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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

Page 10

by Bolling, Iris

  “Is he a minister?”

  “Oh gracious no, the way my daddy puts colorful words out, I don’t hardly think so. If the pastor knew some of the words my daddy could say he would lock him in the church basement and fill it with holy water then throw away the key.” Zack laughed harder than he had in years. The sound filled her heart with so much joy she continued to talk about her family as he listened. Minutes turned into an hour later before either realized it.

  The ringer on Zack’s cell phone ended the peaceful interlude the two were having. Standing, he walked to the doorway to take the call. Afterwards, he smiled apologetically at her, “I have to go.”


  Hesitantly he stood in the doorway. There were things he needed to say to her. “The reason I replaced you with the virtual model had nothing to do with you. It’s better to allow people to use their imagination when you are trying to sell something. Let them use the ideal person in their mind to sell the product. While seeing you on that screen pleased me, it may not have the same effect on others.” Turning his back to her to continue out he took a step down and stopped. “You don’t have to avoid me. I kind of like having you around now.” He looked back over his shoulder at her, “We are playing at Doc’s on Friday, if you’d like to come by.”

  Surprised by his invitation, it took her a moment to reply. “I’d like that.”

  Not realizing he was holding his breath for her reply, he nodded and continued on his way.

  Outside the closed door, Zack stood and thought of about the last hour. Seeking out a woman just because he wanted to see her was something he just did not do. He sighed, like it or not Diamond Lassiter was under his skin. Okay, he could accept that because it was something he could no longer control. He was physically attracted to her, which was one thing he could quench. He began to walk away and decided to figure out why just listening to or being near her had such a calming affect on him at a later time.

  Diamond walked down to the second floor and watched through the window as he walked towards the construction trailer. The man had the most confident stride she had ever seen. He was such a proud man and it showed in everything he did. The look in his eyes when he delivered her first orgasm came to mind. Yes, she was dazed, but the way he held her gaze as she shattered couldn’t be missed. As impossible as it may seem, she had the distinct feeling he was enjoying her pleasure more than she was. A giggle escaped her, “Like that’s possible.” She continued down to her office, dropped her book on the desk and slumped into her chair, telling herself not to get her hopes up. Yes, he’d opened up a little. But it wasn’t nearly enough for what she wanted. She wanted all of him, his hurt, his fears, his joy but most of all she wanted his love. Keeping her exuberance down was going to be hard, Diamond was never one to hide her feelings, but looking at the contracts on her desk, she had plenty to keep her busy and hopefully, Zackary off her mind.

  A few days later, while working late at the office, Diamond saw a flash through the window that caught her attention. Standing, she looked out the back window to see a woman outside looking around. The woman was small in stature with short cropped hair, dressed in jeans, a top and a thin jacket. It was the end of April and the weather was nice. But the nights were a little crisp. For a moment, she thought the woman could be a client so she glanced at her watch. It was well after nine, the office stopped showing at seven. Not thinking twice about her actions, Diamond walked into the kitchen, opened the French doors and walked out onto the balcony. “May I help you with something?” she called out.

  The woman turned, surprised to see her standing there. “No.”

  Taken aback by the tone of the woman’s response Diamond, raised an eyebrow. “Okay.” She looked around then rubbed the chill off her arms. “Would you like to come inside to see the model?”

  The woman stood there staring at her as if she was trying to make a decision. “I have tea and an apple cobbler waiting to be enjoyed.”

  That brought a smile to the woman’s face, nothing big, but the ends of her lips did curl. Diamond turned, walking back into the kitchen, leaving the door open. Something about the woman made her think of some of the people her sister Ruby worked with at the shelter. Walking over to the refrigerator, she pulled out the cobbler and sat it on the counter. Opening the drawer, she pulled out a knife and two forks. Taking the tea kettle she filled it with water and placed it on the stove. Just as she suspected, the woman took her time but eventually walked in the door. “I’ve been trying to stop baking because I end up eating it all by myself.” She placed two cups on the breakfast bar. “At home there is no such thing as leftovers,” she smiled. “Everything my mother puts on the table disappears within minutes.” Noticing the woman’s hesitation at the door, Diamond put the cobbler she had dished out into the microwave and pushed the reheat button. “Oh, let me close that door, there’s a chill out tonight.” As she walked by the woman, she could see the pain in the woman’s eyes. But she could see something else, too. The woman’s eyes were glassed over, which meant she was high. On what, she wasn’t sure, but the woman was feeling no pain. While closing the door, it crossed her mind for a moment that this may not be a good idea. But she shook the thought aside, for whatever reason she wasn’t afraid of the woman.

  “You shouldn’t be here this late by yourself.” The woman slurred her words.

  Diamond hesitated at the door, “I’m not alone. My boss is in the trailer.” She walked over to the stove as the kettle whistle sounded. “Do you take sugar in your tea?” Diamond looked up and the woman was gone. “Well…what the…” she walked over to the door and saw the woman disappear into the woods behind the house. She huffed then turned the lock on the door. "That was weird.”

  The next day Diamond was standing in Xavier’s office telling him about the woman, stalling for time. She really needed to talk to her friend about her attraction to his brother, but she was afraid he may not approve and she did not want to lose his friendship. The time had come for her to tell Xavier. Lord knows she could only take so many dreams of Zack at night—dreams about those tantalizing fingers and his succulent lips.

  “Diamond?” Xavier called out to her for the third time, pulling her back to reality. “You realize you stopped talking.”

  Diamond simply stared at him, weighing the option to talk with him about his brother or not.

  Laughing inside, Xavier wondered when she was going to talk with him about Zack. Those two had to be the most hilarious couple he had ever encountered. It was abundantly clear to everyone in the office, except the two of them, that they were hot for each other. However, Diamond, with her inexperience in the art of seduction and Zack with his dismal outlook on women kept the two of them apart. Xavier personally believed they would be perfect for each other. Poor Diamond, he thought. She knows it, but is just unlearned in the ways of men. Zack on the other hand is just plain blind. The odds around the office had Zack falling from his temple in about a month. Xavier knew it would take his brother, who had issues with women, a bit longer. In fact, he and JoEllen placed their bets on June, by then Zack would fall. Returning the intense look he was getting from Diamond and trying his best not to laugh, he waited for her to speak.

  Placing her hands on her hips, she finally spoke. “Would you have an issue with me dating your brother?”

  Xavier sat back in his chair contemplating how he would reply. Tilting his head to the side he held Diamond’s intense glare. “Why Zack, Diamond?” He asked. “All through college there were brothers after brothers trying to get next to you and you didn’t give them the time of day. So, why my brother?”

  Diamond stood and waved off his question. “Those were boys and I didn’t have time to wait for them to learn their left testicle from the right. Nor did I want to play the games women played on campus. They couldn’t teach me or give me what I wanted. Zack can. He has so much love inside of him he can’t stand it. That’s why he lashes out at me.”

  “He’s trying to let the lo
ve out?” Xavier asked trying not to laugh at the notion.

  “Exactly, and I’m going to help him.” She took his hand in hers. “Xavier, I didn’t know who Zack was when he came into my office that day. But the moment I stepped out front, I knew he was there for me. His license expiring was God’s way of bringing us together. If it hadn’t been that it would have been something else. Either way I was meant to be in his life and he in mine.” She released his hand and walked over to his window deep in thought. “I’m just having a little difficulty getting him to recognize and accept the fact.” She all but stomped her foot.

  “A little,” Xavier laughed. “I believe you have a monumental problem, however, if anyone can put Zack under a spell it’s you. I’m just afraid you may get hurt in the process and I’m more afraid of Zack getting hurt.”

  Turning swiftly to face him, she frowned, “I wouldn’t hurt Zackary, Xavier. I just want to love him and teach him to love me.”

  Chapter 11

  The band completed the first set and was taking a break. Every time the door opened to Doc’s, Zack’s eyes would automatically wander in that direction. It was well after ten and there was still no sign of Diamond. He wanted to kick himself for caring, but he had not seen her since their talk at the model house. On Wednesday, he asked X-man about her. He stated she wasn’t feeling well and was working from home. Today was Friday and he spent it laying sheet rock in some of the homes to keep his mind from drifting to her. Now he wondered if she would show. “You okay Zack?” Lee asked at the break.

  “Yeah, why you ask?”

  “You keep watching the door. Are you expecting someone?”

  The door opened again. Xavier and a young woman who resembled Diamond walked through. His heart leaped, but when no one walked behind them, it shrunk. “Hey Zack,” Xavier smiled. “I hope you guys aren’t shutting down for the night.”

  “No, just a break,” Zack replied somewhat disappointed. He followed them to a table not far from the stage that was used whenever band members had guests. “I’ll get someone to take your drink orders.”

  “Thanks. Oh Zack, this is Diamond’s sister Jade.”

  “Where is she?” he asked with aggravation showing on his face.

  Raising an eyebrow, “Hello to you too,” Jade responded with a teasing smile.

  “Sorry,” Zack countered. “Hello. Where is Diamond,” he asked as he pulled the chair out for her.

  “I’m right behind you. Is there something wrong?” Diamond asked.

  Zack turned and wondered why he did not sense her presence as he had before. The answer came to him as he turned. The anger and disappointment in not seeing her earlier was clouding his mind. Praying like hell his joy in seeing her was not showing, he replied, “There is, but we will discuss that at a later time.”

  Seeing the smile in his eyes was more then she could take. Before she could stop herself, she tiptoed up and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for inviting me. I look forward to that conversation.”

  Xavier held his breath, as did Lee, Reese and Doc, who were all standing near the stage looking on in shock. Showing emotions was not something Zack tolerated with a woman in his presence, so they knew in public was a definite no-no. Diamond and Jade took their seats oblivious to the fact that the room was about to explode. “Have you ordered yet?” Diamond asked looking at Xavier.

  Zack still had not moved from the spot where Diamond kissed him. The initial shock of her action passed as he realized he enjoyed the nearness of her. “No, they haven’t ordered. What would you like?” He asked trying hard to ignore the looks on X-man, Lee, Reese and Doc’s faces.


  “Chardonnay it is.” He looked at X-man and Jade.

  “I’ll have the same,” Jade smiled appreciatively.

  Xavier was still recovering from shock as he responded, “Remy.”

  Zack walked by Lee and Reese, “Doc would you take care of that for me?”

  “Sure Zack,” he replied slowly as he watched Zack walk towards the door.

  Outside the crowded club, Zack inhaled deeply and then released his breath. Damn, if the woman did not take his breath away in that red dress. The top hugged her in all the right places with the bottom flaring out like the Marilyn dress. But the back was completely bare. As he pulled her chair out for her to sit down, his hand touched the smooth skin and memories of the night in his office returned in vivid living color. The urge to have her increased tenfold.

  He knew all the reasons why he shouldn’t want to touch her, one being his slow tortured death at the hands of her brother Joshua, but he had to have her—taste her again, just once or he would surely lose his mind. With that decision the turmoil inside began to settle and he knew what he had to do—teach her just as she’d requested.

  The band was on stage when Zack returned. They played a few upbeat tunes and then the spotlight dimmed to focus on Zack. He stood, whispered something to Lee then sat back on his stool. After giving instructions to the other members of the band, Lee stepped back leaving Zack with King Arthur as the lone figure on the stage.

  Closing his eyes, Zack brought the sax to his lips and began to play. The smooth sensuous sound filtered through the place like a warm summer breeze. Each note was clear and precise as the tune became easily recognized as “Teach Me Tonight” by Dinah Washington.

  Diamond watched as the man and his sax spoke to her. Soothing emotions began to surface as he played. She wanted this man and from the way he was playing, he wanted her too. Tears welled up in her eyes as the lyrics to the song came to mind.

  Will it be tonight Zackary, she wondered. Will you teach me tonight? The hook of the song lingered on the single note that he held and she felt as if he was expressing what was in his heart just to her. Was it wishful thinking, probably, but Diamond didn’t care. She was going to allow herself to have this night. The song ended as the crowd roared to their feet with a standing ovation. The song lasted all of five minutes, but the effect on her heart would last a lifetime. His eyes found hers and she knew the lesson plan had been made. The only thing she wanted at the moment was to feel his hands on her body, anywhere and everywhere.

  The band members left the stage as the house music began to play. A focused Zack walked towards the table. A number of people shook his hand and gave him dap as he stormed by, but his eyes were only on her. Xavier leaned over and whispered to Diamond, “I hope you are ready. It looks like big brother is on a mission.”

  “I’ve spent a lifetime getting ready for this moment,” she replied wistfully as Zack materialized in front of her. “You have some very talented lips, Mr. Davenport.”

  A quick devious smile appeared on his face. “The better to taste you my dear.” Reaching out for her hand, “May I have this dance?”

  She placed her hand in his and stood. The heat of his skin swirled through her body and settled right between her legs. Joining the small crowd that gathered on the dance floor, he took her in his arms.

  Zack had been waiting for this moment all week. Hell that was a lie. He had been yearning for this since that night in his office. To feel the silkiness of her skin, smell the fragrance of her hair and to taste the sweetness of her lips. Had he craved Celeste this way? Shaking the thought out of his mind, he concentrated on the woman in his arms. He would have to deal with his past at another time, at this moment, he wanted this woman. Pulling her closer, he held her a little tighter. Her head touched his chin and he inhaled her scent. “You smell almost as good as you feel in my arms.” She looked up at him with her doe-shaped eyes and he knew that was his undoing. In the middle of Doc’s, on the dance floor, with several couples dancing around them, he lowered his lips to hers and slowly tasted what she was offering.

  Meanwhile at the table, Jade had a different plan in mind. “Xavier, you know I’m going to have to block the booty call tonight. I mean I like Zack, but I know his reputation with women. I have to make sure my sister is not going to be a one night thing for him—she de
serves better.”

  “No argument from me. But I’m going to warn you, Zack is not going down easy.”

  “Not a problem.” Jade picked up her cell phone. “I have a sure fire backup plan.” She stood and rushed out to the floor and pulled them apart just as their lips touched. “Diamond, we have to go. Some boy is trying to push up on Phire and she needs a ride home.”

  Diamond looked at Jade as if she had grown two heads. “Call Joshua.”

  Jade pulled at her again. “Did you just hear yourself? Joshua?”

  A frustrated Diamond sighed. What was she thinking? Joshua would kill the boy and ask questions later. Turning to Zack with apologizing eyes, “I’m sorry, I have to go,” she said as Jade pulled her towards the door.

  Xavier joined Zack who was standing in the doorway watching the women pull off. “What’s the problem?”

  “Some boy is pushing up on their little sister Phire.”

  “Kind of like her big sister,” Xavier smirked.

  The stony look Zack gave his little brother was only a small replica of the anguish he was feeling inside. “You see some humor in this face?”

  “Not a bit—just a little irony.”


  “Yeah,” he shrugged. “Diamond has been trying to get your attention for months. Now that you are ready, she has another priority.” He looked up at the sky, “Let me think. What is the lesson here? I’m glad you asked.” Xavier continued as he enjoyed the scowl on his brother’s face. “Don’t let the grass grow under your feet big brother. Let the past go and live for today, especially if a good woman is involved.”


  The place seemed deserted. The lone figure dressed totally in black slipped between the houses. I have to make sure the walls are up. Reaching the house in question, the lone figure smiled. Step one complete. Things are progressing nicely. Zackary is not going to know what hit him. Suddenly, a dog barked. Startled, the figure looked around. The dog barked again, this time closer. The figure stepped back into the shadows of the house. That’s when the guard with the dog on a chain came into view. Damn. The figure took off running through the woods.


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