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Custodian_Monster of Earth Book One

Page 11

by Patrick F. Johnson

“Uh. I don't want to be rude or anything.”

  “Don't sweat it. They're cool as hell. Hey Phil, come meet Terrelle.”

  A door panel opened and Phildan walked in with his facial scales contorted into his makeshift smile. If he hadn't been so short he would have looked absolutely terrifying. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Williams. I am Phildan. But Frank just calls me Phil.”

  “Holy shit! A real live alien! No one is going to believe this! Why do you sound British?”

  “I'm working on that, sir.”

  “Don't you dare change your accent, Phil. You sound perfect.” Frank was actually being serious. “Now T, don't go blabbing to anyone about this. They might have you committed.”

  “Yeah, you're probably right.”

  “Oh, and I need you to meet me at Clyde's tomorrow. At noon.”

  “I'll have to check my schedule. I can't just drop everything to have some drinks.”

  “It's actually a meeting. I need legal representation there. And you get to meet the boss.”

  “In that case, since you're my biggest client now, I'll clear my schedule.”

  “Awesome. Wear something nice. Professional. Got anything like that?” Now Frank was teasing his old friend.

  * * *

  “Why are you laying on the couch when you just purchased beds for yourself and Phildan?”

  “I've never been much for formalities, Gladys. And I want to be close in case Phil needs my help with anything.”

  “I'm sure he can manage if you want to take a proper nap.” The orb was resting on one of the many charging stations scattered around the boat.

  “This video panel is impressive. Earth is far less primitive than the other human worlds I have researched.” Phildan said, sounding gleeful in his work.

  “I suppose we can thank the Li for that.”

  “Absolutely. The first input is going to be a feed from a communications satellite.”

  “So we're stealing cable?”

  “Should I discontinue?”

  “No, I'm sure they won't mind.”

  “Good. The second input will be the view you requested. Just as soon as I work that out.”

  “Cool. Take your time with that. I mean, at your convenience. I just like to see where I'm going.”

  “That is understandable given your piloting experience.”

  “We call it driving when it's a ground vehicle. Piloting is reserved for airplanes and boats. The on the water kind.”

  “I see. Those modes of transportation require a clear line of sight. The landing boat pretty much flies itself and the reflective array cannot be broken, so a window is out of the question. I'm going to attempt to retro-fit a remote that has it's own array to send an image to the view panel, so we can see where we're going.”

  “That sounds pretty sweet. Maybe we should get a DVD player for that third input.”

  “What does that do?”

  “It plays movies.”

  “Ah yes, recorded theater.”

  “Sounds like a good enough description to me.”

  “I am going to have to take the landing boat back to the main ship to install the outboard remote. I also need to replenish our other supplies. I have all the preliminary work done so it won't take too awful long. The main thing is to have the array offline for a short time so I can see what I'm doing.”

  “You can drop me off early if you want. I can rent a car to get around if need be.”

  “That is an excellent concept. Renting a car.”

  “Should be fun. I can't remember the last time I drove a new car.”

  And so Phildan dropped him off near a car rental facility and went to perform his work. Of course Frank was accompanied by an orb in his pocket. He opted for the sportiest model they had and sped off toward the nearest hardware store. His intention was to head to Clyde's to do some work while he waited for the meeting. He was sorely missing building. It was the only thing that made him feel sane. Replacing a van full of tools was out of the question as the sports car didn't have much trunk space, and a lot of his favorite tools seemed to be no longer available. It took a lifetime to accumulate the tools he'd lost, and it would take trips to several stores, and online shopping, to begin to replace most of them. He had several other tools in a storage unit across town, but he didn't feel the need to drive all that way, and most of them were specialty tools that wouldn't be useful at Clyde's.

  Sammie was surprised and quite happy to see Frank. “This guy is part owner and he's in charge of all construction, remodeling, decorating and whatever else I can put on him,” he said to the crew working away to repair the vandalism that had occurred in his absence.

  “Silent partner, Sammie. And you can buy me out whenever you want. In the meantime, I want this place to be the jewel of the East Side.”

  He carefully unzipped his hoodie and placed it over a chair as to not disturb the orb. He went to work as Gladys positioned the orb so she could see out of the pocket. She was quite interested in watching this man that they had picked in his natural setting. She appreciated the deftness of his hands and the ease with which he just made things happen. The other workers were just in his way once he got going. Watching him work reminded her of the lessons she'd learned long ago about loving what you do, or at least putting love into it. She had wondered if Frank understood the concept of love really, but having now seen him working, she was sure he in fact understood it well. She thought of the ring he lost. It became clear now that he was referring to a mate being lost and not just a piece of gold. She had been focused on the Mingrein situation and let the clues slide right by her, which was very uncharacteristic. He worked without stopping and only spoke when spoken to. Even then he continued working. He finally stopped when Terrelle walked in.

  Nodding to Terrelle, Frank spoke to Sammie, “Okay Sammie, go ahead and send these guys home for the day. I have some people showing up here in a little bit for a meeting. I mean, if that's cool with you.”

  “They weren't doing much anyway. Hell, I could go ahead and open tomorrow with all the work you just did. Sand the drywall and put up the new mirrors when they come in, and some paint and.....”

  Frank cut him off, “No, lets go ahead and take out that wall and build a stage. Figure out what we need for sound and lighting and get a list to Terrelle here.”

  “So you two's getting along now, huh? That's nice. Water under the bridge and whatnot.”

  “Yeah, water under the bridge.” Frank showed a half-smile and glance at Terrelle who was looking very perturbed at the notion of dealing with Sammie too.

  “So what's this meeting about, Frank? I'm pretty sure I got all the permits all worked out for this place. I see Terrelle here's all dressed up in his lawyer clothes.”

  “To be honest, it's about this other job I'm working on. I just wanted a location that we can keep on the down-low.”

  “Well, knowing you, Frank, I trust that it ain't nothin' illegal.”

  Frank thumbed at Terrelle, “That's what he's here for. To make sure it's all legit. You might see some things here today that I would rather you keep to yourself.”

  Finally Terrelle spoke up, “Sammie is the last person to keep a secret!”

  “I think he'll manage.” Frank was smiling as he walked over to where he'd laid his things. He pulled out a clean shirt from his bag and took off his sweaty one.

  “Damn, Frank, you been working out or what?” Sammie asked.

  “Nah, just working a lot.”

  “Well, I guess I'm in the wrong business.” Sammie joked, hugging his own large belly. “How about a couple of beers while we wait?”

  “Sounds good to me. Terrelle?”

  “Oh, okay.”

  They were standing at the bar, enjoying draft beer and discussing ideas for the bar, when two men in suits walked in. They removed their sunglasses almost in unison and quickly surveyed the entire area. They walked down and back across the common area before one of them spoke.

  “You're Fra
nk Ford, right?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Thought so. The videos made it difficult to make out your features accurately.”

  “Yeah, I've been told I'm not very photogenic.”

  “Who are these two?”

  “He's Sammie. He owns this place. And that guy's my attorney.”

  “We have no choice but to trust you. But rest assured if you try anything funny, you will all be shot.”

  “That sounds fair,” Frank replied, smiling in Sammie's direction. Sammie looked like he was going to faint.

  Holding his finger to his ear, the man said, “Area secure. Send them in.”

  The door opened and several more men in suits with sunglasses walked in, followed by the President of the United States and three other men, one of whom was wearing a military uniform. Sammie again looked as if he was about to faint. Terrelle just raised his eyebrows and remained silent. Frank stood to greet the President, who extended his hand.

  “Mr. Ford, its a pleasure to finally meet you.”

  “Please, just call me Frank.” Frank noted the firm handshake and the gentle manner of the man. He had a Midwestern charm of his own that had made him more popular than the last few who had held his position. But he was still a politician.

  “Okay, Frank. Allow me to introduce Dimitri Ivanov, Russian Ambassador, and Ti Lung, the ambassador from China. And this is General Charles Richwine of the United States Army.”

  As Frank shook Ivanov's hand, he said, “It's a pleasure to meet you sir, I hope my city suits you.” His Russian was flawless. Ivanov just nodded curiously. Then in Chinese Frank said, “It is an honor to meet you sir, I hope our accommodations do not offend.”

  Answering in Chinese, Mr. Lung said, “Your Cantonese is perfect, Frank. I understand your need to be discreet, and these accommodations are just fine.” And he nodded his head once in a small bow. The words were English in Frank's head, and the lips not matching up made him once again nostalgic for the old kung fu movies.

  To General Richwine Frank said, “Pleasure to meet you, sir,” and shook his hand. It was a real handshake.

  “Frank, I want to thank you personally for pulling our boys out of that mess in Texas.”

  “I only wish I could have got them all out.” Then gesturing to his companions he said, “This is Terrelle Williams, who is acting as my attorney, and this is Sammie, the owner of this fine establishment.”

  Richwine responded, “If I'm not mistaken, they are both on the abducted list.”

  “You are correct sir. I'm actually supposed to be on that list too.” To that, Sammie couldn't hide his surprise. Terrelle only raised an eyebrow.

  “Let's go to a table in the back where we can sit and talk. Sammie here will get your drink orders presently.” As Frank led the way, he scooped up his hoodie only to replace it on the back of the chair he chose at the table in the back of the bar. Terrelle sat directly to his left. The President sat to his right and the other three gentlemen took up seats across from him.

  The President started the talks. “Frank, we've studied the footage from Texas and Maryland. What we've seen of you doesn't match up with the research we've done on your background. Would you care to offer an explanation as to how you are able to do the things we've seen?”

  “Well, I'm just a guy that was hired for a job. I gotta be honest though. I'm about eighty-five per cent sure this is all just a fever dream, and I'm going to wake up soon. So I'll just let you talk to the boss.” He reached down into his hoodie pocket and pulled out the orb and held it up between himself and the President. The secret service men took careful notice but dismissed it as some kind of bauble. “This is the boss,” Frank said, not even trying to hide how crazy he was sounding. But then he took his hand off the orb and it held it's position, hovering in mid-air. Everyone present was staring in silent disbelief, which pleased Frank immensely, and then he whispered to the orb, “Okay, go all British on them.”

  The image of the regal woman materialized directly behind him. He didn't have to turn and look as their expressions were telling him everything.

  “I am Gladosanthos Mod Suercey, High Minister of Science as Appointed by the Grand Council of the Sessik. I recognize your titles of President, Ambassadors, and General, and I greet you.” The image bowed formally.

  All the men, save for Frank, stood in unison. “How are we to address you, Madame?” the President asked.

  “You may call me Mistress Suercey. Or Doctor Suercey would apply by Earth standards.”

  “Mistress Suercey, are you aware of the question I just asked of Frank?”

  “Yes, Mr. President. Frank was chosen out of several candidates to be our liaison to Earth. The 'abductions', as you call them, were part of our interview process. All candidates were taken aboard our ship and ran through a battery of tests. Those who failed had their short term memories erased and were then returned, unharmed, to the surface. Frank was deemed the most qualified for the position.”

  “Why didn't you contact the government? Or choose a candidate from the military?”

  “We have reason to believe there are humans conspiring with our enemies. We chose someone of a more modest background. Frank has no desire for glory or wealth. And his work ethic is outstanding.”

  Richwine then chimed in, “You mean to tell me we got people working with those little gray bastards?”

  Frank answered, “Those little gray bastards aren't the main problem. It's their bosses that you gotta worry about.” The men all exchanged glances and Frank then realized they had no idea about the true nature of the Mingrein. “Tell me what you think you know.”

  The President answered slowly as Gladosanthos looked on, “We were under the impression that the larger reptilian aliens were the muscle of their operation, following orders from the Grays.”

  “You are exactly backwards.” Frank answered, becoming less and less formal by the minute.

  Gladosanthos took over, “The small gray 'aliens' are called Rotinoms. They are organic automatons. They follow the orders of the Mingrein, the larger species. The Mingrein were genetically engineered by an ancient species known as the Li to be an army. The Li also created the Rotinoms. The great mistake of the Li was making the Mingrein carnivorous. They are based on a large species of reptile that resides on a world on the other side of the galaxy. While they were designed to consume mammals, it wasn't long before they realized they could also consume the Li, who were also of a reptilian nature, although more what you would consider 'humanoid'. The Mingrein overran their creators, and then appropriated the Rotinom factories, and they set out to conquer every inhabited world they encounter.”

  “All we have are eyewitness accounts and alien corpses. There have been no photos or videos shot of the larger species in action.” The President was speaking more to the ambassadors than anyone else.

  “Oh, we have some video. But it ain't for the faint of heart,” Frank said with a smile.

  “We should probably have a look at that,” Richwine said with authority.

  “Hmm, the ranch? Or the island?”

  Gladosanthos answered, “I would suggest the ranch, as it was also your first introduction to them.” Having said that, her image faded out and was replaced with the footage from the raid on the cattle ranch in Texas. Most of the footage included the back of Frank's head as he was jogging around in the fog.

  “You got my good side,” he joked. No one laughed.

  The men all watched intently as Frank's heroics unfolded and gasped in unison at the image of Frank cutting the throat of the beast. They took note of the backpacked Rotinoms and the velocity shield. Then they had a brief opportunity to study the generator of the fog dome. The recording ended with Frank seeming to fly straight up out of sight like a super hero.

  The men all silently regarded Frank for a few moments before Richwine finally spoke. “Frank, that was remarkable. May we see the footage from the island?”

  “I was hoping you'd ask. I kicked serious ass

  Everyone watched intently as the new recording began to play. Frank turned in his seat to watch himself cut the Mingrein regiment to pieces. When it was over he turned to Mr. Lung and asked, “It's kinda like watching an old kung fu movie, ain't it?” Mr. Lung only nodded in approval.

  Then the President turned to Frank and bluntly asked, “Frank, are you an alien?”

  “No, sir, I'm just a guy.”

  “I just watched you survive a bombing that would have leveled a city block. How does your force field work?”

  “I don't really know. It was a gift from our friends here.”

  Richwine interrupted with, “Well, just give force fields to our soldiers and we'll have this whole thing sorted out pretty quick.”

  Gladosanthos answered, “I'm sorry to inform you that we only had one to give, and it's permanently affixed to Frank's physiology.”

  “You mean to tell me you flew in your spaceship from God knows where, and you only brought one force field?” Richwine was just short of livid. “You could have at least given him a gun.”

  “The velocity shield prevents projectiles from leaving it's confines as efficiently as those entering. Frank would only shoot himself if he fired a gun.”

  “General, let's calm down now. Mistress, what is the nature of your armaments? And how many soldiers do you have?” the President asked politely.

  “We haven't had soldiers in thousands of years, Mr President. And the only weapon we have is Frank.”

  Ivanov had heard enough. “What do you hope to gain by helping us? I mean, what's in it for you?”

  “I am first and foremost a scientist. While the Grand Council of the Sessik ordered me not to intervene, I had sworn to oversee this part of the galaxy as its Curator. That title was born of a treaty that ended a great ancient war. In my haste, and secrecy, I was only able to gather the materials to furnish one human with the necessary enhancements.”

  “I think I understand. I get the feeling that these monsters are a threat to other planets, as well as Earth.”

  “That is correct. In fact, they are known to have taken control of a number of planets already.”


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