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Dirty Passions

Page 26

by Wright, Kenya

  I stared at it.

  Boris pointed at it. “Sorry, but I’m not taking any chances.”

  I put it on. “Give me a gun.”

  Max handed me one from the back.

  Boris furrowed his brows.

  I gripped the gun and kept it at my side. “Why does krokodil make their skin scaly and turn them green?”

  “My mom says the drug gives them gangrene as it eats them from the inside.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not a smart business move as a dealer.”

  Boris shrugged. “Abram isn’t trying to make profit. He’s trying to get rid of everyone. It’s a moon shine drug.”

  Max pulled out a joint and lit it. “How do you make krokodil?”

  “Most of the stuff can be bought from a 24-hour pharmacy. Tropikamid eye drops, Caffetin, codeine pills, formic acid, and petrol.”

  Stunned, I asked, “Gasoline?”

  “Yeah. Then they cook the drug, boil it down, and then roast it.”

  “Then they put that shit in a syringe and inject it in their veins?” Max inhaled his joint.

  “Yes. After a few times, people start to rot, but it’s too late, they’re already addicted.”

  Max blew smoke out. “How the hell are they paying for this shit?”

  “They steal from the abandoned buildings—take apart the metal, cement, plastic, furniture, cinder blocks, and anything. Then, they sell it to anybody that will give them some money.” Boris gestured to a young teen limping to the front of the building. Boils covered the side of his face. “Krokodil is cheaper than heroine. Every day someone dies of overdose. Usually, they’re between fourteen and twenty.”

  Max coughed. “Abram is fucking up this district’s population either by drugs or prostitution.”

  “Not anymore.” I glared at the building. “Krokodil is no longer allowed in my district. We’re getting this shit out of here. At least I can finish one thing today. Boris, get everybody out here and figure out a place to put all the addicts. We’ve got funds to make the deal sweet.”

  Max raised his brows. “And what are we going to do?”

  I looked up at the top level. “Talk to Erik and let him know he can retire.”

  Ten minutes later, close to a hundred men stood outside. Some belonged to Kaz. The rest were mine. Blue and Lemon arrived. They took some men off in the back of the building, just in case any of the cooks or dealers tried to escape.

  With my vest on and gun in hand, I stood in front of the everyone else. “Kapotnya is now mine, but for a lot of you, it’s your home. Therefore, I want to treat this area with respect as I move forward.”

  Max stayed on my side and took in all of the faces staring back at us. I didn’t think he’d realized how much I’d been recruiting while he was in Saint Petersburg.

  I raised my voice. “I don’t want krokodil in my district. Do you?”

  Many shook their heads. Others yelled out no in Russian.

  “Get rid of everyone in this building.” I gestured behind me. “Destroy the drugs and kick the cooks out. Any of the dealers have a problem with that, then kill them.”

  Someone yelled out, “And the addicts?”

  I turned Boris’s way.

  He stepped forward. “Anyone who wants rehab, we’ll take them to the Russian Orthodox church in the east. Father Volkov will take the addicts in.”

  A guy laughed on the side.

  I stared at him. “Yes?”

  He stopped laughing and straightened up.

  “Let’s go.” I walked off.

  Max and Boris flanked me.

  Boris leaned my way. “Father Volkov wants to meet with you this week to talk about funding for taking in any new addicts.”

  “I imagine he will.” I got close to the entrance. “Tonight, give Father Volkov some money for now and tell him I’ll meet with him.”

  Another of my men hurried to the building and opened the front door.

  I entered. It was definitely not the Hilton. Hundreds of syringes were scattered on the ground. Cockroaches and other bugs crawled all over the hallway and even on the walls.

  Behind us, men slammed and knocked down doors. Once they entered, people screamed. Gun shots rang.

  I continued to the elevator.

  Max stayed on my side. “What’s the plan, Em?”

  “While everyone deals with the cooks, we’ll get Erik and his men.” I gestured to the elevator. “We’ll kill him fast and get back to the penthouse.”

  “Sounds simple.” Max pressed the button. “And do you think this will start a war with Abram?”

  “He didn’t know this, but as soon as he started preying on little girls, he started a war with me, even if I wasn’t in Russia at the time his brothel began.”

  “Okay.” Max scratched his head. “So, just to be clear. We’re fighting some unknown racists in the Bratva as well as some cult freaks that love human sacrifice. And we’ll be adding Kazimir’s childhood friend Abram to our enemy list?”

  “Yep.” I nodded my head. “That sounds about right.” “Never a dull moment with you.” He took another hit of his joint, dropped it on the ground, and stomped it out.

  Chaos ensued on this level. More of my people stormed in. Others took the stairs to meet us at the top. When the elevator opened, we got on.

  Boris and five more men joined.

  The elevator rose.

  Max took out his gun, pointed, and went to the door. “Stay behind me, Em.”

  “I will.”

  The doors opened.

  Max shot two times. Boris left the elevator shooting too. I heard bodies drop and then I stepped off the elevator with my gun up.

  Three men lay on the floor with bullet holes in their chest.

  The apartment’s green door opened.

  Max pushed me behind him and shot again.

  Boris yelled in Russian, “Put the guns down or die!”

  Metal clinked and then dropped.

  “Alright, Em. Come on.”

  Feeling like a handicap to both of them, I sighed and stepped inside. Two huge men held their hands up in the air. I walked inside the living room. “Where’s Erik?”

  Four others stood, but they had their guns at their sides. Another walked to the center and got between the group of men. Two men flanked each corner.

  Is this guy Erik?

  Six feet, he was a man of about fifty, maybe older. He was fairly lean and fit. Short hair covered his head. His eyes were blue like his blue suit, baby blue shirt, and blue tie. Even his shoes were polished blue leather. I imagined his socks and boxers were blue too.

  I’m guessing he likes this color.

  His Russian was rough and thick, but I caught his words. “Who are you?”

  “Emily.” I put my gun to the side. “Some call me the mouse.”

  “You look more like a rat.” He sneered.

  “I’ll take that too. Are you Erik?”

  The man on his side spoke fast to him in Russian. Another of the four joined in. And then they both went back and forth.

  “The man in blue is named Leo. He’s the first in command for Erik.” Boris leaned my way. “They’re explaining to him who you are.”

  Leo spat on the floor.

  I grinned. “I don’t think he’s impressed.”

  More of my men entered the room. Leo and his people raised their guns. But mine were faster and we just had more.

  I yelled, “Put your guns down!”

  Boris translated.

  With confused looks, they did as we asked.

  Leo glared at me. “What do you want?”


  Giving up, Leo motioned behind him.

  “Get on the ground.” I pointed to the floor. “All of you.”

  Leo laughed at me. “You don’t tell me what to do. Just because you suck the lion’s dick doesn’t mean—”

  Boris shot him in the head.

  “Oh.” Max raised his gun and shot the others. “I was wondering if we
could just kill these motherfuckers.”

  The other men fell to the floor, lying on the ground and dead to the world. I walked to the back, right as the door bust open.

  A man stepped out with his gun up.

  Max shot him in the head. A perfect hit.

  I got behind Max, just in case more jumped out.

  None did.

  We entered the room.

  Boris pointed. “That’s Erik.”

  The man sat on a green couch with his hands up. Three men stood by him with their hands up too. Max grabbed their guns and shoved them down on the floor.

  Two of my other men entered the room.

  So, this is the little ruler of the krokodil house?

  Broad and hard-looking, Erik resembled a gangster from a cartoon. Round head and pointy eyes buried deep under bushy brows. Huge nostrils and big pink lips above a fat chin. He had a fat body too that he’d dressed in a chocolate track suit.

  Boris yelled at Erik. “Get up.”

  He rose.

  I gestured to him with my gun. “Do you speak English?”

  Ignoring my question, he spoke fast to Boris.

  I aimed at his head and spoke as good as I could in Russian. “Your people and you need to leave.”

  He paused and spat in my direction. “I am not going anywhere! I am someone you do not want to know—”

  I shot him three times—one in the forehead, another in the heart, and the last in his big belly. Boris took out his men. My people rummaged through the apartment.

  Max yelled at them, “Anyone in the back?”

  Boris headed that way and then returned. “Only a woman.”

  Two guys pulled her out.

  Nude, she held a syringe in her hand and stumbled forward. Her eyes had a dizzy look to them. She glanced at Erik but didn’t appear sad or alarmed as she muttered something. She had no teeth in her mouth.

  I squinted, “What did she say?”

  Boris frowned. “She wants to take a last hit.”

  The men let her go. She took the syringe, stuck it in a vein on the inside of her hip, and injected the dark liquid.

  Bile rose in my throat. “What should we do with her?”

  Boris shrugged. “Maybe, give her some clothes and take her to the church.”

  “I want more.” The woman pulled out the syringe and dropped it to the floor. Blood beaded from the tiny would. Then, she stumbled to the side and leaned against the wall, mumbling low in Russian.

  Hell no. This drug doesn’t need to be anywhere in my district. I did the right thing.

  My phone rang.

  I pulled it out. “Hello?”

  Kaz’s deep voice came on the line. “You’ve been busy, mysh.”


  “My people have told me quite a story.”

  “Your men are fast with their info.”

  “They’re just keeping me up to date.”

  “And what did they say?”

  His tone held anger. “That you’re in a drug house, shooting it up.”

  “That’s not exactly how it went down. I only let out three shots.”

  “Anyone important?”

  “Abram may think so.”

  “Very cute, Emily.” Kazimir groaned. “Get to the penthouse now. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “Like what?”

  “Get your ass to the penthouse and stay safe.” He hung up.

  Alrighty. He’s pissed.

  Chapter 23

  Naughty Mouse


  I sat on the balcony waiting on my mischievous mouse.

  The staff prepared the table for dinner, setting out flowers and lighting candles. No food yet. I didn’t yell, before we dined.

  What’s taking you so long, mysh? You should have arrived by now.

  My men did more research on the people her men and she had killed in the building. Although Abram claimed to not make money in Kapotnya, he’d been a busy man—drug houses and a mega brothel for the hugely rich and depraved.

  While Emily hadn’t acted on the brothel yet, she would. It was only a matter of time.

  Pavel stepped onto the balcony.

  I glared at him. “Where is Emily?!”

  Pavel cleared his throat.. “She has been back for a while, but she wanted to clean up and change.”

  I bet she did.

  I fisted my hands. “Was she injured in any way?”


  “Clothes tattered? Or blood on her shirt?”

  “No.” Pavel shook his head. “Emily had on a bulletproof vest. And her hair was in place, pulled back in a bun. I believe they call it a chignon du cou. This is a bun at the nape of the neck with a small braid wrapped around the bun and the rest of the hair was slicked back. Not even a loose strand out of place—”

  “Enough with her hair, Pavel!”

  Pavel cleared his throat. “It looked like no one had touched her. No injuries at all.”

  My men had reported the same. Still, I had to see it with my own eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Kazimir, what are we going to do with the French?”

  “David has them in his apartment. His people are watching them. That’s enough.”

  Pavel nodded. “It’s a good idea to keep them close.”

  “Of course it is. So, what is the problem?”

  “I talked to one of David’s men. The French have been making demands.”

  I gritted my teeth. “What do they want?”

  “Giorgio believes the bedding is not clean enough. He also wasn’t impressed with the thread count. Meanwhile, Jean-Pierre didn’t like his meal. Apparently, he’s not a fan of borscht.”

  “Well, then take care of their demands immediately.” I smiled. “I want them to get the best of everything.”

  Pavel quirked his brows. “Are you serious?”

  “No! Tell David’s men, if they say something else, I’ll kill Giorgio. I only need Jean-Pierre for now anyway.”

  Pavel shook his head. “Do you need my men to watch the French? This could be a big job for David.”

  “King David has been dealing with the French longer than we have. He’s the right man for the job.”

  And I don’t trust anybody else at the moment. Not even you, cousin.

  Emily strolled onto the balcony.

  Pavel and I turned her way.

  Wicked little mouse.

  Emily had done more than carry out a quick change. She’d dress for seduction. Her hair was down and curled around her shoulders. She wore a tight red dress with low cleavage and a high skirt. The diamond mouse lay between those full breasts. And diamonds hung from her ears. She had a small pocketbook with her.

  Pavel ruined the mood. “You look lovely, Emily. Your hair is—”

  “Pavel, we’re done.” I rose from the table. “We can talk later.”

  Pavel grinned and left.

  Emily turned to me. “I love Pavel. He’s so cool.”

  I sneered. “You’re in trouble.”

  She raised her brows. “Am I?”

  “You are, and that sexy little red dress won’t save you.”

  “Let’s go.” She turned around and walked away. “Let me be in trouble on the way to my surprise.”

  She twisted those hips as she left causing her ass to jiggle under the dress.

  My cock jerked in my pants.

  Calm down. We’re not falling for this. Get control of yourself.

  I headed in her direction.

  She twisted those hips some more and strolled forward.

  I see what you’re doing. It won’t work.

  Boris opened the door.

  She sashayed out. The ass jiggled some more. My hands yearned to cup it.

  Angry and turned-on, I followed.

  When we arrived at the elevator, the doors opened.

  I looked at Boris and her men. “Stay here and take the next one down.”

  She got on.

  I did too.

  The elevator do
ors closed.

  I tenderly took her arm, spun her my way, and pulled that sexy body to me. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.” She rose on her toes to give me a kiss.

  “No.” I moved away. “You put yourself in danger today.”

  “I didn’t. I had a bulletproof vest on. My men did all the heavy lifting and—”

  “You shot your gun. You started a war without talking to me.”

  “Kaz, you said in the meeting that small disputes remained between the—”

  “Not when it comes to you!”

  “So, you’re going to treat me differently than everyone else?”


  “Every time Kapotnya has a problem, you’re going to rush down and solve it?”


  “That’s ridiculous.”

  The elevator lowered.

  I punched the emergency button.

  Sighing, she edged away and backed up into the wall.

  I closed the distance and put both my hands against the wall above her head.

  Silence filled the space.

  She looked up. “Kaz, I’m sorry. The drug house shooting wasn’t planned. It all just played out that way.”

  “I worry about you and our baby. Kapotnya was supposed to be a pet project to keep you out of trouble.”

  “You are aware that Kapotnya is one of the worst areas here—”

  “You already started homeless shelters. I thought you would clean it up or—”

  “Kaz, I’m a killer, not a social counselor. At some point, somebody was going to catch a bullet.”

  I couldn’t help it. I had to smile. “My men told me about Abram’s brothel.”

  “So, you know what I’m thinking?”

  “I don’t.”

  “I’m going to shut it down.” She tried to move away.

  I pulled her back to me and tightened my grip on her wrists. A growl built in my throat. “That’s a conversation that we should have first.”

  “It’s my district, Kaz.”

  “It’s my fucking country.” My jaw clenched. “My world. You don’t move unless I say so.”

  “This isn’t your world. If it was, the brothel wouldn’t have been there in the first place.” She left my grip, moved, and disengaged the emergency button. “Abram is pimping out underaged girls. You support that?”

  The elevator lowered.

  I frowned. “Of course I don’t support it.”


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