Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 32

by Craig Gerttula

  Daniel took another guess at what the ABF fleet command must be thinking. If the ABF battle groups could sneak into point blank range, they would be able to completely devastate the HZBF before they could return fire, but the risks were astronomical. If they ended up being detected first, then the HZBF could annihilate them before they even fired a shot.

  The 10 remaining ABF battle group signatures crossed the 150,000 kilometers range marker when a lucky LPA shot struck the real ABF fleet and in sudden response, 200 ABF starships opened fire. Four of the five remaining HZBF super-capitals blew, plasma beams devastating the massive starships at point blank range...taking 80,000 human lives in a blink of an eye. Eight capital ships followed suit, having been, along with the super-capitals, the primary targets for plasma fire. A few survived the wave of destruction, but all were spewing substantial amounts of atmosphere and debris...a slow death for those that could not escape. More than half the remaining dreadnaughts and battleships were destroyed, pummeled by thousands of large LPAs they were unable to dodge...the survivors useless, knocked out of the fight. The remaining cruisers, corvettes, and frigates, that were not screening the side of the ABF attack, were only lightly damaged and able to return fire, destroying a few of the ABF screening frigates and disabling one battleship.

  "Ma'am, they're surrendering!" Lt.-Commander Xi shouted, causing an overemotional cheer to echo across the bridge.

  "Cease Fire! All rescue personnel to the shuttles! Helm...bring us in, we need to help search for survivors!" The excitement rolling over the bridge was not felt by Daniel, his plan had failed...his life was forfeit.

  Fear started to overwhelm him as the full weight of what had befallen began to sink in...he'd chosen the wrong side...he was a traitor. He glanced at the cheering Lt.-Commander Xi, a face of such happiness that he couldn't believe he had fallen into her trap. Covering his own face with his hands, he sighed in resignation ...what fate did she have in store for him?


  Tiana peered down the crisscrossing gangways intersecting the docking platform leading to Sir Simwa's personal Emperor Class shuttle. Regalia leaned out next to her, along with Donnlie, who had earlier named himself Regalia's protector and guardian. The path looked clear and the shuttle doors appeared to be Tomi had guaranteed. Tiana glanced back over her shoulder at the group of children, seeing Tomi and Gil'Da at the rear. She waved and pointed to the shuttle, hoping they understood.

  "Trainee Donnlie, I'm leaving Regalia in your hands. Wait until I signal, then start running to the shuttle. Do you understand?" She turned to the young boy as she spoke. The boys face flushed as he nodded. He'd proven to be reliable, at least as reliable as could be expected of a 12 year old trainee.

  She drew her laser arc, pushed away a lock of golden blond hair that refused to stay in place, and took two deep breaths before plunging around the corner like she knew what she was doing.

  The hundred meters of gangway that separated Tiana from the docking platform felt like a thousand as she ran, scanning the massive, mostly empty hanger bay as she moved, trying to look like she wasn't completely scared out of her wits. When she finally reached the docking platform, she fell to one knee to catch her breath. Seeing the coast was clear, she continued on, sprinting straight across the wide platform to the waiting shuttle.

  The open door rose before her as she came to a halt, bending over as she once again paused, breathing heavy. It was time....she closed her eyes to help gather her courage and then burst through the shuttle door.

  The NHA Shuttle HZBF Golden Sun was a modified Emperor Class shuttle. To the right of the entrance was the bridge, which Tiana stormed with laser arc raised shakily in her outstretched hand. Luckily, the four seats were empty, the bridge being deserted. Her relief quickly faded as she returned to the entryway and was met with two sets of stairs, one leading up to the passenger apartments and the other down, towards engineering. Tiana decided to check engineering first, sensing something ominous from the passenger apartment.

  Again, gathering her courage, she ran down the steps with reckless abandon, losing control of her footing, causing her to stumble and fall on the final step, landing hard on the metal floor. Her face struck first, sending stars into her eyes as the laser arc exploded free from her grasp, sliding across the floor to come to a stop a couple meters away. She quickly recovered, scrambling for her laser arc, then spinning around, aiming it wildly.

  The room was empty and she wiped away the sweat from her brow in relief, unable to stop trembling as she lowered her laser arc. She found herself in the general crew lounge, with three small round tables surrounded by chairs, in the center, and a few simple couches lining the walls. A closed door sat to her right and a wide hallway lay straight ahead, leading deeper into engineering. She slapped her cheeks, regaining her composure, and carefully opened the door to the right. She crept slowly through the adjoining crew quarters, into a small mess hall, then a five person officer's bunk, and finally, the captain’s quarters...all of which were empty.

  Moving back to the lounge, she started down the hallway towards the rear of the ship, checking the engineering tool bay, engine room, and storage areas as she went, all of which were empty, but with signs of recent use...she hoped by friendly maintenance personnel. She took one more look around engineering, checking behind storage crates and workstations...content that it was, indeed...empty. Deciding it was time to explore the ominous feeling passenger compartment, she moved back towards the shuttles entrance.

  At the top of the stairs lay Sir Simwa's personnel apartment, which Tiana, having a bad feeling, approached slowly, careful not to rush and make the same mistake she had on her reckless plunge into engineering. As soon as her head crested the top step she noticed movement. Panic filled her and she started back down. It was too much, Tiana told herself, she couldn't shoot anybody....she was a lady-in-waiting! Her job was to sit around idly and talk and play with Sasha...not storm a shuttle with a laser arc! The thoughts vanished as the image of the children filled her mind, the orphan children who, if she failed, would be left in the hands of a cruel and abusive headmaster. The laser arc shook violently in her hand, threatening to fall free, as she ran up the steps, forcing her eyes to stay open.

  A small, lavishly decorated sitting room greeted her, with green and gold inlaid furniture and wall coverings. Sitting in a large cushioned chair in the corner of the noble lounge, was a woman with a regal air and look, with long, wavy brown hair and a dark emerald dress. She stared at Tiana with eyes of fire and wonder, then to the laser arc, causing a mischievous smile to cross her luscious lips.

  “Shall I consider myself your hostage?" Her sultry voice didn't fit the words, masking a slight bit of amusement. Tiana was dumbstruck, not expecting to find a noble woman in such a place, unable to think of a response. The woman in the chair laughed, seeming to enjoy Tiana's baffled looked.

  "Is there anyone else here?" Tiana asked, her voice just a squeak, deciding it was best to not get caught in this mysterious woman's pace.

  "Just Til'Ma, my servant...who has been stuck with me on this forsaken shuttle for the past six months!" The rise in the woman's tone caught Tiana by surprise. She was about to inquire, like a proper lady, but remembered she had more important things to take care of first.

  "Wait here and don't contact anyone!" Tiana tried to put authority into her voice, but it made her sound all the more childish while in the presence of the regal, extremely attractive woman.

  "I would not dream of it, my dear." the women responded with a laugh. The fire burning behind her eyes didn't seem to be aimed at Tiana. She studied the woman for a moment longer and finding no other options, she decided to trust her. Tiana nodded, holding back the urge to curtsey, and ran back down the stairs to the shuttle entrance, exiting to the docking platform.

  The heads of Regalia and Donnlie still peered out from the gap in the far wall, having been joined by a multitude of the other, curious children. As she sent up the signal,
the mass of children, lead by Regalia and Donnlie, came crashing down the gangway. Tiana swept her vision across the bay, finding the multitude of other entrances, which intersected the smooth wall every 30 meters or so, empty. But she knew that could change at any moment, causing her to wave for the children to hurry. The first few arrived moments later and she led them into the shuttle, pointing down the stairs.

  "Stay in the crew quarters, make sure nobody wanders into any of the sensitive areas." Donnlie and Regalia nodded as one, quickly running down the stairs, excitement evident in their young eyes. The rest of the children followed, while Tomi, Gil'Da, and an older, quiet boy, named Yaz, brought up the rear. Tiana pointed towards the bridge.

  "Get us out of here as quickly as possible and on a course for Earth. I want to be well clear of this base before Commander Talan figures out what happened." Tomi turned to Yaz and they both nodded, rushing towards the bridge. Tiana couldn't believe she was placing her trust into the two 15 year olds, but she didn't have any other options. She then turned to Gil'Da.

  "This shuttle seems to be the home of a noble woman...I think I may need your help dealing with her." Gil'Da nodded stiffly in response. Tiana knew the older servant wouldn't dare stand up to a noble, but her presence would be reassuring. They both climbed the stairs to the passenger apartment to find the noble women casually sipping a beverage, while a servant stood idly by at her side. Tiana studied the young servant, seeing her for the first time, and noticing a blush break out on her powder white skin. There didn't appear to be any ill will, but the sudden blush made Tiana feel a little uncomfortable.

  "Would you care for a drink..." The noble woman in the green dress asked as she looked up at Tiana, then to Gil'Da, then back at Tiana.

  "Lady Tiana, and this is Friend Gil'Da. May I ask your name?" Tiana curtsied as she instantly fell back into the graces of the court she'd learned as a child. The lady in green looked at Tiana, acting surprise.

  "Usually I'd find it uncouth for a noble lady to be taking hostages......but I am so very bored of this life..." She stood, waving her hands at her surroundings, before returning a crisp curtsy.

  "I am Lady Vickie and I am humbly under your command." If there was any honesty in her voice, Tiana couldn't find it. Lady Vickie returned to her seat and gestured to the couch opposite hers. Tiana and Gil'Da sat without question, causing a light laugh to escape the lips of the Lady Vickie.

  "Til'Ma...drinks if you'd be so kind." The servant nodded and as she turned to leave the room, Tiana was forced to look away, trying to hide a blush as she noticed the servants dress in a different was very transparent! Vickie, having seen her blush, leaned forward with a smile.

  "One must make due when caged, my dear Lady Tiana. It is one of my few amusements and Til'Ma really does not seem to mind." Tiana caught a glimpse of Gil'Da, who was clenching her fists while keeping her face stone. Vickie noticed this as well, letting a small, playful smirk respond to Gil'Da's gaze, before turning back to Tiana.

  "I would so very much like to know exactly what caused a noble lady such as yourself to have to resort to stealing a starship?" Tiana looked at Gil'Da, seeing no change in her expression and decided it wouldn't hurt to let Vickie know what had been going on. But first, she needed some information.

  "I would love to fill you in on the current situation, Lady Vickie. But I am more curious as to why a noble lady such as yourself is caged on Sir Simwa's private shuttle?" As Sir Simwa's name left her lips, Vickie's face went dark and the fire in her eyes burned with a new intensity.

  "That pompous ass is my fiancé much as he doesn't admit it! He hides me like I'm some hideous creature that eats young children and spits fire!" she spat out the words with such venom that Tiana felt the urge to sink into her seat. Lady Vickie continued.

  "It is all political...and neither of us has any like for the other...but he has gone too far this time, forbidding me from leaving this shuttle for the last six months! When he finally returns, I have a present hidden under his pillow that he won't soon forget." Her words had slowly calmed, but Tiana could still see the raging inferno continuing to burn in her eyes. She felt herself falling into Vickie's pace as she spoke.

  "Hopefully it's a very painful present." Tiana was astonished by her own response and the hate that seemed to seep into her words. Vickie's expression suddenly changed, showing actual surprise and a hint of amusement.

  "Well now...what has that noble piece of trash been up too?" Vickie inched closer as Til'Ma reemerged with the drinks. Tiana looked away as the girl leaned forward, the loose top showing what was already barely hidden beneath, then turned back to Vickie and started her story.

  She quickly touched on the bigger galactic changes, the formation of the Alutian Duchy through the removal of holdings from the Hulk'Zif and Bar'Vac Duchy's, followed by the actions of Sir Simwa on Earth and his subsequent confinement. This caused Vickie to break out in boisterous laughter and Tiana had to wait a few minutes to continue. She then explained how they suspected the plot to remove Knight Captain Quinn through force.

  "That doesn't sound like Sir Ass at all." Vickie's response took Tiana by surprise, suddenly picturing a giant ass in place of Sir caused her to chuckle.

  "He is much If Duke Zehman wanted revenge, he would have just sent an assassin take care of him. There must be something else going on...something worse." She seemed to escape into her thoughts for a moment, so Tiana decided to continue. As she started explaining the assassination attempt, the memories stormed back and she began to shiver uncontrollably as she recounted the events. Gil'Da slid her arm around her, providing Tiana some reassurance, allowing her to finish the story.

  "That sounds more like the Duke. Your Grand Duchess Sasha was in his way, so he planted fake guards to take her out. He does the same thing with all his nobles...half their house guards report directly to him." Vickie shook her head in disgust as she spoke. Tiana took a moment to regain her composure and continued.

  "Once we reached the TSB Fleet Base we met Commander Talan who provided us with quarters to wait for the TSB fleet to return. It was shortly after this that Grand Duchess Sasha disappeared, and at the time we didn't know where. A few hours later a TSB Trainee named Donnlie came to warn us about Commander Talan's plan to sell the Grand Duchess to the Duke for a noble title." Vickie held up her hand to interrupt.

  "The Duke would never give a title away that easily. He loves to offer up grand awards, then never deliver." Tiana looked at the women closely and decided to ask the question that was itching in the back of her mind.

  "How do you know so much about the Duke?" Vickie seemed shocked by the sudden question.

  "That bastard of an old man is my Uncle...he gave me to Sir Simwa as a present for doing such a wonderful job in his service...the two traditionalist pigs!" The anger in her voice was obvious and made Tiana quiver. She unconsciously noted her reaction, deciding it may be a good idea to stay on Lady Vickie's good side. She continued her story, figuring her relation was of no consequence...based on her hate filled words of course.

  "After we heard the story, we decided to attempt to locate Grand Duchess Sasha and leave the base. So we secretly moved to the barracks housing the trainee's who were too young to be assigned a starship, and met a young girl named Tomi. She was able to access the base records and we found that Sasha was no longer here. After some digging, we located a record stating that a single person shuttle had launched towards Earth hours earlier, unbeknownst to anyone on the base." Tiana remembered her sudden understanding at what Sasha had decided.

  Something strange had occurred the second time Sasha entered the ferry shuttle and Tiana believed Vin had told her to go to Earth, or something of the like. Sasha must have decided that what she had to do was too dangerous to bring her friends. Tiana now understood what Sasha was think...but she was still angry, and would make that fact apparent the next time they met.

  "That is when we decided to commandeer this shuttle and
go after her...right now our young friends are preparing to launch." Vickie's eyes suddenly went wide.

  "There are children onboard?" Vickie was unable to contain her excitement.

  "Yes, about 20 between the ages of 12 and 15. I could not leave them here, Commander Talan is very cruel and would have taken his revenge on them if he found they helped us escape." Her heart ached at the thought of what would have happened to the children if they were left behind.

  "Could you please call for them? I have not seen any children in ages!" Tiana didn't like the look in Vickie's eyes, it reminded her of a predator on the hunt...but she found she trusted the woman, knowing that she meant no harm ...she was just lonely.

  "Ok...Gil'Da, could you bring the children up here and make sure to stay with them." She quickly glanced at Vickie, unable to keep a smile from flashing on her lips.

  "I trust you, Lady Vickie, will control yourself. I did not free them from one torture so they would have to endure another!" her words were playful and Vickie's openly shocked face, which was obviously being faked, made her certain she would have to keep an eye on her.

  "My Lady Tiana! I would never do such things with anyone under the age of 16!" Tiana knew there was some honesty in her words, even the most lecherous of the paramour women would not engage in inappropriate relations with anyone too young. But that wouldn't stop them from some of the other, less scrupulous, activities. Tiana was suddenly reminded of when she visited a Tileenia regeneration spa with her mother and watched the young boys massaging oils into the older noble's naked skin. It just seemed wrong...and the memory still made her shiver ...but it was better than some of the alternatives.

  "I will take my leave of you now...I trust you to use discretion and not share what we have discussed with any of your friends." Vickie's face suddenly returned to the look of disgust.


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