Book Read Free


Page 3

by Ella Emerson

  When the doorbell rang, I called out for him to come in. “What? You get a new job and can’t return a damn phone call,” he said as he dropped a pizza on my coffee table, and grabbed each of us a beer. He made me laugh because he acted like we’d been friends for a lifetime.

  “Don’t give me shit. I need this,” I said as I grabbed a slice of pizza.

  “Yea, fine I get it. So how’s it going?” What a simple question that I should just answer with, great. So why didn’t I? “Any hot teachers,” he continued.

  Are there any hot teachers? It was a great question because I haven’t noticed. If he asked what Trish wore yesterday, though, I’d be able to tell him all about the tight jeans, low cut sweater and her hair being in a ponytail instead of down.

  “Everything is great. I love it. I’m still meeting teachers so I’ll get back to you on that one,” I mumbled, wanting to talk about anything but school at this point.

  “You should hook me up with one. I’ve heard teachers can be real freaks in bed,” he said, shoving a slice of pizza in his mouth. I laughed at him and changed the subject to football.

  After Stan left and I climbed into bed, I grinned. He was a pain in the ass, but I was glad he pushed his way over tonight. I needed the distraction.

  I remembered how long ago I was roaming the halls of a school just like this. It didn’t seem like that long ago, but as I dropped my briefcase on my desk, I remembered how long it has been.

  “I know you’re all itching to get out of here. You guys have been doing great with this book. I’m impressed with the dedication you have shown. Does anyone have any questions before we finish up?” I sat on my desk and looked around the room. Not surprisingly, no one asked and I put my book down. “Alright. You guys have a good rest of the day. See you tomorrow.” The bell rang, and I walked over to open the door for them. They rushed out into the hall, and I chuckled at their excitement.

  “Have a good day, Mr. W,” Kerrie said as she walked past me.

  I looked at Trish and she smiled, leaning in a bit too close. So close in fact I felt her tits on my chest. “Yes, have a good day.” Just as I thought she was going to pull away she whispered, “Levi.”

  Fuck, I’m her teacher, I’m her damn teacher.

  I reminded myself as I grinned, watching her tight ass sashay down the hallway. “Shit,” I said before I slammed my door closed.

  My favorite part of any Friday at school was the idea that we were coming to the weekend, although lately my favorite part of school was my first period English class.

  I had to hand it to Mr. Wild, he sure loved teaching and enjoyed reading. Watching his brown eyes light up with the sun beaming through the window whenever we would start reading moved me. I didn’t know what it was, just the way he felt about it and tried to get us to feel the same way.

  “Ok class,” he said, hopping his sexy ass onto his desk at the front of the class.

  We all settled in to listen to him speak, me more so than others. He met my gaze and butterflies erupted in my stomach as his eyes held intensity. Almost as if he could see right through me. Like he was reading my mind, he shook his head and continued speaking, but I could no longer hear his voice.

  Images of his hands on me overtook my daydreams as the fluorescent lights of the classroom flickered overhead.

  When my body heat started to rise, Kerrie tapped my foot and brought me back to the present. Oh God, was I moaning?

  My eyes flitted around the room nervously, but when no one was paying any attention to me I resumed my attention back to Mr. Wild in the front of the class. In his tattered jeans, white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up carelessly to his elbows, and a green tie pointing in a V to his most prized possession. A possession I was dreaming about late at night in my room.

  “When we read today, I want you think about symbols,” he said with a grin that made my belly flop. “And no I don’t mean the cymbals you hear crashing with the marching band. No, symbols, the kind Shakespeare used in his work.”

  The whole class was filled with blank stares as Mr. W. let out a sexy chuckle.

  “Does anyone know any symbols Shakespeare may have used in Romeo and Juliet? Anything pop out at you while you’ve been reading over the past week?”

  Without thinking, I shouted, “Two big balls and a troubled scepter.” My hand flew to my mouth to clasp it shut.

  The whole class laughed as Mr. Wild blushed momentarily with wide eyes directed at me.

  He made the sexiest sound somewhere between a laugh and a chuckle, and it was unlike anything I’d ever heard before. Then he ran his hand over his tie and said, “Actually it’s twofold balls and treble scepters, and that’s Macbeth, but good try, Trish.” His tongue caught on the last syllable of my name and held it a moment longer, then he redirected his attention to the rest of the class. “Okay, good. Any others?”

  I wanted to die from embarrassment, yet his body movements were turning me on. Watching him hop down from the desk, walking around the class, and writing on the chalkboard made me feel like I was at an all-male revue, minus the stripping, but I had a good imagination. My body heat kicked up a notch, and I could feel a tingle between my legs. I was turned on. Being in the same room with him, being forced to pay attention to him—it was all too much.

  I stood up and raised my hand all in one fast movement. “Mr. Wild, can I have a pass?”

  Walking to the front of the room as Mr. Wild— Levi, as I wanted to call him while he kissed me— fumbled around on his desk for a hall pass to let me leave. I needed out of this room and away from him before I threw myself at his feet and begged him to take me in front of the whole class.

  I was turned on in the worst way and couldn’t understand what was going on with my body. Sure, I’d been in his class a whole week, and it had just jump started a desire which was building in intensity, and I didn’t know how much longer I could deny it.

  I stood in the restroom on the other side of campus from class and splashed some cool water on my face and peered in the mirror.

  Get it together, Trish.

  I’d made the bet to sleep with him, but now I was second guessing the whole damn thing. For I knew one thing, one night with him would not be enough.

  I heard the bell ring, signaling I needed to rush back to my English class and grab my things before heading to American History.

  As I ran through the halls, Mark waved to me. “Hey, party tonight. Don’t stand me up.”

  I smiled a quick, tight-lipped smile as I waved back. I didn’t have time to discuss parties with him.

  When I entered room 214, Mr. Wild was seated at his desk and the classroom was empty.

  His eyes met mine, and I shut the door.

  “I forgot my bag,” I whispered.

  He didn’t speak or even move for that matter. He just watched me like a hawk.

  Slowly walking to my desk, I bent over to retrieve my bag, and I swear I heard him growl.

  I flipped around to face him, and he was stoic, staring at me with that same look he’d had earlier.

  My cheeks flushed as I moved in a trance toward him.

  “Trish,” he breathed, most likely to stop me from moving closer. Yet, I didn’t let it stop me, and before I knew it I was standing in front of him with the large, wooden desk between us.

  He leaned back in his chair, and I didn’t know if it was to gain some distance from me, but it felt like it was to get a better look.

  “Like anything you see?” I asked with a flirty grin.

  “Don’t,” he breathed then let out a low hiss, and my insides turned to liquid.

  He raked his fingers through his dark hair, causing it to become all disheveled and sexy as fuck.

  I pictured running my fingers through it and wondered if the end result would look the same. Moving closer to the desk, I leaned my palms flat on the hard wood and leaned in. “Just face it, you want me.” I was being bold, and I didn’t know where my confidence was coming from. He was my
teacher for God’s sake.

  “Trish,” he groaned, holding on the blended last syllable again.

  His eyes heated and then he shook his head and sat straighter in his chair. The moment was over, lost forever and I needed to get to my next class.

  “I know, I’m going,” I said as I left the room.

  The rest of the school day could go fuck itself, because nothing else that happened all day was as interesting as having him growl my name.

  Just hearing his voice dropped down an octave made me wet with desire. The way he clocked me from the moment I entered the room made me hyperaware of some hidden lust building up inside of him, and I knew I was getting close to breaking down his walls. I knew I was playing with fire, yet I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.


  The party. I’d talked myself out of it for about an hour, and then I thought what the heck I’m young, I should live it up. What’s the old saying, you only live once. Or was it you’re only young once. Either way, I finally got off the phone with Kerrie who had begged me to go. Which I wasn’t sure why she wanted me there, to witness her and Hunter sucking face all night long was not my idea of a good time.

  I decided on a short jean skirt with black tights, topped with a red sparkly sweater. I fixed my hair and bound down the stairs. My father yelled something on my way out the door, and I yelled back that I loved him.

  Mark pulled up in my driveway and honked as I opened my car door.

  “Hey, Trish, hop in,” he called.

  “What are you doing here, I can drive.”

  “I wanted to make sure you didn’t ditch me tonight, hop in.”

  I shrugged my shoulders then opened his car door and slid into the plush leather of his Lexus 360.

  The music was loud, annoying, and felt like tiny drills were making their way into my skull.

  “Can we turn the music down?” It was some loud rap number with a bass line which made my heart pound in my ears.

  “What?” Mark yelled.

  I reached for the radio and turned it down, and he glared at me while stopped at a red light.

  “Sorry, I just can’t think with that blaring.” Oh God, I sounded like my grandmother. She always complained about kids these days listening to loud music. But, maybe something else was at play here. I was in a funk. A certain teacher was all I could think about. Picturing his hands on my body, I couldn’t calm my mind down.

  Which was odd, because I didn’t know if I would’ve even been this attracted to him had he not been my teacher and we would have gone on the date. All I knew was I wanted him. Courtney, Abby, and Sarah teased me every day on my ‘progress’ with ol’ Mr. Wild.

  And if I was being honest, my progress was shit. I wasn’t getting anywhere. I needed to take drastic measures.

  While I pushed the thought away, Mark drove and slowly inched the music back up by the controls on his steering wheel like I wouldn’t notice.

  We raced through the back streets of town and ended out in the fields well beyond his farm.

  A large barn house sat in the middle of the large, overgrown field. The moon was high in the sky and with it a million tiny stars danced in the cool, night air.

  We stepped from the warmth of his car and made our way into the barn. It felt like the whole school was there, and I did a quick once over to find Kerrie. She had to be here, she said she would be. I tried to find Hunter’s tall physique but couldn’t find them anywhere.

  “I’m going to look for my friends. Thanks for the ride,” I said, walking away from Mark.

  He didn’t seem too happy to watch me leave, but I didn’t care. We weren’t here on a date. I could do what I wanted.

  Kerrie and Hunter were on the steps to an upstairs loft. The whole barn was turned into a rave with flashing lights, loud music, and half the student body bumping and grinding against each other. I’m sure there was a keg somewhere, but I wasn’t in the mood to drink. Heck, I wasn’t in the mood to do anything.

  Kerrie spotted me and waved her hand. “Hey, over here.”

  “Hey, guys,” I said as I came upon the two.

  Kerrie was all decked out in a red dress, heels, and I’m sure she wore her lacy black panties she had bought especially for tonight. This was the night she claimed she was going to give it up to Hunter. Her virginity was something she held close, and she didn’t want to lose it to just anyone.

  However, special the idea was, I didn’t have the same vision. In fact, my virginity was a distant memory, and I regret who ended up taking it. Yep, it was college douchebag, Jonah, the cheater.

  It was a one-time ordeal, lasted all of 3.8 minutes and if I’m being honest, wasn’t that great.

  I think sometimes a girl holds onto their virginity, imagining stars and fireworks. But on the fateful night when it all goes down and some sweaty college freshman is thrusting his puny dick inside you, it takes your dreams and turns them into nightmares. I wasn’t rushing to go through it all again.

  Even though I bet my friends I would sleep with Mr. Wild, I still didn’t know why I had blurted those words during class. Would the experience be just as bad?

  I was sure it wouldn’t be, I mean Mr. Wild had experience. I could tell just by the way a strange current pulsed through me when he stared at me in the coffee shop. He dripped sex appeal, and I was sure he wouldn’t disappoint. Although, I was still worried about how I would even win this bet. Not that it mattered too much, we didn’t wage anything and the only thing that was in question was my reputation, which by this time next year wouldn’t matter. High school would be so far in my rearview I didn’t think I’d ever come back to this small town ever again.

  Hell, my father and brother could come visit me when I was a top designer in New York.

  Hunter and Kerrie asked me if I wanted a drink, and I shrugged my shoulders. Eventually, we were heading to the makeshift bar on the ground floor, smack dab in the center of the old, rickety barn. Classy wasn’t even a word used in these parts.

  Courtney and some guy named Jack came up behind me and as I smiled to them.

  Mark walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. With a red solo cup in his hand, he nuzzled his nose into my neck. I swung out of his embrace and plastered on a fake smile. “What are you up to, Mark?”

  “Come and dance with me.” He grabbed my hand, and I decided to take it.

  What’s the worst that can happen? He’s a buddy of mine, sometimes.

  I nodded to Kerrie and Courtney as we headed to a corner where everyone was dancing. The upbeat tempo left me room to let loose and have a little fun. I closed my eyes and moved to the beat. I’m an awesome dancer. No really, I’ve got moves, and apparently Mark noticed all too well how good my moves were.

  I decided to slow down, which was the wrong choice because Mark placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled my body closer. We swayed to the music for a while until I pulled from his embrace. Being held in Mark’s arms didn’t have the same effect as just a glance from Mr. Wild did this afternoon.

  I spotted a few of my friends from my art class and headed over, telling Mark I would be back soon. Lies.

  After another hour or so of hanging out, the party was beginning to thin out. I could no longer find Kerrie and Hunter and were sure they were off humping somewhere special underneath the stars as he filled her head with young love.

  Mark found me a while later when I’d had enough fun and was ready to leave.

  “You ready to head home?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” And I was. I wanted to get home, slip into a hot bubble bath, and forget about a certain teacher who was constantly on my mind.

  We piled into his Lexus, and he revved the engine before heading off down the old, dirt road.

  Gazing out at the stars above, I felt my eyes start to drift closed until Mark reached across the console and placed a hand on my thigh. I jolted upright, and he squeezed then pulled off the road.

  “Wait, where are we?”

�Shh, Trish, do you know how long I’ve wanted you?” And then he was across the center console and trying to stick his tongue down my throat as his other hand fisted in my hair.

  “Get off me,” I begged but was silenced by his sloppy, wet mouth. It trailed saliva across my cheek as he tried to nuzzle his nose into my neck.

  “Don’t fight this. I know you want me.”

  I reached my hand up and yanked at the handle, opening the door. I stumbled out of the car as Mark finally caught on I was gone.

  “Come on, where are you going?”

  “Stay away from me,” I shouted.

  “Get back in the car,” he said softly, still trying to coax me into a make-out session in his car.

  “I’m not getting back in there with you.” I stood my ground and crossed my arms against my chest.

  “Get in the car, Trish,” he yelled, anger apparent in his voice.

  “No, leave me alone.” I stepped back.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I didn’t answer, and his eyes blazed with fury. “Fine,” he said and threw the car in drive and sped off.

  I took a deep breath as relief flooded my senses. Not able to believe what had almost transpired, I glanced around.

  Town was a ways away, and I could no longer see the barn. I weighed my options as I dialed Kerrie’s number. Voicemail, shit. I tried calling a few more friends who had been at the party, but no one answered. I debated on calling Mark, but decided against it.

  My father was the most obvious choice, which frightened me. Not that I thought he would be upset, no, disappointed. A long lecture would soon follow, even though I thought he would be proud I stood up to Mark.

  I glanced at the time on my phone and noticed it was just after midnight when an idea struck me. Levi Wild.

  His number was in my phone from when he had texted me, but I couldn’t call him. Yet, I needed to call someone. My options were running out, and being here, stranded in some random field miles from town wasn’t a great situation.

  I must have contemplated a good ten minutes before I finally thought, I needed to try harder to sleep with him and this was just the ticket.


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