Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series) Page 4

by Bolling, Iris

  Marveling at the construction going on around her, she was not paying a lot of attention to her surroundings. She walked over and asked one man who was in charge of the site. The man pointed to a man with his back to her. Recognition was immediate—it was Zack. He was standing with his legs apart giving directions to one of the workers. Something in his stance reeked of total control and confidence in what he was saying. He was a man’s man; nothing but pure masculinity. She sighed and shook her head. It was ridiculous to keep having this type of reaction to this man every time she was around him. For some ungodly reason she could not stop her attraction to Zack Davenport—nor did she want to. She inhaled and walked towards him.

  He must have sensed her approaching because he turned around before she could say anything. The frown on his face indicated he was not happy to see her.

  “Hello Mr. Davenport,” Diamond managed to say before Zack grabbed her by the arms, pulling her forward, crashing into his chest just before a stack of lumber fell from a forklift behind her.

  While trying to compose herself, she heard Zack order one of the men to help with the removal of the fallen lumber. He turned to her while she was brushing dirt from her skirt and growled, “Are you that dense? Do you know anything about construction sites?” Before she could answer, she was being dragged by the elbow towards the construction trailer. Once inside Zack continued with the assault. “You can’t wear something that distracting on a construction site. Men work here. Don’t you know how men on a construction site react to a woman with legs as long as yours? Don’t ever come to my site dressed like—like that. In fact don’t ever disrupt my site again.”

  Diamond stared at the man. It wasn’t clear to her what she had done to disrupt his site. She looked down at her black silk suit and heels, which was now covered in dust and decided the sight of her legs, must have displeased him. Whatever it was, did not give him enough reason to man handle her the way he did. If one of her six brothers had grabbed her that way she would have kicked his ass. But this was her boss, at least one of them. She was out to prove herself and whatever it took to do that, she would do. So before she said something that he would regret hearing and she would regret saying, Diamond turned and walked out of the trailer without speaking a word. When she reached her car, she looked back and saw Zack and Reese, the security man standing outside the trailer watching her. Diamond wanted to release the tears that were threatening to flow, but she held back. Not sure what hurt the most, the embarrassment in the way he spoke to her or the realization that this man who stirred her so deeply inside really did not like her being around.

  She went to the mall, which was located just a few miles from the site, purchased a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and a pair of timberland boots. She changed her clothes and went back to the site. This time she drove directly to the construction trailer and marched inside.

  Zack and Reese were standing at the desk reviewing some paperwork when she walked in. “Mr. Davenport, do you happen to have the key to the host trailer?” She asked without expressing the angry emotions that engulfed her. Later she would pat herself on the back for being so professional when all she wanted to do was kick him.

  “I have that key Diamond,” Reese responded quickly, hoping to prevent another scene between the two.

  She stared at Zack. Deep down she wanted to ask him if it was just her or did he hate all women. She decided against that and turned to Reese instead. “I would like to prepare the trailer for clients. May I have a key to see what’s needed?”

  “Sure,” he replied while pulling a ring of keys from his pocket. “I’ll walk down with you.”

  “That won’t be necessary Mr. Kendrick, I won’t be long,” she replied and walked out of the trailer.

  Zack stood in battle stance the whole time Diamond was in his presence. When he turned and saw her standing behind him, an immediate surge of desire rode throughout his body. But it wasn’t the unexplainable desire that had him frowning. He couldn’t explain why but his heart damn near jumped out of his body when he saw the lumber falling towards her. Hell, it was her own damn fault. That skirt she was wearing revealed too much of her perfectly formed legs. The man driving the forklift couldn’t help but be distracted at the sight of her, at least Zack couldn’t.

  “Did she think changing into those jeans would keep men from reacting to her?” Reese asked looking out the window at the departing woman. When Zack did not reply, Reese turned and noticed the crease in his forehead and his stance. “Are you all right man?”

  Zack glared at Reese. “You were looking at her ass weren’t you?”

  Reese laughed, “You damn right I was. Did you see that? Seeing a woman like that will make you stare.”

  “You have a wife and two children at home.”

  “What?” he chuckled, “That’s supposed to make me blind or something? Hell, you’re the only one walking around trying to act like she doesn’t affect you. Don’t try to lay your inhibitions on those of us in the male species that happen to like looking at a fine woman like Diamond.”

  “Your eyes should be for your wife only.”

  “And they are, but ain’t nothing wrong with appreciating a work of art.”

  “She’s just another woman.” Zack said as he looked back down at the report on the desk.

  Reese stared at him. “You like her don’t you?”

  Zack’s head snapped up, “You want to finish going over this security detail. If not, I have homes to build.”

  Reese held his friend’s stare then sat in the chair in front of the desk. “You know, at some point you are going to have to give some woman a chance. Diamond wouldn’t be a bad choice.”

  Zack sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “Security Reese—security.”

  “All right man,” Reese pulled one of the reports out and began reviewing his plans for security shifts. Zack listened, but his mind was still on the damn skirt Diamond had on and the feel of her body against his when he grabbed her. The fact that he was still thinking about it pissed him off.

  Diamond made a note of things needed to make the trailer presentable. The media blitz had created interest already. Fifteen calls had come through with questions on the proposed community. As a result she wanted the trailer ready for visitors by the weekend. The trailer was a double wide with two rooms. One room would be used as her temporary office and the other to display models and floor plans of the homes being offered and the community layout with home sites marked.

  Pulling out her laptop Diamond sent an e-mail to LaFonde giving a list of items to order, before leaving the trailer. It had taken her a moment to settle down to work after her run in with Zack, but now that she looked around, Diamond noticed it was a really nice place. A desk and file cabinet were already in the space to the left and a nice oval shaped table in the room to the right. Actually, there was a partial wall with glass at the top that separated the two rooms. With the right furniture, the space could be staged just right for customers. Once her plans were made, she placed a call to Xavier, to get Mr. Kendrick’s cell phone number. There was no way she could take another confrontation with Zack Davenport today. She called and asked Mr. Kendrick to meet her outside the trailer to retrieve the key. He advised her to keep the key and to make a copy. He would keep the copy with him. Grateful for the small reprieve, Diamond left the site and headed straight for her parent’s home. Today she needed to feel the love of her family.

  Chapter 5

  Like most children, whenever Diamond began to doubt herself or her decisions, she went for reinforcement. For her that was the loving arms of her mother. Her decision to pursue Zackary Davenport was weighing heavy on her heart and she needed to talk with someone who knew her well and would advise her if it was a bad choice.

  The day she met him at DMV, there was no question in her mind he was the man she was waiting for. Throughout her younger years Diamond never played with love. She knew exactly what she wanted and did not mind waiting for it. Sh
e wanted the forever love, like what her parents Joseph and Sally Lassiter had. They were about to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. Not a day had passed when Diamond did not see her father caressing her mother or her mother lovingly looking into her father’s eyes. She refused to settle for anything less.

  Twenty-six year old Diamond was the fifth of twelve children. Her oldest brother Samuel, was an ex-navy-seal who now worked for a security agency, was thirty-four and a newlywed. Joshua, the next in line, was thirty-two and worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. No one but Samuel ever knew where he was, but Joshua had a way of showing up right when you needed him. Ruby, her oldest sister, was thirty, single and worked for Vital Statistics. Her sister and roommate Pearl, was twenty-eight. She currently works for JD Harrison, Attorney General of Virginia. Matthew, twenty-four was a basketball coach for a local college. Luke, twenty-two was just drafted by a professional football team and currently lives in Michigan. Of her eleven brothers and sisters, only five remained at home, well technically only one. The first set of twins, Opal and Timothy, twenty, were away at Hampton University. The second set of twins, Jade and Adam, eighteen, were in their first year at Spelman and Morehouse respectively. Sapphire the baby at sixteen was still in high school.

  The family was very close knit and no one wandered too far from home. All major holidays were spent at their parent’s home. Each of the older children took on the responsibility for one of their sibling’s education, to relieve their parents of the financial burden. For an anniversary present, the children planned to have an addition added to their parent’s home. They knew once the children start getting married they would need a bigger house for their grandchildren to visit. It seemed all of the children that were at a marrying age were holding out for the same thing—that special love that their parents shared. They were each other’s best friends. There was never a shortage of someone to talk to when life dealt a blow. Today was one of those days.

  Diamond walked into the kitchen through the back door, dropped her purse on the counter top and reached for a bowl from the cabinet. Reaching into another cabinet, she pulled out a box of Frosted Flakes and the milk from the refrigerator. She sat at the breakfast bar and filled the bowl to the brim. Forgetting to get the spoon, she got up, retrieved one from the drawer, and sat back down. She exhaled and began to eat.

  “Well, hey stranger,” her mother beamed as she came into the kitchen from the family room. It was rare to see her children in the middle of the week, but Sally Lassiter was always happy when her grown children ventured home.

  Diamond returned the smile then stood and hugged her mother. “Hi Mom.” The hug went on a minute longer than just a casual hello and Sally immediately recognized her child was in need of her counsel. This was unusual for this particular child. Diamond was so independent. Whenever she made a decision, she just dealt with the consequences and moved on. Sometimes it seemed Diamond was the forgotten child. Even as a child, Sally rarely had to do anything for her. A quick learner, Diamond always had her chores done and was ready to help with the younger children, while she handled the older ones. It was indeed a rare occasion for Diamond to seek help and Sally could see, her daughter needed to talk.

  Sally pulled out of the embrace, sat on the stool next to Diamond, picked up the box of cereal and began eating it dry while Diamond ate out of the bowl. “You’ve been pulling some long hours at work since you started the new job. How are things going?”

  Diamond looked at her mother and exhaled. “I met a man a few months ago.” She hunched her shoulders and sighed.

  “Sit up straight baby,” Sally instructed. “Don’t stop there, tell me more.”

  Diamond sat up, as she was told and continued to eat her cereal as she talked to her mother. Spoon in motion, she continued. “I don’t know if there is such a thing, but mom, I felt an immediate attraction to him.” She stopped with spoon midair, as if she was deep in thought. “There was something in his eyes that made me smile and feel hurt for him at the same time.” She shrugged her shoulder and continued to eat the cereal. “Anyway, I decided to pursue him. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me.”

  Offended for her daughter, Sally huffed, “Why would you say that? You are a beautiful confident young woman. And as Matt would say, you have the body to die for.”

  Diamond did not acknowledge the compliment as she looked up at her mother, “Those things don’t seem to impress Zack.” She said while putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. “He’s been hurt somewhere along the line and he wears it on his sleeve. Besides, he has made it quite clear I am not one of his favorite people. The problem is I can’t seem to shake the man. Every time I see him, I want to touch him—feel him—taste him. Hell mom, I dream of being with this man at night. This of course means I’m not sleeping at night. That means I go to work irritable. I don’t know what to do. He clearly doesn’t want anything to do with me and I can’t seem to think about anything but him. Hell, I don’t want to stop thinking about him.”

  “Stop talking with food in your mouth and don’t curse in my house.” Sally was amazed by the depth of her daughter’s feelings for this man. Diamond, her sensible child, who did not play around with men, was lusting after one. “Is he a good man?”

  Diamond smiled, “Yes ma’am he is. He’s Xavier’s brother.”

  “Zackary Davenport?”

  Diamond nodded, “That’s him,” she sighed, “the one and only man for me. You know, he quit school and raised Xavier when his father passed away. Then about five years ago he started a construction company and now is in partnership with Xavier on the community project. I know people don’t see it, but Zack is such a caring man.” Warming up to the conversation, she stopped eating and turned to her mother. “Do you know,” she swallowed what was in her mouth, “after working all week at his construction site, he helps to build Habitat homes and still finds time to coach the little league football team. And the whole time Xavier was in school he never had to work. Zack would send him money every week.” Her eyes grew big and a wonderful smile appeared like a ray of sunshine, “He even has a nickname for Xavier. He calls him X-man. Now is that adorable or what?”

  Sally couldn’t resist returning the smile. “I remember Zack. He was a friend of Sammy’s when they were younger. He is a good man Diamond.” Then she reached over and covered her daughter’s hand with hers. The serious mother face appeared. “However, from what I hear, he is also a man that has a way with women. He doesn’t keep them around very long.”

  Diamond’s smile faded. “I know. I hear the same thing all the time around the office.” Diamond shook her head, “I can’t shake this man mom. He needs me and I need him. I don’t know what to do.”

  Sally looked at her daughter, “Why this man Diamond?”

  Diamond exhaled, “His eyes, Mom. I see myself through his eyes. And I love what I see.”

  Sally sighed, “I saw myself in your father’s eyes too.”

  “Did you?” Diamond smiled.

  “I still do,” Sally blushed. Remembering how her parents told her that Joe Lassiter was going to break her heart and to stay away from him, she squeezed Diamond’s hand. “If you really want this man, then don’t give up on him. You said this has been going on for a month, right?” Diamond nodded. “Well that’s not really a lot of time. Give it a little longer. However, don’t let anyone make a fool out of you. If after another month or so you begin to feel as if you are in this alone, walk away. He may not be the man for you.”

  “What man?” Joe Lassiter asked as he entered the kitchen from the front of the house. Diamond smiled as her parents kissed each other. “Well, what do you know; one of my precious gems is home.”

  “Hey Daddy,” Diamond smiled as she hugged her father. At six feet eleven inches, he practically lifted her from the floor to complete the embrace.

  “I know sad eyes. What’s on your mind?”

  “A man,” Sally replied.

  Joe looked at Sally, s
urprised by the statement, then back to Diamond. “Not my Diamond. I thought you were going to be daddy’s little girl forever.”

  Diamond smiled at the remembered promise she made when she was six. “I will always be your little girl.” She sighed, “I’m a little into this man and don’t know how to go about getting him to notice me.”

  “Oh that’s easy.” Joe shrugged his shoulder as he reached into the cereal box. “Don’t be available.” Joe threw the handful of cereal into his mouth. “Knowing you, in some way, you have already made it clear to this person that you are interested in him.” Diamond smiled and lowered her head. “Un huh, that’s what I thought. Okay, now ease back. Let him come to you baby.”

  Hmm, that will be the day, Diamond thought as she stood to leave. “I don’t see that happening Daddy, but thanks.” She placed her bowl in the sink. “I have to go now. You two take care.” She kissed both of them on the cheek and left.

  “Who has my Diamond tied up in knots?” Joe asked his wife.

  “Zackary Davenport.”

  “Sammy’s friend?”

  “The one and only as Diamond says.”

  Joe shook his head. “He’s a good man. But, I’m not sure he’s ready to settle down. And Diamond is old school. She’ll want the house, kids, white picket fence and the dog.”

  Sally smiled up at her husband. “Therein lies the problem, my handsome husband.”

  Zack walked into his three bedroom rancher and welcomed the quietness. X-man was still at the office. Man, he was tired. For the last month the same thing had kept him up all night—dreams of Diamond in the red pants suit, or the green dress and tonight he was sure it would be a double feature—black skirt and jeans. It was well after ten when he kicked his shoes off in the mudroom, then walked down the hallway to his office. He grabbed a beer out of the mini refrigerator, dropped the top into the waste basket and slumped down into the overstuffed chair near the wet bar. Swallowing the cold liquid down eased the tension a little, but nowhere near enough to relax him. Zack placed his head back and closed his eyes. Thoughts of the day filled his mind. The damn woman, in that damn skirt, with those damn long legs, then those damn jeans that fit like a damn glove on her apple bottom behind. Then Reese was looking at her. He wanted to punch his eyes out. The man has been his friend for twenty years and he wanted to deck him. Damn. Damn. Damn. He sat up and finished off the beer, threw the bottle in the trash then walked down the hallway to take another damn cold shower, wondering how in the hell was he going to keep this woman at bay.


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