Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 33

by Craig Gerttula

  "Til'Ma is my only friend, Lady Tiana. The Hulk'Zif nobility can burn in the Emperor's fire for all I care. In fact, I'll even provide you with access codes to their secure channels, just as long as you allow me to participate in the removal of Sir Simwa's head!" Tiana cringed at the thought, but knew Vickie's words were completely true. She curtsied, promising to return once she checked on the bridge, and followed Gil'Da down the stairs.

  The shuttle door had been sealed and the preflight preparations appeared to be underway. Tiana entered the bridge to check on the progress, finding Tomi at the engineering station and Yaz at the helm. The bridge was setup in a diamond formation, with the helm at the front, about two meters from the main projected viewscreen, and the engineering and communication/sensor stations a couple meters behind. Near the back of the bridge, raised higher than the other stations, was the Captain's chair, a small CID set in the floor to its front. Tiana hesitated at first, but decided it wouldn't hurt to take a seat.

  "How are the preparations progressing?" Tomi and Yaz turned their heads in surprise, having been so engrossed in their work that they didn't notice Tiana as she entered.

  "Good, My Lady, I managed to completely lock out Commander Talan from the base systems... even if he knew about us leaving, he wouldn't be able to stop us." Tiana smiled at the thought of the older man being unable to access the most basic functions of the station.

  "We're ready to launch on your command." Tiana stared to Tomi, then Yaz, both obviously nervous, but hiding it well, and took a deep breath. Their plan was simple, they would manually fly through the narrow starship lanes in the asteroid belt, then travel slowly towards Earth to avoid detection. Tomi assured her that Yaz was the best pilot in the TSB, even though he was only 15 and had never actually flown a real starship before, only simulations. She again had to resolve herself to the fact that she was relying on the words of these young trainees, even if they were only one year younger then herself. It would be much easier to give in and be handed over to the Duke, but she knew that was unacceptable...she had to save Sasha...she had to help her friend.

  "Launch!" she shouted while she stood, her long blond hair falling across her face. Again, she felt childish when she tried to act with authority, like a child playing captain. The only response was the sight of the docking bay door opening and the shuttle slowing moving out into the cold darkness of space.

  The trip through the asteroid belt took a little over an hour, but would have taken much longer if they hadn't realized the asteroids were actually moving out of their way. This allowed them to set a direct course out of the asteroid belt in the direction of Earth. Once clear, they accelerated to the speed of 5,000 kilometers per second that would allow them to arrive in orbit around Earth in about eight hours.

  "I'm going to check on everyone..." Tiana paused as she stood, remembering these two were still children. "...make sure to take a rest if you need to. There should be open bunks in the crew quarters." They both nodded absently in her direction, so absorbed in their stations PDU projections that Tiana doubted they'd actually heard her.

  As she left the bridge, children's laughter drifted down from the passenger apartments. Tiana, suddenly concerned, rushed up the stairs to see about half the children, mostly girls, playing with a multitude of elegant dresses as Gil'Da and Til'Ma looked on. She glanced around the room, noting Vickie and most of the boys were missing.

  "Where are the rest of the children and Lady Vickie?" she asked, looking to Gil'Da, whose face went rigid at the mention of the other noble lady.

  "She is currently entertaining them in her sitting room, My Lady." Tiana was suddenly overcome by apprehension as she hastened passed the group, moving deeper into the apartments. After searching the first few rooms, and finding them empty, she stumbled upon Vickie's primary sitting room.

  On the couch in the corner sat Vickie, with a boy in her lap and two at her sides, an arm around each. The rest sat on the floor around a small table, all staring at what Tiana recognized as programmable matter art globe.

  Programmable matter was the material used in the construction of almost everything within the NHA that required nonorganic materials. In simple terms, it was the manipulation of matter to provide it the ability to shape itself. So when dealing with programmable matter, all that was required was programming the matter with the design you desired, and as long as enough was available, it would automatically create that design. The exact science of it escaped her, but she did have some experience with programmable matter art, having watched her mother create some splendid pieces.

  But the art before her, created within a transparent dome and containing a continuously transforming multicolored liquid programmable matter, was unlike anything she'd ever seen. It suddenly began to morph again, changing into a very detailed mountain top, with small creatures roaming its surface. Then, after a few seconds, it changed again, this time into a large majestic creature, soaring on six undulating wings...Tiana couldn't help but stare at the sight with fascination. More exotic locales and beautiful creatures appeared one after the other and Tiana noticed Vickie looking at her contently with a small, peaceful smile. She smiled back, thinking that her concern was unfounded...Vickie was just lonely after all.

  The thought vanished as she realized all the boys, and a few girls, were dressed in the same white transparent material Til'Ma had been wearing. Tiana gasped, noticing immediately that Vickie's expression had changed to one of wicked amusement.

  "One must make do with what is provided...." Tiana ignored her words as she plunged into Vickie's closet, searching for more appropriate clothing and thinking that the next eight hours couldn't pass fast enough.

  Chapter 18

  The hours flowed like a rushing river, Trent's life story surging past to catch Sasha in its turbulent embrace, making her feel as if she too experienced every moment, every detail, of his lonely life. At times, she became angry, at others, sad, and a few times she even felt incredulous, pinching Trent relentlessly to make sure he knew those particular thoughts were now forbidden. But not once did she smile, his memories those of a man who lived a life alone, scared to expose himself for fear, and experience, of the betrayal that lay beyond.

  As his words finally trailed off, her exhaustion began to take over, forcing the tingly warmth that had grown within, born of a relived happiness, to fade into a soothing calm. Trent's story, though sad, had comforted her, made her realize that the problems of his heart were caused by an inner kindness that had taken such a beating, that a cold hard shell had formed. This shell restricted his mind, causing constant turmoil, while creating an impression of himself that wasn't actually factual. She knew it was impossible to completely shatter his protective shell in the short amount of time they'd been together, but she'd pierced it's surface enough for the light of kindness and love to burst forth, placing her at ease...warming her very being. In time, she knew that she would cure his wounds, replace them with joyous memories, and in the process, cure her own.

  "Now that you know about me......all of me...can you tell me about your past?" he asked carefully, bringing her out of her momentary sleepiness.

  "Yes...of course. But I do not have much to tell...having been stuck with my guardian all my life." She let her eyes fall closed, thinking of the past and how different it was from the present.

  "Guardian? I thought your father was the king?" Trent's question didn't surprise her. It wasn't common knowledge, even among the galaxy nobility.

  "He is, but he did not raise me......I grew up on a planet called Tidelia, raised by close friend of my parents, Countess Liana. There is a unique rule in this galaxy that states any son or daughter of the King and Queen...that is not in direct inheritance, shall be removed to live separately, as a regular noble..." Her words trailed off as Trent's face showed his shock.

  "That's horrible...why would they separate you from your parents?" His voice gushed with concern, making her smile.

  "If you only knew of traditionalist nob
le families and the horror of political is lonely, of course, not being able to see your parents or siblings except for a few times a year. But I had Countess Liana...and her daughter, I was not lonely." A slight melancholy took her as she remembered her young friend that she'd left behind, within the safety of the TSB Fleet Base. The depressing thoughts that began to rise from the memory where quickly washed away when she beheld Trent's expression. He seemed to be baffled, but also concerned, not sure if her tired explanations should relieve his worry...she couldn't contain a giggle.

  Over the short time since she'd met Trent, she'd found that he was the easiest person in the universe to read. Not because he was overly obvious...well, maybe a little...but since she found herself studying him closely, memorizing even the most minute changes in his his ever changing eyes.

  "Trent...If this rule did not exist, I would have been married off years ago so my Father could gain political capital, secure a new trade agreement, or curry favor from some important noble in a far off galaxy.......without it, I would have never met you." she looked deep into his eyes, which softened as he comprehended. He leaned in and kissed her tenderly, caressing her long black hair with one hand, and her cheek with the other.

  "I still have a lot to learn, don't I?" It was a simple question, one that caused her mind to stir as she lay her head upon his shoulder.

  "As do I...since I have only been off Tidelia for a few weeks. So we will learn together...I will guide you, with all my heart, and you will watch me..." The statement made her heart race, she didn't understand why.

  "Forever..." Trent whispered into her ear as he laid his own head on hers. How she loved him! The thought filled her mind, erasing all worries as her eyes fell shut, losing herself in her loves shallow breath and beating heart.

  Her eyes opened to Trent's peacefully sleeping face drooping above, a mere centimeter away from her own. She was surprised to find her head lying on his lap, her last memory of her leaning against him, resting her head on his shoulder. Slowly, she raised herself, careful not to wake him, while removing his stray hand that had been lying rather casually on her breast. She stretched her stiff limbs, wincing as her body screamed its objection from having slept on the hard floor, before scanning the long, empty hallway.

  Luckily, nothing had changed, light still extended beyond her sight in both directions, the walls still bare, and Sir Simwa's cronies having yet to locate them. Terra, who she just noticed had been sleeping on Trent's naughty hand, mimicked her stretch, then hopped the short distance between them, crawling back into his preferred spot within her bosom.

  "How long have I been asleep?" she asked Vin with a whisper. The small sphere appeared from her bracelet, shimmering like always.

  "Five hours, forty-six minutes." The Program's monotone voice matched her whisper. She shook her head in disbelief. The flood of emotions must have drained her, she having experienced more in the time she listened to Trent's life story than ever before.

  Sasha quietly lowered herself back to Trent's side to stare closely at his sleeping face. It was gentle, not showing the hidden tension that had covered it since she'd first met him. But as she continued to stare, studying every facet of the man she loved, a certain desire grew within her, which she immediately suppressed...there would be a time for that...after they were safe and she faced her own demons. She did, however, lean in close and blow lightly in his ear. His head suddenly spun, his face a mere millimeter away from her own. She leaned in and stole a kiss, pulling back quickly with a mischievous smile. His eyes came fully open, blinking slowly to clear free the last tendrils of sleepiness, finally steadying his gaze on the blushing Sasha.

  "What were you doing?" he questioned as a quizzical look crossed his face. Her blush grew, a playful response escaping her lips.

  "Someone's hand decided that my chest was a good place to rest while he slept." Her accusatory tone caused him to blush and apologize profusely. Sasha laughed it off and helped him to his feet.

  "I feel like...I don't know...I don't recall ever feeling like this..." Trent's voice had regained its composure, filled with a clear sense of calm.

  "Well, you talked for at least a week!" She locked her arm in his, pushing her body close while playfully joking with him. He tried to force a hurt look, but failed, blushing instead as she caught his eyes stealing a peek at her cleavage.

  "It wasn't that you did want to know." His tone was serious and Sasha punched him in the stomach lightly.

  "Of course I did...and no, it wasn't that long. I was just joking with you." She gazed at his face, a broad smile now on his lips, and she knew she'd been had. Her fist struck his stomach a little harder, causing him to keel over in exaggerated pain, which quickly shifted to joyful laugher...Sasha soon followed suit.

  "We should really continue on. We were asleep for almost six hours." said Sasha as the laughter final abated, informing Trent of their rather long nap.

  "That long...I wish we had an idea what was going on in the base. I never had a chance to send an update to Taku and-." Trent stopped midsentence, raising Sasha's left hand close to his mouth.

  "Vin, do you know what is happening in the base?" The small sphere appeared above Sasha's bracelet.

  "Sir Simwa's forces have captured medical bay one and transferred the survivors to the temporary holding cell created in freight supply bay five. His forces are now searching all 15 wings of TSB Earth Base in hopes of locating Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia." Trent cringed at the response.

  "Did you know them? The people in the medical bay?" she asked with honest concern. He had mentioned near the end of his story that he'd been in contact with some friendly TSB personnel prior to meeting her, and they'd even helped him save her.

  "They were the first people I met in a long time that were either not trying to kill me or lock me up. It was kind of an odd feeling...." Sasha could sense Trent's mind wandering to a bad place, she quickly headed it off.

  "I am sure they are ok, but for now, we should keep moving. If we can leave Earth, and if the battle is going well, we will send Alutia Battleguards to take down Sir Simwa and free the prisoners." Sasha squeezed his arm and he turned to her with a smile of thanks.

  "You're right, there's no use dwelling on things I can't change." Sasha almost let out a had worked...and the thought that it would be easy lasted for only a few seconds as she remembered the mess of emotions that had been their mutual love confessions, and the turmoil she'd sensed during his life story. It would definitely be anything but easy.

  They walked for almost an hour down the never changing tunnel. Occasionally, they would speak about nothing important, spending most of the time enjoying each other's company. Sasha was just about to ask Vin if the tunnel would ever end, when a door finally appeared in the distance. They picked up their pace, quickly reaching a door that was identical to the one that had originally led them into the tunnel, having the same ancient Emperor's Crest, a man made out of many galaxies, across its face.

  "Be advised. Beyond this door is a level one quarantine area. Access without the Emperor's consent is strictly forbidden." The voice came from all around them, through their ears and BC nodes simultaneously. Sasha had experienced the feeling before and it still made her stomach turn. The human mind was not wired to translate identical audio and BC node feeds simultaneously. Of course, it was possible, but the effects often led to dizziness and occasionally, loss of consciousness. Trent seemed to be taking it well, but had turned a rather peculiar color of green, that started fading after a few seconds. He nodded, showing he was ok, but apparently not ok enough to talk.

  "Vin, what now?" The sphere appeared above her bracelet and its surface began to ripple wildly, shifting through the entire color spectrum in rapid succession. After a minute, it stopped and regained its original shape and color.

  "Access granted." Vin said as the door slide open. Sasha was now more than positive that the rumor of Programs having a
direct connection to the Emperor was true, only by his command this door could be unlocked.

  Trent walked through first, holding Sasha back with an outstretched hand. She was about to yell, furious that he'd place himself in danger, but thought better of it...he was just trying to protect her. After a few moments he waved her through and Sasha entered a long rectangular room, about 50 meters in length and half as much wide. The walls were a reddish color, apparently cut directly out of the surrounding stone, then smoothed.

  The room contained old style circular PDU workstations at 10 meter intervals, and a line of additional workstations flush against a long transparent wall, directly across from the doorway. Trent released her hand, walking slowly down the line of circular workstations, apparently looking for clues. Sasha found herself drawn to the transparent wall that overlooked a large, natural cave.

  A dull red light covered its interior and Sasha could discern pulsing red tubes running across the walls and floor that looked eerily alive. She traced their paths and found they combined about 30 meters below, in the center of the cave, attaching to a pod like cocoon that pulsed in unison with the tubes, emitting its own faint green glow. The sight was fascinating and Sasha felt Trent move to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder, her tension fading.

  "What is that?" Fascination filled his words as he looked down into the cave, following Sasha's gaze.

  "I have no idea. Vin, can you fill us in?" She lifted her left arm while voicing her question.

  "Data incomplete or sealed. There are no records available on this location." Vin's monotone voice seemed to contain a bit of wonder. Sasha found it odd that a room sealed by the Emperor would have no record...maybe the Programs weren't actually connected directly to the Emperor.

  "I found something over here..." Sasha turned at Trent's words and followed him to one of the circular workstations. The PDU's ringing its surface were broken in many places, but one station had a unit in perfect working order, with a blinking icon that Sasha recognized as an alert level one message. She stared at Trent and nodded. He nodded back and touched the blinking icon. An image of an old man coalesced in the air above the workstation, with long grey hair, sagging skin, and a black and silver uniform Sasha didn't recognize.


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