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He was nearly there. A few more strokes and that did it.
Lucy expertly aimed Bill's spurting, hot, creamy semen up over Rachael's tummy to her tits. Bull’s eye! The spattering continued, while he shuddered with each expulsion, groaning loudly.
Then he started uncontrollably laughing. Not at anyone or anything, but with an inward, outward happiness, delight, even gratefulness for such a special and momentous episode of shear indulgence.
Bill's treat didn't end there. Rachael and Lucy were under instruction to entertain.
Jody had booked the room for the rest of the evening and though she had to pay, like anyone else, it would be worth it. By the end of the night, Jody would have her man, rewarded and retained, and Rachael would have her position on the entertainment staff for real, since Bill would give her all the references she needed. Lucy too would be eager to join the team for more thrilling and exciting installments of the 'Jody kind'. Paid or not, this was going to be a ride she did not want to miss out on.
They made good use of the bed, the spa, the bubbly, the furniture and almost every inch of the place for the next few hours. Bill was a gracious, 'spent and satisfied' man. He'd been well and truly taken care of, and was now officially signed up as a fully-fledged member of Jody's support crew.
She would be calling on him.
Chapter 8
It's the uniform
Jody, of course, still had her daytime job to attend to. Thankfully though, since she'd qualified, and more than proved her worth, the days of the mundane desk job, the nine to five life and the rush hour pain in the arse were now long gone. As long as she brought in the customers, and the business, she could come and go as she pleased. And she did bring in the customers, and the business.
In fact her regulars got more regular, her business clients increased their activities and her new customers upgraded their requirements quite readily. Why? Character, attitude, passion, a growing knowledge of the human psyche and last but not least, sex appeal. There was some hard work thrown in for good measure, but does 'enjoying what you do' really constitute hard work? Not to Jody.
It wasn't all about schmoozing customers, trying out luxury hotels, evaluating airlines, cruise lines, food tasting, flirting and enjoying the better end of the service spectrum, though. Sometimes it was even better!
Her career, and her hobby for that matter, wasn't just a 'means to an end' for Jody. It was the life she wanted. Her diligence was paying off and her homework was proving invaluable.
One very important lesson she learned was how to give people what they wanted. Up-selling and upgrading customers was not about extra fries and coke to her. It wasn't about first class or five star hotels or 'gold taps on your bidet' for that matter. It was about the experience, the service, the view and the space.
The concept of 'space' was Jody's little secret. And it was a secret she could sell.
Fittings and fixtures, free food and drink, loyalty cards and air miles, caviar and champagne, more and more and more for your money. These are things your average person with a little more cash believes they're getting with their higher-class tickets and their expensive accommodation, but it was far from what Jody was selling.
Her idea of luxury travel was space, and this meant far fewer tangibles for your money. What it did bring, though, was room to move, room to see, time to do, time to experience, more fun, more staff to attend to your enjoyment, better placement, exclusivity, a more pleasant environment and more choice.
So Jody sold space and quality, not price and quantity. Her customers lapped it up and she showed them the way to bring back the pleasure in travel.
"If you must travel for business, or you want to travel for pleasure then make it count," she would tell them. "The journey, the experience, the people and the places, the convenience, the service, the view and the smiles will make your trip worthwhile. Spending more money does not necessarily bring you a better time."
"A silver spoon is still a spoon. A marble floor is still a floor and Lobster is still Lobster. The difference is whether there are 200 people with screaming kids in your noisy restaurant with only 4 waiters or whether there are only 20 guests, dressed for the occasion, with a view over the harbour, some audible, romantic music and your own personal, polite, knowledgeable, attentive assistant."
"I know just the place for you. I know all the best restaurants, the sites to see, the guides to use and the best way to get there and back. Don't send me a postcard; I know how good it is. Spend the time on yourselves. And when you get back, send me your friends."
Jody had most male customers wrapped round her little finger. She could make them jump, sing, whimper and spend. Female customers were a different matter. Some were threatened, some were arrogant, some were indignant and some she even chose to deal with.
The problem when you're young, attractive and assertive is that a lot of women don't like it or can't deal with it. Instead of conducting their business in a civilized fashion the situation turns personal, even confrontational and, more often than not, becomes a dual for superiority. Jody chose to pass on these 'challenging' customers, wealthy or otherwise. She didn't need them and preferred all her female customers to view her as someone they could confide in, go shopping maybe, or share a cocktail, a latte or a dirty joke with.
Par for the course in the advancement of any good Travel Agent was specialization and thorough industry experience. One aspect of the job Jody chose to embrace was that of flight attendant. She quite liked the idea of all that dressing up, mixing with the other 'Hosties' and meeting some pilots.
She got herself booked on a two week course out of Heathrow which included: an introduction to ground and in-flight safety; passenger management; food prep' and service; grooming; and airport security. As usual there was more purpose behind her choices of specialization than anyone would ever know.
During her familiarization with the airport Jody made sure to spend a little time flirting with all the right people and to just the right extent. They might not all be her first choice in bed partners, but this wasn't a sideline in pleasure, it was reconnaissance and preparation. Advanced planning didn't need to be too precise or difficult if you had people on your side. It wasn't that she would be asking them to do anything untoward, but friendly, well-positioned and/or influential characters can come in very handy for future undertakings, however trivial, if they've been groomed along the way.
A few flights up and down the country to Edinburgh, Manchester and Leeds/Bradford had Jody eager for her big international debut in uniform.
"Sex on legs," she overheard the pilot say to his second in command as the whole crew trooped through to the flight gate from passport control. And that was good enough for her, though she already knew she looked good, really good. Extra time in front of the mirror had her in just the right mood for this trip and it would be a 'doozey' if she had anything to do with it.
The uniform was a particularly smart affair with grey fitted jacket and tight skirt set off with bright red accessories. The jaunty angled side cap pinned above her immaculately presented blonde bun was the cream on top of her very sexy cake indeed. Black stockings and suspenders, though hidden from view, finished her outfit and gave her the right mindset for the adventure to come.
As she elegantly clicked her couture heels down yet another long marbled corridor Jody asked a couple of the younger and less serious attendants, if the 'men in black' were adventurous and approachable. She didn't care, this was her game after all, but engaging the others in such innuendo was a great way to break the ice and barriers amongst colleagues.
"I've not been there, but I've heard the engineer's a bit of a player! Not sure about the other two."
"Are we all staying in the same hotel in Miami?" asked Jody.
"Yeah, I think so."
"Should we have a go at them, then? If you're up for it."
"You're not backwards about coming forwards are you?"
"No! What do you think then
?" Jody persisted.
"Let's play it by ear. See how the flight goes. You never know, we might get lucky, they could be dirty bastards and I could do with a shag."
The Captain turned swiftly to look back over his shoulder as though he had heard and understood everything they'd been saying, but they weren't within ear-shot and he probably only caught them laughing anyway.
They boarded the plane and Jody got to try out some of her newfound talent in front of a live first class audience this time. She'd already notched up a few regular domestic flights including business class but it was now time to get some finer finesse and servitude under her belt and mix it up with the poshies at the front end, and upstairs, since this was a 747.
First Class wasn't usually for novices but exceptions were made for 'work experience' of the Travel Agent kind if they could cut the mustard in cattle class. Jody, as we already know, had no problem handling people, so here she was.
It was an evening flight and being nine hours or so it meant they would be taking off and landing in the dark. The good thing about heading west on evening long hauls is everyone tends to go to sleep. Jody had no intention of waiting for Miami, so while the cats were asleep, this mouse was going to play.
Along with the Captain and First Officer, there were also a few dishy guys in amongst the select few on the upper and lower levels. "There were also some 'Humpty-back Rhinocca-pigs' as well," she thought.
After full boarding and a good look around, the conclusive tally was: four guys in their seventies and two women; six middle aged men (four bald) and seven women; four considerably married couples in their thirties and forties; two hot chicks; and three guys she would quite happily let 'munch on her Minge' for hours. Come to think of it, if the girls asked nicely, she might let them have a go too, especially the one in the CFM boots (Come Fuck Me! for the sheltered ones amongst the crowd).
It seemed customary to share this sort of information around the cabin crew. They weren't all on the prowl but it tended to lighten the situation and build a little camaraderie, though there seemed to be a degree of familiarity in the air already, if you'll excuse the pun.
Quite a few smiles had been exchanged during the safety parade, and not all with the obvious choices among the passengers. Jody had a hard time with all that showmanship and arm waving, holding herself back from bursting into some sort of rhythm and dance routine. She could have put on an awesome performance getting out of that slinky, sassy outfit. "It was just perfect for the stage. Hot as! Hot Ass even! I'm gonna get one of these made up," she thought.
Belting themselves in for take-off, Jody turned to Yasmin, her new and very well groomed senior colleague.
"What's the First Officer's first name?" she enquired, leaning in.
"First!" Came the reply.
Jody slapped her on the thigh, like girls do, and said "No really? I quite like the look of him. He's got the sort of ears you can hang on to and I just know there's a fun fair ride in his trousers somewhere!"
They both burst out laughing whilst the final take-off announcement was made and they taxied onto the runway.
A short while later the 'Fasten Seat-Belts' sign was extinguished and it was time to disrobe. Jody's mind went back to her hobby, again, and looking round for an audience, almost considered progressing with her routine once her jacket was removed. Eyeing up her cohorts she noticed some tight blouses. There were a few more proud and perky tits on this trip, not just hers.
A little 'girl on girl' action had crossed her mind, and her path, on a number of previous occasions. She was now moving in the right circles, after all, but other than a few minor, yet still enticing altercations she hadn't tried out a full session. A full girl, as it were!
She couldn't help herself from staring at her gorgeous colleagues in all their formal, sexy and seductive attire.
"Admiration where it’s due," she thought to herself, but she was also building up to trying out one of these beauties, one day.
"Trouble is, I don't want to end up with a full blown dyke, I don't think, I just want to, you know, dabble, have a bit of fun." She continued with herself-convincing arguments, "I'm not after love, or a girlfriend, just sex. It’s not that strange these days. It’s called experimentation."
"C'mon Jody!" she was hauled back to the 'here and now' by one of the others, "We've got stuff to do." And with that she made a move for the galley.
She didn't take long to conclude that serving champagne and hors d'oeuvres to the mostly appreciative was a little more 'up her street' than battling with narrow aisles and snide complaints from people who had arranged the cheapest form of transport in the first place.
Once the upper echelons had been looked after with their second round of drinks Jody was asked to take a pot of coffee up to the flight deck for the 'men in black' as she had put it earlier.
She decided to play things a little dumb and inept. Tapping on the locked door with her foot she announced herself then waited. The door was cracked open and then made fully ajar after identification was complete. Jody purposefully had her hands full with coffee pot and mugs and sidled in, gawping as she did so. The massive array of instruments and lights on display were not what she was really interested in.
The engineer used this opportunity to vacate his position in front of the starboard panel and went to relieve himself for the first of many times this trip. As it turned out this was a lucky break for Jody as his evacuation left space for her to move in on her target.
The smiling and very dishy First Officer climbed out of his chair to meet Jody face to face. Jody's feigned ineptitude continued and she made as if there was no where to put things down. She moved ever so slightly forward, just enough to enter 'First's' personal space and cause him to sit down unceremoniously in the engineer's seat. Jody then made to look about again and then grimaced and wriggled a little.
"I've an itch," she said through pouting red lips. "Can you just..." she wriggled some more.
"Where is it?" he asked realizing he had just been given approval to get his hands on her.
"My leg… right leg… no… round… in… that's it."
'First' looked up at Jody past the coffee pot, the cups and the overhang of her breasts to see her biting her lip delicately in her best coy and 'come on' way. She raised her eyebrow and shuffled a little as his fingers moved higher, then all the way up to her 'giggle band' (the exposed thigh between stocking tops and underwear). Jody was enjoying her little act, her little bit of almost public naughtiness.
"Just a little bit… left… up… there… just there… and… yes… there... ooh!"
It could have been phone sex but this was hands on alleged scratching. 'First' had his fingers on some fine, young, firm, but baby smooth, inner thigh to die for. He needed to know where this was going, coz clearly they couldn't do much here, could they?
Jody smiled down at him then softly said "Trap three, fifteen minutes, precisely" and handed him the mugs to place on the engineer’s desk top.
He conveniently returned a moment later, as she poured them all some coffee. She left them with the pot, edged her way past the engineer and departed the flight deck in a very buoyant mood. Just before the door closed, she heard a voice say "Lucky bastard!" She presumed it was the Captain.
Twelve minutes and twenty-four seconds later Jody made her excuses and headed for 'trap three'. The toilet was busy and she thought for a moment her plans were about to be shattered. But no! The sound of flushing brought her smile back and the door duly opened not a moment too soon.
Jody gathered herself inside checking clothes, hair, makeup and everything in the mirrors, even though there was no time to make amends anyway.
"These are a great deal roomier than the ones at the back," she thought, "and a damn site cleaner!"
There was a mouse-like knock on the door. Jody's heart began pounding as the anticipation of her imminent 'mile high' membership sent her excitement levels skyward. She unlocked the door and tried to stand out of view
of anyone else outside, just in case.
In came her suitor, resplendent in black, with stripes, and a dirty big grin. Jody returned the smile then lunged at him. Her arms came up and took him by the back of his head as she tried to devour his lips 'in one'. In an instance it was frantic, it was ravaging, it was hunger, it was need, it was uncontrollable. Not a word had been spoken, they hadn't even exchanged names, but the untamed and unleashed passion was running rampantly high in Jody's pants and she could already feel his was too.
A little more tongue wrestling and lip nibbling, some groping and grinding and they separated. There was a moment’s pause then Jody started clawing at the front of his trousers. As she began fighting for his weapon he grappled with her skirt, needing his nails to ruffle it up at the sides. Things were urgent, things were hard, this was too slow, they were in each other's way.
'First' stood up straight. He stopped Jody's rummaging around his crotch, put her hands by her side and spun her around. As he completed the 'oh so fantastic task' of rucking up her skirt to reveal a bottom sent from heaven, Jody turned her head round and gazed at him with her mouth open. He gripped the front of her thigh with his left hand and pushed her in the back with his right. She went over easy, hands on the toilet, arching as she did. He then kicked at the inside of her shoes and she obliged by opening her legs like a traffic violator he'd just pulled over.
'First' discarded his jacket, finished unbuckling his belt and dropped his kit like a quick draw gunslinger. He was tall, which was handy, as her long legs and heels, though a perfect picture, could pose a problem for the less statured in this sort of situation. The only thing stopping the eagerly anticipated and mutually intended frantic 'fucking-out' of each others brains now was a delicate cotton gusset.
'First' decided to manage the urgency of their situation with just the right understanding and dedication to the cause.
He ripped off Jody's knickers in a single manoeuvre of incredible dexterity and strength and she yelped. Spitting in his hand he roughly and unnecessarily, as it turned out, rubbed her dripping wet pussy before attending likewise to his cock. Without waiting any longer, in he plunged. Hard, hurried and up to the hilt. Jody yelped again at the surprise, the thrust and the depth.