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Dirty Passions

Page 18

by Wright, Kenya


  “And Max?”

  “Will help me find him.”

  “And I will get Max back?”


  She narrowed her eyes at me.

  “The chances are incredibly high, mysh.”

  “I will be looking for the monkey head guy too.”

  “Of course you will, but. . .Kapotnya deserves your proper attention.” I pulled her back to me.

  She tried to leave my arms.

  I tightened my hold. “We’re not done.”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “What else are you up to?”

  “I want to fuck you.”

  “No fucking. You have a lot to do today, lion.”

  “Bend over my desk for a few minutes.”

  “I will not, brother stealer.” She escaped and stuck her tongue out.

  I tried to grab her as she walked away. She was too fast. Taunting me, she twisted those hips.

  “That’s not nice, mysh.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “What isn’t nice?”

  “You’re making your ass jiggle. It’s wrong.”

  “It’s not intentional.” She smirked.

  “Get back over here.”

  “Bye.” She left my office and shut the door behind her.

  Damn you, mysh. Now my cock is hard as a rock.

  Chapter 15



  What a meeting? Lots of things to contemplate.

  I headed upstairs.

  Boris walked on my right.

  Max got to my left. “Is Kazimir serious about me being his number three?”

  “Yes. He wants you to start next week.”

  Max smirked. “And your thoughts?”

  “Not happening in this lifetime.”

  “And when next week comes and I’m not by his side?”

  “Then, I’ll handle it.”

  “You mean I’ll get injured and you’ll yell?”

  Boris interrupted our back and forth. “Was he serious about Kapotnya too?”

  “Yes. It’s my district now.”

  “Abram will be not be happy.”

  “Why not?” I shrugged. “Abram claimed the area didn’t make money, so there should be no hard feelings.”

  Boris frowned. “First, Abram will take your having the district as disrespectful. Second, there’s been some unsavory businesses that he’s hidden in the area. He lied today. He makes a lot of money there.”

  I paused on the steps and turned to him. “Doing what?”

  “He has a human trafficking racket in Kapotnya. Underaged girls.”

  Rage blazed through me. I stomped upstairs.

  “Okay, Em.” Max called after me. “We’re not going to kill Abram. We’ll end the operation, but we won’t stab him. Let’s work this through Kazimir.”

  Angry, I spoke through gritted teeth, “Underaged? We’re going there today and checking it out. That shit ends now.”

  Max rushed to my side again. “Yes, but let’s talk to Kazimir about this—”

  “Relax, Max. Kaz is not your boss yet. I’m not running to him for every problem in my own small district. He oversees countries and has a lot on his plate.”


  “Give me time to change out of these heels and suit. We leave in five minutes.” I got to my door and stopped in front of it. “What else does Abram do in Kapotnya, Boris?”

  Boris checked over his shoulder as if someone might come and take him away for telling us. “Abram has several krokodil houses in the area. I heard that he’s hiding them from the brotherhood.”

  Max raised his brows. “Are you saying crocodile?”

  “Sounds the same, but it’s no animal.” Boris shook his head. “It’s a highly addictive and deadly street drug in Russia. We call it krokodil because people who use it a lot become scaly and their skin turns green.”

  My mouth opened. “Say what now?”

  Stunned, Boris asked, “They don’t have krokodil in America?”

  “Not that I heard of.” I shook my head. “But I don’t fuck with drugs like that to stay up on all the new things people are killing themselves with.”

  Boris checked Max.

  “Hell no, man. I’ve never heard of krokodil. And I’ve definitely never fucked with it. Shoot. If the drug hasn’t been used by humans for thousands of years and doesn’t grow from the earth. I don’t play with it.” Max patted his pocket. Surely, there were a few joints inside. “Did you know that the first recorded use of weed was 6000 BC. The Chinese was putting cannabis seeds in there food and getting high long ago.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Boris nodded.

  “Weed smoking in BC. That’s Before Christ, man. That’s a drug I can believe in. And in all the time that weed has been around, can you think of any marijuana overdose? I’m talking a motherfucker who smoked so much weed that he fell to the floor and died. Never.”

  “Okay. Okay.” I rolled my eyes. “Get off your weed soap box, Max. We’re heading to Kapotnya to check on the things Abram has been hiding and put an end to it. Just give me a minute to change.”

  I opened the door.

  The smell of blood hit me first. The horrific sight came next.

  No. Not again.

  Stunned, I stood in the doorway.

  Boris cursed in Russian, took out his gun, and gently moved me to the side.

  Max walked through next. “What the fuck is this?!”

  A dead pregnant gorilla lay on the bed, right in the area where I slept. The gorilla’s huge stomach protruded out. It must’ve had a baby inside, before they killed her. I hoped the baby at least had lived and they’d murdered the mother gorilla later.

  This isn’t fair to the animals. You have something to say to me. Come to me. Stop hiding behind dead animals, you piece of shit.

  The gorilla’s large hands lay on her broad chest. After the first monkey showed up we had changed bedrooms. Other than me and Kaz no one was allowed inside besides the butler and the maid. Still, whoever did this, knew where I lay.

  I looked past the animal.

  This is new.

  On the wall behind the bed, a large symbol had been drawn in blood. It was a huge star with an eye at the center. The edges trickled blood down to the bed’s headboard.

  What does that mean?

  I stepped inside. While I had already been heated hearing about the child sex ring Abram hid in Kapotnya, now I was ready to murder a mass of people.

  Okay, motherfuckers. Game on. You have my attention. Let’s go.

  I rubbed my face with both hands and walked over to the gorilla.

  With his gun out, Boris checked the closet, bathroom, and then under the bed. “You want me to get Kazimir?”

  “Not yet.”

  I walked to the gorilla’s head. Her hands were placed on her chest like a person inside a casket for a funeral. One of my wigs was propped on the gorilla’s head. I’d called the wig—Cassie. Someone had also smeared red lipstick on the gorilla’s dark mouth. More makeup showed on it’s black, hairless face. Her small eyes were closed.

  “Yo.” Max moved closer to the bed and pointed the gun at the gorilla. “Is the baby still inside? The gorilla’s stomach is moving.”

  “What?” I directed my attention that way.

  Max was right. Something pushed at the sides of the gorilla’s protruding stomach. Then it pushed at the top. I leaned forward. “Damn it. Give me a knife, Max.”

  “Man, I’m not giving you a knife. What if it’s not a baby?”

  “What else would it be that could hurt us? It would be small. We should let it out.”

  “I’m not letting anything out.”

  “Give me the damn knife. I know you’ve got one.” I held my hand out.

  Boris bent over and pointed. “There’s red thread at the bottom of the gorilla’s stomach like it was cut open, something placed inside, and then they sewed it back up with the thick thread.”

  Max lowered, pulled up his pants leg, and took the knife from its ankle holster. “Here, but this shit is stupid. Whatever is in there doesn’t need to come out.”

  “What if it’s her baby?”

  “They didn’t cut the gorilla for nothing. The baby is gone. That’s something else.”

  I tried to grab the knife.

  Boris took it from Max. “Stand back, please. Just in case it’s something harmful.”

  That’s right. I’m pregnant. I have to be more careful.

  Swallowing, I edged to the side.

  The protruding stomach moved again. And then the gorilla’s flesh seemed to be pushing up in different spots, suggesting that this wasn’t a baby struggling to get out of the womb, but something else or several somethings.

  Dear, God. What is this?

  The left leg jerked. And then the right arm. The gorilla’s body shifted from side to side as if the animal was waking up from a deep sleep.

  I inched back more. My hands trembled. My heartbeats picked up. Something was inside the gorilla’s body, and it was anything but good. My body went hot. I thought of all the things that crept me out, hoping that none would appear.

  What is it? Venomous snakes? Deadly spiders? Big nasty roaches.

  With every move from the gorilla, I got more and more terrified at what could be waiting inside.

  Holding the knife, Boris studied the dead gorilla as if wondering where to cut her first.

  “What the fuck?” Max grabbed my arm and yanked me back further. “What the hell is wrong with these people? These motherfuckers never heard of a pen and paper?”

  I whispered, “Clearly not.”

  “Just write your racist shit down, man.” Maxwell shook his head. “Are you up for this, Em? Maybe, you shouldn’t even be in here right now—”

  “Oh no.” I balled my fists. “I’m handling this and personally killing the people involved. Fuck that.”

  “You’re pregnant and mourning.”

  “You’re mourning too.”

  “But not a child.”

  “True.” My heart ached. “Good thing for us that I carry my sorrow in my gun. The more I shoot the more it goes away.”

  “Then, let’s get you some people to shoot.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I unclenched my fists and gave him a sad smile. “They want me gone, Max.”

  “They do.”

  “Fuck them.”

  “I agree.”

  Boris grabbed the gorilla’s stomach with one hand and took the knife to the red thread. Second by second he sliced off a snip. The sewed incision slowly came apart and then a few tiny bloody legs poked out of the opening and disappeared back.

  Boris sliced again.

  A blood-drenched mouse poked its head out.

  I let out a long breath. “Good. Not a snake or spider.”

  “Good?” Max took out his gun. “A bloody mice. Hell no.”

  With a lost expression, Boris turned to me. “What do we do?”

  “I guess we take it outside. We can’t let all the mice come out in the bedroom. But we should hurry, so they don’t all die.”

  “Don’t all die. Fuck that.” Max pointed the gun at the opening of the dead animal. “I say sew that shit back.”

  It was too late. Three mice pushed out and scampered fast.

  “Aww. Fuck.” Max twisted his face in disgust. “Oh, come on. I’m not touching this shit.”

  “Yell for some maids.”

  Max didn’t need to be told twice. He was out of the room in less than a minute, screaming for staff.

  On the bed, more bloody mice escaped the gorilla. Green mucus dotted their tails. Another left. Flesh stuck to its ears. The next to dragged out the gorillas small intestine and headed away. Many crawled all over the bed.

  My stomach twisted.

  Boris held the knife. Blood dripped from the tip. “What are they trying to say?”

  “They think I’m a gorilla. Just on sight. I highly doubt it’s because I did anything to anybody. I’m just a fucking monkey to them.”

  “Not all of them, but some.”

  “We’ll never sway the others. No matter what I do.”

  “We may.” For some reason, Boris sliced at more of the thread. The incision opened all the way. Tons and tons of bloody mice spilled out of the dead gorilla’s huge belly. Squeaking, they scurried all over the bed. Some fell to the ground.

  Most of the blood-covered mice crawled over the dead gorilla.

  “Max was right. We shouldn’t have opened her stomach.”

  My phone rang.

  Max returned. “People are coming to deal with this.”

  Harlem barked off in the distance. Blue had taken him for a walk.

  I turned to Max. “Tell Blue to keep Harlem out of here.”

  “You need to get out of here too. These little motherfuckers might have something and bite you.” Max left the room again.

  My phone rang for the second time. I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the screen. No name showed. I put it to my ear. “Yes?”

  A voice carrying a French accent sounded on the other line. “I heard you have a gorilla problem?”

  My body tensed. “Jean-Pierre?”

  Chapter 16

  Friendship is Magic


  “Who else would sound so good? So charming?”

  I whirled around, putting my back to Boris. “Calling me is not going to keep you safe from a bomb.”


  “It looks like you have mice problem too, but you probably don’t mind those creatures.”

  I looked up to the ceiling. “You’re watching me?”

  “As friends do.”

  More bloody mice left the gorilla. It appeared the psychos had filled the whole body with them.

  Poor mice.

  Jean-Pierre spoke, “How can I help, Emily?”

  “If you can see me, then you saw who put this here.”

  “Correct. Have I told you how smart you are?”

  My body tensed. Rage blazed in my heart. “Who was it? Send me the image.”

  “Not so fast. We should meet somewhere.”

  I’m going to get these motherfuckers.

  I swayed on my feet “I want to know now.”

  “Of course you do, friend. Perhaps, we should meet, so I can show you the footage.”

  “Or, you can send it to me now, friend.”

  “We haven’t seen each other in a long time.”

  I gritted my teeth. “It wouldn’t be safe—”

  “It will be.”


  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “You can’t come to me, Jean-Pierre. Just send the—”

  “Try not to kill anybody before I arrive. It may be the wrong person.”

  The phone clicked.

  Kazimir stepped into the room. He had war in his eyes and his hands fisted like he was ready to fight against a rebellion.

  Stunned, I continued to hold the phone to my ear. Too much had occurred within a span of minutes—a gorilla, bloody mice, and Jean-Pierre.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  Kazimir walked over to me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” I put the phone in my pocket.

  He pulled me into a hug. “Are you sure?”

  I whispered into his ear, “Jean-Pierre is watching us right now. His people must’ve hacked into our monitoring system. Let’s go outside and talk.”

  Kaz stepped back. While I thought his face showed rage earlier, now I knew he was ready to murder someone.

  Several maids rushed in with brooms. I had no idea what they thought they would do with those. We would need an exterminator, before the whole mansion had an infestation problem.

  I walked off.

  Kazimir got to my side and grabbed my hand.

  Together we headed down the stairs. Fury radiated off his body. His men raced to our bedroom.

  Hysteria broke out o
n the first level. Many of the brotherhood talked about what had just occurred. I spotted some that I suspected. Abram stood on the side near his men, watching me. I kept a straight expression, not willing to show any of them fear.

  Zahkar gave a few orders, pulled out his phone, and sounded like he was talking to the police. Off in the corner, Max and Blue talked as Harlem wagged his tail and barked for me.

  “I’ll be back in a minute, Harlem.” I continued toward the front door.

  Kaz opened it.

  I walked out.

  “Let’s talk there.” He gestured at the memorial.

  I nodded and headed that way.

  When we arrived, Kaz growled, “How the hell did you know Jean-Pierre was watching us?”

  “He called to tell me that he saw who put the gorilla on the bed.”

  “The pregnant gorilla with bloody mice?”

  “Yes.” I swallowed.

  Kaz looked back at the house. “I should bomb the whole property with everyone in it. If it wasn’t the last place my mother walked and breathed, I would.”

  “You can’t kill everyone in there, baby.”

  “That would eliminate the problem.”

  I sighed. “They put the gorilla there, when we were in the meeting.”

  “Which doesn’t mean the ringleader wasn’t in the meeting, just that his men were outside of it.”

  “Maids are definitely in on it too.”

  “Of course.” Kaz’s jaw clenched.

  “I want to talk to the maids.”

  “And what about Jean-Pierre seeing the people who did it?”

  “Yeah.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Jean-Pierre wants to meet with me and show the footage then.”

  “Not fucking happening!”

  “I figured that. Either way, I want to talk to the maids now.”

  “We do it together.”

  I nodded. “I know some of the staff was around with your mother and you have a special place for them—”

  “What do you want to do? Name it, mysh.”

  “I may kill them.”

  He curved his mouth into an evil smile. “Many will die this afternoon. Anyone who has nothing to say will be the first that I kill.”

  I stood there in shock.

  “Let’s go.” He marched off.

  I hurried after him. “And what about Jean-Pierre?”

  “If he saw it, then Misha can too. The people doing this have somehow gotten into our system. That means that everyone on video security today better call their loved ones and say their goodbyes.”


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