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Lorenzo & Lily (Royals of Valleria #8)

Page 18

by Marianne Knightly

  A pause. “Threatened you?”

  “Well, yes. He and Calvin – my replacement – showed up at my apartment this morning. I, well, had people around and was busy so couldn’t speak to them. John, however, sent me a threatening message to my phone. I guess he found out about the note I sent you and decided–”

  “Decided to threaten a mother and her little girl.” She sniffled.

  Was she crying? “Blanche.”

  “I had a little girl once.”

  Oh my God.

  “She died when she was just a baby. We were never able to have children after that. It’s one reason we loved you and your little girl so much.”

  Oh my God. “Blanche, I had no idea.”

  “You couldn’t have known. We, Phil and I, we don’t discuss it. Of course, it’s one reason why John was sent to the hotel. Phil’s getting older and can’t run the hotel every day anymore. Instead of selling it, Phil had hoped to keep the hotel in the family. After we received your note, though, we went down to the hotel and spoke with the staff. We know everything you’ve been through. We’re so sorry.”


  “We fired John.”

  Lily blinked, and wondered if she’d heard that correctly. “What?”

  “And Calvin, too. We’re only sorry we didn’t step in sooner.”

  “Oh, Blanche. I know that must be tough for Phil. His family–”

  “–will be just fine. They’ll deal with it. They’re not all bad eggs like John. Do you know what we realized this morning?”

  “What’s that?”

  “We realized you were more our family than John ever was.”

  Lily sucked in a breath. “Blanche.”

  “We want you to run the hotel. Full promotion and raise, the whole deal.”

  Oh my God. “Blanche, that’s a very kind offer, but–”

  “Just think about it. I saw the news this morning. I know about the secret you kept from us.”

  Lily winced. How could she explain that? “Blanche, I kept that from everyone, not just you. I hope you can understand why.”

  “Oh, I do. I really do. I just hope, even if you don’t take us up on our offer, that you’ll let us see you and that little girl once in a while.”

  It suddenly hit her that Blanche and Phil had been better parents to her than even her own parents had been. “Blanche, you’re very sweet. Let me think about the offer, okay? If I don’t take you up on it, of course, we’ll come visit you.”

  “Take your time. I know you’re busy at the moment, but just don’t take too long.”

  “I won’t. I very much appreciate the opportunity here. Please let Phil know how much I appreciate it as well.”

  “I will.”

  They said goodbye and hung up, leaving Lily reeling. John and Calvin fired. If she’d gone to Phil or Blanche earlier, could all this mess at the hotel been avoided? She felt a little silly for never saying anything sooner.

  Not to mention the job offer. She now had the opportunity to run a whole hotel. Or the opportunity to run a conference center and be closer to Liliana and Lorenzo.

  She caught sight of the time again and shook her head. She couldn’t think about it now. She had to face the king and queen. She’d worry about it later.

  She walked to Liliana’s room. She entered and her breath caught at the sight of Lorenzo with their daughter.

  He had a big smile on his face as he worked on his daughter’s hair. Liliana sat on her bed, her dark hair falling to her waist – it was time for a cut again – and a simple purple ribbon pulling back some of her hair into a ponytail.

  A very messy ponytail.

  “Did Papa do your hair?”

  “Yes, Mama! I like it.”

  She gave her a small smile. “Yes, I’m sure you do.”

  Lorenzo, looking far too sexy in a dark suit, purple shirt and no tie, looked playfully offended. “It’s not that bad.”

  Fixing Liliana’s hair might help calm her nerves a little. “Let me show you how it’s done, and you’ll be all set for next time.”

  “Do a braid, Mama.”

  “Leave it in a ponytail,” Lorenzo muttered and she nodded.

  “Maybe next time, honey.”

  “Okay. Papa, can you help-ed me?”

  “With anything. What do you need help with?”

  “My er-rings.”

  He gave his daughter a bemused glance. “Your earrings, you mean?”

  “The rings for my ears.” She held out two small hoops. “I can’t put them in. Mama said only she can but you can, too. Right, Mama?”

  “Yes, honey,” she said softly as she finished with Liliana’s hair and ran a hand over it. How had it grown so fast?

  Lily stepped back and Lorenzo moved forward, fingering the small pieces of jewelry. “When did she get her ears pierced?”

  “Just four months ago. I was about her age when I got them done.”

  He nodded and she knew what he was thinking: another milestone missed. He gently slid them in with such intense concentration, she wondered if he’d have a headache afterwards.

  “You’ll need to close the clasps properly, or else they’ll fall out.”

  He nodded and finished, then fingered the small lobes. “She has your ears.”

  “Oh, I don’t know–”

  “I spent a lot of time with your lobes, Lily. I recognize them.”

  She shut her mouth as heat flashed in her core and spread through her body. Yes, he had spent a lot of time with her lobes. She swallowed. “Yes, well, I think we’d better go. I don’t want to be late.”

  “Are you ready to meet your family, Liliana?”

  Liliana looked up at him, her eyes wide. “Do you think they’ll like me? Am I pretty enough?”

  He swept her up and held her tight. “You’re beautiful, my darling Liliana. They’ll love you, not because you’re pretty, though you are, but because you’re you.”

  “Will you hold-ed my hand?”

  “For as long as you want.”

  He gave her a kiss and another tight hug before letting her down, though Lily could tell he wanted to keep holding her. He took one of her little hands, and Lily took her other. Together, they started slowly down the hall, Liliana’s white shoes clacking, Lily’s shoes ticking, and Lorenzo’s shoes a soft tap against the marble floors.

  Deep breath, Lily. You can do this.

  Lorenzo gestured to his purple shirt. “Thank you for thinking about wearing purple. I meant to tell you–”

  “It’s okay. I know. I remembered. I hope it’s enough.”

  “We don’t usually wear purple to family dinners and things. It’s usually public appearances, balls, and formal functions we do it most. Tonight, I wanted us to wear it. To show we’re together, we’re a family, and that you both are part of our larger family now, no matter what happens between us.”

  A warm feeling spread, filling her from the top of her hair to the tips of her toes, and fighting back her nerves. “I didn’t think about that. I just thought it would be a sign of respect to Their Majesties.”

  The corner of his mouth quirked in a smile. “That, too. Liliana, would you like me to carry you, maybe part of the way? It’s a very long walk.”

  “Okay.” She lifted her arms up, and Lorenzo easily picked her up and hitched her on his hip. He fixed her dress, then took Lily’s hand. She hadn’t expected him to hold her hand, but she wouldn’t fight it. His touch was comforting and made her feel protected, rather than the raw, exposed, and terrified she really was.

  They made their way at a steadier pace down the hall. It was only a few far-too-quick minutes later that they entered the sitting room to find the entire family assembled and chatting over drinks.

  There they are. The king and queen.

  Something squeezed her hand and she looked down, startled to see Lorenzo holding it. In the span of a few seconds, she’d completely lost track of her surroundings.

  “I’m here, Lily.”

  He was here. He’d protect her. He’d help her.

  “What’s wrong, Mama?”

  Her Liliana. Her light. She always chased the dark away. Lily smiled softly. “Nothing, honey. Are you ready?”

  Liliana nodded and Lorenzo put her down. He held onto Liliana with one hand and kept hold of Lily in the other. Lily squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back.

  The quiet conversations trailed off as everyone realized they’d entered the room. Lily couldn’t take her eyes off Lorenzo’s parents.

  Especially his mother.

  She’d seen Queen Genevieve a few months ago, for the first time in five years. That meeting had been completely and utterly terrifying. She’d been worried the queen would simply take Liliana away from her, and, if she had, there would have been nothing Lily could have done about it.

  Lily had been completely and utterly alone. Unprotected. Afraid. Weak. Her heart beat faster as she remembered.

  Be strong. You can do this.

  Lorenzo squeezed her hand again and her eyes met his. Her heart calmed. He calmed her.

  This time was different.

  She wasn’t alone. She had Lorenzo. She had Liliana. Belatedly, she remembered that the press releases had also gone out. It would be harder for the queen to push Lily away from Lorenzo a second time, or take Liliana away from her, especially if the public knew about her. For once, being in the public eye could help her.

  She didn’t have to be afraid anymore.

  Just like that, a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders. There were still worries and things to work out, but she wasn’t alone. And, if things progressed with Lorenzo, if they could both move forward and open their hearts some more, she’d never be alone again.

  Lily smiled a little bit bigger. “Come on, honey. Let’s go meet your family.”

  Lorenzo ushered them forward. “To everyone who hasn’t met them yet, I’d like to introduce Cecilia Brionne and Liliana Santoro.”

  Liliana rushed forward. “Are you the king and queen?”

  Gabriel’s mustache twitched, and he leaned towards Liliana. “Yes, we are. I’m your Grandpapa, and this is your Grandmama.”

  Liliana curtsied and everyone began smiling. “Pleased to meet you.”

  The king laughed, then picked up Liliana and settled her on his lap. “That was a beautiful curtsy.”

  “You didn’t bow. Papa bowed when I cur, cur–”


  She nodded. “That’s what I said.”

  “My apologies, Liliana. I’ll remember for next time.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  The queen held out her hand to Liliana, her eyes filled with tears. Lily didn’t think she’d ever seen the queen cry. From the looks around the room, she guessed none of the others had either.

  “Hi, Liliana,” the queen said, her voice a little hoarse.

  “Hi!” Liliana placed her hand in the queen’s and the queen kissed it, a broad smile on her face.

  “I’m very excited to meet you.” The queen turned to Lily and she held her breath. “It’s lovely to meet you as well.”

  Lily exhaled, then curtsied to the king and queen. “Your Majesties.” When she rose from her curtsy, they were both standing, the king with Liliana in his arms.

  She stilled as the king leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  “Please, call me Gabriel.”

  “G-Gabriel. Thank you.”

  He smiled warmly at her and gestured to Liliana. The king smiled warmly at her! “No, Cecilia. Thank you.”

  “And you must call me Genevieve.”

  Genevieve leaned in to hug her and Lily’s mouth nearly dropped open in shock.

  The queen was hugging her!

  What did it mean? Genevieve’s arms were tight around her, as if she never wanted to let go. She wasn’t sure what to make of it. Was she sorry for everything she’d done? Regretful that she’d missed four years of her granddaughter’s life because of misplaced pride or something else?

  Lily slowly closed her arms around Genevieve. God. It had been so long since she’d been hugged like this. She couldn’t even remember the last time her own mother gave her a hug.

  “I’m sorry,” Genevieve whispered in her ear, her voice barely above a breath.

  Lily gasped. An apology from the queen? She hadn’t expected it. She hadn’t received it at their last meeting, and had never expected it anyway.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Genevieve pulled away and so did she. Genevieve gave Lily’s hands a squeeze, then turned to the room. “Let’s head to dinner.”

  Lily glanced at Lorenzo, who was watching her with an intensity she’d never seen before. As the family began filing out – some of them taking turns greeting Liliana – he walked to her.

  “Are you all right?” he murmured.

  She nodded.

  He stared at her for several long moments, then nodded and took her arm to escort her to dinner.

  Lily sighed. Dinner was over. Liliana had charmed everyone.

  Not a surprise.

  The rest of Lorenzo’s brothers, sisters, and their loves welcomed her.


  The king and queen doted on Liliana, and seemed more than ready to accept Lily.

  A huge fucking surprise.

  Lily almost couldn’t believe it had happened. Their acceptance of her had almost come too easily; she wasn’t sure if she could trust it yet, but she desperately wanted to. The queen’s apology alone had felt so sincere, so genuine that she decided it must be true.

  She turned. She was curled up on her bed, in the dark. She still wasn’t sure if Lorenzo knew about his mother’s interference. He’d asked plenty of times who had kept them apart. A small part of her had wondered if it was all for show and if he’d known all along it had been his parents. She didn’t think that was the case, but she didn’t know how much he knew.


  Her breath caught.

  “Lily, I know you’re awake.” Her back was turned, but she could sense him walking towards her in the dark.

  She whispered, though there was no reason to. “Is it Liliana?”

  “No, she’s asleep.”

  “How many stories did it take?”

  There was humour in his voice. “Only two.” He sat down on the bed behind her and placed a hand on her hip; his touch seared through her clothes and sent a spark of heat through her.

  “Most of my family seemed to welcome you.”

  “Yes, they seemed to.”

  A pause. “I’ll speak to my parents. I don’t think they were welcoming enough.”

  She tensed. “Don’t. They were fine.”

  “They weren’t fine. They were acting.”

  She gasped. “What?”

  “I don’t think they were serious about accepting you. I’m worried it was all for show, because Liliana was there.”

  Her eyes welled up. She thought she’d finally made it, that she could finally bury the secret once and for all. “Maybe they just need more time to accept me.”

  “They don’t get time. I accept you. That’s all they need to know.”

  She once again thought of Genevieve’s hug and whispered apology. If that had been an act, it had been an amazing one. “No. No, I don’t think you’re right. Maybe they haven’t fully accepted me yet, but I believe they want to.”

  “You’re saying you know my family better than me?”

  She avoided the disbelief in his tone. “I’m saying I looked into your father and mother’s eyes when they greeted me. Your mother’s hug…I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. It was too sincere to be an act.”


  She had to believe they meant it. She had to believe they were finally moving beyond the past. She had to.

  She had to.

  A tear slid down her cheek and she wiped it away.

  “You’re crying.”

  “No, I’m not. Go away.”

  “You’re upse
t. With me?”

  “No!” she said quickly. “I’m not upset with you. You were wonderful tonight. I couldn’t have made it through without you.”

  He laid down and spooned her from behind. “Then I’ll stay until the darkness leaves.”

  “It’ll never leave,” she whispered.

  He just held her tighter. “It will tonight. Eventually, over time, it will fade away until only a shadow remains. Even then, when it haunts you, I’ll be there to chase it away again.”

  After several minutes, she wiped her face clear of the last of her tears. “Don’t you have a meeting to get to?”

  “I’ll go after you get to sleep.”

  “That could be ages yet. You’ll be late.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “But I want to know how it goes. I can stay up.”

  “It’s been a long day. Try to get some sleep. I’ll wake you when I get back.”

  She tried to turn, but he held her tight and kept her from shifting. “You won’t wake me, though.”

  “Lily, it’ll be okay. I’m going to make everything okay.”

  “You can’t fix everything.”

  “I can try. I want you in my life.”

  Her pulse fluttered.

  “I told you I never stopped loving you. I meant it. I hope one day you can say the words back to me.”

  Oh God.

  “I can wait. I’m patient.”

  She snorted a laugh. “You? Patient?”

  He smiled against the nape of her neck. “I know it’s hard to believe.”

  “Impossible to believe.”

  “I’d wait forever for you, Lily.”

  She sucked in a breath.

  “My world ended when you left. I rebuilt it, and it has a strong foundation underneath it now. If you left again, my world wouldn’t end, but it would get awfully dim.”


  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here tomorrow and the day after. Every day with our daughter, and hopefully one day other children.”

  Oh my God. She had a vision of a dark-haired boy with a wicked smile.

  “Sleep, Lily.” He kissed her nape. “Sleep.”

  With Lorenzo’s strong arms around her, she managed to fall asleep.

  Unfortunately, however, she woke just hours later, with news that Lorenzo had been taken to the hospital.


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