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Chasing The BallGirl (FanGirl Series2)

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by Trish Williford

  “It might be four. I’m working on getting the Blue Birds a team pharmacist. If so, you’d better come work for us.”

  “I would be so grateful to continue to work for this team. It’s really like a family. I’m not getting my hopes up though,” I told him.

  “Just keep your fingers crossed. I have a few months during the off-season to work on it.” He smiled. “Make sure you keep me updated if you get any interviews.”

  “I sure will,” I promised.

  Owen nodded toward the doors. “How about we go in and get this night started?”

  I looped my arm around Maya’s outstretched arm and smiled. “Let’s do this.”

  Chapter Five: Ryan

  The Blue Birds Organization spared no expense with the event, and each year, it rivaled some of the biggest celebrity events I’d attended.

  This year was no different.

  “Holy shit, this looks like an after-party for the Oscars or something.” Lexi gasped from beside me as we walked into the ballroom.

  Carson and Melody were behind us, and Mel’s reaction was similar.

  Navy-blue linens covered the large, circular tables, which had lavish white floral centerpieces in the middle, surrounded by fine china and crystal.

  “Come on, Mel. Let’s go find our table.” Lexi grabbed Melody’s hand, dragging her away from Carson.

  “This is pretty impressive,” Carson noted as he took in the room.

  “They really go all out for this event. I like that they do this for the staff. They definitely show that they appreciate them.”

  “Speaking of staff appreciation, Sam is here tonight. Thanks for doing that for her. I think she’ll have a good time tonight.”

  I nodded. “It’s no problem.”

  I hit up the bar for a Stella, needing alcohol to get me through this night. This event was typically fun, but I was just not feeling it tonight. I scanned the room, looking for company for this evening, until my eyes landed on a girl with the most perfect curves and wavy blonde hair pinned loosely to display her long neck. I’d definitely found my entertainment for the evening.

  Mystery Girl turned around, and I felt my jaw hit the floor.

  Fuck, that’s Sam.

  A heavy hand landed on my shoulder, and I didn’t need to turn around to know that it was Coach Anthony. “Any big plans during the off-season, Cruz?”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of Sam enough to conjure up a coherent answer. I mumbled something about beaches, and apparently, that satisfied him enough to leave me alone. I closely watched her as she made her way through the crowd, stopping every few feet to greet someone with a hug or a smile.

  I wanted to be the recipient of those smiles and hugs, to have her curvy, perfect body pressed against mine. Fuck leaving her alone. I needed this girl tonight.

  Sam was hugging Caine Moore, our relief catcher, when her eyes locked on to mine. The music in the bar drowned away, and the world disappeared. Maybe she felt it, too, because her mouth gaped open, and she inhaled deeply. After a long moment, she rapidly blinked her eyes, and she was gone. With her attention back on Caine, my hands balled into fists, and an urge to strangle him came over me. I got along with Moore just fine but not when he was the receiver of Sam’s attention.

  I was halfway across the ballroom before I realized it, my legs carrying me without my consent. The closer I got to Sam, the more nervous I became. I didn’t get nervous around girls—ever—but tonight, she could make the biggest player sink to his knees and beg for her attention.

  And I was so damn close to doing just that.

  Her eyes landed on me once again, growing wider when she realized she was my destination. She was struggling with paying attention to what Caine was saying while watching me come closer, and that was exactly what I wanted. I typically avoided pissing matches with other guys, but for Christ’s sake, with the way she was looking tonight, consider it game fucking on.

  Caine must have realized he was losing Sam’s attention to something behind him because he turned his head. An easy smile crossed his face when he saw it was me, and he extended his hand. “Hey, Cruz. Glad you’re here, man.”

  I shook his hand a little harder than necessary, but Caine didn’t seem to notice.

  “I was just telling Sammie here that I barely recognized her out of her uniform.”

  She was even more breathtaking up close. The hue of her dress practically made her crystal-blue eyes glow almost translucent. The dress she was wearing perfectly clung to her curves, and I had to shove my itching palms into my pockets to avoid touching her. No longer was she the hot ball girl whose shorts I wanted to get in; tonight, Sammie was a fucking goddess I needed to worship.

  Sammie’s sudden change in demeanor made it clear that she was uncomfortable that I’d joined in the conversation.

  “Hi, Sam,” I managed to finally say. I waited for her to look at me before saying, “You’re absolutely gorgeous.”

  Her cheeks flushed instantly at my words, and I was thankful that I had that effect on her.

  “Thank you.” A small smile crossed her red lips. “You look really nice, too.”

  I needed to get her relaxed, so she could loosen up. I held my arm out for her and gave her my smile. “Can I get you a drink? Catch up a little?”

  She tucked her arm around mine without a second thought, giving Caine a sweet smile. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Save me a dance.” He winked.

  Like fuck.

  I led her to the bar where an older gentleman was wiping down the bar top.

  “Good evening, folks. What can I make up for ya?”

  I motioned for Sam to go first.

  “Cranberry and vodka, please.”

  “Sir?” the bartender asked.

  “Bourbon and ginger. And two double shots of Patrón Silver, please.”

  Sam’s eyebrows lifted. “You should know I’m a lightweight, and I’ve already had a shot and a glass of champagne tonight. You’ll be carrying me around this ballroom in about a half hour.”

  “Gladly, sweetheart.” I winked.

  She bit her bottom lip, attempting not to smile. “Ryan, I’m not your type of girl. Although I’m flattered, you are wasting your time, flirting with me. I’m sure there are plenty of other women here who will gladly give you what you need tonight. I’m just not the one.”

  “First of all, I do not believe I’m wasting my time with you. We are just hanging out. Secondly, I’d love to know what kind of girls you think are my type.”

  She shrugged slightly. “Sexy. Confident. Overly experienced. Promiscuous.”

  Fuck if she hadn’t hit the nail on the head. Typically, that was my type. But, tonight, I didn’t want my type. I wanted her.

  The shots were placed in front of us first and then the drinks.

  I handed a shot to her and raised my glass for a toast. “To the sexiest woman in the room tonight. She has no fucking clue how beautiful she is, which makes her even more appealing. Confidence will come with experience, and I like that she’s not promiscuous,” I leaned down to her ear to whisper, “but it’s not a crime to feel good every once in a while.” My lips brushed her lobe, and goose bumps rose to the surface of her perfectly tan skin as I pulled away. I clinked my glass to her now shaking one. “Cheers, sweetheart.”

  She downed the shot like a goddamn champ, not even making a face at the warming of the tequila as it settled in her stomach.

  “I think you took that shot better than most men I know.”

  She smiled proudly. “I am a broke college student who can only afford cheap vodka or tequila that burns badly. Patrón is my favorite. It goes down smooth and doesn’t have a bite, but I only have it on special occasions. Sounds like most of the guys you know are wimps.”

  Before I could kneel in front of her to begin bowing, the MC for the evening asked everyone to take their seats for dinner to be served shortly. We both grabbed our drinks and found the table that Carson, Melody, and Lexi had claim
ed. I pulled out Sam’s chair and waited for her to sit before pushing it in. Lexi smacked my arm after I sat down.

  “What the hell, Lexi?”

  “You’re a shit date, Cruz. You leave me once we’re inside the door and then have the audacity to mack on another woman while we’re here. Don’t get me wrong; Sammie is the hottest bitch in this place tonight … but you suck.”

  “Seriously, Lex? You told me I was only your ticket in tonight. You wanted to hang out with Mel and were afraid, if you got too close to me, you’d contract syph. So, here I am, staying away from you.”

  Lexi’s anger morphed into a mischievous smile. “You listened, meathead. You’re right; I didn’t want anything to do with you tonight other than using you to get in. But do me a solid and leave my girl Sammie alone, will ya?”

  “What the hell? Why?”

  Lexi looked at Sammie. “Sweetie, do you want syph?”

  Sammie’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. “Of course not.”

  Lexi glared back at me. “There. Now, leave her alone.”

  “I don’t have syph. I’m clean,” I said to the entire table.

  Because I was. I had never not wrapped my dick.

  I had a theory. If the girl was so willing to jump on my cock after a wink, God only knew what else—or who else—they’d done. I wouldn’t lick their pussies because why in the fuck would I wrap my junk in armor but rub my tongue all over the possibly infested area? On the other side of the coin, I didn’t ask them to suck me off. It was rude to ask for it but not reciprocate. My mother had instilled some values in me.

  After dinner was served, the DJ began to play more upbeat music. Once another round of Patrón Silver shots were taken by the entire table, the girls left Carson and me to run onto the dance floor.

  We probably looked like damn stalkers, watching the girls dance up on one another.

  Carson must have sensed it, too, because, at one point, he mumbled, “We’re creepy as fuck,” but it didn’t deter our eyes even for a moment.

  And I believed most of the other guys in the room felt the same because we definitely weren’t the only dicks watching the three hottest girls on the dance floor rub on one another. My cock was twitching, coming to life at imagining that Sammie was dancing on me the way she was on Lexi.

  “You’re not taking Sam home tonight, so all of the legwork you’re putting in will be wasted,” Carson said out of nowhere.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lied.

  “Fucker, I know you better than you think.”

  A slow song interrupted the girls’ sexy dancing, and it couldn’t have come at a better time.

  “Thank fuck.” Carson shot to his feet and stalked straight to Mel. He wrapped her tiny frame in his arms, and they swayed along with the music.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Caine standing from his seat with his focus on Sam.

  Like fuck you are.

  I hauled ass across the floor until I reached her and extended my hand. “May I?”

  Her already-flushed cheeks turned scarlet, but her soft hand landed in mine. “You may.”

  Caine nearly ran into our connected hands. “Shit. Sorry, guys. Sam, how about that dance?”

  Sammie nervously glanced between Caine and me. “I’m sorry, Caine, but Ryan asked me first. Maybe next?”

  Caine looked disappointed—that was, until Lexi wrapped her arms around his neck. “Dance with me,” she said in an almost-hypnotic, sultry voice.

  Forgotten was Caine’s disappointment. Instead, a wide smile practically split his face in two. This was the first time I’d ever been thankful for Lexi Murray.

  Sam and I settled into a steady rhythm, slowly making circles around the dance floor.

  “How’s college going?”

  She gave a slight shrug. “School is school. This is my last year, so I’m doing rotations in different clinical and retail settings rather than being in a classroom, so that part is cool at least.”

  “I’m sure you’re happy that you’re almost finished. You’ll be a pharmacist, right?”

  “Right, and I am thrilled I’m almost finished.” She giggled. “It’s been a good experience, but I’m ready to move on. I only have about six months left, and once I graduate, I have no desire to be a student ever again.”

  “Do you live in a dorm?”

  “No. Actually, during my campus visit, one of the student advisors mentioned there was a professor who owned a few townhouses close to campus. She rented them out to students based on their grades. The higher the grade point average, the lower your rent. She said it was a good way to get students to stay focused and away from all the temptations of partying and everything else that came along with college. I applied for a spot in one of the townhouses, and my grades are high enough that she only charges me twenty-five dollars a month to live there.”

  “That’s a pretty awesome deal.”

  “It is. I’m really fortunate that I kind of fell into that deal. I have to share a townhouse with four other girls, but I have my own room with my own bathroom, so it’s a lot better than the dorms.” As she talked, she subconsciously moved closer to me. Our bodies were almost touching. “So, how about you? Any big plans during the off-season?”

  “Probably take a vacation or two. One will be at Christmas. I always take my family somewhere different for the holiday. It’s nice to be able to spend it with them since I’m away so much during baseball season.”

  She smiled warmly. “Where are you thinking of going?”

  “My dad mentioned the Panama Canal a few months ago, so I think I might plan a cruise that will take us through there.”

  “Just you and your parents?”

  “My parents and two younger brothers. They will both be graduating this year—one college and one high school.”

  “Oh, your poor mother, being the only female in a house full of boys.” She laughed.

  I nodded and joined in on the laughter. “My mom is a saint. She might be the only female in the family, but she’s the hard-ass. Everyone listens to what she says, no matter what. All she has to do is give you a look, and you know you’re in for it. I’m really lucky to have the family I do. They’re really supportive.”

  “That’s really nice. I’m happy for you.” She smiled sadly.

  I wanted to ask her about her family, but the look she had given me made me think it was best not to bring it up. She tightened her hold around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder, and I didn’t want to talk anymore. I just wanted to hold her.

  With Sam’s head resting on my shoulder and her soft body tucked into mine, an unfamiliar, warm feeling spread through my chest. This was something I’d never felt before, and as much as I thought it should scare the hell out of me, it didn’t. There was not a hint of anxiety anywhere in my six-foot-three body as I tightened my hold on Sam.

  This was amazing.

  Chapter Six: Sammie

  This was bad.

  Really, really bad.

  I shouldn’t have taken that round of shots with the girls.

  I shouldn’t have said yes when Ryan asked me to dance.

  And, right now, as my body was pressed against his in all the right places while he moved us in slow circles, my entire body was at war.

  My traitorous brain thought this was a fantastic idea.

  My rogue heart wished he were capable of more than one night.

  My raging hormones demanded that I take the one night he was willing to give.

  But that one little ounce of common sense that was lurking deep inside me knew that thinking and feeling this way was dangerous, that falling for a player such as Ryan Cruz would only lead to heartache and disappointment, feelings that I knew all too well.

  Common sense won and took over.

  “Ryan … we shouldn’t do this.” I attempted to put space between us, but it was impossible with the hold he had on me.

  His head lowered and rested on the side of mine, his mouth n
ext to my ear. “Please, Sam, don’t pull away. Not yet.” His whisper raised goose bumps over my body. “Just one more minute …”

  My body was begging me to accept him, but I needed to run far away. “This can’t—”

  “I need one more minute with you.”


  That could be taken one of two ways:

  I really want one more minute with you.

  Or …


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