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Dirty Passions

Page 11

by Wright, Kenya


  “Because most know the truth inside of them but are never ready to face the hard reality.” She took the cards away, put them in one deck, pulled out her drawer, and placed the deck inside again. “Do you have other questions?”

  “I’m scared to ask anything else. I’m already thoroughly confused.”

  “Take care of yourself during this pregnancy.”

  I blinked.

  “There will be days when you’ll feel like you’re floating on the waves of healing and then there will be days when you’re submerged and desperately clawing your way up to the surface.” She closed the drawer. “And then there will days where you just drift. Accept each day for what it is. Pregnancy while mourning can be difficult but know that all the people that you have lost are watching and smiling at every adventure.”

  My eyes watered. “I hope you’re right.”

  “Baba, is always right, even when she is wrong.” She smirked. “Go. You’re lion is prowling around the property searching for you.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because he is not next to you now.”

  That brought a smile onto my face. I rose from the chair. “You gave me a lot to think about, Baba.”

  “My grandson says I should water down some of my deep thoughts. What do you think?”

  “I’ll let you know in a few months. Thanks. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.”

  She frowned. “There will be time, when I will need your help. But first you must survive.”

  “O-kay.” I walked away.

  Boris stood and followed me out of her office.

  When the door closed behind us, he turned to me. “Did you understand any of that?”

  “Well, apparently I’m having a boy, but I have to tell him about his twin, or he will go crazy and always feel alone.” I walked off.

  Boris stayed by my side.

  “Let’s not forget that the twin that I lost was a girl and she hopped away because I was with some guy that was dope and sparkling with diamonds.” I shrugged. “Sweetheart was like, ‘I’ve got to be his daughter. I like him.’”

  Boris chuckled. “Yes. The King of Diamonds.”

  “So, now my lost daughter is the Queen of Diamonds. Meanwhile, I’ve got a bunch of people who want me dead and away from Kaz. That is the one thing I know Baba is right, but she did say some were distracting me.”

  Boris’s humor left. “We know some of them are the people putting the monkey heads in your bed.”

  “Exactly.” I stopped in front of Kaz’s office door. “But, as long as I keep four guys around me, then I’ll be fine.”

  Boris winked at me. “I am the Ace.”

  “Yes. And Max is the Joker because. . .Max. Kaz is the King of Hearts, if we choose to really get into this symbolism.”

  “And the man who your other twin is with, is the King of Diamonds.” Boris shrugged. “Maxwell did tell me that Baba has the best weed in Russia. Perhaps, she smoke some before reading.”

  “Apparently, she did.” I knocked on Kaz’s office door.

  No answer came.

  I opened it and stuck my head in. “He’s not here.”

  “Mysh!” Kaz roared at the top of the stairs.

  I jumped from the noise. “Jesus Christ.”


  “Kaz, I’m down here!” I walked over to the bottom of the stairs.

  There, my succulent man stood at the top—all muscle and fine designer suit chic. The scowl on his face told me that I had given him a heart attack by not being in our bedroom. If he thought I would sit in there day and night, waiting for him to come, he was crazy.

  Clearly, I would no longer be learning Systema and practice-fighting with my men. However, the doctor cleared me to walk around and even said I could run and exercise.

  I am not going to lay in bed every day.

  The cute scowl remained on my lion’s face as he stomped downstairs. Not saying a word but radiating rage. When he got to me, he picked me up and carried me back upstairs.

  Oh my God. He is going to get on my nerves this whole pregnancy.

  Chapter 8

  Stupid Prophecies


  Pissed, I carried Emily into the bedroom and set her down on the bed.

  “I can walk, Kaz.”

  “Where were you? I yelled your name several times. I had my men looking for you.”

  “I was with Baba getting a reading.”

  “You could have left a note.”

  “I will next time.”

  “Next time, she comes up here to do it.”

  “I’m not sitting in this bedroom the whole pregnancy.”

  “Hmmm.” I checked my watch. “Are you ready to go? I want to get into Prague by this afternoon.”

  She rose. “Hold up. You heard what I said right?”

  “About not staying in here the whole pregnancy? Yes.”

  “So, you understand?”

  “I understand what you said, but you will be in bed most of the time. If you want to meet with your men, have them come up. You can eat here and—”

  She smoothed down her shirt. “Man, I’m not doing all of that.”

  “You are. . .man.”

  She walked around the room. “Where’s Harlem?”

  “Maxwell took him for a walk, so he doesn’t shit all over the plane. He also offered to get the puppy high. I told him no.”

  “Get the dog high?”

  “He said a little weed might relax the puppy for the flight.”

  “Absolutely not.” She checked the closet. “My clothes are already packed?”

  “They are. I had the maid do it. You needed to rest.”

  Laughing, she turned back to me and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to have meetings in my bedroom.”

  Our child would probably end of being the most stubborn human being in the world. Surely, both parents had enough stubbornness in their genes.

  I closed the distance between us.

  She looked at me.

  “Give me a few weeks of you lying in bed the whole time.”

  “The doctor said that I was healthy enough to walk around. Kaz, you can’t expect me to be in bed all day. I’ll stay on the property most of the time, but that’s it.”

  I gritted my teeth. “Oh, is that what you are going to do?”


  “And if I have men outside keeping you in here?”

  “Then, I hope you don’t mind that they’re dead when you find them.”

  “Hmmm. You’re going to walk around the property and kill people.”

  “I don’t have to kill people myself. I have men to do it.”

  I smiled. “If your men kill mine, then I will kill them.”

  “Not if I order them to do it.”

  “We’ll see.” I lowered down and kissed her.

  She pushed me away. “Kaz, that is not the end of our conversation.”

  “We came to an understanding.”

  “What the hell was the understanding?”

  “You are on bed rest, when we return from Prague.”

  “Let me get out of here, before I curse you out.” She walked off.

  I gently grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. “At least call me before you leave the room and tell me where you are going. When I woke early, I left a note. You didn’t.”

  Some of her anger disappeared. “That’s right. You did.”

  “I want a phone call. That’s fair.”

  “Maybe.” She sighed. “I’ll call you, but I get the feeling that you’ll rush to the bedroom and keep me here.”

  You know me well, mysh.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her closer to me, tasting her mouth and diving my tongue into her warm wetness. It had been many days since we had sex. It may be a few more. I was dying to be inside of her but understood her need to heal.

  I nipped at her lips. “I’m just keeping you and our ba
by safe.”

  Breathless, she whispered, “I know.”

  “Let me.”

  “I like to be independent.”

  “Then change that. Zahkar will also be with you, right along with Boris. You need more men too. And possibly some sort of discreet tracker in a necklace or—”


  I stole her response with another kiss. Those plans were in motion whether she wanted them or not. Especially the diamond necklace with the tracker. Never would she be lost to me again.

  Drinking her in, I moved my hands over her ass and cupped the softness.

  A low groan left her.

  Hmmm. Sounds like I may be fucking you sooner.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  Annoyed, I left Emily’s lips. “What?”

  “The limo is ready,” Pavel said. “Everyone is heading there.”

  “We’re coming.”

  Emily raised her eyebrows. “Everyone?”

  “Zahkar and his wife. Nikolay and his wife too. Abram, Maxwell, and David. Pavel and his three hairstylists—”

  “Three? I thought he only traveled with two.”

  “A funeral is a special occasion for the brotherhood. We should be lucky he did not bring a whole salon with a staff,” I continued, “I reserved four seats for your men. Boris, Blue, and two others that I requested Boris pick.”

  “Wait a minute. Max is one of mine.”

  “No. After Paris, I have put him next to me.”

  “You can’t just take Max.”

  “I can and I did.” Chuckling, I left her there, steaming.

  “You’re joking right?”

  “Maybe. I do know that Misha had requested that Maxwell be sent back to Saint Petersburg several times since we have returned.”

  “Misha? No. Not happening.”

  “I believe Misha will press for Maxwell, when we get to Prague. Apparently, they really bonded.”

  She snorted. “My brother stays with me, where I can always protect him.”

  “You’re very possessive.”

  “You’re one to talk, Kaz. Seriously?”

  I held out my arm. “Let’s go.”

  “Oh. You’re not carrying me down the stairs? The queen can walk?”

  “For now.”

  We left the bedroom. And in this moment, I believed that she understood what I desired. She would not be moving around too much. I needed her safe and healthy in the bedroom and surrounded by several men.

  An hour later, we sat on the plane. The front was packed. A few people like Zahkar and his wife wanted to talk with us, but I had no time for them or anyone else. I guided my mouse to the bedroom in the back. She carried Harlem with her.

  Within the room, I lay her down in bed and put the puppy on the floor.

  Harlem whimpered.

  She shook her head. “Alright now. Harlem is going to grow up and whip your ass.”

  “Let him try. Lions are mightier than the descendants of wolves.” I lay down next to her. “Are you hungry?”

  “No.” She rested her head on the pillow and turned my way.

  “Did you have breakfast?”

  “I had tea from Baba.”

  “Which is how you ended up in her office for a reading?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Intrigued, I asked, “What did she say?”

  “A lot of crazy stuff.”

  “Her crazy tends to be true.” I lifted my hand to her head, grabbed several strands of hair, and pulled them forward.

  “It’s not a wig, Kaz. Stop yanking at my hair.”

  “Who would know? Your wigs look like they show your scalp.”

  She laughed. “It’s because they’re good wigs. And even if it was a wig, you can’t just be pulling it off.”

  “I think it’s fun to yank it off. It’s like another garment to pull away, and we both know how I like to take things off you.”

  She bit her lip.

  I ran my fingers through her silky hair. “What did Baba say?”

  “She said our vanishing twin jumped to another man that I was around. One wearing diamonds.”

  I stopped my hand. “What?”

  “Yeah. She said the twin was like, “Peace. I’m out. That man over there is where it’s at.’”

  For some reason, it brought a chuckle from me. “And who is this man?”

  “The King of Diamonds.”

  “Who is that supposed to be?”

  “I don’t know.”

  For the first time in a long time, she looked like she was lying. Not truly being deceptive, but not wanting to talk further about it. I studied her more and wondered what she could be hiding.

  She cleared throat. “Anyway. . .Baba said that I have enemies throughout Moscow that don’t want me to have the baby or be with you. She says that I have to stay around four people.”

  Tension rose in my chest. “And who are these four?”


  “That I believe.”

  “Max and Boris.”

  I nodded. “I trust them, when it comes to protecting you.”

  “And. . .the King of Diamonds.”

  I sat up. “Who the hell is that?”

  “I. . .I don’t know.”

  “But you have your theories?”

  “True. I doubt you want to hear them.”

  “No. Tell me.”

  “Um. . .I think the King of Diamonds may be Jean-Pierre.”

  An unspeakable rage blazed through me. “You are correct, mysh. I don’t want to hear that.”

  “I don’t know for sure. I mean. . .she read my fortune with a deck of playing cards.”


  “And who knows? That was the only person I could think of that stood out to me with a bunch of diamonds.”

  I scowled at her.

  “Kaz. . .don’t look at me that way. In the end, this could be a good theory for us.”

  The plane’s engine rumbled under us as it prepared to take off.

  “If you don’t want me to kill, Jean-Pierre, then you should keep those theories far away from me.”

  She swallowed. “It’s not about my caring if he lives or dies. I just think he could be a decent ally and an unnecessary enemy.”

  “We talk about him too much.”

  “We don’t. You just hate him so much that when we do, that’s how it feels.”

  “Baba thinks that my twin went off with Jean-Pierre because she thought he was more exciting—”

  “I was adlibbing some things.”

  “And that Jean-Pierre will be protecting you against Russian enemies.” A dark laugh left me. “How the hell would he be able to get inside of this country to begin with? Everyone in Russia knows that I want him dead. Anyone would be happy to bring me his head.”

  “So, we’re in medieval times now?”

  “Some moments call for the medieval ways.”

  She let out a long breath. “New topic.”

  “No. Let’s talk more about Jean-Pierre and my daughter.”

  “It was just a reading.” She pouted. “Lay down, please.”

  Some of my annoyance left. I lowered next to her. “You’re lucky that we must wait to have sex. For that violation, I would’ve have pounded my cock deep in your ass. By the time I was done with your pussy, you would be unable to speak any man’s name.”

  She blinked. “For some reason, I like the sound of that.”

  My cock grew hard.

  She pouted. “And I wish you could take your anger out on my pussy. But it’s sore.”

  “I understand.” My mind left Baba’s predictions and went to dirtier thoughts. I licked my lips. “Is there anything I can do for your pussy. A little kiss or caress.”

  She smiled. “No. Now’s not the time to kiss.”

  My hard cock pressed against my pants. “I do not mind a little blood on my lips.”

  “Kaz, that’s a no.”

  I groaned and took her mouth. There we kissed and made out. I was te
nder with her and very gentle, loving the taste of her lips and skin.

  I felt the plane rise in the air.

  Soft groans left her. And just like that she had summoned the ravenous beast out of me. I ached for her. I craved her more each time I tasted her. I could not free myself from the addiction I had for her. And those kisses burst in my mouth sweat and juicy like berries on a summer day.

  I left her lips and landed small kisses on her neck. The thin blouse did nothing to hide her erect nipples. I nuzzled my nose against them. “Hmmm. Can I take your shirt off? Or would it be too much teasing?”

  “Take it off,” she whispered. “I want your mouth on my breasts.”

  I obliged, yanking the blouse off her and slinging it on the floor.

  A whimper came from below.

  “Damn it.” I rose and checked. “Harlem is caught in the shirt.”

  Emily laughed and undid her bra. “You have to save him.”

  I stared at him, sitting under the shirt like an idiot. “He should learn to free himself, if he’s going to be a part of this pack.”

  “Oh, God. Would you free my baby?”

  My cock tinted my pants, begging to get out. But I knew that if I zipped down my pants, I would go insane. I would beg and plead for her pussy. And Emily didn’t need that. She deserved a man that had more patience than me.

  One day soon.

  I left the bed and took the blouse off Harlem. He jumped around and wagged his tail as if I was ready to play with him.

  “Not now. Your mommy needs some attention.” I returned to bed.

  Emily slung her bra at me.

  I caught it and dove for her.

  She shrieked.

  And then I devoured one nipple and let my fingers toy with the other.

  God. This is heaven.

  Those soft pillows brought me a small amount of ecstasy. Not enough to calm my cock or relax my raging hormones. However, killing Jean-Pierre was slowly leaving my mind.

  The King of Diamonds? For his sake, Baba better be wrong.

  The plane flew in the air.

  We made out for a long time, shifting to the teenagers years. Lapping at her nipples, I rocked my bulging cock between her legs, while we both still wore our pants. The friction soothed the lusty ache for a little while. I made sure to gently bump against her clit.

  God. All of my men would laugh, if they saw me humping my love with my pants on.

  “Oh,” she moaned, drowning in pleasure.


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