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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

Page 7

by Bolling, Iris

  Knowing his little sister the way he did, Samuel knew her mind was already made up. She was going to have Zackary Davenport’s heart, one way or another. That meant he was going to have to see where Zack stood. He exhaled, “We now know the past, which solves one part of Diamond’s dilemma. She knows what she is up against. Now, the question is how does she go about accomplishing her goal unscathed?”

  Shaking his head Matthew stated, “You can’t get the man if he don’t want to be got.”

  The girls waved their hands at him, “Oh please, yes you can,” Jade declared. “There are two ways to a man’s heart,” Ruby stated, “his stomach…,”

  “Or his pants,” Phire added.

  Again all eyes went to the sixteen year old, “Sapphire, you better watch yourself,” her mother warned. The men shook their heads knowing that little sister was going to be a handful.

  “All I know is, today’s man wants a woman that can work beside him, think with him, satisfy his body, give birth to his children, cook and keep a nice home—all for him.” Luke stated firmly emphasizing his statement with a slap on the table.

  “You and those Neanderthal teammates of yours in the NFL would think like that. If the woman is going to do all of that, pray tell, why does she need a man?” Opal asked.

  “My point exactly,” Pearl chimed in.

  Jade with her quiet wisdom decided it was time for her to answer. “A woman needs a man to take care of her mental, emotional and sexual needs, first and foremost. In addition to bringing home the bacon, so she can fry it up in a pan.”

  “Huh, today’s woman needs a man that has a job, is not in jail and definitely not on the down low.” Again all eyes went to Phire after she made the statement. “I’m just saying,” she added.

  “A woman needs a man that can find that spot, continuously, that’s what a woman needs a man for.” Ruby stated as the girls gave her a “hey” and high fives.

  Not one to be out done by the girls, Matthew stated, “A man needs a woman that is not afraid or too timid to allow him to explore that spot continuously. And for the record,” he turned to his sister, “I don’t think Diamond should be pursuing this or any other man. Let him come to you.”

  “I disagree, if this man is what you want go for it,” Phire suggested, “Huh that’s what I would do.”

  “That may be too aggressive,” Adam shyly stated. “Some men may be turned off by an overly aggressive woman.”

  “See you all have to make up your mind,” Opal sighed with frustration as she sat up. “Let me make sure I have this straight. You want us timid in the relationship, but aggressive in the bed.” She shook her head. “You can’t have it both ways.”

  “Why the hell not?” Joshua laughed. “Women can do all—right? At least that’s what all of you keep telling us.”

  The family laughed along with him. Pearl looked to her mother and father. “What do you guys think? You are about to celebrate thirty-five years of marriage and you still can’t keep your hands off each other. What’s the right combination?”

  “Yeah,” Matthew laughed. “If it was physically possible you two would still be spitting out babies.”

  Joe frowned, “When did we become physically unable to produce children?” The question caused a hush over the room. Sally seconded the question simply by raising her eyebrow at her son.

  “I just assumed,” Matthew, stammered out.

  “Assuming makes an ass out of you and me,” Phire informed him. When the room remained quiet, she looked around and shrugged her shoulder, “I’m just saying.”

  Joe and Sally shook their heads and laughed at their youngest child. “To answer your question Pearl,” Sally began, “it takes love, that’s it. All those other things you mentioned are secondary. None of it is important or will not do you any good without love.” Her children looked at her with knowing eyes. They witnessed the bad and good times of their parents. The one thing that was always constant was the love they had for each other. “The question you need to ask yourself, baby girl is this,” Joe stated to Diamond. “Do you want Davenport for forever and days after, or is this just a physical attraction. Your answer to that will determine your next move.”

  Diamond wondered if her brothers could take her response. Exhaling she replied, “I am deeply attracted to this man physically. But the physical attraction is fueled by what is in my heart. He won’t let me get close enough to determine if it is love. If it was only about sex, I would have stripped and placed myself at his feet the first day I met him. This is more than a physical attraction.”

  Everyone went into deep thought. “I say go for broke,” Phire offered. “Put it in his face.”

  “Sounds like she’s done that,” Opal said.

  “No she hasn’t,” Phire replied. “She said he would be handsome if he smiled more. They have touched hands and sparks flew. Wow, that’s telling him,” She added sarcastically.

  Samuel chuckled at his baby sister, realizing she was going to be hell on wheels. “She’s right,” he looked down the table to Diamond. “I say take the direct approach. If he’s not interested, he will tell you. However,” he held Diamond’s eyes sending a direct message, “there will be no stripping at his feet.”

  “That’s right,” Joshua joined in the stare.

  “I don’t know about putting your heart on the table like that. I say take the subtle approach. Spend whatever time you can in his presence. If something is there, it will eventually show itself.” Pearl suggested.

  After giving them a moment to ensure there were no further suggestions, Sally spoke. “Well, there you have it. What will it be, the direct approach or the subtle approach? You all realize your sister’s heart is at stake. With that in mind, you have your cards, cast your vote.”

  While she watched others place their vote in the box, Diamond held hers. She knew what steps she wanted to take, but her family was wise and she would follow their decision. Folding her card, she placed it in the box. Sally shook the box up and then began counting the votes. The cards in each pile seemed to mount at the same rate. The decision was not made until the very last vote. “Seven to five for the direct approach,” she announced. “Samuel, you and Pearl will act as advisors on this for Diamond.”

  “Is there anything further, Diamond?,” Joe asked. She shook her head no. “Then the meeting is adjourned.”

  Joshua turned to Samuel, “We are paying him a visit tonight.” Samuel nodded his head in agreement.

  Jade and Opal turned to Diamond. “You are taking tomorrow off. We are going shopping.”

  Joe turned to Sally as they walked to the family room. “What are you going to do about your daughter Phire?”

  Sally gave her husband an incredulous look. “Why is she my daughter when she acts out, but your daughter when she gets awards?”


  Zack sat in the office at his home viewing the original tour video for Davenport Estates for at least the hundredth time. He could not understand for the life of him why the woman on the screen fascinated him so. The attractiveness was apparent, but he had been with plenty of attractive women and none of them had held his attention the way this one has.

  Of all the scenes in the video, the one where she was getting into the vehicle in the chic red dress that flowed around her hips captivated him. It was her inner spirit that showed predominantly in the scene that had him mesmerized.

  He frowned as he realized the treachery that lurked in women did not show, but he knew it existed in her just as it had in his mother, Ann, and his ex-fiancée, Celeste.

  Ann’s betrayal of his father was not something that entered his mind regularly until lately. Every time he was around Diamond it would appear. If that wasn’t enough, the unforgivable acts of Celeste played on his senses as well. He could never forget or forgive her for aborting his child and lying to him in the mix.

  The week after his father’s funeral he was granted custody of X-man. Celeste told him she would not play stepmother to his brother. S
he wanted him to turn his back on his own flesh and blood because a few NFL scouts had shown interest in him. When he explained his responsibility was to his brother, she stated his responsibility was to her and their unborn child.

  Shock set in at first and then elation. He had lost his father, but God had given him a child. He asked Celeste to marry him and she said yes. Weeks later when she realized his plans had not changed about not returning to school, she had a change of heart. She could not understand why he would settle for a simple life when he could have it all. He simply had to give up the notion of raising his little brother. When he questioned her about the baby, she stated she had lied, there was no baby. She simply said that to get him to see reason. A few months later, he ran into a girlfriend of hers who told him she did have an abortion and was now seeing an ex-teammate of his. When he confronted her, she admitted it was the truth. Anger so intense racked his body. To this day any thoughts of the incident still affected him deeply and any ideas of trusting another woman were lost on him.

  He clicked the pause button on his computer with Diamond’s smiling face staring back at him. There was nothing insincere about her. Her smile was as genuine as her laughter and caring nature. The other night at the restaurant he had hurt her. It was unfair to take his anger with Ann and Celeste out on her. He owed her a real apology for this behavior.

  “Hello Zack,” Joshua spoke from the doorway.

  Zack looked up, but was not startled by Joshua’s sudden soundless appearance. Over the years, Joshua had appeared from time to time with information on his mother. “What has Ann done? It can’t be money, I just gave her some the other night. By the way, there is a doorbell on the front and back doors,” he smiled.

  “Ann was fine the last time I checked in, still doing the street thing when she runs out of money. I’ll drop in to check on her before I leave on my next assignment.” Joshua took a seat on the arm of the sofa by the window as Zack curiously watched him; he was not a man to visit without reason. “You might want to get that,” Joshua motioned towards the door.

  “Get what?” Zack asked confused. A second later the chime to the front door bell sounded. He smiled and shook his head, “You never cease to amaze me.” Zack said as he hit the button to turn off his computer monitor, and then left the room to answer the door.

  Opening the door, Zack was pleasantly surprised to see his high school friend Samuel standing there. Extending his hand and smiling he welcomed him in. “Sammy. It’s good to see you. It’s been a while man.” They gave the traditional male embrace. “I understand congratulations are in order. You married Cynthia Thornton. Who in the hell would have ever thought that would happen?” He laughed.

  Pleased with his welcome, Samuel took the extended hand and accepted his invitation to come inside. “It’s good to see you, too Zack. And believe me, I was more surprised than anyone when she agreed to have me. She made me a happy man.” He exhaled, “I’m not so sure you’re going to be too happy once you hear what I’ve come to say.”

  Confused at his words, Zack frowned. “Well come on in anyway and thanks for using the door.” Now Samuel looked confused. “Come on in”, he laughed.

  Upon entering the office, Samuel looked at Joshua and just shook his head. “Do you ever follow orders?”

  “Only when I agree with them.”

  Zack retook his seat at his desk and listened to the two brothers talk. They had not changed one bit. Joshua was still trying to outdo his older brother. Zack picked up the glass of Remy Martin he was enjoying before the interruption and said, “Don’t mind me, it’s just my house.” Then he pointed to his glass, “Do either of you want one of these?”

  Samuel chuckled, “Zack you are still just as cool as ever.”

  He saluted them with his glass. “Thanks, now to what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Mind if I take a seat?” Samuel asked.

  Nodding he replied, “Not at all and thanks for asking.”

  Joshua threw up his hands in a questioning gesture. “What, you would have said yes.”

  Zack and Samuel laughed.

  “What can I do for you Sammy?” Zack asked.

  “We need to discuss Diamond,” Samuel replied with a stern look.

  Zack sat back in his chair as he returned Samuel’s glare. There was no reason to pretend he had no idea what they were talking about. “What about her?”

  “She has it in her mind that you are the man for her,” Joshua explained. “The question is what’s on your mind?”

  Zack held Joshua’s stare. “The last time I checked my driver’s license I’m pretty sure the date of birth indicated I was a full grown man. What’s on my mind is my business.”

  “That may be, but in this case your business may involve one of our sisters. That in and of itself makes it our business.” Joshua explained.

  Neither man conceded any ground on the topic. Joshua wanted to know Zack’s intentions and Zack was determined to keep his business to himself. Samuel had to be the voice of reason. “Despite how my baby brother is behaving, we are not here to interfere. At least, I’m not.” He exhaled. “I agree, both of you are adults and know what you want. If what you want is Diamond, you have my full support. However, if she is not what you want, I’m asking you as a friend to let her down easy. And I have to tell you as her brother, there will be an issue if she is hurt.”

  Zack turned from Joshua to look at Samuel. “I hear you.”

  Samuel stood and extended his hand. “I appreciate it Zack.”

  Zack shook the extended hand. “Not a problem.” He looked at Joshua who was still in the chair frowning. “You finished trying to intimidate me?” Zack asked.

  “Did it work?” Joshua asked as he stood.

  “Yeah, mmm hmmm,” Zack replied. All three men broke out in laughter.

  Once outside the door, Samuel and Joshua stood on the sidewalk in front of the house. “That man is so gone and he doesn’t even realize it,” Joshua said with a sigh.

  “Why do you say that?” Samuel asked.

  “He’s sitting in the house drinking Remy watching a video of Diamond on his computer.” Joshua shook his head as he walked off. “Damn. Another one bites the dust.”

  Chapter 9

  The clock on her desk indicated it was well after eight in the evening and night had descended upon them. Opening the email reply to her request, Diamond re-read what it said. “I’ll be there.” Sighing she closed the message and decided to wait in his office. She stopped at LaFonde’s desk and checked herself out in the mirror. Her sisters thought the red suit with the skirt that fell right above her knees and the low cut, white draped blouse was tastefully sexy and would catch any man’s attention. If the looks she received throughout the day were any indication, they were right. The question in her mind was would it catch Zack’s attention.

  Satisfied with what her reflection revealed, Diamond exhaled and began the walk towards his office. She requested the meeting in the office because she wanted him to take her seriously. The lateness of the meeting was to ensure the employees were gone and the conversation would not be overheard. The trailer at the site would have been a private location, but that was where they had to work every day. If this went terribly wrong, she did not want to have to spend day after day in the place where she was rejected. Doing it here was best, she thought for the hundredth time. Stop second guessing yourself, this is the right thing to do, the right side of her brain told her. There is nothing wrong with thinking this thing through, after all, this is your life you are about to put on the line.

  The wait had put Diamond’s nerves on edge, but she had come this far, there was no turning back now. To her way of thinking her plan was a win-win. If he decided not to take her offer, then no loss. If he decided to accept her offer, then regardless of the outcome, she would have won—even if it turned out to be a hollow victory.

  The light from the moon was shining through the window behind his desk as she walked into his office, giving the room a s
erene aura. For a moment she thought to leave it that way, but then decided to turn on the light switch. To her surprise, he sat in his chair staring at her with an unreadable expression. The sensation she had come to accept when he was around flowed through her like hot lava. All she could think of was how devilishly handsome he was. “Hello,” she smiled nervously.

  “Ms. Lassiter,” he replied.

  She stepped further into the room. “I didn’t know you were here,” she smiled.

  “You asked me to come.” Shaken by the distance in his voice, she hesitated. He propped his elbow on the arm of his chair, rested his head in his hand, then raised his eyebrow as if in anticipation of something. “I’m waiting.”

  Something about him told her to proceed with caution. “How was your day?”

  “How was my day?” He repeated the question sarcastically.


  He assessed her from the doorway the moment she stepped in. Even in limited light, her silhouette enticed him. When she turned on the light, it took all the will power he could gather not to get up and strip the red skirt off her body. He prayed his eyes did not betray him to reveal just how well she was wearing that suit. The low cut blouse was daring in a respectful way, the skirt fell just above her knees, but still left some room for the imagination; and those legs. For a moment just the thought of them caused him to close his eyes to gain some control. For his own sanity, he could not let this woman get any further under his skin.

  Two nights ago, if she had been anywhere near him he would have strangled her pretty little neck with his bare hands. If it had been any other men in his home with questions about his personal life, he would have beat the hell out of them. But her brothers were two men that he respected and considered friends. Exactly what she had said to them to give them reason to invade his privacy, he did not bother to ask. Yet, the fact that they came let him know two things, one they took their responsibility as her big brothers very seriously and two, he had to keep his distance from her. That was becoming increasingly difficult. He didn’t blame her brothers; if he had a sister that looked like her he would have done the exact same thing.


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