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Page 23

by Avery, T. C.

  Charlie gave them all a blowjob lesson that a seasoned prostitute would have found hard to improve on. She sucked on it, licked it, rubbed it, stroked it, and even saliva'd on it occasionally to keep everything slippery.

  "Another crucial ingredient in any kind of sex is lubrication. You need it for everything. If it doesn't slip and slide, its not gonna work and neither of you are going to enjoy it."

  Jody did her best to impress, when she got the toy back, but it couldn't compare to the 'B.J. 101' lesson they'd all just had from Charlie.

  "I think we're nearly ready for stage two then," said Suzanne.

  "What's stage two?" asked Jody.

  "The real thing of course." and before Jody could get a word in edge ways they'd all agreed, on her behalf, to recruit some guy for the experience of a lifetime. Jody's first real live blowjob.

  "Don't worry we'll get a good looking one for you. Someone who can give you directions as well. You do like this kind of stuff don't you? We haven't been wasting our time have we?"

  "No, no, of course not. You've been great."

  "Well, what is it then? You said you wanted to get in with the guys. This is your chance to do it right. Learn first. Then you don't make any mistakes. You don't wanna fuck it up when you get your own guy, do you?"

  Jody was torn between being thrown to the lions and getting exactly what she wanted (or needed). She just knew it was her time to join the sexually active and there would never be a better opportunity than this.

  "Bring it on!" was her response, full of decisiveness and challenge.

  Her ménage of mentors, for maturity and the male member, applauded and squealed with congratulatory delight. Their latest protégée would shortly be joining them in the joys of adulthood and they couldn't be happier to help.

  Jody was sent on her way with the surrogate cock in her possession.

  They told her she could get called upon at a moments notice once a suitable recipient for her fledgling skills had been found. So she needed to be ready. And, she needed to be confident, brave and bold. So, practice makes perfect.

  She was diligent at first, to a point, but was easily distracted with the real purpose of the 'Do It Yourself' tool. It saw almost as much action between the sheets and Jody's thighs as it did between her lips, as she fantasized of the real thing and imagined heightened pleasures of her own. It's all very well giving and performing acts of pleasure on and for others, but when you’re pretty much new to the game, you need a certain degree of selfish satisfaction, on the receiving end, so to speak, just so you know what it's all about.

  Jody made a mental note to try a few more of these toys at the earliest juncture possible. And she definitely needed to seek out the battery-powered versions too.

  It was mid week when 'the nod' came. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. The rumour mill had been in full swing since Jody's 'call up' but no one really knew what was going on. She hadn't even told her real school friends, since it was all supposed to be very much a secret. And anyway, it was private. These girls had taken her under their protective and privileged wings and she wasn't about to spoil it all by blabbing about her escapades. Maybe one day she could, but who, outside your closest inner circle of friends, do you tell about this sort of thing? This sort of education? Her new inner circle already knew. They were helping.

  "You need to be round at Suzanne's after school. No later than four o'clock, Okay? Whispered Maddy, from behind her in the lunch queue.

  "What for?" Replied Jody with the 'dumbest question of the decade' according to Carmel, from in front.

  "It's all set up. Time to tango."

  Jody's free hand came up to cover her mouth and she almost dropped the food tray from her other. Only the yoghurt pot fell over as she recovered and put it down on the sliders in front her.

  "Who is it? No, don't tell me. Yes, do. Who is it? He’d better be good looking. Tell me he's a hunk. I couldn't deal with another geek, or worse still, a knucklehead. Where's he from? Is he still at school? Does he......?"

  "Shut the fuck up, will you? You said you trusted us," jumped in Maddy. "Yes, he's a hunk and no, you don't know him. That's all. It'll be fun, it'll be exciting, and worth every penny. Now turn around, pick up your tray and don't let on that anything's happening or you'll ruin it."

  Jody did as she was told, but the excitement and the unanswered questions rattling round in her head were seriously hard to handle. And she still had nearly four hours to go.

  "We are good at this you know,” said Charlie, sitting opposite Jody at the dining table. "I think we've all had him too," she added, looking round the table for confirmations. "He's good. He knows what he's doing. And, you never know, if you play your cards right you could go all the way with him, next time."

  Strangely enough, any thoughts regarding the particularly casual nature of their arrangements with friends and 'Gigolos', and how odd it may look to outsiders, never seemed to cross their minds. All this convenience sex was seen as just that, with a little experience and education thrown in for justification if required.

  "Slow down, I haven't even seen him yet," replied Jody.

  "It's okay, you'll definitely like him and we've given him strict instructions on just how far to go. We've gotta break you in gently, haven't we girls?" Said Suzanne, with a very sly grin, as they all got up to leave.

  Jody got to Suzanne's place on time. She was rushed through the door and Suzanne took a cursory look both ways outside to make sure the coast was clear, though it kind of made things look dodgy when, in reality, they weren't in the first place. Her parents wouldn't be back till later so this was the perfect opportunity.

  "Privacy, room and time." they'd all agreed.

  Taking the stairs in twos they raced up to the palatial bedroom, and after bursting through the door, they came up short to face Maddy, Carmel and Charlie, who were all sitting, giggling on the edge of Suzanne's enormous double bed.

  "Come in, come in," they encouraged and Suzanne closed the door behind them.

  "This is Luke," said Charlie, pointing towards the doorway to the walk in wardrobe, which he obligingly came through, smiling. Hands in pockets with his head bent slightly forward and tilted sideways. Shiny teeth were clearly visible but his eyes remained a partial mystery, hidden by the product-laden hang of his hair.

  Jody looked him up and down and metaphorically took him all in.

  Six foot one or two. Highlighted hair. A little stubble. Probably around twenty, which classed him as an older 'man'. Cheeky grin. Handsome. Relaxed. Comfortable with his position, his appearance and his lot in life. Casually dressed but not shabby. He was wearing good gear, made to look tired, and that hair cut wasn't done at the local barber's.

  Her gawping and staring was bordering on rudeness now, but under the circumstances, no one said anything.

  "Hi. You must be Jody?" he started.

  "Yes, I mean hi, and yes."

  "First time I believe?"

  "Err, yes, again," she said.

  "Come on, there's no need to be too shy. We all know why we're here."

  She was having prom night jitters at this point and, unsure what the hell she was doing, blurted out in an unintentionally confrontational manner, "Why are we here, then?"

  "Relax Jody, you're ready for this," Interjected Carmel in an effort to arrest any unnecessary tension.

  "Okay, okay," said Jody, using flapping motions and gesticulations and desperately trying to loosen and calm her nerves.

  Luke spoke up and tried to lighten the moment.

  "I believe you're in need of experience, and I've got it all wrapped up for you, here," he said, as he pointed to the front of his jeans."

  The girls burst out laughing and Jody soon got the joke. Luke smiled at her and she melted, just a little. Who wouldn't?

  Suzanne stood up and gathered her entourage. "Come on, we need to leave these guys to it."

  "Thank God for that," said Jody. "I thought for a minute you were all going to watch."

  "The bedroom's all yours. Have fun."

  Jody closed the door behind them all and then leaned on it for good measure as if trying to make sure they couldn't get in. Then remembering the lock, she turned again and secured the premises for sure.

  "I suppose you've done a lot of this?" she said.

  "Enough," he replied. "Enough to know good from bad."

  "Oh yeah, how can you tell?" Jody regretted the question the very second it was uttered, but couldn't somehow stop herself and, out it came.

  "You really do need some experience, don't you?"

  "How do we do this then? Asked Jody.

  Luke said nothing. He discarded his denim jacket on the floor then just took her by the hand. She followed without protest. He then positioned himself very purposefully at the foot of Suzanne's bed and said, "This is as good a spot as any. Now, you need to kneel on the floor, just there."

  Jody lifted her index finger as if to say, "Wait one moment". She took off her school blazer and then did as she was told. Carefully, she lowered herself to her knees then performed a ritualistic straightening of the clothes routine. Her long sleeved blouse neatly tucked into the very trim waist of her tartan skirt which hugged the curves of her bottom and stopped just short of her knees. She ran her fingers through her long blond hair, tucking it behind her ears and looked up at him with big, wide doe like eyes.

  "Ready," she said, now brimming with fake confidence.

  Luke asked her to undo the sturdy fly buttons of his genuine article jeans, and pull them, and his boxer shorts, down. "This is another one of those things you need to know about, and these buttons can be tricky. Belts and zips are easy."

  Jody smiled back up at him when her task was complete. His hairy, muscular legs were definitely worth the trip and the flaccid penis poking out from beneath his t-shirt was seriously tempting but ignored for the moment as she concentrated on his instructions. She found it very hard not to stare. It was just there. Right in front of her face, not twelve inches away.

  "Lift my shirt a little and get a good look."

  Jody used both hands in an effort to keep them busy and balanced. She stared at his tame and lifeless member, nestling among the dark, dense forest of pubic hairs. Coming in close she studied it from any number of angles. "It wasn't exactly good looking," she thought. "A bit like something you'd expect to see in the weird and whacky department at the butchers."

  "Blow on it," said Luke.

  She did, and it twitched. Jody sharply drew her face away and watched as it started to grow.

  "Take hold of it."

  Jody looked up at him first then back to his crotch. He took hold of his shirt and considerately held it clear of the action area for her, so she could get to grips with things properly.

  She took him in her right hand and felt the blood slowly swelling his penis. Stretching it. Lengthening it. Strengthening it. Then she started to stroke him, pulling gently forwards, until his foreskin covered the tip, then backwards, to expose his head completely. The man meat reared quickly. It began to heat up and gain a colour and a glow all its own. Before long Jody had a full sized, proud, raging, beast of a cock on her hands. Or rather in them.

  "This is more like it," she thought. "Quite incredible how something so soft and lifeless could turn into something so purposeful, so hard, so beautiful and so, well, horny."

  She could tell she was going to like cocks.

  "Cock was such a perfect, descriptive name. Appropriate. Self explanatory," she thought, though, for years, like most other inexperienced nubiles, she hadn't really given it much thought. She'd only ever dreamt of the uses she could put one to, but never really understood what a hard, 'angry', excited one was all about. Then there's the biology lessons and the embarrassing sex education sessions, which are more of a turn off than anything else they're supposed to be.

  Anyway, here she was with the real thing in her hands. It felt good. It felt natural. And she felt an overpowering, primal instinct to play with it. Pleasure it. Please it. And, she wanted to make it 'go off' like a firework at her beckoning.

  Just then a little red light, somewhere in the vicinity of all that computer and TV equipment, distracted her. It kept flashing. But, "So what?" she thought, and promptly ignored it.

  The only trouble was, she then forgot everything she'd been told. Everything she'd practiced. Everything she'd learnt. Jody just went for it. Fast, hard, hungry and mainly 'all wrong'.

  Ok, she did lick it, she did suck on it, she did wank it, and she did perform to the best of her experience. But it wasn't subtle, it wasn't passionate, it wasn't sexy, and it was definitely no cock worshipping session.

  Now on any given day, any given guy will tell you that even a poor blowjob is better than no blowjob. But on this day, on this particular blowjob, Luke was supposed to be giving guidance. Providing procedural nuances for the perfection of penis pleasure. His part in this educational role-play was not just that of receiver. He was not just getting another blowjob. Any old blowjob, on any old day.

  So what happened? Did he forget his lines? Did he get caught up in the moment? Was he getting the best 'head' of his life, and therefore in no need of instructing his friendly fellator?

  Jody would soon be finding out.

  Unused to these activities, as she was, and therefore definitely not in complete control of all matters in hand, Jody hadn't passed on to Luke her own preferences for the inevitable climactic events to follow. The words 'Don't cum in my mouth' hadn't even been considered.

  It couldn't be that she didn't like the taste, or have any notion that the explosion might take the back of her head off. It wasn't even because she wanted to witness, first hand, for the first time ever, the potentially firework-like ejaculation of her first cock and the spoils of her own handy work. A learned experience if there ever was one. A bit like watching a private performance, close up, for the first time, of someone of the opposite sex peeing, just so you know what it's all about.

  No. It was because it hadn't even crossed her mind.

  And, since Luke hadn't been asked not to commit one of mankind's three greatest lies (the cheque's in the post; I love you; and of course I won't cum in your mouth) he had every intention, when in the throws of his final few moments, to leave his cock buried deep inside the very warm, wet, welcoming instigator of his eruption.

  So he did!

  It surprised the hell out of Jody.

  He shuddered, he jerked, he spasmed and he shot hot salty beads of liquid directly into Jody's mouth. Up until the moment she realized what was happening that is, and pulled away altogether. She abandoned his knob, and whilst Jody began flapping and spitting in complete disarray, Luke was left to finish the job himself. She noted how expertly he teased out the last drops and completed his personal fulfillment.

  Jody was in shock. Luke hadn't told her what was coming (again, every pun intended). He hadn't told her what to expect. He hadn't explained what to do when the final moments came. What her choices would be? What his choices would be? He hadn't gone through the absolute necessities of the male orgasm and the need to keep stroking or pumping or licking or sucking until every last drop had been extracted. He hadn't told her that just like the female orgasm, the male is not done till he's done. There's a reduction in spurts, a slow down in flow, and a calm down period of teasing and squeezing after initial ejaculation that needs to be adhered to. At least there is if it’s your cock, or if you want to impress him with your performance on his.

  So why didn't he tell her? Where were the instructions?

  Jody sat on her heels and looked up at him, waiting for some sort of feedback. Communication. Anything.

  Luke took one step closer and in a moment of unforgivable horror and disgust, he proceeded to abuse and humiliate his slightly less innocent but nevertheless intimidated sexual novice by wiping his now semi flaccid penis in her hair. Then he mocked her, and her efforts and her shaky start to the world of erotica, by laughing in some sort of insulting, derisive
fashion. Then came the words that she'd never forget.

  "That's gotta be the worst blowjob I've ever had."

  Total devastation ensued. Tears, humiliation, character assassination and worse. Gnashing of teeth, wailing and the end of the world, as we know it. But it wasn't the end of Jody's woes.

  The little red light stopped flashing.

  Jody knew nothing of it. She just picked up her things and ran.

  Out of the bedroom.

  Out of the house.

  Out of the road.

  The only thing holding back her tears now was the sheer effort she put into gathering distance between herself and 'that monster'.

  She couldn't even contemplate going to school in the following few days, but unfortunately that didn't aid her dignity in the slightest. As it turned out, the worst was yet to come.

  As she entered through the school gates, first thing on Monday morning, a bad feeling came over her. The tears had subsided, and she'd almost reinstated her own self worth and honour, but now she felt an overwhelming oppression descending. It grew and weighed heavier and heavier the further she stepped into school.

  Then she realized the stares, the pointing and the laughs were at her expense. The name-calling started, the laughs grew louder, the chanting and taunting, the spit and the spite grew stronger, heavier and more aggressive.

  Should she turn and run? Would she be better off back at home? Why was everyone being so cruel?

  The crowd intensified. It was like a walk of shame. But why? No one knew anything. Her friends would have protected her from all this. Wouldn't they? Maybe they didn't know what was going on. But then what exactly was going on?

  Jody realized, as the jeering, name-calling, mass of uniformed little she-devils closed in on her, she was being funneled. She was 'running a gauntlet'.

  But wait a minute. Thank God! Elation at last. Her new circle of 'best friends' were all ahead of her now, smiling, grinning, eagerly awaiting her presence at their altar.

  The crowd hushed.

  "Well, if it isn't our very own celebrity," Suzanne sneered above the din of chanting schoolies. "Have a good weekend? A good rest, did you? After all that incredibly bad sex, you'd have needed one, eh girls?" And she roused the crowd again, and their volume with it.


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