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That Unbreakable Love

Page 13

by Tynessa

  “Do you mind if I smoke?” Ray’Shun asked. Trinity knew he was upset because he didn’t even wait for her to answer before he sparked the blunt up. He puffed it a couple of times before speaking. “You shouldn’t have even told her that much. It’s like, you have to report back to her with every single thing you do. You can’t keep doing that shit. It’s some things you have to keep to yoself baby girl; especially when fucking with me. And even though I don’t like Monae because she dirty as fuck, it ain’t about her. I’m a private nigga with certain shit and you’re one.” Ray’Shun couldn’t risk losing Trinity and that would happen if she continued to run her mouth about everything that went on in their relationship. If she was going to be fucking with him, then she was going to have to put a stop to that.

  Trinity nodded her head up and down, indicating that she totally understood where he was coming from. He always have told her to not go back telling Monae anything when it came to their relationship, but now, she understood him more. It would be hard, being that Monae was her run to girl. Whenever she and Ray’Shun would have an argument, it was Monae that she ran to, or whenever someone bragged about sleeping with him, it was Monae that would bring the information to her and lend her a shoulder to cry on.

  “You nodding your head but I hope you understanding what I’m saying. You running back telling that girl all your business but she don’t give a fuck about you or your feelings. Monae don’t care about nobody by herself and I wish you realize that.” By now they were pulling up to Ray’Shun’s house. He wasn’t trying to talk to her like she was a child, but all that gullible shit she had going on, it was time to decease it. Though Ray’Shun was madly in love with Trinity, she really needed to grow up.

  “I do understand baby and I promise, from here on out, Monae will know nothing about what goes on in our lives,” she smiled as she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “Not just her. Nobody! Now, come on before my mama and them get home.” Opening the door, he hopped out and so did Trinity. Ray’Shun didn’t know where his family were, but he was about to take advantage of having the house to himself, and once they entered, Ray’Shun couldn’t keep his hands off Trinity. In fact, he sexed her right where they stood in the foyer.


  It was well after ten when Ronny and Shaniqua made it home. Since Shaniyah was off punishment, they dropped her and the rest of the girls off at Shaniqua’s parents house while RJ went to Ronny’s parents. Ronny hadn’t been spending that much time at his bar and grill, but he was sure to call every day to make sure things were running smoothly. Once he did his walk-thru and checked on a few things in his office, he went back to the bar to get Shaniqua and they was out the door, heading home.

  “I done told that boy about parking in my spot,” Ronny said as he pulled into the driveway. Everybody knew the spot Ray’Shun’s car was parked in was Ronny’s, but every so often, Ray’Shun felt the need to park his car there as if he was the man of the house. “Aye, boy, what did I tell you about parking that car in my spot?!” Ronny said as soon as he and Shaniqua walked into the house.

  “Oh, my fault pops. I thought I was gonna be gone by the time ya’ll got back.”

  “Here.” Ronny tossed his keys to Ray’Shun as he sat on the couch. “Move that piece of shit and put my truck right there!” he demanded. It was funny because Ronny had the same Challenger as Ray’Shun, but his was burnt orange.

  “Might as well let me drive it to take Trin home. I’m coming right back.” That was Ray’Shun’s way of asking to borrow his dad’s truck. Ronny didn’t let him drive it too often but when he did, young Ray’Shun felt like a young boss!

  “Trinity?” Shaniqua repeated her name. “Where she at?” She then asked after not seeing her downstairs with her son. Ray’Shun informed her that she was upstairs taking a nap and Shaniqua gave him the side eye. Now, she didn’t mind Trinity being over there at all, but being upstairs when no one was home, that she wasn’t too thrilled about. She’d notice the change in Trinity and knew her and her son was having sex. It was just something about the glow that reflected on her face when she was around. “Alright now Ray’Shun, I’m not trying to be nobody’s grandmama no time soon.”

  Ray’Shun smacked his lips because Shaniqua would always embarrass him when she mention something about him having sex. “Ma, ain’t nobody been doing nothing,” He lied.

  “Better not have! I’ll tell Trin you down here waiting on her. Goodnight.” Standing from the arm of the couch, Shaniqua headed upstairs. Just like Ray’Shun said, Trinity was sleeping like a baby. “Sleepy head, wake up.” Trinity jumped up like she had done seen a ghost.

  “Mama Shan, what time is it? Oh my god, I’m sorry.”

  “Girl it’s okay.” Shaniqua waved her off. “It is after ten though, so you should probably get on home before you and my son get in trouble by your grandmother,” Shaniqua suggested.

  Trinity gave a nervous chuckle as she got up from the bed. Though her and Ray’Shun had sex downstairs and upstairs in his bedroom where she then fell asleep afterwards, it was embarrassing that Shaniqua was the one waking her up instead of him.

  “Right. I don’t wanna get into trouble.” She started to walk off, but was stopped.

  “Are you on any birth control, Trinity?” Shaniqua blocked her path from exiting the door. Oh, God. That made her so nervous. Because as far as she was concerned, Shaniqua still thought she was a virgin.

  “No ma’am. Where did that come from Mama Shan?” She asked nervously.

  “Come over here first thing Monday morning so I can take you to the doctor. Until then, you and Ray’Shun better wrap it up!” With that, Shaniqua turned and walked away. She knew she couldn’t tell Trinity not to have sex because she was going to do that regardless, but because she didn’t have a mother figure in her life, Shaniqua was going to step up and take her to the doctor to get her on some birth control. Not because she wasn’t ready to be a grandmother but because she and Ray’Shun was entirely too young to be parents.

  Chapter 20

  Two months later.

  Only three weeks into her first year of high school, Shaniyah decided to skip for the very first time. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t scared as a mouse, but Kush promised that he would make it well worth it. It was no doubt in her mind that her parents would definitely kill her if they had the slightest idea on what she was up to, but because Kush was her man and she was deeply in love with him, it gave her the little push to go along with the flow.

  “Damn, you looking good girl. Let me find out you over here fucking with one of these lame ass niggas in there,” Kush said once she hopped inside the car. It was initially his cousin, Rock, vehicle, but one would swear it was Kush’s with the way he flaunted it around. He didn’t even have a driver license, but he didn’t care.

  “Boy hush. You know I’m not talking to nobody, and besides, Man would be happy to give you that information if I was.” Kush laughed when she said that.

  “You know I got him over there watching you. Well, I got a couple of niggas over there watching yo’ ass.” Kush might’ve been smiling when he said that, but he was dead ass serious and Shaniyah knew that. She just rolled her eyes and didn’t respond to it. Kush knew he didn’t have to worry about anything when it came to Shaniyah and another guy. She was sprung off the dick and just like her, he was sprung off her young ass, too.

  What was funny about the whole thing was, Kush kind of felt bad about it. He wasn’t supposed to have fallen deeply in love with Shaniyah. He was just going to fuck her little young ass and send her on about her business, but by the time he found out she was Ray’Shun’s little sister, he’d already grown feelings for her. No, he and Ray’Shun wasn’t the best of friends, but Kush knew if he had a sister he wouldn’t want one of his associate to fuck with her. Ray’Shun bought weed from him more than a few times, so he knew all about Kush’s lifestyle. Kush knew things were going to end ugly, but he just couldn’t leave Shaniyah alone.

sp; Kush pulled the car around back and parked it at a local Motel. He’d already gotten the room, so they didn’t have to check in or anything. They could’ve went back to his home or his aunt’s house, but he wasn’t trying to risk the chances of Shaniyah getting caught.

  “I missed you baby,” Shaniyah wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips. She was a lot shorter than Kush, so of course she had to stand on her tip toes. The peck on the lips turned into a passionate kiss. Kush had taught her well because she was now a pro at kissing.

  “I just wanna hold you. You do know we don’t have to have sex every time we see each other. I mean, that shit is good but I don’t want you to feel like that’s all I want from you,” Kush explained. He was truly weak for Shaniyah.

  “Aw, I know baby. I just don’t want you to feel the need to go out and be with another girl. I have to keep you satisfied.” Shaniyah reached for his belt buckle only for Kush to stop her.

  “That’s one thing you don’t have to worry about. It’s all about you boo. I ain’t even thinking about these chicken head, money hungry hoes out here. I love Shaniyah McDay and her only. Now, come on let’s lay down.” With that, Kush pulled Shaniyah in his arms as they laid down on the bed. He’d meant every word he’d just spoken to her and Shaniyah was in awe. From that moment on, nothing or no one was going to get in the way of their relationship.


  It was a little after four and almost time for Shaniyah to come home from school. She was a bus rider so she got Kush to drop her back off at school so she could get back on the bus and go home as if nothing had ever happened. ‘This was too easy,’ she thought as she rode the bus home in la la land. All she could think about was laying in Kush’s arms and how she couldn’t wait to do it again. Laying with him having pillow talk made her love him more than she already did. Kush was a thug at heart, but when it came to Shaniyah, all that went out the door. She saw a different side of him that no one had ever saw, not even his mama.

  Strolling up to the front door after getting off the school bus, Shaniyah felt a cold chill that caused her to shiver. She brushed it off because she thought it was the side effect of love, being that Kush was still on her mind. So she just kept her pace to her front door with a smile covered on her face. She’d just spent the day with her boo and she was in heaven. No one could take Shaniyah off the high she was on; or so she thought.

  Entering the front door, Shaniyah dropped her book bag and kicked off her shoes right there in the foyer. Her and her siblings got in trouble every day for doing the exact same thing she had done, but all she wanted to do was run into the kitchen and get something to drink then head up to her room. Yeah, that was the plan, but when homegirl rounded the corner, Shaniqua was already sitting on the arm of the couch waiting for her, with a belt in her hand.

  “I’m about to beat your mothafuckin’ ass! While yo’ dumb ass wanted to be grown, you must’ve forgotten that the school calls when you miss a day. Or you just didn’t give a fuck?” Shaniyah froze dead in her tracks. It wasn’t that she didn’t care, she had totally forgot about that. When it came to Kush, it was like her mind went blank and nothing or anyone mattered, but him.

  “What I do mama?” Shaniyah asked with a confused expression on her face as if she really hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “I swear to God, Shaniyah; if you stand here in my face and try to insult my intelligence, I’ma fight your ass like the grown woman you think you are. Now, where the fuck was you today?” Yeah, the automatic system from the school called to notify Shaniqua that her daughter didn’t attend school that day, but that was after, Trinity told Ray’Shun that she didn’t see Shaniyah that morning like she normally did. He knew his sister had went to school that day, but he asked his mom for clarification.

  “Ma, I was at school. I don’t know why they called you but I promise I was there.” By now, Shaniyah had tears in her eyes and was starting to regret what she had done.

  “Get yo’ ass up there and strip. Yo’ hot ass wasn’t crying when you was somewhere skipping school,” Shaniqua was heated. Ronny was in a business meeting and there was no telling how long that would take. Out of all the days, she wished he was home because she really didn’t want to deal with Shaniyah. See, the way her attitude was set up, she would probably end up fighting that child, like she was her worst enemy.

  Shaniyah did as she was told and sobbed all the way up the stairs. The ass whooping she knew she was about to get, she was not ready for it. Her parents had never actually whooped her before so she was hoping Shaniqua would hear her cries and change her mind. That went out the window when she got in her room and stripped out her close. Shaniqua closed that door and beat her ass until she was tired.

  “I’m sick of your shit Shaniyah! All your grown ass do is walk around here with that damn phone glued to your hand and a fucked up ass attitude like somebody owes yo’ ass something.” Shaniyah continued to sob as she slowly put back on her clothes onto her sore body. Shaniqua felt bad for whooping her the way she did, but that ass beating was long overdue. “Give me that phone then go down there and pick that mess up from in front of my door. Find you some damn homework to do or something.” With that, Shaniqua walked out the room to tend to her other kids.

  Once everything had died down, Destiny went into Shaniyah’s room to check on her. She didn’t know what Shaniyah was thinking when she skipped school. Did she not think about the consequences if she got caught?!

  “Are you okay?” Destiny asked when she walked into the room. She’d never seen her sister so venerable before and felt sorry for her.

  “Text Kush for me,” was all Shaniyah said. It was a damn shamed that after getting an ass beating for him he was still heavy on her mind. Pulling out her phone, Destiny text the number Shaniyah had given her.

  Destiny: Hey Kush. This Destiny, don’t call Niyah’s phone because our mom took it away from her. I think you know the reason why so I don’t have to get into all that. She just wanted me to give you the heads up.

  Once Destiny hit send, she showed the message to Shaniyah, but before she could put the phone away, Kush was texting back.

  Kush: Damn. Tell her I’m sorry.I didn’t mean to get her into trouble.

  Destiny text back ‘K’ and delivered the message to her sister. She wasn’t about to play messenger back and forth with them. She didn’t have anything against Kush, but she did feel he was a bad influence on Shaniyah. Like, what kind of boy would get his now fifteen year old girlfriend to skip school and smoke weed. Yes, Shaniyah had smoked weed a time or two when she and Kush chilled together. Destiny, thought that was a bit too much for her. Though, Man’s young ass smoked as well, he never once offered or suggested Destiny hit the blunt. Shaniyah was out of control and Destiny knew all this shit would backfire on Shaniyah sooner or later; if only she knew.

  “Destiny, if you don’t get your lil ass out of here trying to be slick, I’m taking your phone and beating your ass, too. Don’t ya’ll play with me today!” Neither one of them heard when Shaniqua walked in. Destiny jumped up so fast and dashed towards the door, you would’ve thought she was on fire. She wasn’t about to be in trouble fooling around with Shaniyah.

  Chapter 21

  Ray’Shun had been at Rock’s house majority of the day chilling with him. Since he’d graduated, he didn’t have nothing but time on his hands. Most days, he would chill at home or even with his dad, and if Ronny had errands to run, Ray’Shun would be right there tagging along. Though Ronny wanted his son to go away to college and felt he was throwing his basketball career away, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying him being around full-time. Ray’Shun was so much like him when he was his age; minus being a big time hustler. That was one trademark Ronny was glad Ray’Shun didn’t pick up after him.

  Looking at his phone, Ray’Shun sent Eve to the voicemail for the umpteen time that day. To him, it was a damn shame how she continues to call him daily after he made it clear that he didn’t want anything to do with h
er. Had she kept it up, he was going to change his number on her ass.

  “Damn nigga, ‘bout time yo’ ass brought my car back. Thought I was gon’ have to send 5.0 to hunt you down.” Ray’Shun heard Rock say. When he looked up to see who he was talking about sending the cops after, Kush was making his way to the porch where they were sitting.

  “Man, you knew I was gon’ bring this piece of shit back,” Kush joked as he dapped everyone up.

  “Aight, let’s see if it’s gone be a piece of shit next time yo’ big lip ass try to borrow it, again.”

  “You know I was just fucking with you,” Kush laughed. “But I’ll fuck with ya’ll niggas later. Oh and Ray’Shun, I’ll have that for you a little later on tonight. I’ll call and let you know when to come through.” Once Ray’Shun said okay, Kush went on and strolled his tall frame down the street with his brother Man.

  “Man, I hope that nigga don’t be all night. I dropped my girl off at my house so she’ll be calling me soon.” Looking at the time, Ray’Shun saw it was only five-thirty pm.

  “Oh, she over there spending time with the fam. I’m surprise she ain’t at Monae’s house. What’s up with them, anyways?” Slim asked as he passed the blunt to Ray’Shun. When Ray’Shun took it, he puffed it then released the smoke towards Slim. It wasn’t in a disrespectful way, though.

  “Hell if I know. I slick hope they ain’t friends no more.” Ray’Shun knew that was a wishful thinking, but he just wished it was true.

  “I feel you man. I’m ‘bout done with her my damn self. That ho is jealous and stay hating on the next bitch; and she grimy as fuck. I told her ass, she ain’t gon have no good luck with her mean ass.” Slim didn’t want to tell Ray’Shun that the way Monae stayed down talking Trinity, she had it out for her. He didn’t know what or if Trinity had done something to Monae, but it was something Monae had against her. Hell, Slim wouldn’t be surprised if Monae tried to come on to Ray’Shun knowing damn well he was in a relationship with her supposed to be best friend. Little did he know, she been trying to get with Ray’Shun.


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