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Reviving Zeke

Page 5

by Becca Jameson

He would probably hate himself later for his next move, but he couldn’t stop himself. He reached out, grabbed her wrist, and tugged her backward so that she nearly fell into his lap.

  When she struggled, he threw his other hand around her waist, pulled her between his legs, and held her sideways against him.

  “Jesus, Zeke. Let me go.” She twisted her hand, but he held her tighter.

  He’d held on to this stupid game with her for so long that it had gotten harder and harder to climb out of the hole he’d dug. He’d considered apologizing many times, but stopped himself every time. It was easier to continue to grunt at her and ignore her as if she had the plague and wasn’t worthy of a cure than to admit he was a dick.

  Digging up every ounce of willpower he ever had, he lifted his gaze and waited until she looked him in the eye. “You’re right. I’ve been an ass. I’m sorry.”

  The fight went out of her immediately. She softened. At least her body did. She stopped struggling. Her eyes narrowed, however, and she stared at him with her head tipped to one side. She didn’t trust him. “Did I do something to piss you off? I know you don’t have something against female coworkers in general, because you don’t treat anyone else with the same level of disdain as you do me.”

  He swallowed, hating himself. And then he shook his head. His heart was racing. There was no way he could let her walk out of this bathroom thinking he hated her. Maybe he should, but he couldn’t do it.

  He also didn’t want her to know he was attracted to her. It would be disastrous if she had that kind of power over him. He couldn’t let a woman get him to that place again where he would end up gutted and feeling as if he’d lost everything. Vulnerable. Meredith had done a number on him. He knew that, but he also knew he wouldn’t give anyone the power hurt him like that again.

  Add to that, there was no way in hell should he be fraternizing with another staff member, especially not one he worked so closely with. It wasn’t exactly a written policy in the bunker, but it was his own policy. A policy that had allowed him to steer clear of women ever since his wife left him. Yeah, keep telling herself that. Maybe you’ll believe it eventually.

  He needed to say something. No way was he going to use some lame excuse about not dating coworkers. Nor did he want to reveal how he really felt. But he wouldn’t lie either. “You look a little like my ex-wife. She was a raving bitch.”

  Michelle’s eyes went wide. “I look like her? So, you’ve been punishing me for something I can’t even control?”

  He winced. “Basically, yes.” It was true. Not entirely true, but sort of true.

  “Well, get over yourself because I can’t change how I look. And I’m not her.” With those words, Michelle jerked herself free, turned off the lights, and opened the door.

  Before he could react, she was in the hallway, walking away.

  She most definitely was not Meredith. Meredith didn’t have an ounce of the strength Michelle had. If she had been the one he’d slammed to the ground at the sound of gunfire, she would still be lying outside, sobbing and worrying about her hair or her nails. She would never have noticed he’d been injured. And she sure wouldn’t have dragged him into the bathroom to clean the wound.

  Nope. Michelle was not Meredith. But Zeke knew that. It had become increasingly clear over the past three weeks.

  Now he just needed to figure out how the hell not to be attracted to the woman.

  Chapter 5

  Michelle was washing a beaker in the lab sink early the next morning when she sensed Zeke step into the room and come up behind her. She could never escape the man. He seemed to follow her everywhere she went. He even showed up earlier than anyone else to work.

  He was a daily test to her willpower. In fact, she tried to ignore him and focus on the damn beaker.

  He leaned his hip against the counter next to her, too close. “You sleep okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yep,” she lied. As soon as the threat had been eliminated at the front gate, the four of them had returned to the bunker. Emily and Ryan had headed for their suite in the newly renovated section of the bunker that housed the medical team. Zeke had silently headed for his own suite. Michelle had headed in search of Temple to get more details about the gunman.

  Zeke chuckled, a sound Michelle had rarely heard coming from him. “You look tired, and I know you’re as badass as they come, but we did run from gunfire. Any sane person would have an adrenaline rush after that. It took me a few hours to relax.”

  She shot him a glance. “I’m hardly a sane person.” Why did he have to look so good? Calm. Cool. Arms crossed. Thick dark hair ruffled as if he’d showered but hadn’t combed it since it dried. She jerked her gaze back to the sink, wishing she had something else to wash.

  He was standing way too close. The scent of his soap wafted to her nose. Even his minty breath from toothpaste was alluring. Why would she be attracted to a man who spent weeks treating her like shit only to finally admit she looked like his fucking ex-wife? She didn’t need that kind of drama.

  “I wanted to apologize again before anyone else showed up in the lab.”

  “Fine.” She shot him a quick forced smile and turned away to dry her hands and put some distance between them. “Accepted. I have an early meeting with Temple this morning. I’ll catch you later.” She didn’t look back as she left him standing there. Her hands were shaking and her throat was dry.

  She was also extremely aggravated that she let him get to her. It was ridiculous that she was still obsessed about getting him to like her. She shouldn’t care. But, she couldn’t stand the idea of someone not liking her, so she’d gone out of her way for weeks doing anything she could to force him to stop scowling at her.

  She had failed, of course.

  And now this new revelation.

  His ex-wife. She couldn’t compete with that.

  Or maybe she could. The most ridiculous idea had been rolling around in her head since she got out of bed that morning and looked in the mirror. She shouldn’t give a shit about his ex-wife, but it got under her skin that he compared her to the woman Emily had said was a gold digger.

  Michelle was extremely relieved when she rounded the open doorway of Temple’s office to find her boss behind her desk. “You have a minute?”

  “Sure. Come on in.” She gestured toward the chair across from her and set her elbows on the desk. She had an air of power that floated around her no matter where she went. Her gray hair was pulled back in a tight bun at the base of her neck, and Michelle wondered how long it was. She’d never seen it down.

  Michelle shut the door behind her and took a seat across from Temple.

  Temple didn’t comment on the privacy. “You okay after last night? Emily said it was stressful.”

  “I’m fine. We were never in any real danger.”

  “True, but you didn’t know that at the time. What were you four doing outside so late anyway?”

  Michelle sighed. “I think Ryan and Zeke went out there to blow off steam after the bad news about Dade. Emily and I went to find them. We never got to discuss it, though. Gunfire interrupted our frustrated pacing.” She forced a smile in an effort to make light of the situation.

  Temple’s shoulders fell and she glanced away. “I still can’t believe it. What a loss. Makes me question the presence of a higher being when shit like this happens.”

  “Yeah. Though, as a scientist, I have to admit, I’ve always questioned the existence of a higher being.” Michelle had never been to church in her life. Her parents had been of two different faiths, so rather than introduce her to one religion or the other or even both, they’d chosen to let her decide when she got older.

  She’d decided on atheism.

  “I was raised Catholic,” Temple stated. “It’s hard to shake, no matter how many years go by.”

  “Well, if there is a God,” Michelle added, “I hope He’s not vindictive enough to intentionally let Dade die after everything he’s been through. I refuse to believe
some God is the reason he’s not going to make it.”

  “Agreed.” Temple leaned forward. “How’s progress on finding a cure for Myasthenia Gravis?”

  “Slow. Until recently, it was rare enough that there weren’t many studies.”

  Temple nodded. “Talk about God. I wonder if He has a hand in the constant changes in diseases. It seems like we’re always one step behind. I sometimes feel like God is a puppet master who is enjoying this little game where He lets us solve one problem only to toss another one at us that’s bigger and more dangerous before we’ve even had a chance to gloat.”

  “That’s depressing.” Michelle slouched in her chair.

  “How’s Zeke doing? Is he catching up? I know he’s stubborn.”

  Michelle laughed. “Ya think?”

  Temple smiled. “Okay, more than stubborn. Sorry, I didn’t warn you ahead of time. When he came in here half-cocked and wanting to get back to work, I tossed him at you and ran from the room. Not my finest hour.”

  Michelle shrugged. “I can handle him.” No way in hell was she going to admit defeat to Temple. She would handle him. Somehow. Her next plan was to trip him up so that he stopped seeing her as his ex. If she managed that, perhaps they could move forward civilly. Her plan was ridiculous, but it was in her mind now anyway.

  “I can assure you he’s brilliant in his field and probably frustrated to find himself ten years behind on the research. I can talk to him if you want. I’ve been thinking about moving some of the team to other facilities. Maybe he would take me up on the offer.”

  Why the hell did that make Michelle’s chest seize? “You’re going to move some of us?”

  Temple shrugged. “Eventually. Between the twelve of you and the twenty-one members of the first team, we’re going to be on top of each other soon. That’s a lot of brilliance in one place,” she joked. “I might develop a complex.”

  Michelle could feel her face heating irrationally. She should be overjoyed with the prospect of Zeke being transferred. Instead, her hands were sweating. “I’m not sure anyone’s going to be super-thrilled at the idea just yet. As we bring more of the preserved back to life, they need each other to lean on.”

  That part was true. Every one of them had a pile of issues to deal with. They were like a giant growing support group. They had to deal with things no other humans on earth faced. Families who had aged and were shocked to find them alive. Old friends who couldn’t wrap their heads around their reanimations. The media hounding them. Religious zealots calling them abominations. The list was long. They needed each other.

  Temple nodded. “Just an idea I’ve been pondering.”

  “If you move people, it will just put a bigger strain on the government to protect them. After what happened last night, I’m sure the administration doesn’t want to provide added security in multiple places. Seems like it would be more cost-effective to bring on more security and add temporary housing.”

  Temple nodded again. “You may be right. Good points. Speaking of which, we are adding some security outside the gate.”

  “Already? I was speaking more hypothetically for the future. I mean, no one would be able to actually get in, would they?”

  Temple shrugged. “Let’s hope not, but I want to know how rumors are spreading through the crowd. It’s like someone stands out there roaming among the people, telling internal secrets. Far too many people have inside information before it’s released.”

  “How is added security going to help? No one’s going to walk up to one of our own and offer to sell information.”

  Temple smiled. “They are if we plant someone undercover.”

  “Ah. Good idea.”

  “Already lined up a woman. She’s a detective out of Denver.” Temple glanced down at the file in front of her and tapped her finger to the page. “Nicole Salway. Twenty-eight years old. She’s been with the force for six years. She starts tomorrow. She’ll blend right in with the picketers and see what she can find out.”

  “Perfect. I hope we can catch someone in the act.”

  Temple sighed. “Not sure what good it will do. We’ve already arrested more than one person in the last eight months. Whoever’s hiring them to spread information covers their tracks well. I’m not sure Salway will be able to solve the mystery, but at least she can give us a heads-up if it seems like something’s about to go down. I hate surprises.”

  “What a mess.”

  Temple waved a hand through the air. “Sorry I shared so much. Not your job. You cure the world’s diseases. I’ll keep you safe doing it.”

  Michelle set her hands on the arms of the chair and pushed to standing. “On that note, I should get back to work.” She rounded the chair, heading for the door.

  “Wait. You never told me what you came in here for in the first place.”

  Michelle smiled over her shoulder. “I was hiding. Thanks for the reprieve.” She winked and left the office.

  Zeke sat in Ryan’s small office, running a hand over his face and then leaning back with a sigh. “What’s the plan here?” Zeke still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Dade was not only going to survive, but no one but Dade, Blair, Zeke, and Ryan knew it. Mind-boggling.

  Ryan tapped his pen on the desk and leaned forward, glancing at the door. It was closed, but he still kept his voice low. “I can’t answer that yet. All I know is that my gut told me to keep Dade’s survival a secret and see what he might be able to do for the team from the outside.”

  “That’s an enormous task. He’s going to need resources.”

  “He has money. His cash flow won’t be a problem. Right now we’re taking things one day at a time while he digs around. He wants to get to the bottom of things as much as any of us. The last thing Dade wants is for anyone on your team or mine to get hurt.”

  “What in the hell do you think the end goal is in trying to compromise us?”

  Ryan shook his head. “I still can’t figure that out. It feels like someone is trying to get us to disband, scatter, end our research.”

  “Why would anyone want that? Our job is and always has been to cure disease. Who the hell is opposed to discovering the cure for diseases?”

  Ryan shrugged. “Religious zealots for one. People who think we’re playing God, messing with natural selection. Those same people view us as an abomination for existing.”

  Zeke took a deep breath. “I get that, but I can’t imagine someone having the power to destroy Project DEEP, and I certainly can’t wrap my head around it being an inside job.”

  “But you see how it could be helpful to have someone totally on our side secretly working from the outside, nosing around to find out information.”

  “Yes. Though it makes me cringe to keep such a thing from Temple. She’s wrecked over Dade’s impending death.” Temple had been their superior from the beginning. Never once had she done a single thing Zeke would have considered suspicious.

  He understood the need to keep everyone, including her, in the dark, but he also suspected they were going to get fired when they got caught. And getting caught snooping around behind the scenes of a government project was not only going to cost them their jobs, but probably get them thrown in jail. “I hope to God you’re right.”

  “You and me both.” Ryan nodded slowly. “I know this is a lot to take in. You’ve only been awake for six weeks. But trust me when I say there’s no doubt in my mind something we can’t even begin to imagine is happening right under our noses. We just don’t know where to look or what to look for. There’s no other explanation.”

  Zeke closed his eyes for a moment, tipping his head back. Ryan was right of course, but like a foul-tasting liquid antibiotic needed to save a life, it still didn’t go down easily.

  Ryan cleared his throat. “What’s going on between you and Michelle?”

  Zeke jerked his head forward. “What are you talking about?”

  Ryan tilted his head to one side, his eyes narrow in an expression that insinuated he wa
s not born yesterday. “Don’t deny it. You two tiptoe around each other in the lab as if you’re both contaminated with one of the infectious diseases we’re studying. You also fight as if there’s prize money for whoever can cure said disease first.”

  Zeke shrugged as casually as possible. “We don’t get along well. That’s all. It’s no big deal. I didn’t realize it was affecting other people.” Zeke was actually relieved to find out Ryan assumed Zeke and Michelle didn’t like each other. That was the plan.

  Ryan rolled his eyes now. “You expect me to buy that line of bullshit?” he asked before smiling with raised brows.

  Zeke felt a flush crawl up his face. Okay, so maybe he’d miscalculated. Perhaps Ryan was more intuitive than Zeke gave him credit for. “I don’t care what you buy. I wasn’t selling anything. You’re the one who asked.” He did his best to sound offended and snarky. He needed to get out of this small office before he suffocated on his own words.

  Ryan chuckled. “So defensive.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Zeke had no idea why he felt the need to keep up this farce with Ryan. The truth was, he could use a friend. He didn’t exactly have a long list of them at the moment. His best friend was out working undercover like he was a member of VICE, and most of the rest of the people Zeke had once been close to were still vitrified one story below him.

  Ryan was his best option. Besides, the two of them already shared an enormous secret. After the information Ryan had trusted Zeke with, the least Zeke could do would be to trust Ryan to keep his own secrets.

  Zeke slouched back in the chair.

  “Do I sense a love-hate thing?” Ryan asked, mirth in his voice.

  “Probably.” There. He’d admitted it.

  “Why? What could Michelle possibly have done to piss you off in the few weeks you’ve known her? I’ve always found her to be courteous and professional with everyone she encounters. She’s a people pleaser.”

  “Well, at first I thought she looked like my ex-wife,” Zeke said.

  Ryan flinched. “Really? No one has mentioned that.”


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