Unexpected (The Unexpected Series)

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Unexpected (The Unexpected Series) Page 12

by Amy Marie

  “Baby, that feels amazing. So warm.” He compliments me and I can feel he is getting harder and his balls tightening. I know he is close. I’m overcome with possession for him. I want to own him as much as he owns me. I take him deeper, hitting the back of my throat.

  “Dammit. You are going to make me come too fast. I want to enjoy this.”

  I move faster, needier, circling his balls between my fingers. He’s losing control. His hold on my hair is aggressive, his hips move as though he is fucking my mouth. It’s hot, and I want him to spill into me.

  “Fuck!” He yells a little too loudly, and comes into my mouth. Hot liquid slides down my throat.

  Pulling away I wipe the little bit that has overflowed and is running down my chin. He quickly grabs me slamming our mouths together not caring that I taste of his seed.

  “That was hot Erin. I’ve never had a girl swallow for me before.” His thumb rubs along my lip.

  “Well, maybe it’s because I’m not a girl. I take it like a woman!” I joke, jumping up to straddle his lap.

  “Have I told you how amazing you are?” He pulls on a loose strand of hair.

  “Not today. You’re slacking.” I rub myself on his semi erect penis. Even though he just got me off, knowing I just made him come undone has me wanting more. I’m insatiable.

  “If you’ll let me, baby, I plan to tell you every single day for the rest of our lives.”

  The school week flies by and before I know it it’s Friday and Walker stalks into my room with an avocado in his hand and places it on my desk.

  “What’s this?” I pick it up turning it back and forth thinking of the guacamole I could make with it. I’m always hungry. “You want Mexican after our appointment today?”

  He laughs taking it from my hand. “No. You are sixteen weeks today and according to the baby book our little guy is the size of an avocado. Such a big change from the apple last week, and look; it’s green!”

  “Do you plan on doing this every week now?” I chuckle at his green comment.

  “I do.” He tosses it up in the air; catching it and placing it back down on my desk. “I can’t wait until I have to go buy a watermelon. I adore you, Erin. Have a good day.”

  In a flash he is out of my classroom. After the blow up with his father Walker and I didn’t stay much past Sunday. The tension was too high between his dad and him and instead of relaxing like he wanted to, the friction drove us away. Aside from a quick shopping trip with his mother, we spent the days avoiding his dad. I expressed how upset I was that Walker and his father were currently on bad terms. Having lost my own father, I'm constantly reminded that you just don’t know when they will be gone. I was happy that my last words to my dad were “I love you” but I couldn’t imagine if we had been fighting.

  He assured me that eventually it would be fine between the two of them but I still couldn’t help feeling like it was something that needed to be fixed immediately. Although, maybe if he would have broken the news to them a little lighter, then the reaction wouldn’t have been so strong.

  I also confessed that I eavesdropped on his conversation in the garage with Jack. On the drive back to Illinois I asked him about Tiffany. Jealously tore through me when he confessed she was his high school and college girlfriend. They dated for six years before she found out she was pregnant. He went through half the pregnancy before she confessed it was someone else’s and she had been unfaithful for the previous two years. He was also the victim of a long term relationship that ended in infidelity. After he told me how she had lied to him, it reinforced how much he must trust me. If he could believe me, a woman he didn’t know, that the child was his, then why couldn’t I trust him just as much? I was getting there. I realized what I had and wanted to keep it.

  He had said he was in love with me to his father, but guaranteed me that he wouldn’t say the words to me until I was ready. So, in place of love he used “adore.” Every chance he got he told me he “adored” me and every time he said it I “adored” him a little bit more, to the point that I had fallen so hard I smacked onto the floor. I love him and I hope that soon he will tell me so I can confess how much he has seeped into my skin. I feel him everywhere I go. If he isn’t with me I wish he was. If he is right next to me I try to find a reason to get closer. I love Walker.


  Dr. Gale’s office wasn’t as intimidating this time with Walker by my side. I am nervous for him to be here but thrilled that he is going to get to hear the heartbeat. I had heard it at my 12 week appointment and was ecstatic to learn that baby was happy and healthy. I couldn’t wait to see his face the first time he experienced it.

  The nurses look at you different when you have sexy man meat walk around with you. They didn’t stand a chance though. He was still in his work clothes. A light and dark blue stripped button up shirt spread across his chest showing every damn muscle. Casual Friday graced me with his ass hugging jeans that clung to him in a mouth watering way. I may have been a little more affectionate around the office than I would normally have been. Walker noticed, commenting that I should just pee on him and mark my territory, but that his hand permanently attached to my belly should be enough. Tiffany had never let him go to an appointment with what he thought was his baby and he was overly excited.

  After I change, and Walker takes the spot next to me, the nurse comes in with her magic heart beat wand, squeezing freezing gel over my belly and searching for a heartbeat. No sound came and after repeated searching she excuses herself and leaves the room.

  “What’s her problem?” He asks dumbfounded. Looking over at me he notices my body going rigid and tears threatening. “What’s the matter baby? What did I miss?”

  “I don’t think she could hear the heartbeat Walker. Something is wrong. I can feel it.” My hand squeezes his, looking for reassurance that I don’t think he can give me.

  I’ve been through this before. This time I have someone to comfort me, last time I was alone. A heartbeat wasn’t found and a life was lost. That was a dark time in my life. I wanted that baby so much, and to think that I could lose this one too scares the shit out of me.

  Thoughts run though my head about infertility. What if I can’t carry children to term? My mother had a miscarriage between each child she had. One for me is frightening, but two is downright petrifying. Can I give Walker the four children he wants? I didn’t recognize until this moment that I want to give them to him.

  “Let’s just wait and see. Let’s not worry about something until they tell us to, ok?” His hand glides over mine trying to calm my nerves. It’s not working.

  Dr. Gale comes into the room and greets Walker and me, informing us that the nurse couldn’t find the heartbeat, stating that they were going to get the external ultrasound machine out and check to see if everything is ok.

  The whooshing of the machine gives little comfort. I can hear my erratic heart, beating in my ears. The black and white picture comes up on the monitor and Dr. Gale runs the transducer all around until after an hour, or just a really grueling minute, he reaches his target.

  “There you are!” He exclaims. “You gave us a scare. See that?” He points to that familiar flickering on the screen. “That’s the heartbeat. That monitor must be old. I’m sorry to have scared you.”

  My stomach drops with relief. It’s amazing how a bleep on a screen can determine your life. This baby is my life and Walker is my life.

  “We need to schedule you for a proper ultrasound for 20 weeks but I can tell you right now the sex of the baby if you want to know.” He pulls me from my deep thoughts of love and life.

  “Yes!” We both yell out making the doctor jump.

  “Well ok. Let’s see if we can get a good picture for you to put in a nice frame,” he calls over our simultaneous giggling.

  A few clicks of the machine and the doctor prints out three pictures, handing two of them to me and one to the nurse that I didn’t realize was in the room. “Now, just get it confirmed in four wee
ks at your big ultrasound. Sometimes these ones can be mistaken. I’ll have a printout for you of where to call and when to make the appointment. At that time they will be checking that all the organs, brain, heart, and such, look good.”

  With Walker looking over my shoulder we see Dr. Gale has typed out “It’s a beautiful baby girl.”

  Following the gender reveal I am hopelessly addicted to looking at the picture. My heart soars, thinking of holding my little girl. A daughter. I barely listen as Dr. Gale answers all of Walker’s insane questions...one of the last ones having me mortified.

  “Is it true that if you have sex before the six weeks after birth is up that she is more likely to get pregnant again? Because I wouldn’t mind that, but I want to make sure I won’t hurt her.” He winks at me as my face turns fifty shades of red.

  “I would highly recommend that you wait the six weeks and if you and Erin decide to have another child, you can try after that amount of time. If there are no other questions I’ll let you two get a head start on your weekend.” Dr. Gale shakes Walker’s hand. “It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Prescott. I can tell you care for Erin.”

  “I do. And I look forward to you bringing my little girl into the world. Thank you.”

  Dr. Gale leaves us alone in the room and I jump off the table to quickly change. When I am finished I pull the curtain back finding Walker staring at his ultrasound picture. He turns his gaze to me and I can see he is holding back his emotions. “You alright hun?”

  It slips out. I’m not one for nicknames but it just felt right. Being with Walker feels right.

  His eyes light up at my term of endearment and a smile breaks out on my face. I’ve made him happy.

  “Erin.” He takes the picture and carefully places it next to my purse on the counter. Taking the three steps needed to reach me, his hands grab my hips and he bends down onto both knees before me. He looks up to me, commanding, without words, not to dare look away. “Erin, you have no idea how happy these past couple of weeks has made me. I’ve dreamed about a little girl since the night you told me she was mine. She’ll have your big beautiful brown eyes, thick brown hair and me, completely wrapped around her finger. She will be as adored and protected as her mother and will never go without. I promise.”

  “You’re amazing Walker,” I interrupt. I needed to tell him. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life. We are lucky.”

  “When I’m with you I feel amazing. You make my heart beat. You make my world turn and fill my lungs with air. I live and die by you Erin Decker.” His grasp tightens. “I love our little girl so much and I love you Erin. So damn much it hurts.”

  My legs collapse beneath me bringing me to the ground with him. I gently place my palms over the top of his, still holding onto my hips. “I love you too, Walker. Not so much it hurts, because love shouldn’t hurt, but so much that I give myself to you. My love. My all. Everything. It’s yours.”

  Resolute in our newly declared love for one another and after leaving the OB office, I called my mother to let her know she would be having another granddaughter. After the high pitched screaming stopped and I was able to put the phone back to my ear, she asked what her name would be. Walker, overhearing my mom’s question, announced that he gets to name her. Since I am getting used to his quirks I didn’t push it further...we can compromise later.

  On the way home I had to practically take a hold of the steering wheel so that he wouldn’t follow through on his threats of pulling into a Babies R Us and buying, according to Walker, “every damn baby item she deserves.” He was being cute but I wanted to wait until the 20 week ultrasound to confirm it’s a girl.

  Since that day Walker has been taking every opportunity to express his love for me now that it’s out there in the open. If he isn’t telling me he loves me he is expressing what he loves about me. Sometimes I feel like it’s all too good to be true. A 23 year old man fresh out of college wanting to be completely tied down with someone he just recently got to know? I will admit we fit together perfectly, both mentally and physically. My body molds to his in such a way that you don’t know where one ends and the other begins. And our personalities? When I was with Robert I felt old, but with Walker I feel my age. We can cuddle on the couch to watch a movie, sneak inappropriate touches when others aren’t looking, and laugh so hard at how much he annoys Noelle, that I snort. Sexy, I know but I don’t have to feel like I need to be someone I’m not when I am around him. I didn’t realize I was doing that before.

  “Erin, get your head out of Walker’s ass!” Noelle snaps her fingers in front of my face getting my attention. “You’re supposed to be spending time with me.”

  It’s Sunday night and Noelle has been nagging me for a girl’s night. We’ve barely had any alone time and I’m excited for some female bonding. Walker has been banished from the house until after school tomorrow and even though I miss him, I know that Noelle and I need some bestie time.

  “I’m sorry. Just have a lot on my mind. It’s been two days and Walker still won’t call his parents and tell them about the appointment, or that they will be having a granddaughter. I don’t want that for him or even this baby. They all deserve to be in each other’s lives. Since losing my dad I feel even more strongly about it. I would give anything for him to be here for her, to hold her.” Sitting with my back against the couch on the floor I rub my abdomen as I try holding back the tears.

  Noelle moves closer, wrapping her arm around my shoulder, and pulling me into a comforting sideways hug. “I’m sorry Erin. I know how much he meant to you, to me too. He always treated me like his own daughter. Just know that he is always looking down on you. In fact, after getting to know Walker a little bit more, I know your dad sent him to you. He would be Walker’s number one fan, you know that right? And he would be so proud of you.”

  “I know. I just miss him so much.” Her arms squeeze me just a bit tighter.

  “Ok.” She pats me on the head and turns her body to face me. “So speaking of, how are things going with Thunder Tongue?”

  I roll my eyes at her nickname. She sees him here all the time so she knows it’s pretty serious.

  “I was just thinking about how it just seems too good to be true. He is so excited about the baby and any other normal 23 year old would be running far away from such a huge responsibility.” I sigh and stand up plopping right back down on the sofa.

  “Erin.” She jumps up walking to the kitchen to refill her glass of wine. “You should know by now that Walker is far from normal. Even though he gets on my last damn nerve with his gross feet all over my table, and I think he seriously moves things out of place in the fridge just to give me the shakes, I believe he truly wants to be there.”

  Sighing, I throw my head back against the cushion. “You’re right. It just seems like the ball is going to drop. Like, the drama with his dad is just the tip of the iceberg on the Titanic of issues that are coming.”

  “I know I am the last person to say this to you,” she says coming back from the kitchen, making me jealous of her wine glass full of beautiful Moscato. “But you shouldn’t worry about anything until there is something to worry about. Don’t think about all the bad things that could happen and focus on all the good. A month ago you were going to be a single parent and now you have the father of that beautiful niece of mine in both of your lives.”

  She’s right. I hate when she is right. There is no need to worry about something that may or may not happen, and at this point I don’t see what could possibly go wrong.

  “You have to give him props, Erin. I respect the fact that he is taking responsibility for both of your actions that night. Besides,” she continues, “From what I hear at night he must be really into you to put that much effort in to making you scream his name like that.”

  My cheeks burn with redness as I throw a pillow at her legs, hoping she doesn’t spill on the carpet. I’d never hear the end of it.

  What she says reinforces that I am not the only one seeing how am
azing he is. Not that what others think matters, but the fact that she can see how he is stepping up and how much he actually wants all of this, warms me a little bit.

  After a few minutes we pop in a DVD and veg out on all the fried food we can get our hands on. When I jump up to put in the second movie, my text message alert goes off. Noelle snatches my phone before I get a chance to.

  “Holy shit, Erin! Why the hell are you here with me when you could be gliding your hands down that bad boy. Where does that V end?” Her eyes bulge out at the screen of my smart phone as I seize it back.

  “You are the one that prohibited him from the house Noelle,” I point out glancing down at my cell.

  My jaw hits the floor when I see the picture Walker has sent me. He has a hat on that says “OBEY” and a white shirt pulled up gracing me with his amazing set of abs and a V that does indeed almost touch at the bottom. I have to squeeze my thighs together to keep my want at bay.

  Walker: *IMAGE* Wish you were here

  Me: So I can “obey”?

  Walker: You’re mine to do what I please with, but if you were here, you would be begging to obey me, baby.

  Me: Oh, really? How would you get me to beg?

  I know this is dangerous. I’m supposed to be spending time with Noelle, but that picture did amazing things to my body and now I want to do dirty things to his.

  Noelle announces she is heading for bed and leaving me to my “sexting” with no chance to protest. I fall back into the couch opening up my phone again when the ping alerts me to a new message.

  Walker: I would strip you of your clothes and spread those gorgeous legs so wide to get a full view of what’s mine.

  Me: Walker...

  I warn him to stop. I don’t want to get worked up without him here to release me.

  Walker: Then I’d nibble on your clit until your body bows off the bed and you are so close to coming.

  Me: Oh my


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