Custodian_Monster of Earth Book One
Page 20
“Sounds good. Phil got the power worked out but what are going to do about running water?”
“They have this advanced water filtration system. Don't ask me how it works. I figure when we all have time, we can work out some pump system.”
“Cool,” Jones said, “but what about drainage? That waste has to go somewhere and we sure ain't pumping it into the ocean.”
“You're already thinking like a builder. I wasn't planning on polluting, of course. So far Phildan has been spacing everything.”
“He's literally taking our shit into outer space?”
“Yes. I suggested we drop it on the moon base but that idea got vetoed.” The men both laughed. They worked on the layout until they ran out of light.
“You gonna pull an all-nighter again, Frank?”
“I have some other matters to attend to before I get back to work.”
Phildan walked up to them acting uncharacteristically exasperated. “Frank, this phone is encrypted. I'm afraid I am unable to see what is inside.”
“Don't feel bad. Can't win them all. Let's go talk to Dave.” They found Dave inside the tiki bar, drinking a beer with Denise, Chavez, and Potts. “Dave, we can't get into this phone.”
Dave looked at Potts and asked, “Worm?”
Potts nodded. “Worm.”
“What's that?” Frank asked.
“The Worm is this kid that is a whiz with computers and electronics. He's technically a Marine, but he's had outside training and is often loaned out. Kinda like Garret, with a laptop.”
“Can we get him out here? I don't want the brass to know we have the phone just yet.”
“I'll see what I can do,” Dave responded. Instead of having Potts call in as usual, he pulled out his own phone and put in a call to Taylor.
“Yeah, Gunny, we are having trouble implementing the alien tech alongside our own. We need some additional, outside the box thinking out here. Would it be possible for us to get the Worm?” There was silence as Taylor responded. “I'm sure we can arrange to pick him up, sir.” He glanced at Frank and Frank nodded. “Thanks, Gunny. I'll be waiting for those coordinates.” He hung up, most pleased with himself.
“Nice one, Dave.” Everyone enjoyed receiving compliments from Frank, no matter how battle hardened they were.
* * *
“Who feels like going on a run? I'd go but I have some other things I need to do.”
“I'd be happy to go, Frank,” Chavez answered.
“Great. I have a list of items for you to purchase. First off, I want you to escort Denise to a department store and see to it that she has everything she needs for an extended beach vacation such as this. Get with Hiro and see what he wants as far as his cooking supplies. Better yet, see if he'll go with you. And finally, stock the bar. Get a couple of nice blenders for our margaritas. And pick up the Worm at some point. And brief him, or something.” Hiro had heard the conversation and rushed to prepare himself.
“I have the boat ready, Frank,” Phildan said proudly.
“Thanks Phil.”
“Frank, are you sure about this?” Denise asked. “I don't want to be a burden.”
“It's the least I can do. Especially since I got you fired. Get us restocked on sunscreen. Oh, and get lots of potato chips for Phil.” Frank noticed Phildan's face contorting farther than he'd ever seen before.
“I really do appreciate it, Frank.” She gave him the prettiest smile that he'd seen in a very long time. He had a hard time not watching her walk away as they went to board the second landing boat.
“Chavez?” Dave yelled after him.
“Yeah, Sarge?”
“Discretion! And extra ice!”
“Sure thing, Sarge!”
* * *
Frank retired to his living room to sit and compose a list of items for Terrelle to acquire for him. He was searching for things on his tablet when his phone rang. It was the President.
“Hello, Mr. President. What can I do for you?”
“Frank, most of the leaders of the world have decided to warn their people of the impending invasion. I was hoping for your input.”
“Why the change of heart, sir?” Frank was silently pleased with himself.
“Your efforts are all over the internet. On top of that, these spaceships are pretty easy to spot. Several amateur astronomers have published photos to the internet. I just need to know what to say. There's a press conference scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.”
* * *
Frank gave every bit of advice he could think of. He covered everything from fog domes to not shooting four-armed aliens. He felt the most important instruction he could offer the people of the world was to not try to hunt down aliens, as no matter how well armed they were, they would still most likely be out-gunned. Hide and defend was the best policy. Let the military and police do the fighting. Long after the phone call had ended, Frank sat and wondered if there was something he had forgotten. This was only the most important event in the history of mankind on Earth.
He picked his phone back up and dialed Terrelle.
“Let's make this quick, Frank. I've got some shit going on.” His tone was short and Frank could tell he was in the middle of something important.
“I was just going to have you order some things. I can wait until some other time. No biggie.” He hung up and dialed Sammie.
“How goes it, Sammie?”
“Good, Frank.” Sammie sounded very happy to hear from him. “How's the new job going?”
“Better than expected so far. You need to keep an eye on the news for the next couple of days.”
“I always do. I've been seeing you a lot lately, on the internet.”
“That's what I hear. I was thinking. We need to order some new tables and chairs for the expansion of your bar.”
“You know I was kinda thinking that but I didn't want to be greedy.”
“Nonsense. But I want everything to match. So order new everything for the whole place, including bar stools. Oh, and I want all the old stuff, if that's cool.”
“That's really great, Frank. What do you want the old stuff for?”
“Oh, it's just for another bar. Don't worry though, it won't be stealing your customers.”
“No worries there. It's a recession-proof industry.”
“How's that crew doing? Are they getting close?”
“The mirrors went up just today. All that's left is some paint and decorations.”
“Sorry if the furniture thing puts your timeline back.”
“No worries. I was going to ask you about ordering in stuff, anyway.”
“One more thing before I let you get back to it, Sammie.”
“What's on your mind?”
“You should consider changing the name. It should be called 'Sammie's' from now on.”
“Oh wow. You think? I don't know. Let me think that one over.”
“Take your time. But if you like the idea, order a new sign.”
“Okay Frank. I'll be thinking about it.”
“Is it okay if I swing by and grab that stuff soon?”
“Anytime, Frank.”
* * *
On a whim, Frank gathered up Jones, and Gladosanthos flew them via remote to pick up the old bar furniture. Frank had been curious as to the status of Clyde's anyway, and found himself displeased at how long the other crew was taking. He reminded himself that they were just regular guys, putting in their time and collecting a check. At least he didn't see anything he wanted to redo. The bigger issue they were having regarded the logistics of loading the stuff into the boat. With the on street parking and narrow alley, Frank ended up asking permission to land from a nearby homeowner.
“Pardon me, sir, I was wondering if I could use a portion of your back yard for a short time in order to load some furniture.”
“I'd rather not have anyone driving in the grass,” said the old man.
“I promise you that no one will drive in the grass. We need to put this stuf
f in your yard for a short time so the loading process will go faster. You know, so we don't block the street or the alley.”
“Well, I guess that would be okay. Just try not to wreck my gate.”
The old man watched like a hawk as Frank and Jones systematically stacked the furniture next to the fence, leaving the bulk of the sizable yard empty. He was grumbling and shaking his head, but never offered any criticism out loud. When they had it all, he pushed the button on his bracelet and the old man watched him fly straight up in the air. Jones enjoyed watching the old man's reaction. He simply stood up from the chair he was sitting in, looked up, and tried to see where Frank had flown to. But then the ramp opened, and from the old man's perspective, Frank seemed to walk straight out of nothingness. They had the boat loaded in short order while the old man sat and watched, wide-eyed. When they were finished, Frank walked over to thank him again.
“I bet you're that Gray Man from the news.”
“Yes sir, that's me. Name's Frank.”
“Well, that explains it then.”
“Sir, please keep an eye on the news for the next few days.”
“Well, thanks again.” Frank left feeling amused about the old man's calm reaction to the whole thing. He boarded the boat and Gladosanthos closed the ramp behind him.
“Anything else, Frank?” she asked.
“Let's go ahead and get a TV for the tiki bar while we're out.”
“Sounds good. I'll have Phildan install a similar feed as the one on this boat.”
“That's a great idea.”
* * *
Despite Frank's careful shopping habits, they still made it back to the island before the others. They had just finished unloading the furniture into the tiki bar when the second boat arrived. Everyone rushed to help unload the haul, but every human male stopped dead in their tracks when Denise walked down the ramp. She was dressed in a light knit shirt. It's pale white fabric open in the front to expose her bikini top. Short blue jean shorts and flip flops rounded out her ensemble. Evidently, she had purchased some makeup, and a mirror as well, because she looked radiant. Frank was trying not to stare when he heard a new voice call out his name.
“Frank? Frank Ford? You're the Gray Man? No way!”
Frank laughed out loud as he realized that Deon Williams was the Worm. “Deon, you're the Worm? How the hell did that happen?”
“That's less than five percent as cool as you being the Gray Man. Dude, I just saw you last month and you look....easily fifteen years younger.”
“Island living. My condolences again for your grandmother.”
“Thanks. She lived a long, good life.”
“Yes. She was quite a lady.”
“So, how do you two know each other?” Denise asked.
“Frank lived right next door to my grandma,” Deon answered.
“You should consider some rest, Gladosanthos.”
“I'm fine.”
“I don't think you have anything to worry about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Yes, he noticed her, but he was the first to turn away. None of the others can seem to escape her.”
“I wasn't worried. This is all very educational.”
“I'm sure it is, my sister.”
Gladosanthos studied the feminine form of Denise Blake. She then looked down at her own form in comparison. Disappointed, she decided to follow Constanthos' advice. She steered her orb to the high shelf that Frank had installed just for her, and parked it.
* * *
Groll, the Undefeated, was even less happy than usual. Having ordered most of his Mingrein soldiers back into stasis, he didn't have anyone to take it out on. So he kicked the nearest Rotinom nearly all the way across the central dome. It was a considerable feat, although they hadn't activated the gravity generator. Having tired of pacing, he burst through the door of the Adviser's personal chamber.
“Your species should have been designed with more patience,” the Adviser said coldly.
“Do not anger me.”
“Everything is going well. Try not to be so worried.”
“My soldiers are hungry.”
“Yes, but the Brethren will be far hungrier. The new projectiles are ready. There will be no more tainted meat. When they arrive, the invasion will commence.”
“You should have foreseen the sickness.”
“I cannot be blamed for this group of humans having evolved so differently than the last.”
“I suppose.”
“Try to be patient. You will need your full resolve if you wish to properly lead the Brethren.”
“Yes. You are correct as usual.”
“With my guidance, your rule will surpass those of your brothers by a wide margin. They will have to think of a new title for you that compliments your full glory.”
“This plan is for the long term. I have no wishes to overtake my brothers.”
“It's always best to keep our options open. As for the last delivery, the Senator denies any knowledge of what transpired.”
“I tire of him. I shall eat him myself.”
* * *
“So, how did you get the nickname, 'The Worm'?” Frank asked Deon. They had been talking as they unloaded, with Frank having caught Deon up to speed on his new job.
“Well, you know how I was always into computers?”
“Yes, you were the best and brightest of your family, if I recall.”
“Best and brightest other than Terrelle, you mean?”
“Terrelle was just Terrelle. I think he worked hard for what he achieved. You were naturally gifted though.”
“Well, I got myself into some trouble. I ended up hacking into some servers that I probably shouldn't have. I didn't cover my tracks.”
“How did that land you here?”
“The judge gave me a choice. Jail or military. So I chose the Marines, to make my family proud. As soon as they figured out that I had an aptitude for hacking, they started giving me special training. After basic, anyway.”
“Well, it looks like you're doing okay with it. Beats the hell out of jail time.”
“Yeah, that's for sure. And now I know how to cover my tracks!” They laughed before Deon continued. “So what do you have for me, anyway?”
Frank produced Reed's phone. “We need to find out what's on this phone.” He handed it to Deon.
“This is tight! I haven't messed with one of these yet.” He pulled the back cover off the phone and removed the battery. He then replaced it and did something with the buttons. Upon powering it up, he did a series of gestures on the touch screen before handing it back to Frank. “It has a nine digit pass code. I changed it to '111111111' so you can remember it easily.”
“Holy shit D! That was awesome.”
“That's why I'm the Worm, baby!”
“What does that even mean?” Frank asked, and Deon's enthusiasm diminished slightly.
“It's like a computer virus, Frank,” he said flatly.
“Oh, I see. There's only one phone number saved in here. No texts. No pictures. I'll have Potts track down the number. Hey, want to meet another extra-terrestrial?”
“Sure. That Phildan is dope.”
“Bett is too, in a different way. He's defected over from the enemy.”
“Little gray guy?”
“Oh shit!”
* * *
Bett had offered his assistance to Phildan regarding all the technical installations he had planned for the island compound. Power storage had become their biggest challenge, as the Earth simply didn't have the proper materials to construct the large battery that Phildan had envisioned. So Gladosanthos instructed him to dismantle the second landing boat for parts. She was concerned over it's space worthiness since it had been submerged so deeply in the Atlantic Ocean. Phildan had insisted he was able to bring it back up to code, but relented when he realized it would solve most of his problems. She brough
t in a third landing boat to be outfitted as a secondary mode of transportation. They decided to keep it simple, only adding in crude seating and storage racks for the various armaments that the Wrecking Crew required for their work. In essence, it became the armory. Phildan also installed a refresher room on-board. Bett came up with a design for a type of septic tank to handle the solid waste produced by the beings on the island. It involved a tank that could be emptied efficiently and spaced as needed. They worked together tirelessly, only stopping so Bett could fish, and Phildan to do his regular routine maintenance. They didn't even stop to watch the President's press conference.
The speech itself went well, but the question and answer portion seemed endless, with many of the questions focused on Frank and his actions. He felt reassured by the President's words regarding him, but knew eventually there would be a Gray Man backlash. He figured he would most likely be dead by then.
Dave and Taylor failed to track down the phone number so Deon again took over. Within a few minutes he discovered that it was based out of the Washington D.C. Area, but he was unable to find a name attached to it.
Deon had asked permission to stick around for a while, having done his job so quickly. No one had a problem with it, so he divided his time between examining the alien tech, and competing with Potts and Chavez for Denise's attention. Frank had left space behind the wall to the rear of the bar itself for a proper kitchen, and Hiro spent most of his time there, getting it set up just the way he wanted. Frank let him have free reign over that area. Hiro even set up a cot for himself in the kitchen, so that Denise could use the only proper bed on the island, Frank's. The only one to have any reservations about that was Gladosanthos, but she kept them to herself.
The next morning, Frank and Hiro were wrapping up their sparring session with Denise and the orb spectating.
“Frank, no spinning!” Hiro said in a chastising tone.