Beautiful Curses: Book One
Page 15
They finally gathered together to drink their tea. Jo sat next to Daniel, pleased to have her father close now she’d sorted Sarah out. James and Sarah sat on the two dining chairs opposite. James had just told them that Gabriella had phoned last night.
“What did she say exactly?” Sarah asked with trepidation.
“Not much. We didn't talk long. She rang at a bad time.” James glanced at Jo, who shook her head and smirked. James diverted his gaze back to Sarah. “She basically wanted to know why you and Jo were staying in London so long. I said you'd call her back.”
Sarah nodded and tugged at her fingers. “What am I going to say?”
Daniel rested his tea on the arm of the couch. “We can’t make her suspicious. We’re assuming she only knows part of the story and Rowellyn hasn't contacted her…”
“She knows enough,” Jo interrupted. “She won’t change her mind easily. We might have to deceive her to make her listen.”
They all took a sip of tea and the room remained silent. Being with James last night, had pushed Gabriella from Jo’s mind. But now she had no choice, she had to face her future head on. Starting with confronting her lovely sister.
James looked up and cleared his throat. “Deceiving her might just work. We could use the original story of Jo coming here to bring home a family heirloom?”
“How?” Daniel asked.
“She’d be curious and less suspicious if she thought she was gaining something for herself.”
Jo nodded in agreement. James had hit the nail on the head. They needed trap her into listening.
“We must make her listen to the whole story, so she changes her mind,” Daniel remarked.
“Who’s going to tell her?” James asked, looking at them all.
“Me,” Jo said, without a second thought.
James narrowed his eyes. “Daniel or Sarah would be better.”
“I’ll be alright, besides, she doesn't see me as a threat. She knows I came to London to claim a family inheritance, and she'll believe what I tell her.”
Jo stood and moved toward James. He put his arm around her and leant his head against her stomach. He sighed. “She’s just so unpredictable and we don’t know what she’s capable of. She’s calculating and uses people like pawns. Look what she did, or tried to do, between Spencer and Beth.” James turned to look at Sarah and Daniel "I’m sorry to be so blunt, but if Jo does this we have to make sure we cover all our bases. We can't trust Gabriella.”
“I hate to admit it," Sarah spoke quietly. “But you're right, James. I’ve only just begun to see that side of her. And it unnerves me.”
Daniel rubbed his eyes. “Jo, are you sure you can face her knowing how she feels about Rowellyn and the curse?”
“I’ve never been more certain about anything. I’m the one most affected, and for the first time in my life I need to concentrate on saving myself. No one can do that for me. The sooner I talk to her the better.”
Jo stretched her hand across the table, as the train rattled along. She was sitting next to Daniel with James sitting opposite. James reached for her and she placed her slender palm in James’ warm grip, as they smiled at each other. If anyone told her a week ago she’d be on a train sitting next to her father with her boyfriend opposite she would have told them they were completely mental and needed therapy.
Jo shivered involuntarily, as she thought about their plans. Sarah had eventually made the call to Gabriella yesterday. She had put her on speaker, so they could all crowd around and listen …
“Ella, its Sarah, James said you called.”
“Oh Hiya. I just wanted to know what’s happening. You switched off you mobile. I was wondering if everything’s alright?”
“Everything’s fine. My mobile’s playing up. I need to get a new one.”
“So, did Jo collect our parent’s things?”
“Yes, but she hasn't shown anyone yet. I think she wants to wait and show you first. We are all coming home tomorrow, so she can tell you all about it then.”
“When you say all, you mean just you, Jo and Spencer.”
“Um ... well, since you ask, I have a surprise for you.”
Gabriella waited.
“I’d prefer to tell you in person but I think I should pre-warn you.”
“Pre-warn me? About what?”
“Right … well, I’m bringing a guest home with us. It’s someone who really wants to meet you.”
“You mean, that cousin of our, so called, father? The one Jo met?”
Sarah swallowed and looked to Daniel, who wore a pained expression.
“Um … not exactly. It’s your … um … actual father.”
“Ella … Ella … are you still there?”
“Yes, darling. Are you alright?”
“Jo’s met our father? How did that happen? … And now my father’s coming here to meet me?”
“Yes. I know it’s a shock. I promise to explain everything. He’s anxious to see you. I invited him to come to the farm. It’s been too many years.”
“So when? I mean what time will you be here?”
“Jo, James and your father are catching the train and Peter will collect them from the station. Spencer and I are driving …”
“Why is James coming?” Gabriella cut in.
“Because, Jo asked him too. They started seeing each other when they were on holiday and it’s grown into something pretty serious.”
Silence again, but for longer this time. Sarah purposefully waited for her to comment.
“Jo and James? That’s not possible. How did that even happen?”
“Jo didn’t want to tell us about it, until she was sure about her feelings.”
Sarah shrugged and looked at Jo, who grimaced back.
“I don’t trust him. We have to talk some sense into her before Jo gets hurt. He’s a player for sure. And he’s a lot older than her. How can you allow this, Sarah?”
Jo glanced across and watched as James narrowed his eyes at the phone and rubbed at his temple.
Sarah gave him a quick glance as well, and offered a small smile. “I assure you I’ve seen them together and Jo is just fine, better than fine really. I’ve never seen her so happy.”
“I don’t like it. I’ll talk to her… she might listen to me.”
Jo rolled her eyes. Gabriella was the last person she would ever listen to about James.
“Ella, I know, it’s a lot to hear in one phone call but we have all weekend to talk. Peter is there for you. I’ve explained it all to him, so if you need to talk to someone… We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Alright …. Um … What do I call him?”
“Daniel’s fine.”
“Daniel … Okay.”
“I promise everything will be alright. We’ll talk over the weekend. See you tomorrow, take care.”
… Pressure on her hand as James squeezed it tight, brought her out of her daydream. Jo held his confident gaze, so grateful he was with her. Even if it might only be short lived. At the very least, unlike Aspen, she knew the intimacy of being with someone she loved. And she was pretty sure she was in love with James. And always would be.
“Hey Sarah we’re home,” Peter called out as they all made their way into the family room, Baxter accompanying them, wagging his tail and nudging against James’s hand for a pat.
Sarah came out of the kitchen and hugged Jo tight. Peter offered Daniel a glass of wine, but he declined with a smile and a shake of his head. “I’ll take you out to the garage to see the car I’m restoring,” Peter said. He’d obviously decided to treat Daniel like a long lost friend to make him more comfortable.
Daniel glanced at Sarah. She smiled. “That’s a good idea, might be nice to stretch your legs and look around the farm. Gabriella’s not home, but I’ll call for you when she arrives.”
James looked at Jo. They were sitting close together on the couch with Baxter now at th
eir feet. Jo rested her hand on James’s leg. He put his arm around her and kissed her lightly on the lips.
“Uh hum …” Peter cleared his throat loudly. “What’s all this, then?” He waggled his finger between Jo and James.
There was complete silence for a few seconds as James swallowed and turned a nice pale colour. Jo bit her lip, forgetting that Peter didn’t know about the two of them. Sarah burst out laughing, and Daniel joined in relieving the tense moment. Peter still frowned at James, and Jo suppressed a grin. Of course, he was more inclined to act the disapproving father. Jo was suddenly grateful Peter hadn’t come to London and been privy to the finer details of their relationship. Then he’d really freak out.
“Perhaps we should go and look at that car, you were telling me about,” Daniel said winking at Jo and James. Peter grumbled something unintelligible under his breath and turned to follow Daniel out of the house.
Sarah gave James a small shrug and a smile, before she went into the kitchen, giving James and Jo a moment alone.
James blew out a big breath as he reached across to play with the zipper on Joe's jumper. “Well, that went well.”
Jo smiled. “Better than expected. He didn’t get his rifle out.”
Jo giggled as James mouth opened and closed again, his eyes wide. “Peter, owns a gun?”
“Yeah, but don’t worry, he doesn’t keep bullets in the house. So you’re pretty safe.”
James grimaced as Jo laughed at him again.
“Right. I’ll keep that in mind. Now, how are you holding up?” James pulled her a little closer.
“I’m glad you're here.”
“Me too. I couldn’t let you face your evil sister alone.”
Jo shoved him. “She’s not evil.”
Well not yet anyway.
“Maybe that’s a bit extreme, but she’s definitely a conniving witch. She’s never liked me. Not since the first time I met you both. You were so much nicer. I really liked you.” James waggled his eyebrows and Jo laughed.
“I remember how much I liked you too. No one had ever paid me attention before. You even ignored her. And let me tell you, that had never happened. ”
“I was your super hero right from the start. Your shining light, and you had no idea.”
James grinned and Jo slapped him on the arm. “Will you stop that! Sarah regrets she ever said it.”
“She does not!”
“She changed it, you know.”
“To what? The brilliant, stunning ray of everlasting sunlight. ”
Jo rolled her eyes. “You’re such an idiot.”
Jo messed up his hair and he retaliated by holding her arms, and tickling her.
“I’ll get Peter back here,” she threatened, in between laughing.
The front door slammed and James froze.
Footsteps echoed down the hall and Jo took a deep breath. She knew who it was. James wrapped his arm around her waist, and as each step came closer, he held her tighter.
Gabriella walked through the door with a radiant smile on her perfect face. “Hello you two. Don’t you look cosy.”
“Hiya, Ella. How are you?” Jo asked, while keeping her voice steady.
James nodded at her as Sarah rushed in, tugging at a loose strand of her auburn hair. “Hello Darling,” she said and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hiya … where is everyone?” Gabriella asked, as she scanned the room, returning her gaze to Sarah.
“Spencer’s gone to see Beth, and Peter’s showing … your um … um … Daniel around outside …” She paused before adding, “I told Daniel I’d call him as soon as you got home. Why not wait in the lounge so you can both have some time to get to know one another.”
“Yes, I’d like to talk in private.” She flashed a brief aggravated glance at James, and then looked at Jo. “I’ll catch up with you later. I want to find out all about London.”
Jo nodded and then took a deep breath as she swept out of the room and disappeared down the hall.
This wasn’t going to be easy.
Gabriella stood waiting near the fire, her arm resting on the mantelpiece, she wanted to present as composed and confident as always, but her throat felt a little dry, and she couldn’t help fidgeting with her ring. The door opened and she stiffened as her supposed father appeared. His height nearly reached the top of the doorway, surprising her. She didn’t expect him to be that tall. His complexion was ruddy, probably from being outside in the cold, and he looked a lot younger than mid fifties.
Must have been all those carefree years.
No stresses and worries over her as she was growing up without him.
Well that was all about to backfire in his smug face.
He looked at her tentatively before closing the door gently. Then he waited a moment before approaching, holding out his hand. “Hello, Gabriella. I’m so happy to see you again.”
She held his gaze, feeling completely numb that he was standing in front of her after all of these years. Reluctantly she took his hand loosely while examining his face. His bright blue eyes matched hers, and the colour of his hair was the same silky black, but that was where the similarities ended. His face was rounder, with bigger features. A lot like her sister.
There was a long moment of silence while they continued to study each other.
“I don’t remember you. I was too young, when you left us,” she muttered softly, finding it difficult to control her voice at first. Then she cleared her throat, not happy that she showed a moment of weakness.
Daniel patted her hand, and she resisted the urge to pull away. “I didn’t expect you to remember me. You were only fifteen months old.”
She paused again, “… So, why are you here?”
“I want to tell you all about it. But it’s a bit of a long story, so will you come and sit with me?”
He continued to hold her hand while he motioned toward the sofa. “You already know Jo came to visit my cousin and collect some valuables left with him many years ago,” he said as they took a seat next to each other.
She nodded, and removed her hand from his. “I was away, or I would have gone instead.”
“I’m really sorry about that. I wanted to meet you both together.”
Gabriella maintained eye contact, but kept her expression blank. A very useful trick she'd learned over the years.
Daniel glanced away, and looked across to the fire, like he was trying to find the words to explain. So she waited. Patience being one of the traits she needed to practise.
He sighed as he looked back at her. “I’ve been longing to get in touch with you both and then when Barley contacted me about this old family heirloom, I thought the time might be right. I left it with him years ago just after I met your mother. I thought I might be moving house and I knew it would be safe with him. Then your mother died and I forgot all about it. When Barley reminded me, I asked him to contact Sarah and have her send you both to London to collect it. I assumed if I met you in London, you’d be more likely to listen to my story. If I just turned up at the farm, after all these years, I figured Peter and Sarah might send me away.
Gabriella gave a small nod.
“Anyway, when Jo arrived without you, I had no choice. After I told her, she contacted Sarah and asked her to come and meet me in London. Sarah decided it was better to come back to the farm to meet you. So here I am.”
Gabriella looked at him for a moment, indecisive of her next move. She did have a part to play, but she also had a question that had plagued her for years. Not that it really mattered now, but for some reason she wanted to know.
“Why did you leave us after our mother died?” she asked.
Daniel let out a stuttering breath. “I wasn't strong after your mother's death. I wanted you to have the care of a family. Sarah and Peter could provide that so much better than I. After a few years, when I felt more stable, I wanted to come back and see you. Then I thought my arrival might upset you both. With eve
ry year that passed it became more and more difficult. I convinced myself you didn’t need me and were probably better off without me.”
“You were right. Sarah and Peter are the best parents. We were better off.”
Daniel nodded with a tight jaw, and Gabriella suppressed the urge to scowl at him.
What did he expect after all these years? Balloons and a welcome home daddy sign.
Daniel rubbed at his cheek. “Yes. They have been terrific parents. I’m so grateful to them both. But I want you to know, I’ve never forgiven myself for leaving. And I truly believed that it was only fair that you knew about me. But the choice is yours, Gabriella and I’ll understand if you want me to go and have nothing to do with me.”
Gabriella played with her long locks of black hair. “I’m not sure. I mean, I am curious. As a little girl I imagined you coming to take me away and buy me pretty dresses and put me on your shoulders and parade me around the village. But that was a long time ago. I’m over that now. And I don’t really know how you’d fit into my life.”
“Any way you want. As little, or as much as you like. I want you to have the choice. It might be best if you think it over. Sarah has asked me to stay at the farm, but if you prefer I can stay in the village.”
She took a moment. Treading carefully. “In a strange way it’s like I know you, even though I don’t remember you. What memories do you have of me?”
Daniel smiled for the first time and water welled in his eyes. “The best memories. I treasure those memories. You were the most adorable baby girl. I took care of you when your mother was at work. You loved watching me build block towers and then you knocked them down. I still remember how much fun we had together.”
“Huh!” She looked into Daniel's misty eyes, and blinked, still feeling absolutely nothing for this man. “I suppose you could stay. I assume Jo wants you here. She’s always wanted to know about you.”
Daniel grimaced. “Perhaps. I think she’s still working out how she feels. It’s been hard for her too.”