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Dirty Passions

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by Wright, Kenya

  Dirty Passions © 2020

  Cover Design © 2020 Designs by Zelena

  Illustrations by WarlockLord

  Interior design and formatting by EbookJob

  Production Team: A. L. Barron, Roxanam, and K Killers Alpha & Beta Team

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means such as electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the authors of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Any characters, names, places, brands, media and incidents are used solely in a fictitious nature based on the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to or mention of persons, places, organizations or other incidents is coincidental.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2020

  ISBN 0-9000000-0-0



  Anita, Loette, and Tameka.


  Zointrikca, Anik, Petrina, Jackie, and Adriana.


  Tiffany, Denitra, India, Ivie, and Lydia.

  Table of Contents

  Prologue: The War Room: Emily

  Chapter 1: The Ultimatum: Emily

  Chapter 2: Gone: Kazimir

  Chapter 3: Hide and Seek

  Chapter 4: Compromise

  Chapter 5: Healing: Emily

  Chapter 6: Cigars and Brandy: Kazimir

  Chapter 7: The Queen of Diamonds: Emily

  Chapter 8: Stupid Prophecies: Kazimir

  Chapter 9: XXX

  Chapter 10: Renovations: Kazimir

  Chapter 11: The Funeral: Emily

  Chapter 12: My Partner-in-Crime: Kazimir

  Chapter 13: All the King’s Men: Kazimir

  Chapter 14: Game of Zones: Kazimir

  Chapter 15: Presents: Emily

  Chapter 16: Friendship is Magic: Emily

  Chapter 17: Mafia Politics: Kazimir

  Chapter 18: The Knights of Babylon: Kazimir

  Chapter 19: Kapotnya: Emily

  Chapter 20: A History of Stars and Blood: Emily

  Chapter 21: Monkey see, Monkey do: Kazimir

  Chapter 22: Krokodil Tears: Emily

  Chapter 23: Naughty Mouse: Kazimir

  Chapter 24: Date Night: Kazimir

  Chapter 25: Deals and Bargains

  Chapter 26: Demons and Angels: Kazimir

  Chapter 27: Memory Lane: Kazimir

  Chapter 28: Enemies: Emily

  Chapter 29: The Colonel: Emily

  Chapter 30: Misdirection: Kazimir

  Chapter 31: Wet: Emily

  Chapter 32: Pedophile Pyramid: Kazimir

  Chapter 33: Frenemies: Emily

  Chapter 34: What’s next?: Emily

  Chapter 35: The Love Boat: Kazimir

  Epilogue: The Best Things in Life are Free: Kazimir

  Dear Reader,


  knows no distance.

  It hath no continent.

  Its eyes

  are for the stars.”

  ― Unknown


  The War Room


  I woke up to an empty bed. There, I lay under tons of soft blankets, silk sheets, and fluffy pillows, but no lion.

  Where is Kaz?

  Sunlight peeked in from the window.

  At least I haven’t slept the day away.

  This morning had been a lot.

  Dr. Stovall rushed to the house, gave me a quick exam, and told me that I had miscarried after being four weeks pregnant. He’d been Valentina’s emergency OB-GYN whenever she visited Moscow during her pregnancy. Dr. Stovall made a follow-up appointment for me to come to his office in two days and do a full examination.

  After that, I fell asleep in Kazimir’s arms. Those huge muscles wrapped around me, almost shielding my shattered mind from more suffering.


  Grief remained deep in the crevices of my heart and lingered within the dark corners of my soul. I’d never experienced grief this bad before.

  The guilt was the worst part. I beat myself up for what I’d done to my child. Over and over I played out the last days in my mind. I thought about Jean-Pierre and I fighting in Paris. The battles with his men. The slams I had taken to my gut. The punches. The running. All the escapes.

  I wished I’d known for sure that I was pregnant. Would things have been better? Would I have been more careful?

  Those questions hit me as I cuddled next to Kazimir. And still the guilt never left.

  My body drowned in soreness. I experienced the worst cramps in my life. Plus, I still had bruises from the kidnapping situation, but now there were more aches. And my heart. I’d never felt this sort of ache in that organ before. I had lost so many people in my life and gone through a lot, but this pain in my heart, this loss. . .it was different than all the rest.

  Where’s Kaz?

  Insanity hit me.

  I yearned to scream—into my pillows, inside the quiet of a shower, in other places where no one could hear me. I felt hopeless like when I was a little girl in Harlem, standing for long periods in front of my old foster home and staring at dandelions, wishing I could blow away in a breeze like the seeds. Free and light as air. Escaping far away.

  I have to get this out of my head. Why am I sad? I lost a baby I didn’t know I had. . .

  Pain never held logic. Depression was always unreasonable and coming at the most unwanted times.

  Only Kaz could calm the agony. Only he could soothe me. In his arms, I could survive it all.

  And what did my lion think of the miscarriage? Did he blame or hate me? Did it hurt him as much as me?

  More guilt came. It hurt more than the pain. It swelled in my heart. And there would be no pill or drink to heal it. I doubted it would ever go away.

  I had killed a lot of people in my life, but never my own child.

  Swallowing down regret, I rose into a sitting position and scanned the dark room. It felt too heavy to rise, when the world sat like a concrete block pushing against my ribs.

  I eased out of bed and held my stomach. Tenderness bloomed there.

  Is this the feeling of emptiness?

  I wore silk pajamas. Blue. Usually when I slept with Kaz I didn’t bother to put on any clothes. We were always all over each other. Many times he woke me up in the middle of the night—his cock pressing against my ass and a groan escaping his mouth. And all I could do was oblige the lion. I loved him so.

  But after the miscarriage, I wore pajamas and a sanitary pad to catch any more blood. Dr. Stovall said I would still be passing our child for a while.

  I pushed that thought out of my head.

  I don’t want to think about any of this anymore. What happened already happened. That’s it. I can’t. . .

  I stood next to my bed and stared at the wall.

  I can’t take any of it back.

  I headed to the door without putting on slippers or a robe. I needed Kaz. I was desperate for the sight of him. It wasn’t many times where I could admit this to myself or even him, but I felt so weak. So powerless. I had to have him near, encasing me in utter power, letting me know that all would be okay.

  I opened the door and left the bedroom.

  Boris greeted me, standing outside the door like the queen’s sentry. He had dark brown skin. His hair was cut low. Tiny crosses covered his chin and neck. Young and huge. He was close to Kaz’s height of 6’4.

  “Emily? You’re up?”

  “Yeah.” I gave him a weak smile.
“You could’ve sat in a chair. In fact, you didn’t have to guard me at all.”

  “I know, but. . .” Boris shrugged. “I feel helpless.”

  “Me too.”

  He took a step my way and then stopped. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “I know.” I walked away, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

  It was my fault. Had I sat my behind down, perhaps our child would still be here.

  Boris hurried and walked alongside of me. “Where are you going? If you’re hungry, I can get you some food and bring it up. You don’t have to move around.”

  “No. I want Kaz.”

  “Oh.” Worry covered his face.

  I stopped and turned to Boris. “Do you know where he is?”

  “He’s. . .” He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug.

  “In his office?”


  I kept my annoyance down. Boris was acting weird, but it was an odd day. “Did Kaz leave?”

  “No.” Boris lowered his head as if he himself had done something wrong. “Kazimir is in the war room.”

  “Say what now?”

  “He’s in the war room.”

  War room? That can’t be good.

  I marched off, pushing through the aches and soreness. “Where the hell is his war room?”

  “You have to go through the back of the kitchen on the first level and then there’s these special stairs that take you up—”

  “Why the hell is he in a war room again?”

  “He wants to kill the French.”

  “The Corsican?”

  “My understanding is that he wants to kill all French people period, but definitely the target would mainly be the Corsican. However, I don’t think now is a good time to visit France.”

  Although weary, I picked up my pace.

  The war room? What kind of crazy shit was that? Did he think he was some sort of leader of a country? Wait. Of course he did. The Bratva was massively populated and expanded all across the globe. There were as many as six thousand different groups within the brotherhood. More than two hundred of them had a global reach. So, it would be fair for Kaz to have a war room of some sorts.

  I thought about our conversation on the plane yesterday.

  “Mysh, my worst fear came to life. Someone took you from me.” Death had blazed in Kaz’s eyes. “Do you really think that I’ll now be a warm cuddly lion this year?”

  We had been in the shower. Even with the warm water and me safely in his arms, he was furious. However, I thought that I had managed to calm him down.

  Kaz had left a trail of soap along my stomach. “As long as Jean-Pierre stays quiet, the Louvre will be saved.”

  “I think he will remain silent, but I’ve been wrong before.”

  He frowned. “If Jean-Pierre acts up?”

  “Then bomb the shit out of him. I don’t want us to have to keep looking over our shoulders. That would only be if Jean-Pierre was dumb enough to keep bothering you. If he does, then he’s not as smart as I thought.”

  “You think he’s smart?” Kaz asked.

  “Smart and rising in power.”

  Kaz groaned.


  “Your saying that he’s smart, makes me want to kill him.”

  “Then, we should talk more about this in a few days.”

  “After the doctor.”

  I smiled. “Yes. After the doctor. Let the Parisians enjoy their week. And don’t you dare think about taking away the Louvre. I never got to see it.”

  “The museum will be the least of their problems. If Jean-Pierre fucks with me, I’ll stop the imports and exports from coming into that country.”

  We had an agreement. And then I miscarried and Kaz was now in the war room.

  It wasn’t the French’s fault for the miscarriage. It was. . .mine.

  I rushed down the stairs.

  While I felt guilty and sad, Kaz had turned his sorrow into rage. On the plane, I had prevented him from killing the Corsican over kidnapping me. Now, I didn’t know if I could calm him down again.

  Kaz wanted a baby more than I did. I was terrified of becoming a mother. He openly welcomed being a father. If anything, he had probably been shooting me up with cum the whole time and secretly thinking of how he was filling my belly with children.

  A war room? No. I don’t need this today. Come to the bedroom, my lion. Let’s just lay under the blankets in silence.

  It took a while for Boris and me to get to the kitchen. My pace sucked. With my aches and pain, I should’ve been in bed.

  Once we got to the kitchen’s doorway, I spotted Blue sitting at the table with an old woman.

  “Emily.” Blue stood.

  I’d met Blue when we looked for weapons in Kapotnya. She’d been posted in Boris’s cousins’ basement—skin the color of dark honey, no make-up, high cheekbones. Gorgeous. Spectacular dark eyes with long lashes. Usually her blue hair was braided. Today, long sky blue strands fell past her shoulders.

  We had gone to Boris’s cousin to buy more weapons. I purchased a large set of guns and ammunition, but I believe the smartest grab was Blue. She had broken down each weapon with a skill that reminded me of Xavier. And like him, her second hobby was hacking and security attacks. I grabbed her instantly, offered her money, and told her to come to the property the next day.

  Later when I was kidnapped in Paris, Blue assisted Kaz with getting me back, proving that she was a genius hire indeed.

  Blue raised her chin. “Is there anything I can do, Emily? Get you something to eat or drink? Punch or shoot somebody?”

  I grinned. Boris and Blue treated me like a queen. I didn’t know if I could get used to so much adoration.

  “No, thank you. I’m heading to Kaz’s war room.”

  The old woman sitting at the table looked up at me.

  She was a quiet, older woman with the resigned eyes of someone who had seen everything. She smiled, pushing up some of the wrinkles on her cheeks. Her English left a lot to be desired. Not broken, but thick with a mixed accent that I couldn’t place. “Emily, sit. You have been through a lot.”

  I stepped inside. “I’m sorry, but who are you?”


  I thought back to where I had heard that name before.

  “Kaz, I may be. . .pregnant.”

  He leaned away and beamed. “You are. You’re pregnant with a little girl.”

  Confusion hit me. “What?”

  “Baba told me.”

  “Who the hell is Baba?”

  Not answering, he consumed my lips.

  I shook my head and returned my attention to the kitchen. “I’m sorry but I don’t have time to talk right now.”

  “You do.” Baba reached into a large yarn pocketbook with bright colored stars sewn on the front. A second later, she pulled out a large glass jar full of multicolored herbs. “I brought my special tea, Emily. It will be good for you and the baby. Come sit. I can read your fortune.”

  I gave her a weak smile. “I doubt you could read it. Especially, if you think I’m still pregnant.”

  Baba’s expression didn’t change. “Come and sit. The tea will be good for the baby.”

  I glared at her. “There is no baby.”

  Unperturbed, Baba’s smile widened. “Let me know when you want your future read. Baba will be here, when you are ready.”

  She’s crazy.

  I headed off to the special staircase leading to Kaz’s war room. The last thing I needed to do was curse an old woman out. It wasn’t her fault that she didn’t get it. And my anger was more for me and partly for Kazimir and this whole war room crap. It had nothing to do with her.

  Meanwhile. Blue left the table and rushed behind me. “I’m coming.”

  Boris frowned. “Have you been watching like I asked?”

  “Yes. Lots of people have been going in and out of there this morning. Tons of men. Everyone’s been buzzing. Talk about bombs and Paris.”

  “Blue, do me a fa
vor and get everybody together.” Heading up the stairs, I glanced over my shoulder. “Have them meet me at the building.”

  “O-kay. So, you don’t want me to come?”

  “No. Get everyone.”

  “No problem, Emily.” She rushed away.

  “What’s your plan?” Boris asked.

  “I don’t know. I just think I’ll need everyone.” I looked around. “Where’s Yuri? He’s usually with you.”

  Boris looked away.

  I paused midway on the stairs. “What now? Is something up with Yuri?”

  “So much happened. There wasn’t time to tell you.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Someone killed Yuri.”

  Yuri is dead? Why? Is it the person putting the monkey heads in my bedroom?

  My eyes watered. The doctor said I would probably be more emotional due to all the hormones and with the recent loss. Things would probably hit me harder.

  I held my side as the ache rose. “Yuri is gone?”


  “Okay.” I took my time going up the stairs. “Boris, stay near me. We’ll have your bedroom closer to mine. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Who do you think killed him?”

  “I don’t know. Right when I was going to investigate, Kaz ordered all of us to come to Paris.”

  I paused midway on the steps and closed my eyes.

  Boris’s voice held unease. “Emily, are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” I waited for several seconds in silence, opened my eyes, and forced myself to go up the stairs.

  “Maybe you should go back to bed.”

  “I’ll go back to bed, when Kaz comes with me. If I let his ass stay out here on his own, then all types of people will die.”

  “I’m sorry about Yuri. Now wasn’t the best time for you to find out. I swear on everything that I will personally find out who killed Yuri.”

  “I know you will. But, you’ll need help. I’ve got somebody in mind.”


  “My brother, Maxwell. I want him on it.”

  “Sounds good. I met him in Paris, he was no nonsense.”

  “That’s Max.”

  “He also smokes a lot.”

  “Yeah. That’s Max too.” Exhausted, I let out a long breath and continued up the stairs.

  Boris took my hand.

  I needed the help and let him guide me up. Meanwhile, there was a lot going on in my head, but no time to analyze it all.


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