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A Gentleman for Christmas

Page 10

by Prescott Lane

  Slipping myself in and out, her hands slide down my back to my ass. I am completely hers. All my power, all my strength, everything we use to define ourselves as men is hers for the taking. The gentleman rules, but the lady commands.

  The cardinal rule of the gentleman’s handbook is this—a man’s purpose is a woman.

  It’s why we work hard. It’s why we have children. It’s why we do most everything in our lives. It’s all for women. We may have muscles and brawn, but women yield more power in their pinkie fingers than we could ever dream of.

  You may think you’re the exception to the rule, but it’s only because you haven’t met your woman. The one that will bring you to your knees. The one that will make your life make sense. The one that you will break all the rules for.

  “Right there,” she moans, her nails digging into my ass. “Don’t stop doing that.”

  Quick tip ladies, we love it when you talk to us. Lets us know we are on the right track.

  Willing myself not to finish, not wanting to miss the moment her orgasm rips through her, I pound into her harder, making sure to hit just the right spot. Her grip on my ass gets tighter, her back starts to arch.

  “Let me hear it, baby,” I groan, not wanting her to hold anything back from me. A few more hard thrusts, and she screams out my name, her body coiling around mine tightly. Not taking a second to recover from her pleasure, she slips me out of her, rolling over, tilting her perfect, round ass in the air.

  Christ, I love her, and not just the fact that she thought to let me take her from behind, although that doesn’t hurt. I give her ass a hearty smack before slipping my dick back inside her. A woman’s ass is a piece of perfection, and Skylar’s is a fucking work of art. She knows how to work it, too, forcing herself back on me as I thrust into her. Taking hold of her hips, I encourage her.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I groan through clenched teeth.

  There’s nothing better than watching my hard cock slip in and out of her wet pussy over and over again, as her ass pounds against me, my balls slapping against her clit.

  She reaches between her legs, and just when I think she’s going to touch herself, she gives my balls a gentle tug, ripping my orgasm from me. “Holy fuck!”

  We collapse onto the bed, me beside her. Waiting for my breathing to return to normal, my fingers lightly roam the delicate curves of her body. Leaning up on my elbow, I see her smile, her dimple popping out, and I know it’s more than sexual satisfaction.

  She’s happy.

  I make her happy, and that’s the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten.


  The day and night roll together too quickly. The food gets delivered. The gifts get wrapped, but mostly Skylar and I stayed wrapped up in each other. We don’t step foot outside all of Christmas Eve. We don’t make it to church. We don’t do anything except be together. This day has been a lifetime in the making, and nothing is going to get in the way of her being wrapped in my arms.

  At midnight, I whisper “Merry Christmas” into her hair as she cuddles into my side on the sofa in front of the Christmas tree.

  “Mmm,” she moans, doing a little seductive stretch.

  “Want your gift?” I ask, getting her attention.

  She lifts her head, biting her bottom lip. “I don’t have anything for you.”

  Is she kidding me? She gave me her. I’m good for the rest of my life.

  “My gift to you isn’t big or anything.”

  She smiles, her head tilting. “Tomorrow night,” she says. “After everyone leaves. Give it to me then.”

  “Why then?” I ask.

  “So Christmas lasts,” she says. “I want it to last as long as possible.”

  I have to wonder if she’s talking about the holiday, or me and her.



  It’s Christmas, and I glance across the den at Jax. He’s got Parker and Harper on the floor playing with a train set he bought for them. Malcolm’s got his hand on Maci’s belly, I’m sure talking about how next Christmas they’ll have a new baby. Their parents are here, eating, drinking, and being merry. Jax talked to his mom today, and I talked to her, too.

  I’m sure she sensed something was up between the two of us, but neither one of us let on. My mom came over before everyone else, and we got to catch up. Jax gave her the most beautiful handmade afghan, knowing her symptoms always worsen when it’s cold. I have no idea where he found it. I can’t imagine him shopping for something like that, but it doesn’t look cheap. If that’s his idea of “not a big gift,” I may be in trouble.

  Jax flashes me a smile, and I know what he’s thinking. I’m thinking the same thing. When is everyone going to leave so we can get back to bed? I still can’t believe we slept together. I always suspected that Jax would be amazing in bed, but I had no clue how amazing. It’s not the multiple orgasms or his seemingly limitless stamina, although that doesn’t hurt. It’s the in-between parts. That’s the part I didn’t expect. How sweet he is. How close he holds me. How much it all means to him. I knew sleeping with him would be fun, that’s a given, but I had no idea how much it would mean—to both of us.

  While at least half the room knows about Jax and me, we aren’t on public display. I sneak another glance his way. He’s got a kid on each knee. He looks like he’s having just as much fun as they are playing with the train. Harper leans up and whispers something in Jax’s ear.

  “Harper and Parker have a song to sing,” Jax says, getting to his feet and quieting down the room.

  Maci goes to them, encouraging them to stand up straight, their matching pajamas making them look like they are catalogue models. Malcolm joked that he hopes they fall asleep on the car ride home and go straight to bed. Christmas is exhausting for parents, I guess.

  Harper and Parker start a very out of tune version of the “Reindeer Pokey.” It’s basically the “Hokey Pokey” with deer parts, but that doesn’t stop Maci from stealing the show and shaking all about. Everyone busts out laughing, and Maci eats it right up, grabbing her husband’s hands and trying to get him in on the action.

  “Good Lord, we have to help her,” my mom laughs, moving her arms. Before I know it, the whole room is dancing, but it probably looks and sounds more like we are having some sort of psychiatric fit with Maci as our cult leader. Jax grabs me, twirling me around. Laughter fills the air. It’s exactly what Christmas is about—being surrounded by good friends and family.

  “Uncle Luke!” Harper and Parker both yell.


  My eyes fly to the front door as Luke stands in the open doorway.

  Holy hell! What’s he doing here? I’d have more expected to see Santa Claus drag his fat ass through the chimney than to find Luke walking through Jax’s front door.

  The twins both run to him. He bends down, hugging them, but his eyes are fixed on me. Jax, Maci, Malcolm, my mom, and I all freeze while everyone else surrounds him. Maci steps to my side, holding my hand tightly.

  I knew at some point I’d have to see Luke again, but I thought it would be on my terms. I’m not prepared to deal with this right now. It’s Christmas Day, after all. Last time I saw him, he was in my bed with another woman. The pain of that is still too fresh. I thought it had started to scab over, but he just tore it right open again.

  Luke’s eyes go to Maci then to Jax, anchoring me, one on each side, making their allegiance known. It’s left to Malcolm to bridge the gap.

  “What a surprise,” Malcolm says. “We didn’t know you were coming. Thought you would be in Paris.”

  “Changed my plans. Got in a few hours ago,” Luke says. “Saw my parents and then . . .” He crosses the room to me. My body feels rigid and cold like a corpse, but my heart is thundering in my chest. “Came to get my girl,” he says, dropping to one knee in front of me.

  “Oh my God,” Maci exhales next to me.

  What the hell? Of all the proposal scenarios I dreamt up, this was never on my radar. Th
is can’t be happening. My heart is pounding too fast. I feel my legs wobble. Luke looks up at me, his blond hair looking like he hasn’t slept in days, his eyes looking just as worn. He pulls out a tiny black box, revealing a massive, emerald cut diamond in a simple platinum setting. It’s exactly what I once wanted. A few weeks ago, this would’ve been my dream come true. Does he really think he can propose after what he did?

  “Skylar,” Luke starts.

  I feel Jax shift, unable to watch another man propose to me. “Luke, get up!” Jax barks.

  “What the hell?” Luke snaps, getting to his feet.

  I place my hands on Jax’s chest, forcing him back. His muscles are like a wall. “You need to let me handle this.”

  “No fucking way am I . . .”

  “Jax!” I say, warning him.

  “Umm,” Maci says, ushering her kids to their grandparents. “Could you take the kids home?”

  With my eyes, I tell Jax to hold his spot and then I step back to Luke. “You can’t just show up here with a ring, not after what you did.”

  “I’m sorry,” Luke whispers, trying to take my hand, but I yank it away, my eyes darting to the kids. I want them out of earshot before this all goes down. My eyes go to my mom. I don’t want her to hear what Luke did, either.

  “Mom,” I say. “Can I call you later?”

  “Skylar,” she begs quietly.

  “Please, Mom,” I say, my eyes filling up. Unable to deny me, she says her goodbyes, and Maci and Malcolm’s parents offer to give her a ride home.

  Quickly, everyone starts gathering their things. The Christmas festivities are clearly over. Maci bends down to hug the twins.

  “That’s a pretty ring,” Harper says to Luke. “You gonna marry Aunt Skylar?”

  “Hope so,” Luke says, smiling at me.

  “All right,” Maci says, pushing them toward the door to her waiting parents, everyone else already in the car.

  Parker’s little nose wrinkles up, and he says, “She was kissing Uncle Jax.”

  No, no, no! Things were bad enough already, and now an innocent preschooler just unleashed more hell—on Christmas Day! My eyes dart to Jax. If he’s shocked, he doesn’t look it. In fact, he looks like he’s happy the cat is out of the bag.

  Luke is frozen, shell shocked, just staring at me. Maci shoves everyone out the door, leaving just the five of us. The way it was for so long.

  It’s silent. The only sound is my heart thundering against my chest. It’s the longest minute of my life.

  “Mistletoe or something, right?” Luke asks, his voice low, hopeful, trying to make sense of what Parker said, searching for a rational explanation. “He saw you guys under mistletoe?”

  I could say yes and let him think that, but I’m not going to lie to him.

  Maci and Malcolm step between Luke and me and Jax. I take a deep breath. I told Jax to let me handle this, and now I have to.

  “No,” I say.

  The love that was in his eyes five seconds ago melts into pain. “That’s some sort of payback,” Luke yells. “Screwing around with one of my best friends to get back at me.”

  “Luke,” Jax barks, stepping closer.

  I don’t like that they are this close to one another. An arm’s length isn’t long enough when tempers are flaring.

  “Fuck you, Jax!” Luke barks.

  “This has nothing to do with you,” I say to Luke.

  “You can tell yourself that all you want,” Luke says, rubbing his temples, pushing on his eyes. “Jesus, Skylar, I came here to apologize, to convince you to marry me, and instead you’re . . .”

  “Happy,” I say simply.

  “No,” Luke says, grabbing my hand.

  “Let go of her,” Jax yells, coming at us, but Malcolm holds him off.

  “I’m fine,” I tell him, holding my hand up.

  “You’re a fucking shit friend, Jax,” Luke snaps. “I trusted you. I think she’s here in good hands. That you’re watching out for her, and instead you take advantage of her.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” I say.

  “Skylar is with me,” Luke yells.

  “Luke!” I cry.

  “What?” Luke says. “He should know he’s second choice.”

  “Stop it,” I beg.

  “It’s okay, Skylar,” Jax says coldly. “He’s desperate.”

  “Desperate is taking my sloppy seconds,” Luke says, a smug look on his face.

  I see Jax’s hand ball into a fist at his side. Despite what romance movies depict, there is nothing romantic about having two men fight over you, especially when those two men were once good friends.

  “She told my parents there was still hope for us,” Luke says, glaring at Jax. “You didn’t know that, did you?”

  “That’s not what I said,” I cry, my eyes flying to Jax.

  How dare Luke twist a conversation he wasn’t even present for! I was quiet when they asked about Luke and me getting back together. His parents can think what they want, but that wasn’t an admission by me. I simply didn’t want to hurt them anymore.

  “What Skylar and I have is special,” Luke piles on.

  “You don’t have to do this, Luke,” I say. “You don’t have to rip each other apart. Please.”

  Malcolm reaches out a hand to Luke in a comforting way. “Hey, man, let’s go outside and talk and cool off.”

  “Good idea,” Maci says.

  Luke ignores the invitation, and his eyes narrow at me. “And you, have you even had your period since we broke up? I mean, if you got pregnant, would you even know whose baby it was?”

  All I see is red as Jax’s fist lands in the middle of Luke’s face, a crushing blow to his nose, forcing Luke to double over. I hear a scream and look at Maci, but then realize it’s me. Malcolm pushes Jax back. Luke doesn’t retaliate, though, probably because he knows it would be no contest—Jax would win easily.

  This is what I was saying before, the difference between them: Luke is usually very rational while Jax is passion first, think later.

  Maci runs to get a towel from the kitchen for Luke and hands it to him. Luke wipes the blood from his nose then looks at me with such sadness. All our history together can be seen in that one glance—childhood memories, first dates, all our years as a couple. How did it all come to this?

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean that.”

  “I know,” I say, my heart breaking. I hate hurting someone, anyone, but especially someone who meant so much to me.

  “Can we go somewhere alone?” Luke asks, wiping some more blood away.

  I look at Jax. I shouldn’t. I don’t need his permission, but I don’t want to hurt him, either.

  “A lifetime of friendship. Ten years together,” Luke says, tossing the blood-stained rag aside. “You can give me a few minutes. Just me and you.”

  “You don’t owe him anything,” Jax says, reaching for my hand.

  “I know that,” I say, but I walk away and out the back door with Luke.

  His head hanging, Luke walks past the pool down to the beach. I follow a few steps behind him. His stride is long and slow. I keep waiting for him to stop, but he just keeps walking. The waves of the gulf seem louder, more forceful than ever, the darkness stretching farther for some reason. The only thing heavier than the sand on my feet is my heart. I look back toward Jax’s house, seeing him standing at the window, Maci and Malcolm by his side.

  “Luke,” I say, causing him to stop walking.

  He doesn’t turn to face me. “How’d we get here?” he asks, and I know he’s not referring to our location.

  There’s no easy answer to that question. I broke up with him because our relationship was going nowhere? He screwed another woman in my bed? I fell for Jax?

  Does it really matter how we got here? This is where we find ourselves.

  He steps closer to me, glancing up at the house. I hate the look in his eyes, unable to disguise the disgust he feels toward Jax. “I know you wouldn’t have,”
he pauses unable to say the words. “If I hadn’t slept with that other woman like I did . . .”

  My heart tugs like it’s trying to pull me back to him. “No, Luke.”

  His eyes well up as he draws a deep breath. “That’s why I can forgive you.”

  I don’t want his forgiveness. I didn’t do anything wrong. Okay, maybe sleeping with one of his best friends wasn’t my best choice, but that’s the thing—I almost feel like I didn’t have a choice. What I feel for Jax is so beyond my control at this point.

  “Can you forgive me?” he asks.

  Luke is offering me his forgiveness because he wants forgiveness in return. Does he really think things work that way? That forgiveness is tit-for-tat?

  “Someday,” I say.

  “Skylar,” Luke says, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his arms. I try to wiggle free, but he holds me tightly to him, whispering over and over again, “I’m sorry. God, I’m sorry.”

  When his voice cracks through his tears, I stop struggling. He takes my face in his hands, lowering his head to mine, tears running down his face. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more sincere apology in my life. I truly do believe he’s sorry for what he did, but I can’t throw him a meaningless, “It’s okay.”

  It’s not okay. It started me on this crazy journey, so I speak the truth. “Thank you.”

  His hands slide around my waist, pulling me tighter. There’s still hope in him, his embrace, I can feel it.

  “Come back to Chicago with me,” he says. “I know we can work things out.”



  “Get out of my way, Maci!” I say as calmly as I can, having not forgotten that she’s pregnant. She’s blocking the door, preventing me from storming the beach. I can’t exactly move her out of the way in her condition. Even from here, I see Skylar in Luke’s arms.

  “This isn’t the way to handle this,” Maci says, her voice calm. “If you go out there and hit Luke again, you know Skylar isn’t going to forgive you.” I look down into her eyes. “Think about it. You know her. You know she cares about Luke and doesn’t want to see him hurt.”


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