Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series) Page 5

by Bolling, Iris


  There’s the light in the front bedroom. He must have moved into his father’s old room. This is easier than I thought it would be. I could follow him around and he would never know. I wonder how easy it would be to get into the house. I need something of his to leave at the scene. This is a good spot, across the street behind these trees. It’s so easy to watch him. I should have done this before. I can’t believe he still lives here. Why hasn’t he moved into one of those houses he builds for everyone else? For the life of me I don’t understand small minded people. If you have the money, live like it. Another light came on in the bathroom, at least that’s what it used to be. Tomorrow I’ll get a closer look. I wonder if the insurance paid off the house. Hmmm, it might be worth a little something. I’ll have to take a trip to city hall and check out the deed. If it is, I want him to lose that too. It sure feels good to have a plan in place that will bring his righteous ass down. I want public humiliation for him. Yes, I want his so called good name dragged through the mud. Let’s see how he handles that. The cigarette was thrown to the ground and doused out as the lone figure walked off between the trees smiling.

  Chapter 6

  The trailer was set and the first round of visitors had arrived. Knowing the next few months would be spent in the trailer, Diamond wrapped up as much as possible in the office. It was the end of March and the weather was unusually warm for the time of year, but she was enjoying it. A week had passed since her last visit to the site. Taking her father’s advice, she steered clear of Zackary Davenport whenever possible. If she knew he was going to be in the office, which his secretary JoEllen made sure she did, Diamond would make sure she was out of the office.

  On the weekends, the construction crew was usually off, so she set her appointments for the site. She was pleasantly surprised to see the paved driveway when she pulled up early on Saturday morning. Parking her car, the site seemed deserted, which was fine for her. Getting out of the car, she pushed the button to open the trunk and unlocked the trailer door.

  Zack watched out of his trailer window as Diamond carried box after box inside. For a moment, it crossed his mind to help her with the boxes. Fear stopped him. The last week was hell on his sleep. Whenever he closed his eyes, some version of Diamond would enter the deep recesses of his mind. It did not matter what he did, she would not leave his thoughts. The thoughts would get him so riled up he had to take cold showers throughout the night to calm himself down. Since she had not visited the site for a few days, the dreams eased up in their intensity.

  X-man mentioned that Diamond would be expecting prospective buyers this weekend, so Zack decided to pave the driveway. He knew she would have to dress professionally to receive clients. The timberland boots would not look good with the black pants suit she was wearing today. He could see her smile from his window and that pleased him. He wasn’t sure why, but it did.

  It was eight in the morning, and he had a lot of paperwork to catch up on so he sat down at his desk and began reviewing plans. Around ten Zack decided to check on the progress of the model home. When he stepped out he noticed there were several vehicles parked at the visitor’s trailer. It seemed like a good start for the day. Finding things progressing in the model, he walked the site for a while. From time to time some construction sites had a few unwanted visitors, some homeless, some kids messing around and at times thieves looking to steal supplies. So he made it a habit to check the area, especially once the shell of the homes was constructed. With Diamond on the grounds he wanted to make sure the area was safe. He wasn’t sure why, he just did.

  After walking the site, he returned to the trailer to review more paperwork. Around five he noticed vehicles were still at the trailer, so he pulled out another set of blueprints and began working on them. He looked out his window around eight and only saw Diamond’s car parked. The thought of her being there alone concerned him; it was getting dark. He decided to stay until she left for the day, so he continued to work. A few hours later he looked out the window, the car was still there. Checking his watch he noticed it was after ten. A frown creased his forehead. “She shouldn’t be working this late.” He grabbed his keys off the desk, locked his trailer, and drove down to the model trailer, then parked next to Diamond’s car. He stepped into the trailer and heard the music coming from the office.

  Diamond was sitting at the desk diligently working on documents and never heard him enter. The trailer looked very cozy. No wonder people were just hanging around. The place was as nice as his home. To his right were a sofa, two chairs and a table with pastries, cups, napkins and a floral arrangement in the center. The walls were covered with pictures of the homes planned for the site and tasteful art next to them. Curtains were at the two windows of the trailer. Next to the door was a refrigerator and mini-bar. On the left was a glass partition separating the sitting area from the office.

  He stood in the doorway and watched as Diamond worked. Observing her without her knowledge gave him the opportunity to really study her features. An oval shaped face with long lashes resting against her dark chocolate skin that appeared to be as smooth as the best quality leather. Her hair framed her face, cascading around her shoulders, with her long legs extended under the desk, crossed at the ankles. It was those legs that kept him up at night. Zack closed his eyes and exhaled. The woman was going to be the death of him. He opened his eyes to her bouncing her head to the music, smooth jazz. How could he hate anyone that loved smooth jazz? Her hands moved gracefully across the paper as she wrote, and he wondered what those hands would feel like on him. Moving his focus back up, he stopped at her lips which were more enticing as she bit the bottom one, concentrating on what she was doing. He was focusing so hard there, he never noticed when she looked up, until her lips formed into a smile. His breath hitched as he looked into her eyes. What in the hell was it about her? He thought as they stared at each other.

  Zack was content to stand there for a minute, then he stepped further into the trailer. “You’re working late tonight.”

  Diamond was grateful to be in his presence without hearing harsh words from him. “Yeah, I um, have a few contracts to put together for the office on Monday.”

  She had a wonderful silky voice, like a singer. “You made a few sales today?”

  She smiled and nodded. “We sold five town homes today.” He has the manliest stance of any man she had ever met, just like her daddy, Diamond thought glancing at him from head to toe. The black t-shirt fit snuggly against his chest, with the muscle defined arms extending down to where his hands hung by the thumb from the loop of his jeans. She wondered what it would feel like to have those hands on her. Caressing, kneading her.

  “Congratulations,” he replied as a slight smile curved his lips. “Are you about to wrap up?”

  She looked, jerked her head up. Did he notice she was checking him out? She sure hoped not. Looking around her desk, she replied, “I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

  “Alright, I’ll wait outside for you.”

  “You don’t have to do that, I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m not going to leave you out here this late at night alone.” A frown creased his forehead. “I’ll wait outside until you are ready to go.”

  The tone was one that she was sure persuaded most people to see things his way, but unfortunately it did not faze her. She had six brothers and a father that all stood well over six feet. He did not intimidate her. However, sensing the first decent conversation between them about to change, Diamond decided to let it go. The contracts were ready and she was only making notes on those potential customers who had shown interest, but did not commit. That could wait. “I’ll leave now. I don’t want to hold you up.”

  After locking everything away and turning off the lights, Diamond locked the door to the trailer and walked over to her car. She looked around the area before getting into her car and thought she saw something move.

  Zack, sitting inside his truck, noticed her looking around. He rolled down
his window. “Is everything okay?”

  Diamond hesitated before she replied. “Is Reese still here?”

  “No.” He frowned. “Why?”

  “I thought I saw something move near the construction trailer.”

  When in the hell did she start calling him Reese? What happened to Mr. Kendrick? He looked back down towards the trailer, but didn’t see anything. “It was probably the wind blowing something up.”

  She nodded as she began to get into her car, “You’re probably right.”

  “Have you eaten yet?” Zack asked hesitantly. Why in the hell did he do that?

  “Not since this morning.” Diamond replied as she stood back up in the opened door of her car.

  “Do you want to stop to get something before going home?”

  Surprised by the invitation, she didn’t want to appear too eager. “Is something around here open this time of night?” She asked.

  “Follow me. I know a place.”

  “Okay,” she smiled as she got inside her car. “Lord, please hold my tongue while I’m with this man,” she prayed silently.


  I’ve got to be more careful. I thought she saw me for a moment. Whew! Some dark clothes from now until this job is done. An attempt to open the door to the construction trailer proved fruitless—it was locked. Trying the windows proved to be just as disappointing. But unlike the door, the windows could be broken. Damn, he doesn’t lock the windows at his house but the trailer is locked up like Fort Knox. I’ll bring more tools tomorrow.

  Chapter 7

  Zack and Diamond walked into Doc’s restaurant, that according to Zack serves the best macaroni and cheese he has ever tasted. Smooth jazz was playing to the almost capacity crowd. A few of the occupants sitting at the bar in the front of the establishment spoke to Zack and shook his hand.

  “Two tonight Zack,” the waitress asked with a questioning brow raised.

  “Yes Barbara,” Zack smiled.

  Diamond wondered what it would take to get him to smile at her like that. The way she turned and gave Diamond a once over let her know this was someone Zack had been with before. But, she refused to let that bother her. Zack was a grown man with certain needs. Besides, everyone had a past—except her that is.

  The waitress led them to a booth in the back of the restaurant. As they sat the waitress asked Zack if he wanted the usual. “No,” he replied. “I’ll try something a little different tonight. Could you leave the menus and give us a minute?”

  “Sure,” she replied and walked away.

  “What’s the usual?” Diamond asked.

  Zack picked up the menu, “Nothing you would be interested in.”

  “And you would know because you know me so well,” Diamond smirked as she reviewed the menu. “So, what do you recommend?”

  He hesitated for a moment as he stared at her. “Everything,” Zack replied with a devilish grin. “I just figured you were one of those women that ate green grass like stuff all the time.”

  “I take it you are referring to salads. Which are very healthy but some can carry as many calories as some full course meals. However, I tend to enjoy meatier meals. Now, I don’t suppose you could be just a little more specific.”

  Damn she was feisty. “The smothered chops with mashed potatoes and greens, is my favorite. But that’s a little much to eat this late at night.”

  Diamond smiled, “Okay, I’ll try it.”

  Zack frowned at her, “It’s a lot of food.”

  “Good, because I’m starving.”

  Zack stared at her for a minute. There was no way a woman her size could eat that much food. “When I say it’s a lot of food, I mean it’s more than enough to satisfy me.”

  “Okay, and?”

  Sitting back, Zack motioned for the waitress to return to the table. He gave her the menus. “Two number threes with ice tea.” Zack sat back and exhaled, “So which model did you sell today?”

  Diamond began to share the news with Zack. They talked as they ate as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. It was hard not to see the excitement in her eyes or hear the exhilaration in her voice as she talked about the families that she contracted today. Zack could feel her genuine happiness in assisting people to purchase their new home in her voice. It was difficult not to smile along with her as she talked. After he finished eating, he stretched his long legs out under the table and relaxed. Just the sound of her voice was soothing to him in a way he couldn’t explain.

  The more she talked, the more he realized not only was she beautiful and intelligent, she was a deeply caring person. Not once did she mention anything about herself or the commission she was to receive. Everything was about the families and their new homes. She may have appeared to be arrogant that first day in his office, but there was nothing self-centered about this woman. For the first time in a long time, he found himself laughing with a woman when she talked about the antics of her brothers and sisters. He could sit there all night listening to her, watching her very kissable lips move. What? Where did that thought come from? He shifted his position in the seat and his leg brushed against hers. The sensation was a direct hit in his southern regions. Their eyes connected and he knew she felt it as well. Not liking where his mind was going he sat straight up. “It’s late. It’s time for you to go.”

  The simple touch caused ripples in Diamond’s stomach and a touch of an ache between her legs. He felt it too, the shock was very evident on his face and the anger was back in his eyes. The same eyes that were warming her soul a few moments ago as he intently listened to her ramble on about her family. The moment he sat up she knew the reprieve was over.

  In her mind she thought to tell him she was a grown woman who had a father that did not tell her when it was time to go. Why did he think he could? But before she could, a man called out to him. “Hey Zack, you sitting in on the set?”

  “Yeah, King Arthur is in the truck. Let me wrap up here and I’ll be with you in a minute.” He stood and looked down at her, to let her know he meant what he had said; it was time for her to go.

  Diamond stood and reached to pull her wallet from out of her purse. “I have this,” he stated as if she had insulted him.

  Trying to keep the delicate peace between them she simply smiled and said, “Thank you,” then she asked, “What’s a set?”

  “Not your type of thing.”

  “There you go again. How would you know what my type of thing is? Today is the first time you have said a civil word to me.”

  She was right. He had been rough with her. Unfortunately he didn’t know why, just that she made him feel strange every time he was within five feet of her. Like now, as she stood staring up at him with those doe like eyes, questioning him.

  “A few guys get together on the weekend and play a few sets here. Doc is a friend who owns this place, changed the place into a jazz club when he purchased it. He allows us to play a little for relaxation.”

  Grateful he shared that small bit of himself with her, she pressed on a little. “What instrument do you play?” she asked recognizing a softness that touched his face.


  “I’m not surprised. It’s the most intimate instrument there is, in my opinion,” she replied looking up at his caramel brown face. A smile replaced the anger that was in his dark brown eyes a few moments ago, but his lips remained in a firm thin line. Even so, they were nice, smooth, and powerful. She could imagine those lips on the mouth of a sax, she sighed inwardly, and on other things.

  As if reading her thoughts he spoke close to her ear so no one could hear. “Don’t go there baby girl. You have no idea what it would take to satisfy a man like me.” He grunted, “Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”

  She stood there watching him walk away knowing he was right. She didn’t know what it would take to satisfy him. But watching him walk away in those jeans made her want to find out. “You named your sax King Arthur?” She asked causing him to stop and turn back to her.
  “Yes.” He replied, as he wondered why she was not behind him.

  “Why? Do you feel like the king of the round table when you play?” She joked.

  He looked around and saw a number of the guys setting up the stage area had taken an interest in the conversation they were having. He walked back to where she stood. “I named it after my father. Now let’s go.”

  “Oh, your father’s name was Arthur? That is so sweet.”

  “Aren’t you the sweet one, Zack,” his friend Lee teased from the stage then looked away when he received a warning look from Zack.

  More than a little agitated he stared her down. “There is nothing sweet about it. My father’s name was not Arthur. It was King Arthur Davenport. And yes, he was very deserving of that royal title. And no, playing does not make me feel like I’m the king of the round table. It’s a release for me.”

  “What kind of release?” She asked before she could stop herself. Having this little insight into him was so pleasing to her.

  “Yeah Zack, what kind of release?” Lee glared at him with laughter in his eyes.

  “What the hell is this, twenty questions?” He growled. “I brought you here to get something to eat. You ate, now it’s time for you to go.”

  Not daunted by his words or tone, Diamond looked up at him with pleading eyes. “May I stay to hear you play?”


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