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One Hot Daddy: A Single Dad Next Door Romance

Page 32

by Kira Blakely

  “Nash…” I whispered. I just wanted to say his name. I wanted to scream it, and I felt his hands on my butt again.

  “Shhh…” he said, just as he slid that huge cock inside me. He thrust gently, testing me, trying me out for size. I gasped when I felt the length of him. He was big and tight inside me, the biggest I had ever had. But he fit well inside me, reaching that spot he had reached with his fingers earlier.

  I closed my eyes, my long hair hanging loose off both my shoulders. This was it. He was inside me. Then he started thrusting, and I started moaning, loudly. My grip on the posters strengthened as Nash pumped into me. Sliding in and out, making my body tremble. He was reaching in deep, increasing the force with every thrust. I could hear him grunting, groaning; it was difficult for both of us to hold back. But we both wanted to make it last as long as possible.

  He felt strong and athletic behind me, holding me in place with his hands on my butt. His body was rigid and solid, driving into me, bringing me so close to the edge and then pulling back. I moaned, one loud face-reddening moan just as I was about to come.

  “Yes!” he growled, and I knew we were going to come together. I felt him shoot inside me, and I came. My screams had grown louder, my body shook while he continued thrusting, over and over again.

  I wanted to scream out his name again. He had made me come so easily, so quickly that I couldn’t believe it. He continued pumping into me, until I could feel that he was spent. I was done as well, but my body still shuddered.

  Nash grunted when he started pulling out. I fell forward on the bed, exhausted. I heard a small laugh escape his lips and I turned my head to the side. That bed was like a cloud! I felt like I was floating. But that could very well just have been the Nash Preston effect.

  “What?” I asked him, smiling as he stood with his shoulders heaving at the foot of the bed.

  “You look like you’re ready to go to sleep,” he said, raising his eyebrows at me.

  A sudden fear gripped me. Was he trying to give me a hint?

  “Yeah, kinda, just tired. I’ll call for a cab,” I said, trying to straighten myself back up. I didn’t want to overstep. This was a fantasy, remember, not reality.

  “Stay the night with me, Bonnie,” he said, in that soft earnest voice I had heard before in the garden. My heart leapt to my throat when I caught his gaze.

  “I’ll get Joe to send us up some sandwiches,” he said, walking swiftly over to the landline on the bedside table.


  When I woke up the next morning, I found Bonnie beside me, snuggled up in the crook of my arm. Her silky blond hair was splayed around her like a halo on the pillow. She took in peaceful breaths as she slept; her eyelids fluttered gently. I continued staring at her for several minutes, enjoying the look on her face. I had never thought I’d see Bonnie Calhoun sleeping, I’d never thought I would see her looking so peaceful.

  Her small pink mouth was pressed tightly shut as she slept, and I couldn’t help but reach over and kiss her lips. She scrunched up her nose as though she dreamed of a butterfly sitting on her cheek. I kissed her again. Now her eyelids fluttered more, as she started to wake up.

  I had woken up hard for her, and I wanted her immediately. That sense of annoyance I usually felt when I woke up next to a woman was entirely missing. I was glad to wake up next to this woman. I wanted her more, like I couldn’t get enough of her.

  I slid my hand under the covers so I could feel her skin. She was soft and smooth where I touched her naked body. First gently caressing her breasts, then down her belly until I cupped her sex. She spread her legs, still with her eyes closed. I wasn’t sure if she was sleeping but I couldn’t control what I wanted.

  I edged myself farther down under the covers, so that my face was level with her protruding hips. They were angular, yet shapely, and I ran my hands down the length of her long smooth legs. They felt like butter to the touch, and I stroked the insides of her thighs.

  When I felt her hands in my hair, I knew she was awake. She moaned delightfully, to signal that she wanted the same thing as me. I couldn’t help but smile. Mornings with Bonnie weren’t going to be like anything else I’d experienced.

  I licked her navel delicately, and she arched her back, raising her belly up toward me. I edged further down. With my hands on her waist, I continued to lick… down her navel, her belly until I reached where I wanted to be. My means of possessing her. This woman I had wanted all my life. The one who I couldn’t compare to anybody else.

  My tongue found her clit, and Bonnie moaned even more. I gripped her waist tightly with both my hands and I started licking. Stroking her softly with my tongue. She parted her legs more, so that now she had her knees around my ears, pressing down on my face. I knew what I was doing to her and neither of us wanted to stop.

  I licked and stroked, until I couldn’t control myself anymore and I thrust my tongue in. She was delicious, wet and slippery and her body was writhing in my hands. She clutched my hair tightly, tugging at it as she moaned and moved her hips.

  “Nash…” She said my name like she was still dreaming, and I didn’t stop. My tongue thrust into her repeatedly, like my cock had the previous night. I could feel her body vibrating. She was going to come.

  Her hands tightened in my hair, and she moved her hips higher and higher. She was moaning, thrashing her head back and forth on the pillows. She came like an explosion in my mouth. The sweet taste of Bonnie Calhoun. I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to keep going and her orgasm lasted for several minutes. Until she was spent.

  “I’m ready to go back to sleep again,” she said with a laugh when I slid out of the covers, back to her side.

  “Nobody’s making you get out of bed,” I said, and she snuggled back into my open arms.

  “Don’t you have a business to run? A kingdom to command?” she asked, pressing her lips to my chest for a quick peck.

  “You have a job to go to now, as well,” I reminded her and she giggled. Bonnie was visibly happy. In fact, I didn’t think I’d seen her this excited or happy before. On second thought, I had; every time she scored more than me in a test in college. But never happy like this.

  “I can’t wait to go back and give Peter the good news,” she said blissfully.

  “Good, you can start tomorrow. Today, we’re going to roll around in bed and call in sick,” I told her, before pulling her closer to me to wrap her tightly in my arms again.


  When I woke up, I instantly thought I was late. Thankfully, I always slept with my wrist watch on and I saw that I wasn’t running late after all. Some guy was sleeping next to me, and I straightened up, rolling my eyes. He was facing away from me, but even from the back, I knew it wasn’t one of my usual fuckbuddies.

  “Hey, you gotta get out of here,” I said in a loud voice, tapping his shoulder.

  “Huh? What?” he said, turning slightly to look at me with slitted eyes.

  He was my usual type. Blond, buff, baby-blue eyes. I suddenly remembered, he was the bouncer at the club from the previous night. I rolled my eyes again.

  “I said, you have to go. I need to get to work,” I snapped at him, swinging my legs over the bed and standing up.

  “Just go and I’ll close the door behind me when I leave,” he said, rolling over again. I could see that he was hungover. What did that have to do with me? It wasn’t my fault that he’d knocked back five shots of tequila in one go.

  “Not a chance. Get the fuck out,” I said, ripping the covers off him. The guy had a raging boner in his sleep, and he was lying in a curled-up position on the side of the bed. Both his arms were covered in tribal tattoos, and he had a long scar right down the middle of his back. When I was drunk, those were the men I went for. When I was sober, I went for the men who would serve me well in my practical life. Example: Nash Preston.

  I rummaged around the mess on the table to look for my phone. First order of business was to check his emails. If I could continue to make
Nash Preston believe that he couldn’t function without me in his life, he would slowly realize that he needed me for more than just as his secretary. Being a secretary all my life wasn’t exactly my big plan. Being the wife of a multi-billionaire hot stuff — exactly my plan.

  I’d received a text from Nash, and I opened it quickly, a smile forming on my face. It was cute that I was always the first thing on his mind the minute he woke up.

  Not coming in to the office today. And you don’t need to come to the house either. Taking the day off.

  My brows crossed immediately. Taking the day off? Nash Preston never took the day off. And he didn’t want me in his house? What the fuck was going on?

  Then I remembered. He’d taken that bitch to the May Fair the previous night. Something had happened. I knew there was something going on between the two of them. I’d seen the smug smile on her face when she handed me her number. And today, Nash had suddenly taken the day off? She had done something to him. I was sure of that.

  I could scream from the rage I was feeling now, and I flung my phone to the table and stomped my feet on the floor.

  “What the hell?” The bouncer guy turned to me, suddenly waking up with all the noise I had just made. He was forcing himself to blink his crusty eyes open.

  “What are you still doing here? Get out!” I screamed at him, pointing to the door.

  “All right. Fuck. Crazy bitch,” he mumbled as he reluctantly got out of my bed.

  I had my hands on my hips, my nostrils flaring. I was watching him getting dressed, but there was only one thing on my mind.

  Bonnie Calhoun. Something needed to be done about her. So far, nobody had come close to being a threat to my relationship with Nash. But if she was going to get in my way, she was going to get hurt.


  I hadn’t been back in my apartment for over a day and when I returned the next morning, everything looked different. I’d spent the past day, since the night of the May Fair, with Nash, and now that we were apart again, even though it had only been an hour, I wanted to see him. It was like I was going crazy. I couldn’t control this incredible urge to just start laughing. I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening to me. After all these years.

  I got into the shower, and I remained there for longer than I needed to. I’d already texted Peter to meet me at our old office because I had a surprise waiting for him. From his response, I could tell that he was excited. When I finally emerged from my misty bathroom, I stood in front of my mirror, with a towel wrapped around me. The very same one I’d been wearing that day Nash had appeared at my apartment door. It had all started with that wrapped towel, I thought and sighed, still in utter disbelief.

  I blow dried my hair carefully today. I wanted to look my best, be in my best mood when I met my employees again. So, that farewell party was a waste of time! I shook my head indulgently. Nash had managed to come into my life and completely change it around. He wasn’t the guy I’d always thought he was. We were competitors when we shouldn’t have been, because we made such a great team!

  I was still smiling as I pulled a pair of dark straight jeans up to my hips. They hung loose around the bottom of my waist; I really needed to start eating more. I found a cute red paisley blouse that I tucked into my jeans, and buckled a wide tan belt around my waist. I could give up the heels again. Back to wearing sandals.

  I let my hair hang loose, and it fell to my waist. Every time I moved and my hair swung, I remembered the way Nash had bunched it up in his hands. How his eyes shone when I undid my bun and it came tumbling down around my bare shoulders. I really needed to stop acting like a crazy person and just get on with my day. I had him now, finally. I didn’t need to fantasize about him anymore.

  I was out of the house before eleven and on my way, driving to our old office. The day couldn’t have been better. Bright and sunny with fluffy candy clouds in the sky. I smiled at pedestrians who crossed in front of me, I let everyone overtake me. Honestly, nothing could bring me down today.

  I even parked in my usual parking spot, and I walked with a spring in my step toward the office. I only realized that there was something off when I saw the bright yellow bulldozer and a crane with a wrecking ball parked suspiciously at the side of the building. I shaded my eyes against the sun as I hurried closer. The office was coming into sight.

  Then I saw them, all thirteen of my employees, huddled outside the office building, looking up in unison at the wrecking ball. Peter was with them, too; he had arrived early. He noticed me walking toward them, and he took long purposeful steps toward me.

  “Is this some kind of joke, Bonnie? You called me here so I would have to stand here and watch this happen?” Peter was yelling. I had never seen Peter yelling.

  “What’s happening? No, this wasn’t why I called you here.” I ran toward him. I could see the nervous faces of the others turn to me. Some of them looked like they were about to cry.

  “What do you think is happening, Bonnie? They’re bringing the building down. They’re building something else on top of it,” Peter said.

  “No, that isn’t supposed to happen. Nash cancelled that plan,” I screamed back at him.

  “The guys said that they got the go-ahead from Preston’s office only an hour ago. So clearly, your pal changed his mind,” Peter said, fishing out a handkerchief from his pocket to give his forehead a wipe.

  “What? Are they sure?” I asked, staring up at the building. The one I had worked so hard to buy. How much of my personal savings had gone into acquiring it? How much time had I spent designing and decorating the space?

  “Ask them yourself. They just got the green light. They’re going ahead with it, Bonnie.” Peter’s voice had quietened, and he looked resigned and defeated. I covered my face with my palms, rubbing furiously. How was this happening? Why would Nash give them the go-ahead after promising me that I could work here with my people?

  I’d just seen him. A couple of hours ago. He didn’t look like he had changed his mind.

  Unless that wasn’t his plan to begin with. Unless his plan was to get into my panties. Was this some kind of ultimate victory against his old college rival? To possess me body and mind, and also possess my company?

  “What are we doing here, Bonnie? We really shouldn’t be watching this,” Peter said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I stared at him with my lips quivering.

  I was so foolish. I had trusted Nash again. When all he wanted to do was be his usual self, the slick Nash Preston who could get into any girl’s panties. Even the one whose sinking company he’d just bought. Was he exchanging high fives with his father in his office now? Was he patting himself on his back for his brilliant acting skills? He had managed to fool even me.

  “I’m going to give that bastard a piece of my mind,” I said to Peter, looking him directly in the eye as though he was the one I was talking about.

  Nash’s phone went unanswered. I called again, and again and again. Five calls and he didn’t answer any of them.

  “What is the point, Bonnie? They’re going to do it any minute now,” Peter said from behind me. I impatiently brushed my hair behind my shoulder and dialed again.

  “Doesn’t mean that I’m not going to tell him off. He made me a promise,” I said, without turning to look at him. No answer.

  Next, I tried his office. Nash Preston the pussy. Can’t even answer his phone and face up to what he’s doing. Not even man enough to look me in the eye and admit that he’s been lying to me.

  “Seraphine James, Nash Preston’s office,” the secretary answered on the second ring. My pupils immediately contracted, and I gripped my cellphone harder in my hand.

  “Hi, Sera. This is Bonnie Calhoun. Can I speak to Nash, please?” I said, in my most straight-forward voice ever. The last thing I wanted was for her to know exactly what I was feeling.

  “Mr. Preston isn’t in his office now, Ms. Calhoun. Can I take a message?” she asked, making her voice sound purposely sweet. I could hea
r the smile in her voice. She knew exactly what was going on. My resolve to sound calm broke, as quickly as it began.

  “Remember how he told you to patch me through to him when I call? Well, I’m calling now. So do your job,” I barked into the phone, unable to control myself any longer. When I heard her laughing, I knew instantly that she had something to do with the demolition. I’d never heard such evil cold laughter.

  “I am doing my job, Ms. Calhoun. I’m making sure that the company’s interests are secured,” she said when her laughter subsided.

  “So, you’re behind this? You authorized this demolition?” I said, gritting my teeth. I should have known! I’d seen it in her eyes when I first met her, that she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. And she wanted Nash. By demolishing my building, she knew she could create a rift between us.

  “No, of course I didn’t. Mr. Preston authorized it, several days ago,” she said, still maintaining her sugary sweet voice that was starting to make me feel sick.

  “But he changed his mind, and you didn’t put a stop to the paperwork,” I spat out.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ms. Calhoun. Mr. Preston wasn’t in the office yesterday; he took the day off. I didn’t get any message about him changing his mind,” she informed me, while I was pacing about. The machines loomed in the background, dangling the wrecking ball threateningly in front of the building. I was running out of time.

  “Well, I’m telling you now; he’s changed his mind. You need to stop this from happening,” I said.

  “I don’t take orders from you, Ms. Calhoun,” she was quick to reply.

  “So ask him! Call Nash and ask him yourself,” I said, throwing my hand up in the air. I really couldn’t lose this building. It was my only personal achievement. The central symbol of my company.


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