Office Slave II

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Office Slave II Page 5

by J. W. McKenna

  She took another sip of her tea, now growing lukewarm, and recalled how it had started. Linda had brought a girl back to the dorm room, thinking Tami was on a date at a basketball game.

  "Oh, sorry,” Linda had said when she saw Tami on her bed, reading. “I thought you were out."

  Tami looked past her to see a small, shy Asian girl, with shaggy dark hair. “Rick showed up drunk, so I told him to take a hike.” She suspected her presence was interrupting something. “Uh, I can leave, if you want me to."

  Linda started to speak, then stopped. “No, that's okay. It's your room too.” She turned to the girl, who she learned was also a freshman, although she looked younger. “Kim, this is Tami. Tami, Kim. Kim's in my sociology class."

  They exchanged hellos. Tami noticed Kim seemed very shy and deferred to Linda. She wondered if her roommate had found a natural submissive. Tami felt awkward, being there, but had been burning with curiosity as to how Linda might handle things.

  Linda wasted no time. “Kim, I need a shoulder rub. Come here.” The order had been given softly, but with an edge to her voice. Kim jumped to obey, only pausing to look in Tami's direction.

  "Don't mind her."

  That voice! It had changed somehow. It made you want to obey her, Tami noticed. Had Linda told her to help, she probably would have. For the first time, Tami marveled at the power of the dominant.

  Kim rubbed Linda's shoulders for a while on her bed. Tami turned back to her book and pretended to read, but she kept her ears open. If she turned her head slightly, she could still see them out of the corner of her eye.

  "My shirt's in the way, please remove it,” Linda said.

  Tami glanced up and saw Kim pulling Linda's top off without hesitation. She resumed rubbing her roommate's shoulders. Tami returned her attention to her book.

  "My bra is killing me; you can take that off too."

  Tami couldn't help but look up as Kim unhooked Linda's bra and eased it off of her arms. Kim noticed Tami was watching her and bit her lip, but she didn't stop what she was doing. Tami, knowing that Linda had told Kim not to mind her roommate, dropped all pretense of reading and continued to watch the two women.

  Kim massaged Linda's bare back and shoulders, but didn't touch her breasts, Tami noticed. It all seemed rather innocent, except that her roommate wasn't wearing her top. Why didn't she lie down and cover herself? Tami suspected this was all for her benefit, although she couldn't understand why. She had seen Linda naked many times since they had started living together, but it had always been inadvertent, such as when she was changing her clothes. This seemed rather blatant, so Tami suspected Linda wanted her to observe what was going on between her and Kim.

  "I like it when you rub your nipples on my back,” Linda suddenly announced and Kim's hands stopped moving. Her eyes moved over toward Tami and she seemed frozen, caught between her embarrassment and her urge to obey her dominant partner.

  After two long seconds, Linda turned toward Tami and said, “Well?” over her shoulder. The edge to her voice broke the spell. Kim unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it from her shoulders. She wasn't wearing a bra and her breasts were rather small. A pink blush crept from her chest to her cheeks and Kim refused to look at Tami. Linda caught Tami's eye and winked at her, as if to say, “Watch this."

  Kim moved closer and began to rub her nipples against Linda's back. There was absolutely no benefit in this to the backrub—that much was clear. It was simply a way for Linda to exert her power over the smaller, submissive girl. Although Kim was embarrassed and half-dressed, she couldn't help but obey.

  Tami found it incredibly erotic. At the time, she hadn't decided if she was dominant or submissive, but there was no question that the sight before her was having a powerful effect on her. Her nipples hardened into points against her bra and her arousal made her panties wet. Tami felt her clit harden and thrust against her clothes and she had a sudden urge to strip that she resisted—for now.

  Kim kept rubbing, her eyes focused on Linda. Her expression was one of helplessness, as if she couldn't stop what she was doing. Tami almost felt sorry for her. Almost. In addition to her embarrassment, Tami could tell that the girl was as turned on as she was. Her mouth hung open and her nipples were hard peaks at Linda's back.

  She likes to be ordered about!

  The knowledge hit Tami suddenly, almost causing her to gasp aloud. So this was what a submissive was. I guess that means I'm not, she told herself. She doubted she would strip down and do Linda's bidding. Yet, if that's so, why am I so turned on?

  "Come around front and rub your nipples on mine,” Linda ordered.

  Kim caught Tami's eye and hesitated for just a second before moving into position. Tami never let her gaze waver. It seemed to embarrass and arouse them both. She imagined herself sitting there, ordering Kim around and found her own arousal increased. I must be a dominant, she mused.

  As Kim rubbed her breasts up against Linda's larger ones, the roommate held the smaller girl by her upper arms, guiding her. Kim tried not to look at Tami now, concentrating on making Linda happy.

  Tami couldn't help herself. Her hand crept down to her shorts and she pressed hard against her mound. She thought it might alleviate some of the pressure she felt, but it only made it worse. She began to rub herself, her eyes on the pair before her. Linda looked over and caught her red-handed and Tami pulled her hand away, embarrassed. Linda just smiled and gave a half-nod, as if to say, “It's all right."

  Tami couldn't believe that she was falling under Linda's spell. Somehow, it helped that she had been given permission. Emboldened, she allowed her fingers to return and tease her clit.

  "I can smell your arousal,” Linda told Kim, who dropped her head to Linda's shoulder, afraid to catch Tami's eyes. “Don't be embarrassed, my pet. I'm aroused too. You're doing such a good job."

  The girl's head came up and Tami saw a glimmer of pride on her face.

  "Remove your shorts and let me see you.” The words froze Kim again.

  Oh, this was too much! Surely the girl would refuse and leave! Tami waited for Kim to grow angry. She couldn't tear herself away from the scene and felt Kim's eyes lock onto hers.

  "Don't mind her, Kim.” There was that edge again. It was a warning: Don't cross me.

  Kim scooted to the edge of the bed and quickly yanked her shorts off, dropping them into an untidy pile on the floor. Tami was not surprised to see she wasn't wearing panties either—did Linda order her to walk around that way? Her slit was nearly hairless, with just a tiny line of hair right above her clit.

  As soon as she was naked, Kim immediately climbed back into position, which allowed her to use her left thigh to hide her nudity. She resumed rubbing her nipples against Linda's, only now there seemed to be a sense of urgency about it.

  "Did you fold your clothes?” Kim stopped moving again and held tight to Linda's arms. Her face looked up and beseeched the stronger girl. Linda said nothing else, just stared back at her until Kim's eyes lowered in defeat. She climbed out of bed, this time making no effort to hide herself from Tami's gaze. She picked up her shorts and neatly folded them, then placed them on the dresser. She returned to grab her top and folded it on top. Kim even took Linda's top and put it neatly away. When she turned, Tami could see her smooth round ass cheeks and found her own hand had begun to rub herself harder.

  Then Linda said something that shocked Tami. “Kim, why don't you go over and help Tami remove her shorts? They seem to be in the way."

  Tami's hand jerked away and she almost told Linda to stop it, this was too much. She was torn between wanting to leave the room and wanting to see if Kim would obey this outrageous request. Her mouth was half-open, ready to protest, but she held her tongue. Her curiosity overcame her displeasure.

  Kim too had frozen in place, staring at Linda as if to ask, “Must I?” Linda's steely gaze gave her no option. Like a robot, she came toward Tami, her nakedness on full display. Tami could see the wetness around her pussy and her hard
ened nipples. Kim was as turned on as Tami was.

  Tami said nothing as Kim knelt by the bed. Her hands grasped the sides of her shorts and the girl caught Tami's attention as if to ask permission for what she was about to do. Tami nodded very slightly, once, and Kim proceeded to pull down her shorts, leaving the young woman in her panties.

  When Kim's hands returned to remove those, Tami came out of her spell and grabbed both of Kim's hands in hers. “Wait a minute,” she said, looking up at Linda. “What about you?"

  "Me? I'm already half-naked,” she said, her large breasts proudly on display. “You're still wearing your top.” She paused, then smiled. “You want me to remove my shorts too? Would that make you feel better?"

  Tami wasn't sure how to answer that. She didn't know if she wanted everyone to get naked. What might happen?

  "I guess I just feel, um, like I'm an observer, not a participant,” she finally said. Therefore, I shouldn't be involved in your games, she almost added.

  "If you're here, you're a participant,” Linda replied, using that firm voice that made Tami want to obey. The choice was clear. Leave, as you had offered to earlier, or stay and let what happens happen.

  Tami said nothing, but removed her hands and lifted her ass, allowing Tami to slide her panties down her legs. She clutched the hem of her tee-shirt and tried to pull it down to cover her nakedness. Linda laughed.

  "Kim, I think my roommate is shy. Come here and help me with my shorts—maybe we can make her feel less self-conscious."

  Kim returned to her mistress and helped her remove her shorts and panties. Now that the girls were both naked, all pretenses were gone. Linda stretched out on the bed on her back and ordered Kim to lie on her. Linda kept her eyes on Tami as the Asian did as she was told.

  "Go ahead and frig yourself—you know you want to,” Linda said.

  It was true, but all of her upbringing prevented her from moving. She sat and watched the scene before her. Linda finally smiled and turned her attention back to Kim, who was still clearly embarrassed. She made little mewing noises in her throat and averted her eyes from Tami.

  "Oh, hush, my pet. If I don't care that Tami's watching, neither should you."

  And that was that. Kim settled down and allowed Linda to kiss her lips. Linda's hands roamed over her slender body and Kim didn't object when they stroked her ass or dove in between her legs.

  Tami couldn't help herself now. Her fingers returned to her pussy and found she was sopping wet. She moved up to the bud of her clit and swirled the juices around, sending shock waves up into her stomach. Her eyes were recording the events in front of her as her fingers were translating those images into raw sexual gratification.

  Linda stopped stroking and brought her hands up to Kim's shoulders. She pushed the girl down and Tami knew what she wanted. Kim tried to resist and Linda moved her hand down and slapped her hard on the ass. There were no more protests from Kim. She eased down and began licking and sucking on Linda's nipples.

  Tami's mouth was half-open and her fingers were busy as she watched, fascinated. She could feel an orgasm approaching but wanted to make it last, so she slowed her movements.

  Linda apparently had enough of Kim's attentions to her breasts, so she pushed her down again. Kim glanced over at Tami before she resigned herself to the inevitable. She slid down to between Linda's legs and started licking the nectar there.

  It was too much for Tami. Her fingers became a blur and with a sudden intake of breath, she came hard, shuddering with the power of it. Her mouth rounded into a silent “O” and tears came to her eyes. She tried to be quiet, but a small yelp of emotion escaped her. Her orgasm was far more powerful than any she had ever experienced before.

  Linda looked over, her face a mask of bliss. She didn't speak, only smiled and winked as if they now shared a secret. Not just about Kim, but about the power of dominants and the needs of submissives.

  As Tami looked across the room at Ellen, she believed she understood more about the woman's inner needs. They made her more accepting of Sawyer's outrageous demands. Had a woman like Linda been caught embezzling, there's no way Jack would've been able to convince her to become his sex slave. Ellen and Kim had a lot in common. Just as Linda controlled Kim, so did Jack control Ellen. And without his guidance and direction, Ellen feels lost, she realized.

  There's a power vacuum in her life. That's why she seems so lost. She's just waiting for the next dominant to come along. Tami wondered if she could become that dominant. Or if she should. The idea excited her, even as it scared her.

  Chapter Eight

  El came into Dr. Butler's inner office and closed the door firmly behind her.

  "Hello, Ellen. Please come in and get comfortable.” The doctor rose from behind his desk and came around to greet his patient.

  She smiled thinly. She knew what he meant. She'd been coming here for two weeks now and they had quickly established a pattern. El would come in, remove her clothes, and lie on the couch. At first, it had seemed like her idea, but lately, the doctor had begun to demand more of her. She was hardly in a position to refuse.

  She unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off her shoulders. Her bra followed quickly. She felt better and tried to ignore Dr. Butler's eyes boring into her breasts. I should be used to this, she told herself. Her skirt followed and her panties were soon added to the small pile of clothes.

  El rolled her shoulders and stretched to work out all the kinks her tight clothes had caused her. Tami, of course, made her wear the undergarments. El was perfectly comfortable walking around without them.

  The doctor came over to the couch and sat down next to her. His fingers began to roam over her body. This had become part of the pattern too. El wasn't sure how this was supposed to help her overcome her “ordeal,” as everyone kept telling her, but it felt good, so she didn't complain.

  It was rare for El to have a man take his time with her like this. Most men in the past two years just wanted to jump on and fuck her or order her to suck his cock. She had come to expect it. Jack had been one of the few who seemed to care whether she experienced pleasure and El thought that might explain why she still missed him, no matter what that prosecutor Franklin told her.

  Dr. Butler's fingers stroked her breasts as he began asking questions about her childhood and her relationship with her mother and father. She tried to answer him as truthfully as she could, but her mind kept wandering. Her thoughts became clouded with her growing sexual desire.

  "Did your father ever touch you like this?” he asked, his fingers tugging at her nipples.

  "I ... I don't remember,” she gasped, feeling an electric connection between her nipples and her clit. But, of course, she did remember. The nights when he came to her room after her mother had fallen asleep. He had been gentle, loving. That had made all the difference. It had taken him months to work up to touching her pussy. By then she found she grew wet simply by being in his presence. She quivered whenever he patted her shoulder or touched her hair. When that magical night finally came, Ellen had been more than ready for him. It wasn't a rape, she told herself. It was a surrender.

  "I see,” the doctor said smoothly, his hands now leaving her breasts to trickle down to her bare mons. His fingers danced over the Sawyer logo and El knew she was very wet, thinking of her father.

  "Tell me about the first time you, um, submitted to someone? Was it a lover? A friend? A girlfriend, perhaps?"

  "Submitted?” El tried hard to concentrate on his words. “You mean, like made love to?"

  "No, not quite, although one can submit to someone's sexual advances. It's clear that you are a submissive personality type, El—may I call you El? It fits you so well."

  El nodded, not wanting the doctor to stop what he was doing. Her pussy leaked, her clit stood up at attention and her nipples were so hard they ached. She tried to bring up a memory for him, for she feared he might stop if she couldn't think of anything to say. She didn't feel comfortable yet talking about her father
, so she reached back to recall a time when she “submitted” to someone.

  "Oh, yes!” she cried out suddenly, remembering an occasion at the same time that the doctor's fingers touched her G-spot. Wisely, Dr. Butler eased up on his fondling, lest she climax before she could talk.

  "It was when I was nineteen,” she said, able to breathe more regularly now. “There was this boy, Roger..."

  The doctor played with her, slowing down when her tale faltered and quickening when she was giving him details. Ellen learned right away to tell him everything.

  "He was a jock, a demanding sort of young man. He asked me out and I was pleased, because being Latina, I didn't think he'd want to date me. He was a tall, blond, second-generation Swede, you see. Not that I think all white boys are prejudiced, you understand, but enough of them have been in my life that I didn't want to assume anything."

  The doctor's fingers sped up, and Ellen took that as a sign that she should get to the point.

  "Anyway, we went out and we had a good time. He was a gentleman. But he did things—like opening the car door, ordering my meal for me—that made me feel really special and cared for. I really liked it."

  That's not all I like, she thought, as his left hand stroked her breasts while his right hand caressed her sex. “We went out again a couple of nights later and he, uh, ‘requested’ more of me. He wasn't demanding, but he was firm, you understand? He told me what to wear before he picked me up. He had me change my skirt into something shorter. I was happy to please him."

  Ellen arched her back, on the verge of an orgasm. Dr. Butler immediately withdrew his hands. She hung there, desperate, but couldn't climb over the mountain without further stimulation. Her hand dropped down to her clit and the doctor grabbed it. She caught his eye and he merely shook his head.

  "Please continue, El."

  She nodded. She knew her orgasm depended on this story. She spoke more rapidly, trying to get it all out so she could climax. She desperately wanted his hands on her again. “So, uh, I found I really fit in to what Roger wanted in a woman. I guess I was submissive, but I didn't have a name for it at the time. To me, it was just sexy and, I don't know, I had this feeling of being protected somehow."


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