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Oak (Phoenix in Flames Book 7)

Page 4

by Catty Diva

  “I’m not sure why your people would be that superior. None seem to have the talent for communications.”

  “That’s true. But you and a handful of others are all he has found among the humans. Even though he’s searched through thousands of soldiers.”

  “Maybe that’s his mistake. Few communication experts are soldiers. Most of them are civilians. Those on Earth that were involved in that were mostly involved in spy stuff and wouldn’t admit it anyway.”

  “That would explain a thing or two.”

  Chapter 5

  Love Grows

  The shock of seeing him looking lifeless with blood dripping out of a huge wound on his side had hit her hard. It made her realize he’d slowly been worming his way into her heart. How had she not seen it coming?

  Maybe it was because not only had her life been isolated for the largest part of it, but the last part had been traumatic. It amazed her that anyone would want her now. She felt used and abused. No good for anyone and she thought that was obvious as soon as anyone looked at her.

  “What are you thinking about?” Oak asked.

  “Nothing really. I’m glad you’re better.”

  “Are you going to give me a get well kiss?” The look on his face was teasing. Was he serious? She couldn’t really tell.


  “A kiss, to help me heal. Just a little one.” He closed his eyes and puckered up.

  Could she do it? She stepped closer and leaned down. He could probably feel her hot breath hitting him. Closer and closer she moved her heart pounding in her chest and her breath frozen as she thought about what he wanted. Lightly she touched his lips and scampered back like a rabbit in the woods that had seen a predator. Not a bad comparison, he looked like one. His muscles gleamed on his body and his eyes were sharp and clear. They warned anyone that he could take care of himself and those he held dear.

  For Goodness sake, she was losing her mind. “There that should see you fully healed.” She remarked.

  Oak grinned which showed his fangs. Not long like some animals, just longer than humans. She looked at his nails which came to a point although they seemed short enough. Were they retractable? There was no way to tell unless he told her or showed her. Now she was going off in her wondering s entirely too much. What did it matter since he was on her side?

  “Now that we’ve eaten, I’ll take the dishes to the kitchen and you can get some rest.” His lip puffed out like a little boy pouting.

  “You’ll come back won’t you?”

  “I’ll see you in the morning. Teresa needs me to go over some of the computers and I have to get a little sleep tonight.”

  “If you put it that way. Our duties are important.” He relaxed back on the bed drawing her attention to his sexy chest. She looked away quickly but heard him chuckle.

  A quick retreat was in order so she hurried from the room once she gathered their dishes and set them on the tray. Once she reached the cafeteria, she set them in the dirty dish bin.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” The young boy. She forgot his name, said.

  “It was no trouble. I appreciated you bringing the food.”

  “You are most welcome.” He replied as he took the bin and replaced it with an empty one.

  Since she was in the cafeteria, she got a snack for later and a drink. There was a table in communications where they could take short breaks and store food. That’s where she set her snack down. Now she had some hard work to get to.

  Not that she was a trained computer specialist, but her work in communications made her familiar with computers. To be honest, she was quite good with them. Maybe Teresa suspected that and that was why she wanted her to get any usable information of them now. She was sure that Teresa was planning on sending the information to Razar. But whether she was or not, as much as she liked Razar, her first loyalty was to Teresa. That was the person who had freed her and the others. Teresa had also helped them all the most by giving them choices.

  She wasn’t naïve enough to think anyone would have offered a job to someone as damaged as she was. Her boss had not only done that, but gotten her counseling and training in protecting herself better. Her previous training had obviously been inadequate since she’d been taken and help without hope of getting free. Rather than go through that again, she’d kill herself.

  Getting her mind off morbid thoughts, she got to work getting one computer done and sending the information to Teresa. The next computer waited and as she decided whether to do it or take a short break, a male magically appeared a short distance from her. Reacting instantly, she grabbed her gun which was set to stun and zapped him. It had an effect, but didn’t take him down. She zapped him again and he went to his knees.

  Pushing her alarm button, she pointed her gun zapping him a third time aware it might kill him but feeling she had no choice. This time he went down, possibly for good just as Flicker ran in the door.

  “Where the hell did he come from?” Flicker looked at her wondering.

  “I don’t know but it took three times to take him down. I hope he’s a rebel of a mercenary.”

  “No on with a brain would send their people to another ship without warning. We need to scan for the enemy ship. Don’t worry. He’s still alive.”

  It never ceased to amaze her how the Phoenix and Mazlan could do that. They seemed to know without getting close that someone was still alive or not. Flicker picked the guy up and threw him over his shoulder. “Keep your gun close. I’ll send you some back up.”

  He turned and headed out the door. Presumably he’d take the guy to lock up. She shivered as she thought of what might have happened had she not been prepared. Likely he would have killed her. Under these circumstances capture was rarely considered. Better dead than caught anyway after what she’d gone through last time.

  There was nothing else to do but get back to work. She patted her gun and thanked God she’d had it. The second computer was exactly like the first and things went even quicker. Each computer had important information so she sent that information to Teresa as it was extracted. It was a blessing she had no more unwelcome visitors, but neither did a guard show up.

  When she was done and ready to go, she discovered why. A young male stood at the door. ”You could have come inside. I don’t bite.” She said.

  He blushed a bright red. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She felt bad for him. “You can go now. I’m all done.”

  “What about the computers?”

  “There’s nothing on theirs now and ours are locked down.”

  “If you’re sure.” He said before he practically ran down the hall.

  “What did you do to him?” An amused voice asked.

  “Nothing. I just told him he could go.”

  “He certainly did.” Oak chuckled. “Maybe he had a hot date?”

  “I think females make him nervous.”

  “Maybe just certain females.”

  “I’m not scary.” Her chin jutted out in what her dad used to call her stubborn look.

  “I suspect our recent intruder would disagree.” Oak observed.

  “He shouldn’t come aboard a ship without an invitation.”

  “You have my complete agreement there. I completely approve of the way you handled it. Maybe we’ll get some information out of the male when he comes to.”

  “He’s still out?”

  “Yes, but Mike feels he was just overwhelmed with that third shot. She thinks he’ll be good as new once he wakes and hopefully smarter for the lesson.”

  “What lesson is that?”

  “Don’t sneak up on a female with a gun and once she shoots you, lay down and take your medicine.” Oak chuckled.

  He made it sound funny and he was right in a way. It was stupid of the guy to keep trying to get up. She was just going to keep shooting him until he went down. What did the guy expect anyway? Now they had stopped talking and the silence was getting uncomfortable for her anyway.

��re not going to shoot me now that you’re getting tired of having me with you, are you?”

  “No, I’m just going to my room so I can get some sleep. I kept at it until I got the computers all done even though it was way past my quitting time. It was important and I knew it. Now I’m going to take some time off and let Nila handle things.”

  “Will you have supper with me tomorrow? It’s supper time right now so that should give you the time you need to rest.”

  “Okay.” She agreed but she wasn’t sure why. The male just kept drawing her in. He was handsome, she couldn’t deny it.

  They stopped at her door and she wanted to escape quickly, but Oak trapped her. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked in his eyes mesmerized. Now she knew how a mouse felt when it was caught by a snake. She’d heard some snakes could hypnotize prey then quickly swallow them. That’s the way she felt. His presence overwhelmed her and she was helpless in his arms. She was falling for this male and she couldn’t seem to hold herself back.

  His lips gently brushed hers. It was gentle but it made her want to open up to him. His tongue followed moving along the seam of her mouth. Oh no! Her lower lip slipped down giving him access which he quickly took advantage of. Her heart pounded in her chest and her breathing grew labored as passion blossomed between them.

  This was nothing like she had ever experienced in her life. It created more feeling in her while it made her want to pursue those feelings. None of her sexual relations in the past had been positive. Sex had been something she felt she wouldn’t miss and had decided never to participate in until now.

  Oak didn’t push nor did he seek his own pleasure above hers. Right now they were just kissing and he moved slowly, enjoying this kiss that made her want more. He stepped back leaving her thoroughly confused.

  “Next time I’ll take you to my room and we’ll finish this.” He promised.

  Why hadn’t he finished it now? Oh, goodness! Was she crazy? Maybe he was driving her that way. She turned and opened her door slipping inside and closing it quickly. A shower that was what she needed to cool off and calm down. Once she was naked, she looked at her body in the mirror in the bathroom.

  Her body was strong and firm. She was still young and didn’t look bad. All her scars were on the inside. The skin on her body was smooth and soft. Attention had always been drawn to her although she’d never wanted it before. Dad had always insisted boys were better for this part of space. Until she had developed breasts, the crews they worked with had always thought she was a boy. It was just self-defense.

  Even later, after Dad was gone, she’d tried to hide her sex, but in threadbare clothes it was hard to. That’s what had brought her down the rough path into slavery. Now she was free and she would die rather than go back. All her musing hadn’t helped her decide what to do about Oak and she hadn’t stepped into the shower yet.

  Now she set the water to the hottest she could stand. Stepping into the stream, she thought damn it was hot. She adjusted, and it relaxed her muscles as it helped calm her mind. The decisions she needed to make would be put off until the morning. A good night’s sleep was bound to help her mind which as a bit fuzzy right now. It was because she was dog tired and as she stepped out of the shower she got ready for bed.

  When she woke in the morning she scanned through the messages she intercepted going back to just past the time she’d begun working on the computers. It wasn’t good. The rebels planned to send a fleet of ships after them and once they were taken down, they were going to go on to Oison. With no active war going on, most of Oison’s fleet would be out and about keeping peace in their sector.

  She hit her com. “Teresa.”

  “This is urgent, I need you in communications right away.”

  “I’m headed there now.”

  Heaven help them all. No one knew exactly what the rebel’s fleet consisted of. It was common knowledge that they were hiding ships. That was a practice many governments and apparently rebels used. She was sure Razar used it too and she hoped he had more ships than anyone could guess. Life under these rebels who believed in slavery and placed no value on life would be grim.

  They were rich males and valued only money and the things it bought. The misery they spread in their wake mattered not a bit to any of them. She hoped they ended up at a prison with forced labor. Maybe they would learn a valuable lesson.

  “I’m here. What did you find?” Teresa asked.

  She replayed every message about the planned attack. “I realize it might be an attempt to confuse us or even leave another area unprotected, but all I can do is let you know what I’ve found.”

  Teresa patted her arm. “You’ve done your part. Razar will make the big decisions and I don’t envy him the job. We’re safe enough, they’ll never see through our camouflage. We however will see them coming a mile away. If they get close to us, that will answer part of the question and we’ll know how many ship they are sending and what kind of ships. Don’t let this get to you. You do your part and let the rest of us do ours. I bet you skipped breakfast.”

  “You bet or you know?”

  “That answers that. Go get yourself something to eat before you do anymore listening.”

  She recognized an order when she got one. Sighing heavily, which drew a sharp look Teresa, she exited communications with Teresa following her. There was nothing to do but eat quickly and return to her duties.

  Her stomach growled in agreement with that decision. As she entered the cafeteria, she realized it was lunchtime and the place was full. The food smelled wonderful and she filled her plate then found a place in the corner that only sat two. Oak was there in seconds. It was like the male had an inner radar that told him where she was all the time.

  “I’m glad you finally decided to eat.” He commented.

  “Did you snitch to Teresa?” She accused.

  “I don’t know this word, but I assume it means tell? No, I didn’t have to. Everyone knows you forget to eat when a task is important.”

  Chapter 6


  He observed the lovely lady sitting across from him and felt satisfied that Teresa was looking out for her too. She was underfed, she needed to eat more and more often for her health. Angel didn’t take care of herself and she needed him more than she realized. His need for her was obvious to everyone but her.

  Right now he was fighting on two fronts. The battle for Angel’s love was fully engaged while the battle with the rebel’s was trying to sneak up on them. The small fleet of ships trying to catch up from behind them was almost laughable none having the modern abilities their ship did.

  Some might think that would set them at ease, but it only worried them more. Surely the rebels weren’t so foolish as to think their pitiful ship could take on the pride of the Mazlan’s fleet? That made them worry that the fleet was just bait for a trap. Their ship along, with proper maneuvering, could take out all the ships they saw following them. It made the officers, one of which he was, concerned that they had better ships with camouflage possibilities.

  “I wonder, if there is a way to tell if a camouflaged ship follows us?” He’d not intended to say that out loud.

  “Of course there is.” Angel said before taking a bite of food.

  “What do you mean?”

  “If they follow in a straight line, you can tell by the energy that comes off their engines. We have equipment to pick up something like that. I doubt they do, but it’s possible.”

  “So they might already know where we are?”

  “It’s possible if they have the latest equipment. Engines put off heat. Even ours although ours is absorbed back into the engines as energy and what can’t be absorbed is spread with fans.”

  “Why bother to spread it out?”

  “It makes it look like less energy is given off. That makes them think they are dealing with a much smaller and less capable ship.” Angel explained then finished her food.

  As she got up and put her tray in the
bin, he wondered why they hadn’t made better use of her expertise. He pressed his com. “Teresa.”

  “I have some possibly helpful information. Are you on the bridge?”

  “No, but I can meet you there in five.”

  “I’ll be there.” Oak agreed. Placing his tray in the bin, he turned and hurried away.

  The elevator just outside of the cafeteria took him to the right floor. Teresa had arrived just before him. “What do you have for me?”

  “I had a conversation with Angel. She has some knowledge about how to detect camouflaged ships.” He went on to explain what she’d said.

  “Damn! I should have thought of her. She was raised on a ship learning about communications and other things. Is she in communications now?” Teresa asked.

  “She is.”

  “You come too.” Teresa said as she stalked off with him following closely behind.”

  They made it to communications in less than five minutes finding Angel there lost in her work. She was always busy at her station. Angel didn’t even look up until Teresa cleared her throat loudly.

  She jerked and looked up with big eyes. “Teresa? Did you need something?”

  “I needed your help.” Teresa said immediately putting Angel at ease.

  “Of course. Whatever you need.”

  “Oak mentioned you knew a way to look for camouflaged ships. We really need to know if anyone is hiding in the fleet following us.” Teresa admitted.

  Angel moved to another station turning on a flashy looking piece of equipment. She pressed switches and moved dials. It made him wonder how she knew how to use this cutting edge instrument. It wasn’t long before she looked away.

  “There is something large following in their wake. It’s bigger than our ship, but that’s all I can tell. From the information I’m getting, I’d say it’s just one big ship of some kind.” Angel explained. “If there is anything else, it’s trailing far behind.”

  “Thank you. That’s helpful.” Teresa said.


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