me in Father’s good graces forever.

  “We have to tell the Earth King right away!” exclaimed Katara.

  Oh, really? Well. I don’t need to maintain this masquerade any longer. You are no match for the three of us, Waterbender. I stepped out from the shadows. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be sure to tell him.”

  Shocked, Katara pulled water from her pouch, but before she could bend it in an attack, Ty Lee was on her, blocking her chi. The water splashed harmlessly to the ground, then the girl crumpled into a heap at my feet. “Take her to the prison,” I told the girls.

  Katara will no longer trouble us, but I can’t stop thinking about my brother. “I think it’s time for a family reunion,” I said as the girls left the room.

  That night, before I had a chance to search for Zuko, several Dai Li agents slipped into my room and hurried me to the palace prison. I had been expecting something like this, and had instructed Mai and Ty Lee not to interfere. Now I must give the Dai Li the impression that I am outraged, and that I have no idea that they know exactly who I am.

  The Dai Li brought me to Long Feng’s cell. “What is this about?” I shouted, trying to sound as indignant as possible. “Your agents drag me down here in the middle of the night? You will not treat a Kyoshi warrior this way!”

  “But you are not a Kyoshi warrior, are you, Princess Azula of the Fire Nation?” Long Feng replied with a smirk.

  I flashed him my most convincing look of shock and dismay. “What do you want?” I asked.

  I listened as he proposed a deal. He wanted to take back control of Ba Sing Se and he told me that I had something that he needed—the Earth King’s trust.

  “Why should I help you?” I asked. Come on, take the bait, step into my trap.

  “Because I can get you the Avatar.”

  Perfect! He thinks he has me. “I’m listening.”

  I stood there and pretended to be interested in his plan to capture the Avatar and deliver him to the Fire Nation. I don’t know if he’s lying or not, but it really doesn’t matter. Whatever he thinks he will do is incorrect: In the end he will do exactly as I want. So for now, I tell him that we have a deal. The look of satisfaction on the pathetic man’s face is sickening.

  Chapter 6

  As I head back to my chambers, I remind myself that it won’t be long before Long Feng realizes how stupid he really is. All the wheels are in motion. Now we just have to put together the final pieces of my plan.

  Even though I was nervous, I was not about to show it in front of the group of Dai Li agents I had gathered. Everything hinges on the performance I am about to give. I need their trust, but if I can’t have that, I need to inspire fear. I have found that fear is a stronger motivator than trust, especially among those, like the Dai Li, who are used to operating along the shadowy edges of the rules.

  “The Earth King and the Council of Generals do not trust the Dai Li,” I said firmly. “They imprisoned your leader, Long Feng. Next they will eliminate you. We must seize power at once. Our coup must be swift and decisive. The king and his generals must be taken out simultaneously. Then the military will fall under our control.”

  I have captured their attention. Now this is it, the moment in which I establish control. I really have to sell this.

  “Long Feng has placed you in MY command while we overthrow the government. For some of you, it might be difficult and strange to ally yourself with a Fire Nation princess. But you must banish that prejudice from your heart.”

  I believe that if I make an example of one agent, the others will follow. Yes, this one looks suitably nervous. I’ll stare at him directly in the eyes as I deliver the final piece.

  “If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation, any weakness at all … I will snuff it out!”

  The agent bowed to me, refusing to stand back up until I had spoken. It couldn’t have been more perfect. They are all now my servants. “That is all,” I said dismissively.

  The Dai Li hurried from the room, leaving only Ty Lee and Mai at my side.

  “Nice speech, Azula!” Ty Lee said. “Pretty and poetic, but also scary, in a good way.”

  Precisely my intention. “I thought it went well,” I replied. “But there are still a few loose ends—the Avatar, and my brother and uncle.”

  I sent a message to Iroh’s tea shop—making it look as if the note had come from the Earth King—requesting that he and Zuko come to the palace as guests of the king, to personally serve him tea. There was no way Iroh could resist such an offer.

  The next day, I watched from the shadows as Iroh and Zuko set up tea in the palace tea room.

  I marveled at how soft and so pitifully domesticated they had both become. The once great general, who was called the Dragon of the West, and the Fire Lord’s firstborn, preparing tea like servants. If my father could see his son … Well, no matter. Soon they will be back in the Fire Nation, or else they will be destroyed.

  At a signal from me, the Dai Li agents entered the room.

  “Something’s not right,” Zuko said, noticing their presence.

  Smart boy. Something is most definitely not right … for you!

  “It’s teatime!” I announced as I stepped out of the shadows.

  “Azula!” Zuko cried.

  I could see the fear in his eyes. Still, he put on a brave face, stepping toward me as if he was ready to fight. A Dai Li agent quickly stepped into Zuko’s path.

  The loyalty of the Dai Li is without question. They are willing to lay down their lives to protect me. Excellent. This unwavering allegiance will be necessary in order to complete my ascent to the throne.

  Iroh calmly sipped his tea. He is better at not showing panic than Zu-zu. “Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname Dragon of the West?” he asked.

  I don’t know which is worse: fighting Iroh, or being bored to death by one of his hopelessly longwinded stories. “I’m not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle,” I said impatiently.

  “It’s more of a demonstration, really,” Iroh insisted.

  Then he suddenly Firebended a blazing burst of flame from his mouth. The Dai Li scattered in all directions, and Iroh and Zuko ran from the tea room. The Dai Li and I chased them down the hall—and into a hallway that was a dead end. They were trapped!

  But then Iroh did something that surprised me: He used
a lightning attack to blast a hole in the wall and jumped several stories down to the ground.

  “Come on, Zuko,” he called from below.

  “No,” Zuko said firmly. “I’m tired of running. It’s time I faced Azula.”

  “You’re so dramatic, Brother,” I said. “Are you challenging me?”

  Zuko glowered. “Yes, I challenge you.”

  “No thanks,” I replied, just as Zuko unleashed a powerful Firebending attack that was easily blocked by the Dai Li agents. They Earthbended a huge wall of rock to deflect the flames. Then the agents swarmed on Zuko, quickly subduing him.

  Seeing this made me realize that as much as I enjoy a good fight, I could get used to having a squadron of agents handling my enemies for me every now and then!

  The rest of my plan was quickly set in motion. With Katara and Zuko locked away in an underground prison chamber, I set the Dai Li to the task of arresting and imprisoning all the generals on the Council of Generals.

  At long last, I will soon sit upon the throne of the Earth Kingdom.

  We returned to the king’s throne room, and this time he was there. Mai and Ty Lee took up their bodyguard positions on either side of the throne, and I once again lingered in the shadows.

  A short while later, the other two members of the Avatar’s party—the tall warrior boy and the Earthbending girl—rushed into the throne room. As the two approached the king, Ty Lee and Mai attacked. The Earthbender managed to put Mai on the defensive while the boy was able to avoid Ty Lee’s chi-blocking moves.

  Very skillful. But I have the upper hand in these matters. Now that the king knows that we are not really Kyoshi warriors, I can finally drop this annoying pretense. I stepped up to the king and placed my hand beside his head, preparing to strike him with a Firebending blow. I felt him stiffen with fear.

  “This fight is over,” I said.


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