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Reviving Zeke

Page 19

by Becca Jameson

Dr. Brown helped as much as possible, but they worked in silence, and Zeke knew only Kate had any idea what needed to be done.

  Finally Kate blew out a breath and lifted her gaze to hold out a hand to Dr. Brown. “Thank you so much for doing this. I’m Dr. Kate Bauer. These are my colleagues, Michelle Houston and Zeke Holleran.”

  “Welcome. As I said I’m Dr. Marcie Brown, but please call me Marcie. I own this clinic. It’s small, but I hope we have everything you might need. I got only brief information from General Levenson, but it’s my understanding the patient’s name is Graham Wentz and he was recently removed from a reanimation chamber?” Her eyes were wide. More than likely this was the most exciting patient she’d ever had the pleasure of meeting, so to speak.

  Kate nodded. “Yes. Three days ago. The process takes two months. After four weeks in the chamber, each patient is kept under a deep coma for four more weeks to give their internal organs a chance to become fully functional. It’s a gradual process after ten years of vitrification.”

  Marcie smiled. “Amazing. Well, anything any of you need, let me know. I live in the apartment above the clinic, and I have a spare bedroom and a pull-out couch, so whenever anyone wants to sleep, there’s plenty of space. I assume you’ll all want to rotate and keep an eye on your patient.”

  Zeke responded. “Yes. Thank you so much for your hospitality.”

  “I’ll mostly stay with him,” Kate indicated, rubbing her temples. “I’ll be fine with a chair or if you have a small cot.”

  Marcie nodded. “Of course.” She rushed from the room and returned with a fold-up cot that she popped open and situated next to the wall. “Everything is on a backup generator in here, so don’t panic about electricity. Though I can’t remember the last time we lost power.”

  “Thank you so much, Marcie.” Zeke reached out to shake her hand, realizing he hadn’t done so.

  Michelle did also. “We appreciate everything.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Years from now, I can tell my grandkids I was able to help out a man coming out of a cryostat.”

  Zeke smiled. He figured Marcie was only a few years older than him. It was unlikely she had kids running around upstairs. “Hopefully by then it will be commonplace.”

  Michelle rubbed her eyes. “It might take me a year to fall asleep, but I wouldn’t mind trying. I’ve never had my adrenaline pumping for this long in my life. I’m dead on my feet.”

  Kate took her arm. “I’ll be fine here. Go upstairs and sleep as long as you want.”

  “Will you be able to rest, Kate?” Zeke asked.

  “Trust me. I’ll sleep better on the cot in the room next to Graham than I have in weeks in my own suite.”

  Michelle pulled her in for a long embrace. “I understand. You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes. Go.” She gave her a playful shove. “Both of you. Sleep for ten hours. I don’t want to see either of you until at least noon.”

  Zeke set a hand on Michelle’s elbow and guided her to follow Marcie.

  They rounded the corner to a door that opened up to a set of stairs. Zeke grabbed their bags and let Michelle climb in front of him. When they reached the top, Marcie pointed to the couch. “It’s a pull-out. Not the most comfortable, but better than nothing. The bedroom is down the hallway to the left.” She rushed toward the hallway. “I’ll grab pillows and sheets.”

  Zeke stopped her. “That won’t be necessary. We’ll share the bedroom.”

  Michelle stiffened next to him, but he turned his head to look at her, thinking, seriously? Was she really going to balk in front of this stranger and sleep on an uncomfortable pull-out in order to maintain some sense of propriety? He lifted a brow.

  “You’re right. Of course,” she murmured.

  Zeke faced Marcie again. “I’m sure Kate won’t leave Graham for more than a few minutes at a time while we’re here either, so she won’t need a separate bed. We really do appreciate your kindness. There wasn’t time for Temple to explain how she lined up your clinic.”

  Marcie came closer. “Oh, she contacted me a long time ago, and we’ve kept in touch. She wanted places lined up in case of an emergency. Looks like tonight is that night.”

  “That’s for sure,” Zeke added.

  “Do you mind if I ask how long you all have worked in cryonics? It’s so fascinating to me.”

  Zeke smiled. “Michelle and I don’t work in cryonics. We’re both immunologists. We work for the government. We just happened to be assigned to the location of the cryostats. Kate is a doctor, however. She knows more than either of us about the reanimation process.”

  “I can’t imagine how amazing it must be to work in that facility. Your team has been responsible for so many cutting-edge developments in the last ten years.”

  Zeke winked at her. “Well, I can’t take credit for anything that happened after 2007. I’m recently reanimated myself. So is Kate.”

  Marcie’s eyes jumped out of her head. Her hand flew to her chest. Her mouth fell open, but no words came out for several seconds. Zeke couldn’t blame her. “My God.”

  He smiled again. All this polite smiling was wearing him out.

  “And you’re totally healthy,” she pointed out.

  “Yep. So far no one has suffered any ill effects that we’re aware of.” He didn’t mention Dade. There was no way in hell he would bring up that level of classified information. “It’s extremely important that no one coming or going from this clinic know who we are. We’re walking targets, both the reanimated and those not yet brought fully awake.”

  She nodded vigorously. “Of course. Temple already briefed me.”

  “Thank you,” Michelle said. “I’m going to get some sleep.” She grabbed her suitcase and slid past Zeke, who squeezed her hand before she walked by him.

  He would give her a few minutes to use the bathroom and get situated. “Could I bother you for some water?”

  “Of course.” Marcie rushed past him and grabbed two bottles out of the fridge. “Please, help yourself to anything you can find. I’ll go to the store tomorrow after the clinic closes and pick up whatever you need. Maybe you can make me a list.”

  “We don’t want to put you out, but thank you again.” How many times had he thanked her? She was saving their lives, literally. “What time does your clinic open?”

  “Eight. I have a staff of six that come in about seven thirty. I’ll keep the door to the exam room where we put your friend closed and tell my staff the patient is quarantined.”

  “Perfect. That’ll work. For a while.”

  “We’ll figure it out as we go along.”

  “Well, Graham doesn’t make any noise,” he joked.

  She groaned as she scrunched up her face.

  “I must be tired. That wasn’t a great joke.”

  “Nope, but you tried. I’ll let you get some sleep.”

  “Thanks again,” he stated one last time as he grabbed his suitcase. “You’re going to be tired tomorrow. If there’s anything Michelle or I can do to help, let us know. We aren’t medical doctors, but we have a lot of lab experience. I’m rusty after ten years in a cryostat, but I’m catching up fast.”

  “That’s still hard to imagine.” She pointed toward the hallway. “Go. Sleep.”

  Chapter 17

  Michelle was under the covers of the comfortable queen-sized bed when Zeke stepped silently into the room. He had changed into shorts, so she guessed he’d already used the bathroom.

  He slid under the covers next to her and immediately pulled her against his chest, kissing her forehead. “You okay?”

  “Not even close.” She was still shaking. All she’d done was brush her teeth and remove the scrubs she’s thrown on over her shorts and T-shirt.

  He rubbed her arm up and down and held her tighter. “Sleep. You’ll feel so much better after you rest.”

  “I’m not sure how long it might take for my mind to slow down enough to do that. I’m also kind of freaked out about how poorly I’ve handle the l
ast few days. I’m usually a much stronger person, able to cope with anything. Suddenly it’s like I’ve undergone a personality transformation, and I can’t recognize myself.”

  He chuckled. “You’ve undergone a personality transformation? I don’t even know who I am.” He kissed the top of her head, hoping she understood he was teasing.

  She sighed. “You’re right. You win. That sounded stupid. Nevertheless, I’m not myself.”

  “I think you’re doing fine. It’s been crazy. Everything that could be thrown at you has been in the last two days. You’ve earned the right to a bit of a meltdown.”

  “The worst part is that you’re not seeing the real me.”

  “Well, we’re even, because I don’t know this smiling, laughing, joking guy who can make a woman moan in pleasure and lure her to come back for a second round.”

  She pressed her palm against his chest. “Your ex did you so very wrong.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  “Honestly, she did a number on you. If I ever see her again, I’m going to punch her in the face.”

  “Maybe you should start working out with arm weights more often to build up these biceps,” he joked as he gave one a squeeze.

  She flexed. “Say that again?”

  He laughed harder. It felt good. It was new for him, but damn, he could get used to it. His body shook as his chest rose and fell. He could also feel her grinning against his pecs.

  When he finally stopped, the room was silent for a moment.

  “I’m worried that if I fall asleep, something bad will happen.” Her voice was serious.

  “It won’t. I’m right here.” He gripped her again. “Sleep. Take several deep breaths and let your mind go. We’re in no hurry to wake up. Rest.”

  “Will you be here when I wake up?” she whispered.

  “Yes. Promise.”

  She sighed and nuzzled his neck, kissing his skin.

  He threaded his hand in her hair and held her closer. “You’re safe.”

  Michelle was surprised when she opened her eyes to find Zeke still at her side and sun streaming in through the cracks in the blinds. She hadn’t moved an inch since she’d fallen asleep. Neither had Zeke.

  When she lifted her face, blinking her eyes, she found him smiling at her. “Feel better?”

  “Mmm. Did you sleep?”

  “Yes. I woke up a few minutes ago. I didn’t want to wake you, so I didn’t move. Apparently I failed.”

  She shook her head. “I think it was natural. How long were we asleep?”

  “About six hours. It’s ten.”

  She groaned. “I’m going to feel like I have a hangover. I never sleep late like this.”

  “I think you earned it.” He frowned at her. “Cut yourself a break.”

  “I’m starving. Did we eat dinner?”

  “No. I’ll go find us something. Marcie also said we could make her a list. She’s very gracious.”

  “She’s a godsend.” Michelle moaned as she sat up and tipped her head from side to side. “Don’t let me sleep like that without moving again. I’m gonna need a massage to work out the kinks in my neck.”

  Zeke flexed his fingers. “I don’t have other plans for today.”

  She slid from the bed, her bladder needing attention. At the door, she turned around with her hand on the frame. “I don’t remember when I’ve had a day off.”

  “It’s possible we could be looking at a lot of days. I don’t know what Temple might have in mind for our next move, but until she calls, I for one am going to enjoy the mini-vacation.”

  “Do you think the bunker’s okay?” Michelle’s mind went back to worrying. Two more people were awaiting reanimation. She would not be able to take the stress of losing either of them to a damn bomber.

  Zeke sat up and set his feet on the floor. “The bunker is more secure now than it’s ever been. Don’t worry. It might take Temple a while to get ahold of everyone, but I’m positive she’s safe. I wish I had been paying closer attention to who stayed behind with her.”

  “I assume at least a few medical doctors since there are two people left in chambers.” She sighed, hating that she hadn’t even said goodbye to anyone. “Temple will need people qualified to complete the reanimation of the final two members of your team.” Every one of them would be stressed and anxious while they waited to reunite as a unit again.

  Michelle just hoped that day came.

  After using the bathroom, she padded down the hall to find Zeke in the kitchen making toast. “Coffee?”

  He had a cup in his hand, and she realized there was a pot nearly full on the counter. Marcie must have made it.

  “That would be great.”

  Zeke set his mug down and filled one for her while she plucked the toast from the toaster and took a giant bite of the bread, even though it was too hot and had nothing on it. Her stomach was rumbling.

  Zeke stuck two more slices in and pushed the handle down. “How do you take your coffee?”

  She glanced at the counter and found everything she would need next to the pot. “I’ll fix it.” After dumping in creamer and adding sugar, she found a spoon in a nearby drawer and stirred. When she lifted her gaze, she found Zeke watching her. “What?”

  “Just making a mental note. We’ve never spent the morning together like this. I’ve always left for the gym before you got up. It hadn’t occurred to me that I don’t know how you take your coffee. I didn’t even know you drink coffee. Do you not drink it throughout the day?”

  She blew on the surface. “Nope. One cup. Doctored to barely resemble coffee. Usually before I even leave my suite.”

  “Got it.” He set his mug down, took hers from her hand, and set it on the counter next to his before he kissed her soundly. “There. That’s better.”

  A shiver raced down her spine as he handed her the mug once more.

  She was beyond rattled. They still had not discussed the future, and in a way it seemed like it was on top of them. Crowding them. Forcing them to move their relationship to a level they may or may not have been ready for. After all, for the foreseeable future, they were stuck together, sharing a bed, figuring out meals, cooking, caring for Graham, and ensuring Kate slept and ate.

  “We should check on Kate,” she said.

  “You’re right. I’ll go do that.”

  Michelle grabbed his forearm. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea to just roam into the clinic and cause eyebrows to raise farther than they already are. I’ll call her.”

  “Good point.”

  Michelle headed for the bedroom to grab her cell. When she came back, already sending a text, she set it on the counter.

  Zeke tucked an errant lock of hair behind her ear and cupped her face, staring intently into her eyes. She had the feeling he was assessing her mental stability. She couldn’t blame him.

  A text came in and Michelle leaned over to read the message from Kate.

  “She okay?”

  “Yes. She just spoke to Temple. Said Temple is calling us next.” Before Michelle finished speaking, the phone rang, Temple’s name across the top. She answered it and put it on speaker. “Hi. You have Michelle and Zeke here.”

  “Good. Two birds. My list of calls is long.”

  “Update us,” Michelle said.

  “I’m working with Detective Salway. She believes the incident was unrelated to anything else. The man who drove the SUV into the gate died when the bomb went off. He’s been identified, and the police have already searched his apartment in Nevada. Seems he was extremely religious and didn’t believe in reanimation.”

  Michelle cringed. Would they ever get past this insanity?

  Temple continued. “It would appear that he intended to drive the SUV through the gates and then all the way to the bunker where he would have detonated the bomb, hoping to kill everyone inside.

  “What he didn’t count on was that the gates are far sturdier than he suspected, and his vehicle never would have penetrated them. His bomb ex
ploded prematurely, killing him alone. Several other people were injured in the blast, but because it was the middle of the night, that number was significantly lower than it could have been in the day.”

  “Because most of the usual protesters were sleeping,” Zeke pointed out.

  “Right. Luckily Nicole was there. Anyway, I don’t feel comfortable bringing anyone back here right now. This place is a target. I’d rather spread everyone out and keep each location classified.”

  “Makes sense,” Michelle agreed.

  “Kate says Graham is perfectly stable and she can’t see any reason why he can’t remain where he is. It will be weird when he wakes, but at least Kate is able to handle everything herself. As long as no one becomes aware of their location, my intention would be to leave him there under her care.”

  “Good plan,” Michelle said, “but you don’t want the two of us here raising eyebrows.”

  “No. I don’t. Has anyone seen you yet?”

  “No. We believe we arrived securely in the middle of the night, and neither of us have left Dr. Brown’s apartment above the clinic yet.”

  “Perfect. I’m arranging a car for you. It will be dropped off this afternoon. I want you to head for a bunker in New Mexico. I’m sending several others to that location also. I know it’s inconvenient for that facility to host guests, but they’ll have to put whatever their working on aside for now until we can avert this crisis. The rest of your team will be diverted to other locations in the surrounding states.”

  Michelle took a long breath. So much for a day off to recuperate.

  “Do you have a pen and paper handy? I’m going to give you an address. This is extremely sensitive information. Please ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. Memorize it. Destroy it.”

  Zeke quickly found a notepad on the counter and jotted down Temple’s information. “Got it,” he assured her.

  “Good. I need to go for now. You have my private number in case of an emergency.”

  “Yes.” Michelle nodded at the phone uselessly. “Also memorized.”

  “Okay. Touch base tonight when you arrive.” The call ended.

  Michelle sighed. “Well, so much for lounging around as if this were a vacation.”


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