Chasing The BallGirl (FanGirl Series2)

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Chasing The BallGirl (FanGirl Series2) Page 15

by Trish Williford


  I had done it. I had thrown my first no-hitter. Not one single player for Seattle had hit any of my pitches.

  I attended the press conference directly after the game before hitting the locker room for a shower. I was anxious to get to Sam and spend the evening with her, not with a bunch of sweaty, smelly guys.

  I pushed through the doors to the back lot where I’d parked and walked into a crowd of fans waiting for players, and in the middle of all the Seattle fans, I found my girl.

  She ran through everyone and into my arms. “You did it! It was your first no-hitter!”

  She was more excited than I was, and I was thrilled she was there to share the experience with me. She grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me in front of the large group of people. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

  “I’m glad you were here for it,” I told her. “I know you have to study for your test … but how about we get out of here and celebrate for a little while?”

  The brightness of her smile rivaled the sun. “What do you have in mind?”


  Twenty minutes later, our taxi dropped us off in front of Aerial Skies Arena in downtown Seattle. The line of people outside the arena was wrapped around the block for tonight’s concert.

  “Okay, can I safely assume we’re going to see a concert tonight?” she asked carefully.

  “Yes, we are going to see a concert tonight. Are you ready for me to tell you who we’re seeing?”

  “Yes!” She bounced on her toes.

  “We’re about to see JT.”

  Her mouth dropped to the sidewalk. “Justin Timberlake?”

  “Justin Timberlake,” I confirmed with a smile. “Happy graduation.”

  She squealed and did a cute, excited dance in front of all the waiting fans. “I’m so freaking pumped! Thank you!” She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a knowing grin. “This is just as much for you, isn’t it?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not going to deny that I might freak out slightly tonight. I’ll give Melody competition for the Fangirl nickname.”

  “She’s Fangirl; you can be Fanboy,” she corrected. “I really wish you had worn a JT shirt or gotten your hair done for this. You’re slacking on your fanboy duties.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, we haven’t even hit the merchandise booth yet. Just you wait.”

  Inside, we went straight to the box office where I had been told to pick up our floor passes and merchandise bags. I had been able to score early entry to the floor, which happened to be general admission.

  An usher took Sam and me down the steps and onto the floor. “Here you go. You all have first pick of wherever you want to stand for the show.”

  Sam’s mouth hung open. “You mean, we can be right up front?”

  “You got it.” The woman smiled.

  Sam did her little dance again, and seeing her so happy made me happy. The crowds were let in soon after, and I was glad I was able to arrange the upgrade. The floor quickly filled up, but Sam was against the barricade, and I was directly behind her.

  “I can’t believe we’re freaking first row for JT. You’re going to have a fit if he sings ‘Señorita.’”

  “Sweetheart, I should sing ‘Señorita’ with him.” I winked.

  “Come on now, Ryan. You don’t want to show up Justin at his own show.” She giggled.


  Four hours later, Sam and I walked into our hotel room, dropped our bags, and collapsed on the bed.

  “Holy hell, if we’re this exhausted, can you imagine how Justin feels right now?” I asked.

  We were both covered in a layer of sweat from dancing, singing, and jumping for the entire two hours JT had been onstage. Sam never stopped moving, not even when he sang some of his ballads.

  “It was so damn good. He’s amazing,” Sam said as if she’d just had the best sex of her life.

  I looked at her and quirked a brow. “He’s that amazing, huh? Then, what am I?”

  She rolled on top of me. “The most phenomenal boyfriend ever. Thank you again.” She kissed me before pushing herself up. “I have to study. I’m going to grab a shower first. Can you order me something to eat? I’m starving from the concert.”

  I handed her the room service menu off the nightstand. “What would you like?”

  “A cheeseburger and fries. Wait, no. Chicken nuggets and fries. Oh, they have cheesecake, too …”

  I grabbed the menu from her and nodded toward the bathroom. “I’ll order for you. Go get your shower.”

  “That’s why I love you.” She kissed me again before heading to the bathroom.

  I looked over the menu and decided to order an assortment of food for her since she’d be studying, and I was sure I’d eat whatever she didn’t. After I called the order in, I took the books out of her bag and put them on the table for her. I moved the large, plush chair to the table, so she’d be more comfortable.

  She came out of the bathroom in an oversize white robe with her hair knotted on top of her head. She noticed right away. “Thanks for getting my books out. This is quite the setup.”

  The food arrived, and she laughed when she saw that I’d ordered chicken, burgers, pasta, and an assortment of desserts.

  “I hope you’re going to help me eat all this. I’m hungry, but this is a bit excessive.”

  “Babe, I’ll eat whatever you don’t. I’m going to grab my shower. Then, if you need help studying, I’ll be your naughty study partner.” I wiggled my eyebrows.

  She giggled. “I wouldn’t get any studying done with you as my study partner. Go get a shower.”

  The bathroom was filled with the scent of her floral shampoo and clean body wash. I picked up the bottles and took note of the brand, so I could keep both on hand at my place for her. I showered quickly and wrapped a towel around my waist.

  When I walked back into the room, Sam was curled up on the comfortable chair, fast asleep. There were only a few fries and a piece of chicken missing, and her books hadn’t been cracked open yet. I smiled at how beautiful she was, even when she slept.

  Today had been a long day, full of excitement, and fatigue was wearing me down as well. I added an extra blanket to the bed since I knew Sam got cold during the middle of the night and then pulled the blankets and sheets down. When I slid my arm under Sam’s legs to pick her up, she startled.

  “It’s okay. It’s just me. I’m putting you to bed,” I whispered.

  She nuzzled into my chest when I lifted her into my arms, and she sighed contently. After she was lying on her side of the bed, I covered her with the blankets and kissed her forehead.

  I looked over at the table full of food, and my mouth watered. “Can’t let good food go to waste,” I said to myself.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sammie

  Six hours.

  Three hundred sixty minutes.

  Twenty-one thousand six hundred seconds.

  That was how long I was given to take my pharmacy licensure exam, and I used every single, solitary second they had given me.

  Six hours had never been so short and long at the same time, nor had it been so damn torturous. I’d been preparing for that exam for the last six years of my life, and I’d been cramming every ounce of material I could into my poor tired brain for the last two weeks. Even though I’d walked into the testing center this morning, feeling prepared and confident, once those questions had come up on the computer screen, I’d felt like a pharmacy novice. All the information I’d soaked inside my brain drained away, and I’d felt like I was second-guessing every question.

  I exited the testing center and mindlessly walked to my car. I was exhausted—mentally, physically, and emotionally. I shut the door to my car and turned my phone on to text Ryan that it was over. I knew he was already at the ballpark, getting ready for the game, so I didn’t bother to call. I had a voice mail, and I recognized the number as the same one that had called me from Los Angeles. My hands shook as the message began to pl

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Sterling. This is Dawn Reidy calling from the Los Angeles Astros Organization. I regret to inform you that our medical team has chosen another candidate for the position. If there are any questions I can answer for you, please give me a call back. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.”

  I sat in the driver’s seat of my car and stared ahead, still letting the news seep into my brain. This was the job I’d wanted so badly, just not for the team I wanted. Ryan wouldn’t be in Los Angeles, and being away for up to nine months of the year would have been really tough. Baltimore was where my heart was, where my family was, so this really was the best thing to have happened. I shouldn’t be upset about it, right? Then, why was I sobbing, alone, in my car in a parking lot? The stress I’d felt over this damn test over the last week caught up with me, and crying felt therapeutic. I sent up prayer after prayer to any god listening to let me pass this damn test because, obviously, I was not strong enough to take it again.

  Once I got myself calmed down enough, I slowly drove home. Although I loved her dearly, I was grateful that Lexi and her family were in Captiva at Mel’s beach house for vacation. I needed time to decompress, and that was hard to do with Lexi around. As I drove, I almost considered stopping by the ballpark just to get a hug from Ryan, but I realized he was probably already in the bull pen, warming up. He was the only person that I would be willing to see right now, and I knew just his smile and words of encouragement could make me feel one hundred times better.

  When I arrived at the condo, I was surprised to see a large vase of gorgeous multicolored roses on the kitchen table and a card with my name on it. I opened up the card and smiled when I recognized Ryan’s handwriting.


  Right now, I’m sure you’re exhausted, and you should probably take a nap. I know you’re second-guessing every question you answered and probably feeling like you flunked that test. But I’m confident that you just made that test your bitch, and you’re about to be a licensed pharmacist.

  I’m in awe of you. You’re so smart. I just hope you don’t become even wiser and realize that you could do better than me. So, please don’t become smarter, Sam. Just stay your current level of smart, and I promise I’ll give you everything I can in this world, just like you’ve given me.

  I’m so damn proud of you. We’ll celebrate soon.

  I love you.


  I read the card at least two more times with a goofy, love-struck grin on my face. He had known that I would need his words, and since he wasn’t able to be here, this was the next best thing he could have done for me. He was wrong though. It would be dumb of me to think I could do better than him. He was everything I hadn’t realized I needed, and having him in my life had made my world turn from black, white, and gray to bright and vibrant colors.

  I took the card with me to my room and stopped in my tracks when I pushed the door open. My bed was gone. There was a large king-sized bed in its place with a beautiful yellow-and-gray comforter and more pillows than I thought I’d ever owned. Another card was lying on the bed.

  I know you don’t like me buying you gifts, but this is a necessity if you want me to stay over. A double bed is a little small for the both of us. So, think of it as a gift from me to me, and you just get to use it when I’m not around. Sound fair?

  P.S. Can we break this in tonight?

  He was ridiculous, and I couldn’t get the smile off my face.


  I woke up from my nap, the glowing green numbers on the alarm clock reading just after eight in the evening. The game should be over at any time, and although this very nice, very comfortable bed was begging me to stay put, I reluctantly got up.

  My phone vibrated against my nightstand, and I saw I had a message from Owen.

  Owen: I have some good news and bad news. Which would you like first?

  Sam: Oh no … bad, I think?

  Owen: We are terminating you as ball girl.

  Sam: Ouch. Way to kick a girl while she’s down. What’s the good news?

  Owen: You’re our new team pharmacist. We are sending you to Kansas City for training with their pharmacist. I pulled some strings with a buddy of mine out there.

  I covered my mouth with my shaking hand. There was no damn way.

  Sam: It got approved?

  Owen: Welcome to the medical staff, Sam. Pending your test results, of course. I need you to stop by the ballpark tomorrow morning to sign your contract. Human resources with Kansas City has sent you an email with training dates. Congratulations, Sam.

  I jumped up and squealed loudly, feeling like everything was finally working out in my favor. Not only would I be able to stay in Baltimore, but I’d also be able to travel with the team while they were on the road. Ryan always complained when he was away for games that he missed me, so he should be happy that I was going to be there with him.

  I grabbed my laptop and found the email from Kansas City’s human resources with training dates starting after the All-Star Break. I thought about telling Ryan tonight, unsure if I could keep the secret until tomorrow morning, but realized it was probably best if I waited until tomorrow after I signed the contract with the Birds. Knowing my luck, the organization would wait until then to decide they’d changed their mind.

  I planned to go to the ballpark tomorrow before Ryan woke up, grab breakfast for us both on the way back to the condo, and then wake him up with breakfast and the news. It was going to be freaking perfect.

  As I set my bag on the chair in the kitchen, Ryan walked in the front door. He dropped his bag to the floor when he saw me running to him, and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him once he had me in his arms. His hands squeezed my ass, and a low moan purred in my throat.

  He slightly pulled back. “Damn, did my girl like the flowers?”

  “Yep, and she likes the new bed, too, which is our next stop.”

  His eyes darkened with desire. “Is that right? You don’t want to go celebrate? Get dinner?”

  “This is the celebrating that I want to do. Then, we can order pizza and eat in bed. Please?”

  His smile melted the room. “Whatever you want, sweetheart. It’s your night, and it sounds like we’re both going to benefit tremendously.”

  He carried me back to the bedroom, and I giggled when he playfully tossed me on the bed.

  He quickly discarded my clothes, and then he grabbed my ankles, and pulled me toward the bottom of the bed. He got down on his knees and smiled. “I’m too hungry to wait. Hope you don’t mind.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ryan

  Buying this bed was the best purchase I’d made in a while. That small double bed that I knew Sam must have had since she was a kid had killed me every time I slept over. I rolled over and reached for her, but I found empty space. I opened my eyes to find that I was indeed alone and grunted.

  “Saaaam, why aren’t you in bed?” I called out but received no response.

  Where did she go?

  I rolled out of bed and searched the condo for my girl but only found a note in the kitchen.

  In the rare event that you’re out of bed before I get back, I went to grab breakfast. I have a big surprise! Love you!

  My mind started going through everything that her surprise could be, and I could only come up with that she’d gotten a job. I was so damn proud of her and everything she’d overcome. Despite coming from a shit home and not having a support system, she’d put herself through college without asking for help or complaining. She was independent as hell, and as hard as that was sometimes for me to accept, it was something I admired about her.

  The front door swung open, but instead of Sam, it was Lexi.

  She stopped in her tracks when she saw me, and a huge grin spread across her face. “Wow, Sam wasn’t exaggerating when she said you were a fucking beast.”

  It was then I realized that I was completely naked in front of Lexi, and she was staring at my dick. I gra
bbed the dish towel on the counter and covered my junk. “What the fuck are you doing here, Lex? I thought you were in Florida.”

  “Dad got called into work, so my parents and I came back early.”

  “Turn around, so I can go put pants on,” I told her.

  She laughed and turned around. “Didn’t take you to be the shy type, Cruz.”

  I ran back to Sam’s room and quickly slid on shorts and a shirt. When I returned to the kitchen, Lexi was sitting on the counter with the pizza box from last night’s dinner on her lap and a slice in her hand.

  She nodded to the note. “What’s Sam’s big surprise?”


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