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Dirty Passions

Page 20

by Wright, Kenya

  “Smart.” I gazed at it and wondered what all the different colored pens meant to Emily and her crew.

  “Thank you for giving me Kapotnya.”

  “The idea was the most obvious decision. It was clear you would be actively dealing with the area. It was no need to further piss Abram off with your presence.”

  “I think he’s going to be mad that I have full control.”

  “Let him be mad. In many ways that was a test.”

  “To see what he would do, if he’s pushed?”

  “Yes. Giving you the district was also to let you slowly enter my world. It was a quick introduction course on what you Americans would call Mafia Politics.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Unfortunately, with this problem and Jean-Pierre’s involvement, you’ll have to learn fast. Not only are the monkey head people pushing for power, Jean-Pierre will be too.”

  Appearing nervous, she rocked back and forth on her heels. “Due to his involvement, I imagine Jean-Pierre has a lot of plans in the works. That scares me. What do you think his moves will be?”

  “I’ve been in this world for a while. There’s too many power plays here. One thing I know, is that Jean-Pierre won’t show you all the people involved with this monkey head situation. He’ll show you just enough.” I studied the map, exposing the landmass of Kapotnya. “And then, if Jean-Pierre is really smart, he’ll find the top person himself and bring him to you, gift-wrapped with a lovely bow.”

  She scratched her head. “And then he’ll want more things?”


  Emily walked closer to me. “But in order to do that, Jean-Pierre would have to capture the people in Moscow.”

  “Exactly.” I frowned. “Which is why he’ll ask for free reign for his men and him in Russia. It’ll come as a deal to help us, but in the end he’ll be placing spies in the mix. At the same time he’ll be searching for weak points in the city to attack just in case war does come between the brotherhood and the Corsican.”

  “Why not just show me the footage, after I agree to his requests?”

  “Because he knows that your agreeing to his offer won’t mean anything unless I agree.”

  She turned to me. Worry hit her eyes. “Will you agree?”

  I considered his demands. “France safe. No war. And the Devil’s return in an exchange.”


  “I would do it for you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “But?”

  I had to admit the truth. “As soon as we know who is involved in this situation and they’re dead—”

  “You’re back to wanting to kill the French?”

  “You know me well, mysh.”

  “And why do you still want to kill him, Kaz?”

  I clenched my jaw. “I don’t like that he’s calling you.”

  “He called to help.”

  “This is his second time. I’m sorry, mysh, but I don’t share in anyway. Not even a phone call. Add the fact that he is a sneaky bastard that is too smart for his own good, and he’s now on my top list of people to die.”

  She said nothing.

  Calm down. I can’t stress her and the baby out.

  I exhaled. “None of that matters now, msyh. Jean-Pierre is smart enough to know my thoughts in this moment too. He knows he’s only safe until the monkey situation ends. His goal will be to build his trust and usefulness with you even more. This keeps the Corsican and you safe. I have to give it to him. Being your friend serves him well.”

  “So, can we trust the footage that he gives us?”

  “If I was him, I would add some things to the video. Put in some people that I would want killed. That may not be his method, especially if his priority is building trust with you. It would suit him better to be as open and honest with you as possible.”

  “This is a chess game within a fucking chess game.” She said throwing her hands up.

  “Welcome to Mafia Politics where the game board is filled with the oddest pieces—monkey heads and perfumed pansies.” I noticed that she looked discouraged. “Don’t worry. Overall, Misha could check to see if the footage is doctored. That’s assuming he’ll give it to us. If I was him, I wouldn’t give it to you until the last moment.”

  “Jesus Christ.” She shook her head. “Here I thought Jean-Pierre’s footage might help, but it’s bringing other elements into this situation and complicating everything more.”

  “When did he say he wants to show you the footage?”


  “So, your creepy friend is on his way.” My blood boiled. “This is a good opportunity for Jean-Pierre. He’ll bring his top men and have several more hidden within the city.”

  “Your plan?”

  “I’ll have men watch the airports, train stops, and ports. I won’t let the French freely walk through Moscow. It’s partly for their safety, and also because I don’t trust them.”

  She folded her arms. “Jean-Pierre didn’t give a meeting place.”

  “He won’t. He’ll find you.”

  She shook her head. “He can’t come here.”

  “You won’t be here.” My mind went into overdrive with a plan. I walked over to the other map of her newly assigned district. “You’ll be in Kapotnya most of the day—armed with your men and mine. He’ll find you there. Have all your most loyal men with you and everyone on guard.”

  Initially, the concept of her going to the district appeared dangerous. But I knew Kapotnya, and everyone in that area now loved and idolized her. She was their hope. For that reason, Kapotnya was also the perfect cage—small enough to detect foreigners in the area, but large enough to give my mouse a sense of freedom.

  If Jean-Pierre was smart, he’ll be too scared to go to Kapotnya. He knows nothing about the district. People there would spot his cousins and him a mile away. It would be too easy for him to get caught.

  So then. . .you’ll have to go somewhere else. Where will you go, Jean-Pierre?


  I looked at Emily. “Yes, mysh.”

  “Why did you really give me Kapotnya?”

  “Three reasons. One to keep you busy. There was no way I could trap you in the house. Two, all the residents and your men could safely guard you there. It may even be safer than this property right now. And, three. . .”

  Smiling, she shook her head.

  I prowled her way and brought her back into my arms. “Three, I want to show the brotherhood who I fell in love with. I have no doubt you’ll turn Kapotnya into the highest money making area in Russia. Already it’s been improved, and you just had some of the men. With full control, you’ll dominate.”

  “I love that you have so much faith in me.”

  “Always, mysh.” I leaned her way and kissed her. Usually, I would have spent more time enjoying those lips, but we didn’t have those minutes. More problems had come.

  That symbol on the wall. I have to tell her, but I don’t want to scare her. Should I keep it from her? No. I can’t.

  Chapter 18

  The Knights of Babylon


  I dragged myself away from that lovely mouth. “We have to talk about something else.”


  “The symbol above the bed. The one painted in blood.”

  “The star with the eye in the center.”

  “Had I not been around Uncle Igor, I may not have recognized it.”

  “Fuck.” She edged back. “Is it some black magic shit?”

  “Kind of. The brotherhood can be superstitious. Many religions don’t except our way of life. Therefore, many praise other things.”

  “What does the symbol represent?”

  “It represents a group. In fact, they’re sort of an occult. They call themselves the Knights of Babylon.” I yearned to touch her, but I didn’t dare. I didn’t even want to talk about this anymore as if these words could stain her skin.

  “The Knights of Babylon?”

  I swallowed. “The
y’re underground, although many powerful people have been involved with them.”

  “So, they’re a secret society?”

  “Yes. One that’s very ancient. They deal with gods and goddesses. Even more, they believe in human sacrifice as well as power overall.”

  She held herself as if she was cold. “How do you know about them?”

  “When I first became the head of the brotherhood, letters were left for me. On the envelope that same symbol was there, but in gold. An old wax seal was on the back with the same eye in the center of the star. When I opened it, an invitation was on old parchment paper, requesting that I meet them within the Kremlin building at midnight.”

  “What did they want?”

  “They were recruiting me. But I’m not a fan of sacrifices and cults. There’s only one God. I don’t need a secret group to introduce me to Him. I can talk to Him myself.”

  “So, what did you do?”

  “Uncle Igor told me to ignore the letters and not respond. Still, I didn’t like that they could get the letters into my limo, office, and even the bedroom of one of my lovers. I sent men down to the Kremlin at midnight to handle them.”

  “What happened?”

  “My men’s heads were left on my doorstep the next morning. I considered it war and tried to find them, but it’s difficult to hunt shadows. Pretty much impossible.”

  “How long ago was this?”

  “Five years.” I let out a long breath. “Uncle Igor heard of my little war against them and arrived in Moscow that afternoon. He spent the rest of the week begging me to forget about the Knights of Babylon. He warned that there were too many powerful people within the group. Men that scared even him.”

  “He knew some of them?”

  “He did, but he wouldn’t tell me who or anything else. Something had clearly happened between the Knights of Babylon and him that he didn’t want to discuss. That was the only thing on this earth that I’d witnessed ever terrifying Uncle Igor.”

  “So, there’s no way he was a part of them?”

  “None at all.”

  Uncrossing her arms, she tapped her thigh over and over. “Knights of Babylon. At least, that’s a clue for us.”

  Terror hit me. “No, mysh. That’s a clue for me. Not you. When it comes to evil, human-sacrificing cults, I deal with them. Your focus is Kapotnya and meeting with your creepy friend.”

  She frowned. “Kaz, clearly I would stay away from them, but I could at least do some research—”

  “The Knights of Babylon are a nasty group. I don’t want you to be on their trail. For now, they may be the ones leaving dead animals. For them, that’s a nice gesture. Soon they can get bloodier. If this cult is involved, I want them gone, before things get out of hand.”

  “Kaz, I don’t want you looking into them either, if it’s dangerous. We should do it together.”


  “I’m just saying. Together, we—”

  “Not while you’re pregnant!”

  She widened her eyes but stayed quiet.

  I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry, but. . .you’re carrying our child. There must be certain limitations.”

  She blinked. “Of course.”

  “And don’t worry for me, mysh. I’ll be careful.”

  “And you’ll tell me everything? I don’t want anything to happen to you either. Our child deserves an amazing father. You have to keep safe as much as me.”

  My heart warmed. “I will. I never want to leave you or our baby here all alone. I plan to be with you both for a very long time.”

  Her bottom lip quivered. “Fuck, Kaz. A secret occult of powerful men? How the hell do we stop them?”

  “We’re not certain it’s the Knights of Babylon doing this. The people involved could have drawn that symbol in blood to push us off their track. I just want to make sure we’re considering all options.”

  Let’s hope the Knights of Babylon are not involved at all.

  “True.” She returned to pacing. “But that blood symbol is now a clue. It’s something. More than what we had before.”

  “Stay away from them, mysh. This is my trail to follow. Not yours.”

  Although she looked pissed, she nodded. “I agree. I’m just saying. And I’ll go to Kapotnya like business as usual. My men and I will also be on the lookout for Jean-Pierre.”

  “Speaking of the pansy.” Tension came. I knew she wouldn’t like this plan. “We’re going to trap and take Jean-Pierre and his cousins.”


  “We need to change the game plan.”

  She gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “Jean-Pierre is not an animal we’re hunting. If we treat him like that, he may not help.”

  “He’ll help or France will burn.”


  “I’m talking a soft kidnapping.”

  Her voice screeched. “Soft kidnapping?”

  “We’ll just take his men and him and put them in our cell. After a little friendly torture, we get the footage and have Misha examine it—”

  She raised one finger in the air. “First of all, that’s not our cell. It’s your crazy little jail system below the house. Second of all, I don’t want to start the whole kidnapping thing back up. Historically, it only pisses everybody off and starts bigger wars.”

  “You think you’re going to just sit down with Jean-Pierre and have a nice lunch as you discuss the details?”

  “No. We could stand in a parking lot and exchange—”

  “We take him and his men. Gain the advantage and change the game.”

  “No. I handle Jean-Pierre and Kapotnya. You figure out the Knights of Babylon angle and who’s the problem in our security system.”

  My rage bubbled. “Mysh, I was not suggesting these things with you. I was telling you exactly how it all will happen tomorrow.”

  “And I’m informing you that it won’t go down that way. We get Jean-Pierre’s help like civilized people, not through kidnapping and friendly torture.”

  My temples throbbed in pain. “This is Mafia Politics—”

  “You handle your part. I’ll take care of mine.”

  I wanted to break something. Only she could do this. Turn me homicidal in the blink of an eye. With anyone else, I would slap or shoot them, maim or yell. With my mouse, I had to depend on tactics that I was less experienced in—compromise and bargaining. Glaring, I stalked her way.

  She stood her ground for a few seconds, until I got directly in front of her. Then, she edged away. I moved forward. Another step and she was pressed against the wall as I remained in front of her.

  “You go to Kapotnya and oversee your district,” I raised my hands above her and touched the wall behind her. “That’s it. I handle everything else.”

  “You won’t.” She looked up at me. “That’s too many things. Bosses who micromanage everything always fail.”

  I pressed against her. “If you don’t agree, then you’ll stay in the mansion tomorrow. Be happy I’m letting you outside at all.”

  She trembled but held her ground. “You be happy that I’m agreeing to this and not chasing after the knights.”

  Leaning her way, I moved to the side of her head and brushed my lips against her ear. “Tell me, little mouse. What do you want in your cell for tomorrow? Books. Games. A tv. Would you like Maxwell to stand outside and tell you jokes.”

  “You won’t lock me up.”

  “Don’t push me.”

  She raised her arms, put it on my shoulder, and hugged me. “Play nice, lion.”

  “Why should I?”

  “Your plan for Jean-Pierre sucks. Why not listen to me?”

  Growling, I lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I ground my cock in the center of her. Lust filled those beautiful eyes.

  “Kaz, stop. We’re talking.”

  I nipped at her bottom lip.

  “Kaz. . .”

  “It’s just a soft kidnapping, mysh.” I consumed that mouth, before she could

  She giggled under my kissing and moved her head. “Please, stop saying that. A soft kidnapping is still a kidnapping. We’re not doing it.”

  “We are.”

  “Kaz, why not listen to me?”

  “Because I have more experience with psychotic gangsters than you.”

  “No. Your experience is just international. But have you considered this.” She moved her legs and lowered off me. “Had you blown up Paris and Jean-Pierre, then we wouldn’t have the footage. He would be dead, and we would have the advantage. Like him or not, Jean-Pierre is our friend.”

  She tried to walk off.

  I yanked her back. “Good point. But I want to put him in the cell.”

  “And I don’t.”

  Anger rumbled in my chest.

  “Please, Kaz. Let’s do it my way.”

  “I want you safe.”

  “Jean-Pierre and his men won’t hurt me. It’s the brotherhood that I’m worried about. When Jean-Pierre kidnapped me, he did it in a civilized way. If you do happen to capture him, make sure he is not in a cell. It must be a bedroom with food and all the amenities.”

  I scowled but said nothing.

  “Please, Kaz.”

  I nodded. “We’ll do it your way.”


  Smart, she raised her eyebrows at me. Skepticism decorated her face. Unfortunately, there would be no more time to discuss.

  The door slung open.

  Valentina stormed through. “Who put that gorilla on the bed?! I just came back from shopping and tiny mice were all over your bedroom!”

  The pain in my temples shifted to a full-out headache.

  Valentina paced the room, screaming in Russian, and cursing so much, I was sure Emily would be learning a whole set of new vocabulary today.

  It was already hard enough to keep my mouse calm and busy. My sister would be even harder. With her new niece or nephew on the way, she would protect Emily with her life. That part was good. The bad part was that she would be running around shooting and killing any person she considered a suspect.

  It took a good hour to calm my sister down. It was another hour before I convinced her that she should go back to Saint Petersburg. I pretended that she needed to get help from Misha. I would have to call and tell him to keep her busy. Valentina and Natalya in Moscow would be a distraction. I didn’t need any more at this time.


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