Custodian_Monster of Earth Book One
Page 16
“We are currently in what is called the Atlantic Ocean.”
“Under water?”
“How deep are we?”
“Three hundred feet currently, and ascending.”
“Well how deep were we?”
“To be honest, I have no idea. I was too busy monitoring the hull integrity while trying to zero in on your beacon. These boats weren't designed for this.”
“The bends.”
“The bends?” She quickly searched for the correct data. “Ah yes. That stands to reason.”
“Can you adjust the air pressure in here?”
“It would be better to move him to the biotech room. That way he is isolated and we can prop him up. How are you feeling?”
“I feel fine.” Switching to the Mingrein language he said, “Come on Bett, we're going to get you all fixed up.” He got Bett to his feet and pulled the lizard's arm over himself and walked him out to the hallway. “Almost there.” He helped Bett into a partition in the biotech room and Gladosanthos activated whatever mechanism that held him upright.
“How shall I adjust the air pressure, Frank?”
“I have no idea. Look up how an iron lung works. That should tell you what you need to know.”
“Okay, I'm on it.” Frank enjoyed the way she was absorbing more native ways of talking.
He left the room and tried to take stock of the situation. There were some big gaps in his memory. He remembered walking into the yard but then the next thing he remembered was waking up in the container as it was sinking. Then he was on the boat. He reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, and found it to be totally water-logged. “Shit!”
“What's wrong, Frank?” Gladosanthos asked as her orb floated into the room.
“My phone is out of commission. What's the status of the Crew?”
“I'll contact Phildan. We are coming up on the surface. Preparing to go evasive if necessary.”
“Do what you gotta do. Contact him later!”
“We seem to be clear. I was concerned about the water giving our position away.”
“Okay, you had me concerned. If they don't need me back there, just tell Phil we'll all meet up back home.” Frank sometimes forgot that she was doing everything remotely from Antarctica. He sat down on the wet floor with his back against the wall and tried to figure out his next move.
Phildan was overjoyed to receive the message from Gladosanthos. He moved the landing boat into position above the Crew. He realized then that they had set no protocol regarding when and how they were to be lifted back up. He wasn't tapped into the frequency they were using to talk to each other. He made a mental note to correct that problem in the near future. Adjusting the outside camera, he thought Dave was looking rather agitated toward a couple of humans that he didn't recognize. Phildan thought it might be a good idea to extract them from a potentially violent situation. He looked over at Hiro, considered asking for advice, and thought better of it, as Hiro seemed lost in thought. These were highly trained warriors, and agitating them was not a good idea at all. So he activated the lifting beam and the four Marines appeared quickly inside the boat. But something was wrong with Kenny.
* * *
Frank, with the assistance of an automech, was decking the platform when the landing boat arrived. Three of the Crew, Hiro, and Phildan dropped out and walked toward him.
“Hey guys, how'd you do? Better than me I hope.”
Dave answered first. “How in the hell did you get out of there?”
“I had help.”
“Really? Who?”
“Bett, the Fisher. Gladys brought him to me in another boat. Did you know these things can go underwater?”
“Uh, no. Frank. Kenny is dead.”
Frank stopped what he was doing and noticeably slumped. “Well shit. How?”
“Shot in the head. Human weapon.”
“Yeah, I think so. We saw a blowback and explosion. Apparently you were shot by some type of bazooka-type weapon.”
“That would explain a lot. Did Kenny have any family?”
“An aunt. I am working up the speech right now. This really sucks. He was a good kid.”
“I didn't know him long, but I could tell he was a good dude. We'll get that bastard. Somehow.”
Jones interrupted, “It's going to be really hard to not shoot that fucker if I ever see him.”
“We all feel the same way, Jones,” Dave replied.
“Sarge, what the hell is cabal? You said that word earlier.” Chavez asked.
“A cabal is a secret organization. They do things like overthrow governments.”
Frank nodded. “Cabal.”
“Call coming in, Sarge!” Potts yelled, running toward the tent. Frank returned to his work while the Crew made their way to the tent.
“Phil, do you have any way to dry this out?” Frank handed over his phone.
“As a matter of fact I do.”
“Oh, that other boat needs dried out too. Just saying.”
Phildan looked surprised. Then he shrugged and went to Frank's boat to get to work in his workshop.
Hiro stood silently, watching Frank work. Sensing his unease, Frank asked, “What's on your mind, Hiro?”
“I've trained my whole life, but I have never been in real combat. I was unprepared for the reality. While I was safe aboard your ship, these men were fighting and dying.”
“What you have to understand is these guys signed up for this. In fact, their team kinda specializes in suicide missions. You, on the other hand, signed on to train me. And you did a very good job of it. No one is expecting you to fight and die. Without a shield, swords are useless against their guns.”
“Yes, I know. I only wish there was a way I could be more useful. You said it yourself, this goes beyond borders.”
Dave marched hastily out of the tent. “Frank! Taylor says NASA spotted seven large ships entering orbit around the moon.”
Frank thought for a moment. “Ask about getting geared up more. You know. Supplies. Guns. Bullets. Grenades. Shit like that. Gladys?” He called for her loudly and the orb quickly appeared.
“Yes, Frank?”
“How are we doing on money?”
“Several million on hand and more where that came from.”
“Good. Is there any way we can get another boat out here? I want to send the Crew for supplies while I go to Arizona to do some shopping.”
“Yes, of course. It will be here within ten minutes.”
“You're awesome.”
“Thank you, Frank.” Back on Main Ship, sitting in her tall back chair, she thought to herself, “If you only knew what your praise meant to me.”
“May I accompany you to Arizona?” Hiro asked anxiously.
“You know it, buddy.”
Phildan dropped back out of the boat and trotted over. “Here's your phone, Frank.”
“How'd you dry it out so fast?”
“Vacuum oven. I went ahead and charged it too.”
“Vacuum oven. Yeah. Of course.” Frank was in a constant state of amazement regarding Phildan. “Phil, you feel like taking the boys for a drive? We need to be in two places at once and I was going to ask Gladys to take me.”
“I would enjoy that very much, actually. But we need to tend to Kenny at some point.”
“Where is he now?”
“I put his body in a stasis partition. Although he is deceased, the partition will decrease the rate of decomposition.”
“Oh, I see. Is he covered up?”
“Jones and Chavez very respectfully put him in what they called a body bag.”
“Holy shit. They carry them along with them? Wow. We should move him over to the other boat so the proper arrangements can be made.”
* * *
“Mr. President, would you care to make a statement regarding the weather anomalies in Texas and Florida?”
“We don't have enough i
nformation, so I can't comment at this time.”
“Mr. President, people are saying the stories are being buried in the media. Do you have a comment?”
“Mr. President, there has been footage of the Gray Man leaked online. Is he a government operative? Or military?”
“I have no comment at this time.”
Frank turned off the television. “I wish he'd grow some balls.”
“I don't understand,” said Hiro.
“He knows we are about to be invaded by some very hostile aliens, and instead of warning everyone, he just plays dumb. I don't get it. He told me he doesn't want to cause a panic. I'd take a panic over becoming dinner any day.”
“I don't want to speak on the subject until I give it some thought.”
Frank looked at him. “Wow, Hiro, you are wise beyond your years.”
“Thank you. I see so many people talk out of turn. If you don't think before you speak, you are far more likely to instigate a conflict.”
“You continue to impress me.”
“Frank, we're here,” Gladosanthos said, melodically.
“Thanks. Come on, Hiro. This is right up your alley.”
They dropped down right in the parking lot of the store. Gladosanthos obviously was sharing Frank's opinion on the needlessness of secrecy, as all hell was about to break loose. They walked in the door, and Frank noticed a change in Hiro's disposition. He was suddenly like a kid in a candy store. The clerk remembered Frank from last time. It's not every day that someone buys half a dozen swords.
“Well, hello there, sir. Did those katanas work out for you?”
“Yes, sir. Did you ever get any more ordered?”
“We got a dozen more just last week.”
“I'll take them.”
“Is there anything else you need?” The clerk's elation told Frank that he was also the owner of the small store.
“We'd like to shop around for a few.” Frank turned to see Hiro looking at cooking knives instead of the wide assortment of weaponry. “This is the last thing I expected you to be looking at in here.”
“The sword I brought you is worth a hundred of these in here. But these kitchen knives are exquisite!”
Frank laughed. “I'm saving that sword for a special occasion. So pick your favorite. Call it a gift.”
“Really? Thank you, Frank.”
“Don't mention it. I was planning on paying you for your time anyway. Pick out the nicest knives they have. Money is no object.”
“I don't require payment. Grandfather's fortune is vast, and with my father gone, I am the sole heir. I will take the knives though. I have an idea.”
“If you have an idea, you should run with it. But don't run with the knives. Or scissors.”
After a moment, Hiro got the joke and chuckled then said, “Shuriken!”
“Throwing stars. I think those would come in handy for you. Against the aliens.”
“I can see where they might. But I have never been good at throwing.”
“What do you mean?”
Embarrassed, Frank admitted, “I've been told I throw like a girl.”
That comment was met with a blank stare. Frank could tell Hiro was imagining what a girl throwing something looked like. “Can you throw a Frisbee?”
“Actually, yes. That is one thing I can throw.”
“Perfect. We'll also get throwing knives too. Just in case. Maybe one of the guys knows how to throw them, and can teach you.”
“Oh, the ridicule. How I look forward to it.”
They walked up to the counter and placed the knife set near the cash register. “Is that going to be all?” the clerk asked.
“No, I need some shuriken,” Frank answered.
“Okay. Which ones and how many?”
“I don't know. Just give them all to me.”
“Could I interest you in a two-handed broad sword?”
“I wouldn't even know where to begin. Could you show me a good set of throwing knives for a beginner? And I need four of those pouches for the shuriken.”
“Yes, of course. How about some pepper spray?”
Frank thought it over. He really thought it over. But he realized that he was going to be lethal. “No, thanks.”
“Frank, we should get more bokken. Ours are looking pretty bad,” Hiro said.
“We have these plastic composite ones that are supposed to be nearly unbreakable,” the clerk replied.
“How many do you have?” Frank asked.
“I'll take them.”
After some time, the clerk said, “That will be $8954.64.”
Frank handed him the card to swipe. The clerk was very pleased when the transaction processed. He brought out boxes from the back room to stow the swords and bokken in, and several bags for the knives and shuriken.
After the process was complete, the clerk asked, “Mister, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” Frank replied.
“Are you the Gray Man?”
Frank just hesitated for a moment. “Yes, sir, I am. And this is Hiroya Nakamura, the great swordmaster. He doesn't like your swords, but he loves your knives.” Hiro smiled.
“Can you tell me what the hell is going on? You're all over the internet.”
“I am? Good. We are about to be invaded by a group of hostile aliens. Another group of good aliens has recruited me to fight the bad guys. I kill them with swords.”
“Okay, you're putting me on.”
“Never. You should gather supplies and barricade yourself into your house. If you don't believe me, watch the manner in which we leave.” They gathered their new toys and walked out. The clerk walked from behind the counter toward the door. He watched as first the box flew upward, and then the two men seemed to fly straight up into the air until he couldn't see them any longer. He flipped the sign on the door from 'open' to 'closed' and pulled the keys from his pocket.
“What in the hell are you building, anyway?” Dave smiled as he asked. Frank and Hiro had made it back well before the Wrecking Crew.
“This end of the platform is going to be the tiki bar. We'll have an excellent view of the sunsets.”
Dave looked shocked for only a second. “Brilliant.”
“Yeah, I thought so. I've built a couple of fake ones for people, but given our current environment, I felt a real one was in order.”
“As a responsible military man, I'm supposed to suggest something more practical. But I'm not.”
“The other side of the platform can be practical.”
“Hey, can we get a pool table?” Chavez asked.
“I don't see any reason why not,” Frank said while measuring the logistics of a pool table delivery in his head. “Dart boards. Foosball. Shuffleboard. Booze.”
“All we need now are women,” Jones joked.
“Well, you're on your own there.” Frank was running screws into the composite lumber. It was guaranteed to never rot, and it was priced comparable to treated lumber. “I think I'm about done for the day. Running out of light.”
“What did you get in Arizona?” Potts asked.
“More swords. More bokken. Shuriken. Kitchen knives. Any of you guys know how to throw knives?”
“I've messed around with it before, but they're hard to carry and the issued knives don't have the right balance,” Potts said.
“Don't let him fool you, Frank. He's a badass,” Chavez added.
“Great. Maybe you can give me some pointers.”
“I'd be more than happy to. When do you want to do it?”
“Soon. I have a couple of errands to run now though.” Frank bid them a good night and went to his landing boat. “Gladys?”
“Yes, Frank?” Her orb was ever present, and that comforted him greatly.
“I think we should leak out some video on the internet. I want the people of Earth to be prepared for what is about to happen. Nothing too gor
y, but scary enough to get their attention.”
“I will prepare a clip for your approval. Who are we going to give it to?”
“I don't know yet. We should find out who filmed us in Texas. Maybe they could do something with it.”
“I'll get right on it. I was getting bored anyway.”
Frank realized she was joking. His laugh was genuine. “I really don't know what I'd do without you.” She set about her work, beaming.
“Yes, Frank?”
“How is Bett doing?”
“He's recovering nicely. But I fear he's getting hungry.”
“I'd imagine so. How often do they eat?”
“As often as they are able, I'm afraid.”
“I see. I better warn the guys that I'm going to let him out. Is there any way to install a comm chip in his head?”
“The Mistress and I have discussed that very topic. His physiology isn't compatible with a comm chip, but I think I have a workaround. I've designed this necklace for him to wear. It's based on a comm chip but it only works with the Mingrein language and English for now. He will have difficulty with euphemisms for the short term.”
“Definitely good enough. Great job, Phil.”
“Thank you, Frank.”
“I'll take it over to him, if you want to give the guys a heads up.”
“I'd be happy to.”
“Hey, Phil?”
“Yes, Frank?”
“I just want to say thanks for everything you do for me. You always go above and beyond, and I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.” Phildan was learning. But he still sounded British.
Frank dropped out of the boat and walked over to the other. He tapped on the hull and was raised upward. He rounded the bend and entered the biotech room where Bett was sitting, now no longer tethered to the wall.
Shifting to the Mingrein language Frank asked, “How are you feeling?”
Bett lit up, clearly happy to see him. “Very well. Thank you, sir.”
“Just call me Frank. I've brought you a little gift. This necklace will enable you to communicate with the human men that are helping me.”
“I thank you, Frank. I admit I was growing concerned about that prospect.”