Blood Never Lies (Mark of Mars)
Page 21
“Yes. You give the other out way too freely,” she giggled.
She saw the back of his shimmering gold hand stroke her cheek. “I should strike you down for such disrespect, in my own temple no less.”
“Then there would be no-one to give you sleepless nights.”
“According to you, I have plenty of those anyway,” he blew hot air into her ear, sending spasms through her body.
“Behave,” she muttered.
“Why? You summoned me.”
“Can a mortal really summon a God?”
“No. But as you bear my mark, I will listen.”
“I can’t think you do too much of that either,” Jenna chuckled. His ego was legendary after all.
She felt his body press against hers, his heat was radiating through her dress. “One day soon you will be moaning my name in pleasure, time and time again.”
Jenna felt like her bones were starting to turn to liquid as he kissed the side of her neck. God the man dripped sex appeal. Then again, he was a God.
“But for now, I leave you with my faithful servant. Treat him well.”
The hands that held her were no longer shimmering, she recognised the wrist bands instantly.
“Marcus?” she span around.
“Yes, my dear,” he kissed her forehead. “Who else normally holds you like this?”
“Sorry, I was day dreaming,” she sighed and looked back at the statue. She really was starting to lose the plot.
“I thought you were spending the afternoon with Laurentius and Octavia?”
“You thought wrong. Julius is.”
“Spend the afternoon with me, then.”
“Don’t you have marshally things to do?”
He laughed. “Only if a riot breaks out, and a big one at that.” He took her hand and led her out the temple.
Ambling across the Trajan Market, Jenna was in seventh heaven. He was in no hurry, letting her stop and look at the stalls she wanted to. One jewellery vendor caught her eye. She had the most exquisite golden pendant, inlayed with the deepest blue stone she had seen. It was beautiful.
She was glad temple maidens didn’t have any money else she’d spend a fortune here. She put the necklace down and eyed up a pile of silk headscarves. Just too many pretty things to admire. Marcus seemed to be lagging behind, the poor guy must be in hell, Jenna thought.
“So what do you propose we do this afternoon?” she linked her arm back through his.
“My villa,” he looked a little unsure of himself. “We have not had any real privacy for a long time.”
An afternoon alone with Marcus, could there be anything better? It struck Jenna as they were walking along that he was remarkably chilled, so unlike his usual aggressive persona. “You seem so very laid back this afternoon?”
“I am.” He pulled her a fraction closer.
“What has brought about this change?”
“You, of course. I think maybe seeing your world has caused me to relax a little. I no longer feel as threatened by it.”
She soon realised they were headed to his villa on foot. “What have you done with Hercules?”
“The damn horse keeps wandering off. For some reason he is drawn to the Domus Meriva.”
Jenna felt her cheeks colour. “I should apologise for that.”
“You should, but you’re not going to, are you?” His tone was remarkably light.
“You did piss me off majorly.”
A short while later, they were curled up together on the cushions in the peristyle. Marcus was raising her pulse again, his kiss should come with a health warning. Hands were wandering freely, she was in no mood to contain him, her body certainly did not want boundaries. And she wanted to see a lot more of him.
In fact that afternoon would go down as the most sensual and erotic she had ever experienced. They had just touched, caressed and kissed, exploring every inch of each other. Marcus had not pushed her to go all the way, she felt so safe in his hands. And it had been bliss. So much so, Jenna was not sure she could actually move, her entire body still tingled.
“Are you alright, my love?” Marcus murmured against her head.
“Just perfect,” Jenna breathed against his wonderful bare chest. She glanced up at him, his eyes were no longer black. “Your eyes are gold.”
He blinked and looked away for a moment. When he turned back, his eyes were black once more. “It must be a trick of the light.” He trailed his finger around her birthmark. “Am I forgiven for my jealous outburst yesterday?”
“You have to come to terms with the fact that I have both men and women as friends.”
“It is difficult when I see you with your arms around them.”
“That was because my horse threw its shoe. Would you rather I had walked?”
“Of course not. But I know Hector is unlikely to settle for just friendship.”
Jenna stroked the contours of his muscles. God, he was so perfectly built. “And how do you know Hector wants more?”
“I know him pretty well. He’s my brother.”
Jenna’s froze as her head snapped up. “He’s your brother?”
She dropped her head down on his chest. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to create a discord in your family. I had no idea.” She was mortified. It was bad enough she had Brutus and Marcus at each other’s throat, now Hector had waded into the fight.
He kissed the top of her head. “You were not to know. Besides, there is always discord in my family.”
“I think you misjudge Hector. I am usually pretty good at recognising the signals when a man is interested in me, and I get none of those from Hector. He is such a lovely man and more importantly, he makes me laugh.” She did not have to look at Marcus’ face, she had already felt his entire body tense.
“You want to keep seeing him?”
“Brother or not, I still value him as a friend. If he wants to see me, then I am more than happy to spend time with him.” She tried to pull away from him, but he held her tight.
“I cannot allow that, Jenna. Surely you must see that.”
“You are happy for me to spend time with Arianna?”
“So how is Hector any different?”
“He is a man.”
“And what are you saying? Because he is male, I must be jumping into bed with him?”
“No. But Hector will try to seduce you.”
“Great. Now you think me unable to resist his charms.” She succeeded in pulling away from him. “You really should have better faith in your own abilities.”
Marcus flopped back on the cushions. “You are angry with me.”
“Yes. I come from a world where men and women are equal. Trying to control me or treat me like a possession is clearly only going to aggravate me. Can you not believe that I can actually manage my own life, that I am more than capable of judging people’s character correctly?”
“You I trust. It is everyone else I don’t.”
“A very noble view. But you are suffocating me with your overbearing behaviour.”
“You are now in a world where men rule supreme and women are subservient. As you are in my time, perhaps it is you who should adjust?” Marcus turned the onus back onto her.
“I think it is time I collected Julius,” she sighed heavily. “If we continue this conversation, one of us will say something we regret.” Jenna straightened her clothing, her hair as always was a lost cause.
“You are missing something around your neck,” Marcus murmured.
Jenna’s hand went to her throat. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” He produced the beautiful necklace from earlier.
“Marcus,” she squealed.
“You like it?”
“It’s stunning. But you should not have bought it.” She let him attach it around her neck.
“Why not? I like to buy you things.”
“Because I am a temple handmaiden. We generally do not accept
gifts.” And she could not stay annoyed at him, the bloody man was starting to learn her weaknesses.
“That role of yours is set to change very shortly,” he kissed her, removing any vestiges of irritation from her mind.
“Not yet,” she told him firmly.
“I want you in my bed every night, Jenna.” He ran a hand down her cheek, his black eyes taking in her beautiful face.
“I know. But that cannot happen.”
“It will soon. I am not known for my patience,” he attempted a smile.
That road was far too scary for Jenna to contemplate at the moment. It was an additional complication she didn’t need right now. Her life was already a complete mess.
Julius was still going strong when they stopped by to collect him.
“I thought Dextus had endless energy, but Julius beats him hands down,” Laurentius laughed.
“I hope he has not been any trouble?” Jenna asked nervously.
“Not at all. It is a pleasure to have such an inquisitive young mind around.”
Jenna laughed. “That is politely put.” She ruffled Julius’ hair. “Let’s get you home. You might even catch a glimpse of your brother.”
As they walked, Julius chattered incessantly to Marcus, his lovely little face so animated. It tugged at her heart strings as she realised just how fond of the boy she was. She could never desert him, he was a vital part of her life. But if the little tyke was going to make a success of his future, he was very much in need of an education. And she knew just the right family to pay for it. In return, they would get a lifelong service.
“What are you smiling about?” Marcus asked.
“Just a cunning plan I have,” she grinned.
“Should I be worried?”
“No, it’s nothing too bad. But I do want to discuss someone’s education with you and your father.”
Marcus looked down at Julius with a wry smile. “I guess the future commander of the armies does need a basic education.”
“You think he’ll go that far?”
“What I do know is that his life is intertwined with ours. It is only fitting that we help him where we can.”
“You are not as hard as you pretend to be, Marshall,” she squeezed him arm.
“It is you who are making me soft, woman.” Actually she made him just the opposite, that was the problem.
“Oh no,” Jenna squealed looking at the parchment. “This is horrible.”
“What is it?” Cassandra came running.
“My worst nightmare. Trajan wants me to join him at the Colosseum.”
Amelia was in fits of laughter. “This is wonderful. If you refuse, you’ll end up in the arena yourself.”
“I have been reliably informed that women don’t fight in the arena, which is more the pity.”
“You know you cannot turn down an invitation from the Emperor,” Cassandra sighed. “I’m sorry, but that is the truth.”
“I know. I’m just wondering if I can cut short my time there.”
“How so?” Cassandra quizzed.
“If I look like I’m unwell, Trajan won’t bat an eyelid if I cry off part way through. Hopefully before too much bloodshed.”
“You might just succeed. The last thing the Emperor and his guests want is to catch a sickness.”
She was sitting out on the temple steps later that day when Julius dropped by. He was grinning from ear to ear.
“You look like you have some good news,” Jenna eyed him.
“I do. Senator Aurelius wants to educate me so I will be of more use to him in the future.”
Good man, Jenna thought. He can see the boy’s potential too. “What has he in mind for you?”
“He will engage a tutor for me at his house and when I am of a suitable level, he will arrange for me to be educated with Dextus.”
“That’s wonderful news, isn’t it?” She hugged him fondly.
“Yes. But what if I cannot learn? Not everyone can. And I do not want to disappoint the Senator.”
“You are a bright child, Julius. I have always seen that. You will excel with a sword, but I also believe you have a decent brain under that pile of curls.”
Julius giggled and stroked Ares who had come out to see him. “You will look after him if I cannot visit as much?”
“Of course.” Jenna kissed the bundle of black fur. “You two are my favourite Roman boys.”
Julius looked at the scroll beside her. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes. It was an invitation from Trajan.”
“The Colosseum,” she sighed heavily.
“Wow, you are so lucky.”
“I wish I shared your enthusiasm, Julius. I really do not want to go.”
“But why? You are a terrific fighter yourself.”
“I fight when I have to. And whilst I appreciate a decent gladiatorial display, I cannot stomach some of what goes on in that arena. The senseless slaughter of slaves.”
“You’ll just have to drink a lot of wine,” Julius giggled. “That’s what most men do when they don’t want to face something.”
“I’m not sure getting blind drunk in the Emperor’s box would go down too well,” Jenna laughed.
“But it could provide good entertainment,” Julius snickered.
“I think I might have to come down with some female ailment early into the games tomorrow. That way I can slither home and everyone keeps face.”
Julius rolled his eyes. “You’re supposed to be fearless.”
“Says who?” Jenna quizzed.
“Me. You’re the bravest person I know.”
“Not the Marshall?”
“Bravest woman. The Marshall is quite without fear.”
Not totally, Jenna smiled to herself.
“Marshall Vilnus,” Jenna grinned. “You are not usually on escort duty.”
“I thought it safer for us all if I make sure you get to the Colosseum.”
“What do you mean?”
“I know you’d like to get lost on the way, but you cannot turn down Trajan. He is expecting you.”
“I really don’t feel strong enough for this,” she moaned. “I have not been brought up to witness this savagery.”
“You will be fine, my love. Just don’t sit too close to balustrade.”
She rubbed Hercules’ ears. “And I understand you have been a naughty boy. Mixing with unsavoury women.”
The horse bunted her with his head.
“Your bad influence,” Marcus extended his hand and pulled her up behind him.
Jenna remained quiet the rest of the ride. She was busy trying to steady her nerves. The entire area around the Colosseum was heaving. The good people of Rome were obviously eager to get their seats to watch the slaughter and bloodshed.
Marcus pulled up outside the entrance to the Emperor’s box, it was heavily guarded by Praetorian. She recognised Captain Lucius and stopped to say a few words.
“Enjoy this afternoon’s entertainment, my lady,” he nodded as she started up the stairs.
At the top she held her breath as she realised she was looking down onto the most famous arena in the world. Despite its reputation, it was an awesome sight. She headed over to the balcony to pay her respects to Trajan.
He took her hands in his. “Welcome, Jenna,” his eyes were twinkling.
“Emperor Trajan,” she dropped into a curtsey. It was almost tempting to say ‘Hey Dad’ but she resisted.
“I don’t believe you’ve met my sister, Ulpina,” Trajan turned her towards the woman to his left.
By rights her aunt, Jenna thought. The woman was very similar to Trajan, and was lacking in beauty and her brother’s charisma.
“So this is the young Arulian you have spoken about, brother,” Ulpina ran her eyes appraisingly over Jenna.
“Yes, she is as troublesome as she is beautiful,” he smiled.
“She is indeed lovely. How come you are not yet married, child?”