Star Force: Mak'to'ran (3)
Page 10
“You will shake it off now, and effective immediately the following systems are to be claimed and construction began by each race represented in this Conclave,” Mak’to’ran said, mentally signaling the appropriate data to be displayed to each terminal. “One system for each, with more to follow as appropriate. It is sad to say that a single system is an expansion, but we have forgotten what real expansion is like and must learn again. Do well with each of your assignments and you will earn more.”
“Simultaneously we will also begin expanding Ter’nat refuges. We need more Zen’zat. Many more. They are soldiers, and techs, and medics, and whatever else we need them to be, but they are not personal servants. They have a place in this empire, but they can only do their duty when we do ours. They do not lead, we do, and if we are leading properly many of them will die. They must be replaced and doing so is far more complicated than hatching more Era’tran or Sevn’orr. Ter’nat are an investment made that will reap Zen’zat later, and it is an investment we will be making heavily now.”
“We will also be acquiring current Ter’nat refuges when able, but even if we were to recover them all it would not be enough. The entire V’kit’no’sat population must increase by a factor of 10 at minimum.”
That number shocked all those here, for Mak’to’ran wasn’t referring to their newly reforged V’kit’no’sat, he was referring to the total of the former empire.
“Why does that set you aback?” he rebuked, looking around the large chamber. “Why do you see it as unreasonable? It will be a long and arduous expansion, but what is new about that? When the V’kit’no’sat began we were less than 1% of what we were just a few decades ago. Who said our growth had to plateau? Who said we could rise no further? And why have you succumbed to their madness? We will grow, and while other races may die because of botched expansion, we have no fear of that so long as we do our duty. This Conclave will design, detail, and coordinate appropriate expansion profiles that I will sanction…and when we start behaving as V’kit’no’sat are supposed to be, we will end this civil war and get back to fighting the Hadarak as we are meant to do.”
“In the short term we may draw unwanted attention due to the expansion. Many still believe Itaru rules, or that their former edicts should at least be adhered to. Let us dispel that myth here and now, not by being reckless or greedy, but by doing the job they failed to do. Leadership is about more than one person, but I will bear this responsibility alone until we can reassemble more of our former strength. You will assist me as you have been, and I will continually increase what is being asked of you.”
“Make no mistake. We are the only hope for the V’kit’no’sat and the galaxy. We must prove our worth, and we must not hold back. We have a duty to do, and we will not be shy in doing so going forward. It is also sad when doing our duty will draw our former brothers against us, but so be it. Death before dishonor, and if they wish to stand against us and hobble our ability to fight the Hadarak then they are traitors and will be dealt with accordingly.”
“That does not mean we are wasting time fighting them if they do not seek combat with us. Itaru has poisoned the trust that held us together, and it will take evidence of competence and loyalty to our mission to win back many of those that have been betrayed. We will grant them time to do this, and only fight those who strike at us and imperil the acquittal of our duty. We will not become petty, squabbling over position. V’kit’no’sat have no ego. We are dominant because it is self-evident. We need no awards or recognition. The galaxy need not even know we exist, for they are irrelevant. Our fight is with the Hadarak and any who stand in the way of that fight. The rest are not our concern.”
With that Mak’to’ran left the center pedestal and began to walk out, leaving the Conclave to conduct its business as he returned to his, but the telepathic activity in the room spiked as an affirmation chant began. To those with only ears there was silence, but to the V’kit’no’sat granted with the mental powers due their position, every single person in the chamber began shouting in rhythmic chant…a very old chant seldom used now…and one that affirmed their allegiance and the righteousness of their cause.
The word V’kit’no’sat meant ‘Hunter of Hadarak’ and for the first time in many millennia, in this infantile Conclave, it returned to its true definition and true purpose. They would be the hunters again, but before they could acquit that duty they had to rebuild their strength…and hope the allegiance and might of the Oso’lon and J’gar held out until the V’kit’no’sat were ready to return to holy battle once again.