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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

Page 3

by Bolling, Iris

  Zack’s stance relaxed a little as his glance shifted to X-man who stood there with a questioning look on his face. Of course he believed in his brother. X-man had his unconditional support. Xavier has worked on this project for five years and he knew there was no way he would hire just anyone unless they were qualified. He never wanted X-man to question the confidence he had in him.“Exactly what position is it that you are filling?” Zack asked staring down at Diamond.

  He believed her dimples deepened when she smiled up at him. “Customer Relations Director. I believe you and I will be working very closely together.”

  “Hell no! It’s not going to happen. It was because of you that we almost lost the financing for this project.” He took a step closer to her and growled. “You are an inconsiderate, control freak, who let a little power go to your head.”

  “Well, I think,” Diamond started then stopped as he stepped even closer.

  “What, do you think Ms. Lassiter,” he spit out.

  The man was standing so close that if she tip-toed up just a little, she could kiss him. But, that would put more fear in his eyes and that was not her intent. So, she had to do something just as outrageous to get him to listen to reason. Diamond stepped closer to him and sweetly replied, “I think you are a ridiculously handsome man. A woman wouldn’t stand a chance against you if you ever smiled.” She watched the play of emotions go across his face and was satisfied with knocking him off balance. She took a step back and shook her head, “Nope a woman wouldn’t stand a chance.” She turned and walked out of the room saying, “I will see you all in the conference room.”

  Xavier looked at the stunned expression on Zack’s face as he watched Diamond walk out. Most men had issues speaking their mind to Zack, much less women, but not Diamond. She was as straight to the point as they come. He was sure she would be able to handle Zack’s resentment towards her and do an outstanding job for Davenport Industries. He grinned at Zack, “Hmm, you have any other questions big brother?”

  JoEllen looked up at him, “I don’t think she is scared of you Zack,” she beamed.

  Zack stood there shocked at the bluntness of the woman who had shown him her back for the second time since he met her. Just like the first time, her presence stirred desire throughout his body. That was something he did not have the time or patience for. If she was going to work for this company, and it appeared she was, Zack had to make sure he kept his distance from her. The last thing he needed was to know she was attracted to him. Zack looked at JoEllen and Xavier. “You two find something funny?”

  “Not funny. But that look on your face is hilarious.” Xavier smiled.

  Zack frowned and stormed out of the room. “Let’s get this damn meeting over with!”

  Chapter 3

  Walking into the conference room at Davenport was equivalent to walking into a boardroom on Wall Street. The carpet was so thick your feet literally sank with each step. Surrounding the twelve-seat conference table were leather ergonomic chairs, drop-down electronic whiteboard and monitor. However, unlike the boardrooms on Wall Street, the ambiance was impressively soothing, not stressful. Everyone was seated when Zack entered the room and took his seat at one end of the table with X- man at the opposite end. Reese, Charles and Julia sat to Zack’s left at one side of the table while JoEllen, Jack and Diamond sat on the opposite side of the table. The positions, unfortunately, put Diamond directly in Zack’s vision path. That proved to be a problem for Zack. However, it placed Diamond to X-man’s right, which helped her immensely, since he was the one leading the meeting.

  X-man started the meeting apologizing for the delay, and then proceeded introducing each member of the team. Then he moved on to the introduction of the long awaited presentation. “I would like to officially welcome all of you to Davenport Industries. My brother and I look forward to a rewarding future for you, for the community and of course for us. I would like to share a short story with you. Our father passed away when I was fourteen. Zack had just begun his sophomore year at Virginia Union University and had captured the starting quarterback position. Rather than continuing with his education, Zack opted to leave college to finish the daunting task of raising me. At the age of nineteen, he became the father of a resentful little brother. To this day I have never heard one complaint from him.” He paused, then glanced down the table at Zack. His brother simply held his gaze as the silent thank you was received. Then X-man continued. “To support us he began working in construction. One Saturday he took me to one of his work sites as a punishment for something I had done and made me work. I was not a happy camper. However, I was not foolish enough to buck him. As you can see he is a rather large force.” Xavier smiled and looked at Zack. “That day I discovered construction was not just a way to pay the bills for him. Every nail he hammered was done with pride and conviction. He was building someone’s home, a place for them to find refuge from the outside world. A place where people can raise a family and create memories. It was then that I decided I wanted to be a part of that and I began drawing designs for houses.

  “During college, I met Diamond Lassiter. At first I thought she was there simply for my enjoyment; however, she quickly altered that thought by wounding my young male ego and we became very good friends. We talked a lot, sharing ideas and dreams. One day I felt comfortable enough with her to show her some of my home designs. To my surprise she was very impressed. She told me about her eleven brothers and sisters and how they lived in a five-bedroom house because her parents could not afford a larger home. Then she said the craziest thing.” He looked at Diamond. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a community of homes like these that anyone would be able to afford?” He smiled warmly at her then continued. “We began developing a community, with homes, a school, shopping center, banks and a movie theater. It was a rough draft and from time to time over the next four years, I would go to the design and make adjustments. By the end of my last year of college the community had become my dream. As always, I turned to Zack for advice. This time he not only gave me advice, but also assisted with getting the financing needed to help me realize my dream. For a number of years I have been searching for a way to show my appreciation for all he has done for me during my life. I hope this small gesture will give him some idea of my love for him.”

  X-man pushed a button on the remote that sat at the end of the table, then turned to watch the forty-two inch plasma monitor ease down and stop. At the push of another button an aerial image of land still covered with an abundance of trees appeared. “Our first community will be located on 100 acres of land in eastern Henrico County. It will consist of fifty homes each on an acre lot. In addition to the single dwellings, there will be a community of thirty townhomes, a community center, which will house a daycare and senior care facilities, a shopping center, restaurants and Davenport Towers Condominiums.” X-man turned back to the group and smiled. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you—Z Estates.” X-man took his seat.

  The layout of the community with a wrought iron fence with the letter Z circled in the middle appeared on the screen with Diamond leaning against a 1965 cherry red corvette convertible dressed in a matching red dress. The virtual tour began playing. As Diamond welcomed people to the virtual tour, she eased inside the convertible, began driving through the iron archway double gates as they opened. She followed the road to a circular fountain situated in front of the community center, then turned left driving by the townhomes, a shopping mall, a grocery store, a bank, a theater and several small restaurants. On the far end of the complex were home sites that ranged from expansive ranchers to two and three level mansions. At the very back were an elementary school, middle school, a football stadium, baseball diamond and then the high school.

  Zack watched the tour and was amazed at the details of Xavier’s plans, from the design of the homes, to the landscape, the community center and Condominiums including the inside of the mall. He had seen the individual plans for the different homes and faciliti
es in the community. However, this was the first time he had seen the entire scope of the project, and he loved it the moment it was revealed. His focus remained on the screen.

  Once the virtual tour was completed, everyone sat quietly. For a moment, Xavier wondered if he had over reached, were he and Diamond the only ones that believed this community could exist. Diamond looked at Xavier who was looking to Zack for approval. She glanced down the table to Zack. His face was expressionless, but his eyes were not. She could see the pride shining through. She lowered her head and smiled, Xavier is going to build his dream.

  Zack stood and walked over to his little brother. Xavier stood as well waiting. Zack shook his hand and hugged him. “It’s amazing, X-man. I can’t tell you how proud of you I am at this moment.”

  Xavier smiled and hit Zack on the back, “Thank you big brother.” The room erupted in applause.

  Zack walked back to his seat, “I would change two things”, he said as he sat. “The name should be Davenport Estates and the virtual tour should be done by a virtual model.”

  Xavier looked at Diamond and frowned. He knew she put a lot of work into the presentation. He wanted to make sure she received the deserved recognition. “I think Diamond did a great job in describing the estates.”

  “Then use her voice, but use a virtual model,” Zack replied.

  “Are there any other issues?” Diamond asked interrupting the argument that was about to ensue.

  Zack shook his head without looking up, “No.”

  “Then a virtual model it will be,” she replied. There was no way she would allow Zackary’s displeasure with her to interfere with Xavier’s plans.

  Xavier looked at her understanding the sacrifice she was making for him. Shaking his head and moving forward he continued with the meeting, but made a note to speak with Zack about his comments. Each member of the team presented his or her initial reports to the group. All were accepted without comment or question, until Diamond gave her report. Her initial report of possible clients for Davenport homes created murmurs around the table.

  Charles, the finance director thought the number was a little too ambitious. “I’m not sure the economy will support the push for thirty homes, thirty townhomes and the shopping center in the first year.”

  “I think with the right PR campaign, it will.” Diamond stated, undeterred by the comment. “To date I have received several bids from chain grocery stores for the site, several retail merchants are interested in leasing space and I’m fielding calls from potential home buyers. We may not be able to keep up with the demand for these homes,” Diamond enthusiastically declared.

  “Whatever demand you bring in, my crew will be more than capable of handling,” Zack stated. “Frankly I must agree with Charles. I think your numbers are not realistic. Revise your report to the thirty townhomes, the shopping center and possibly ten home sites.”

  Xavier looked at Diamond, who nodded her head agreeing to make the adjustments. However, he could tell her enthusiasm was being stomped on.

  After Julia gave her report on the legal aspects of the project, Zack smiled and thanked her. Zack advised the team that the ground was broken on the model home and the first set of town homes. “Within a month, the first set of town homes will be ready for dry wall. The model will be completed and ready for decorating for show. Within ninety days, the first home site will be at the same point. In the meantime, Ms. Lassiter, your public relations will have to take place from a trailer. Will that be an issue?”

  “Not at all,” Diamond replied, refusing to allow his sour mood to spoil the special day.

  Xavier smiled and then stood, “I believe we are done. Ladies and gentlemen thank you for your input. The ball is now in your court.”

  Diamond walked back to her office a little dejected. “Hey girl, hold your head up. Don’t let the men on this project determine your worth,” Julia said as she walked along. “You know we are working in a man’s world here. They will doubt you until you prove yourself. If you think you can truly sell thirty town homes, and thirty home sites, do it. I’m certain Zackary Davenport will not turn the buyers away.”

  “Thank you for the encouragement Julia,” Diamond replied with a faint smile. There was a feisty, kick-ass attitude about Julia that Diamond liked. That must have been how she survived the male dominated corporate world she came from, Diamond thought as she walked past LaFonde, whom she brought along as her assistant in a package deal to Davenport Industries. It really was a sucker move on her part, but she wanted someone at the job who knew and liked her.

  LaFonde followed her into the office. “How bad was he?”

  Since Diamond was to play host to customers, her office was a large open space that incorporated a sitting area of two sofas with a table in the center. A model area that held framed pictures of each of the homes being offered, a table with the actual land layout of lots available and an area with a refreshment stand that included a mini-bar, refrigerator and coffee pot. On the other side of the room was a cherry wood desk sitting in front of a wall of windows, a small conference table with four chairs around it and a cherry secure credenza that held customers financial documents. In front of her desk were two comfortable chairs, one of which LaFonde took up residence in as Diamond sat in the chair behind her desk. “Hell on wheels.” Diamond replied as she sat back in the chair and turned towards the window wondering what in the hell had she gotten herself into.

  “Are you sure you want to continue with this?” LaFonde huffed. “In case you forgot, the man was not pleasant the first time you met him.”

  Diamond exhaled and turned back to her desk. “I know. Nevertheless, Xavier has asked me to help him realize this dream and I am committed to doing that. Zackary Davenport is not going to scare me away. Besides, that man needs me in his life.” Diamond opened the folder she brought from the meeting.

  “But does he want you?” The look Diamond gave her was not pleasant, so she changed directions. “Well, this is the first time he has been in this building since we started. Maybe he won’t be here that much.”

  “He has an office here, but most of his time is spent on site. With all the houses I plan to sell, he will continue to spend most of his time there.”

  “Once the models are complete, won’t you have to spend most of your time on site too?”

  Diamond exhaled, “Yes, but hopefully some of his dislike for me will have disappeared by then. In the meantime, we have to redo the report. He feels my estimated sales numbers are too high and wants them adjusted showing more reasonable numbers.” She gave the report with notes she’d made to LaFonde. “Also, he wants a virtual model doing the virtual tour, not me. See if you can get the site designer to develop a model and change the voice over too, just to be on the safe side.”

  “I thought the demo was good. It received positive responses from the test group. Why the changes?”

  “Mr. Zackary Davenport liked the virtual tour. He just did not like me on it.”

  “Does he know how many hours you put into that demo? Does he know how good you are at this? Does he doubt your ability to do this job?”

  Diamond knew the answers to all of the questions LaFonde had bombarded her with. However, she did not want to answer any of them. It was hard to admit a man she was personally attracted to, not only did not like her, but had very little respect for her abilities. “He may not know any of those things. It’s up to me to prove how good I am. You get started on the web people and I will redo the report and start the media blitz.”

  LaFonde took the report, “I’ll redo the report. You start the media blitz. We need to show this man who he’s dealing with. Humph, he don’t know who he’s messing with,” LaFonde continued mumbling under her breath as she walked out of the room.

  Diamond couldn’t help but smile at her friend who was upset over the insult on her behalf. The smile faded as Diamond stood and looked out of her window with her hands clasped behind her back. She was the over achiever. There was no ob
stacle she could not overcome. With six brothers and five sisters, she knew how to be patient and wait her turn. That’s what she had to do with Zackary Davenport. She had to be patient and wait for him to learn what she already knew. He needed her in his life. “Okay Zackary, I guess it’s up to me to teach you how to love.” All that anger and mistrust he displayed towards her was his protective mechanism. “I’m about to melt your armor Zackary.” With that planted firmly in her mind, Diamond sat down to begin her journey.

  Chapter 4

  A week later Diamond received an e-mail indicating that the trailer on the site was up. Since the report had been revamped and the presentation with the virtual tour guide was just about complete she decided to ride out to the site to see what was needed to prepare the trailer for clients. The article in the newspaper had sparked more interest than she anticipated and she wanted to make sure everything was ready for customers.

  Pulling into the site, Diamond was pleased to see the trailer was placed at the beginning of the worksite. The road was still gravel, which made the area and anything near it dusty, but she could work around that. She approached the trailer, but found the door locked. Looking around she saw another trailer and the frame to the first model home. The project was underway and she couldn’t be more excited. It was a nice day so she decided to walk to the model to find a supervisor or someone with the key. As she walked in her heels and skirt suit, she immediately decided a change of clothes would be kept in the trunk of her car until the street was paved in.


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