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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

Page 15

by Bolling, Iris

  For a moment Zack didn’t respond. Then he thought about it. “Hell, it’s no telling what I would have nailed to the wall.” They laughed uncontrollably for a minute before either of them sobered.

  “Women will do it to you.” Joe shook his head, looking towards the house and all the activity going on. “When my daughter told me she was in love with you, I cautioned her.” He nodded. “I told her you were a good man, and I believe you are. But I also knew some of what you’ve been through and I understand the turmoil you are dealing with inside. Been there with that little woman up there.” He pointed to his wife. “There are times I wish I hadn’t doubted myself, wasting time thinking I couldn’t give her all she deserved. It took me damn near losing her before I realized I had no life without her.” Just then Matt threw Jay a baseball, which he missed and it went through the kitchen window of the house. A collected group of moans was heard around the yard. Joe never skipped a beat, he just shook his head. “Then there are times,” he sighed, “I’m glad I waited, for right about now I would have twenty-four children instead of twelve.”

  Zack laughed so hard, he choked on his beer. Joe hit him on the back. “Let’s go fix the damn window,” he said as he walked away.

  “I’ll be with you in a minute,” Zack replied still laughing. He sighed and took in the sights around him. X-man and Samuel were giving Matt a hard time about the window, while Luke and Jay began clearing away the glass. The Lassiters had made this a labor of love. All of this they did for a person they didn’t even know before today. No, that’s not true, he thought as he watched them. They did this to help him. His attack on Diamond was unfair, he rationalized. It was not her fault that he could not control his attraction to her. It wasn’t her problem that every time he saw her he wanted to strip her naked and teach her all there was about pleasuring a man like him—more precisely him. He exhaled, like it or not he owed her an apology.

  It was very clear something had to change. Diamond drifted aimlessly around the canal walk that ran along the James River not far from the Davenport Estates. She enjoyed the solitude and welcomed the time to think. Zackary had given her the best moment of her life. He was a generous considerate lover and she could not imagine any other man teaching her how to make love. Shaking her head, what made her think she was so special that the moment they made love he would realize she was the woman for him? “Huh,” she smirked out loud, “what made you think?” She walked under the highway overpass towards Toad’s Place, a popular venue in the area called Shockoe bottom in downtown Richmond. Apparently something was happening there since people were on the patio area with drinks and they were laughing. It was a beautiful day and everyone should be carefree and loving life. How she wished her mind were at the moment. Walking closer to the edge so as not to disturb anyone’s fun, she continued forward, thinking. It seemed sometimes Zackary was fine with her being around, and then other times it seemed he hated to see her. All of this was just so new to her and she had no idea how to handle his mood changes. Maybe it would be best for her to do exactly what he said and give up trying to be a part of his life. But where could she meet another man like Zackary Davenport? She was sure there was only one on this earth. Hell, maybe she should move to Mars. No, that wouldn’t work, hell she was from Venus. Hearing a sound, she looked up just as a young man on a bike came barreling through the crowd, right at her. To keep from getting hit by the rider, she leaned backwards, losing her balance. It was a foregone conclusion in her mind she was going to end up in the river. Just as the scream escaped from her throat a pair of hands caught her from behind and engulfed her. Shocked and a little frightened, she grabbed onto very hard arms and exhaled into a massive chest.

  Holding on, she heard the voice whisper, “I got you—you’re okay.” His hold tightened around her waist and he held her head against his chest. She was still shaking, as the holder rubbed her back to ease her fears. “It’s all right, just breathe.”

  The crowd on the patio did not seem to notice anything was amiss as she slowly opened her eyes and began to gather her composure. Never really looking up Diamond stepped away from the man and exhaled, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” She finally looked up at the man smiling down at her. “Thank you,” she sheepishly smiled.

  “Not a problem,” the man replied.

  She nodded and turned to walk off, “I’m sorry,” she said looking back at the man. For a second she thought he looked familiar, but did not know from where. She ran up the steps and headed back to her car with her mind made up. As of that moment, she was working Zackary out of her system.

  Chapter 17

  Monday morning ushered in a new set of problems for Zackary. The sound of the rain hitting the roof awakened him from the vision of Diamond on the deck of his boat. The dream was so vivid he could literally taste her on his lips. Rolling onto his back, he threw his arm across his eyes, still not ready to make an effort to actually get out of the bed. Another sleepless night thinking of Diamond left him drained. A few weeks had passed since he touched her, but his body remembered how it felt to be inside her and it was reeling from withdrawal. Before, it was the dreams of what she might feel like haunting him, now it was the reality of her touch that was driving him crazy. Tossing the top sheet aside, Zack sat up on the side of the bed. It was five thirty in the morning. The sun hadn’t made an appearance and it didn’t seem it was going to, at least not today. Stalking over to the bathroom with only his briefs on, Zack didn’t bother to turn on the light. He stood at the commode and was about to relieve himself when he looked out of the window and was startled. It was still dark out, but he could make out a figure standing at a tree across the street smoking a cigarette. He started to look away, but noticed the person appeared to be checking out the house, or was it the neighbor’s house. Stepping back from the window so he wouldn’t be seen, he peeked around the curtain that hung at the small window to see if he could determine which house the person was staring at. He watched the figure take a few puffs from the cigarette while looking up at the house. Hearing a sound upstairs Zack looked up towards the ceiling. “X-man must be up.” He then looked back to see the figure throw the cigarette to the ground and stare intently at the upper part of the house where X-man’s bedroom suite was located. “What the…..” Zackary ducked low so the person wouldn’t see him, then walked quickly into his bedroom, pulled on a tee-shirt and a pair of sweats out of the dresser drawer then put on his slippers. He turned off the alarm system at the backdoor of the house then walked out. “Damn,” he swore. He forgot it was raining, as he followed the walkway from the back of the house to the front. Standing under the carport between his truck and X-man’s SUV he studied the figure. Though it was dark and the figure was dressed in dark clothes, something in the way the figure stood was familiar. One thing was for sure, it was a woman. The woman tensed and looked down to the lower level of the house. Zack turned as he heard the click of the door behind him. He turned back as X-man walked up quietly behind him.

  “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know,” Zack replied absently shaking his head.

  “I’ve seen her out there before. But I never paid much attention to her.” X-man stated in a matter of fact tone.

  Zack turned to him, “When?”

  Shrugging his shoulder, “The first time was when you were in California.” He shook his head, “Then again a few weeks ago.”

  “And you didn’t say anything?” Zack questioned.

  “I didn’t think anything of it.” X-man replied defensively, “Besides, my days of telling my big brother when I see the boogie man are gone.”

  Zack frowned at him, then smirked, as he turned back around. “Point taken.” He looked back across the street. The woman was gone. “Where did she go?” he asked taking a step out, looking up and down the street.

  X-man joined him. “I don’t know.” He said following his brother’s actions.

  “Damn.” Zack cursed as he walked back into the house. He walked int
o his office to get his cell phone. While dialing a number, he turned to X-man who had taken a seat in front of his desk and asked, “Why in the hell would someone be watching this house? And how long has this been going on?” He stopped then spoke into the phone. “I need you to appear soon,” was all he said as he hung up the phone then slumped into his chair bewildered.

  “I can’t answer either of those questions. But I can tell you this, whoever it is –is a chain smoker.”

  Zack stared numbly at X-man for a minute. He tilted his head to the side, “A few strange things have been happening at the site.”

  “And you haven’t said anything?” X-man laughed. “Is that why you started putting the alarm on when we leave out of the house?”

  “I got your point and yes.” Zack smiled back.

  “So what’s been happening on the site?”

  “Little things, like dad’s ring showing up in one of the houses. Then there were some items found in another lot. But when you mentioned the cigarettes it made me wonder if the ones that were found at the site are the same as the ones we might find across the street.”

  “Are we going to play CSI and collect the cigarette butts as evidence?”

  “No—we’re not.” Zack grinned, “We’ll let the crime scene investigator do it.”

  “You called Diamond’s brother?”

  “He’s the best at whatever he does.”

  “Exactly what does he do?” X-man inquired.

  Zack snickered, “I have no idea. We work by a code, I don’t ask and he don’t tell.”

  X-man laughed, than sobered. Watching his brother closely, he spoke. “I um….ran into Diamond yesterday with a friend of yours.”

  Zack frowned, “A friend of mine—who?”

  X-man cleared his throat. “Richard Hasting.” If it had been anyone else, they would have missed the tick in Zack’s jaw. But X-man knew his every move. “It surprised me, because I didn’t know they were acquainted.”

  Zack just nodded. “They met at the site.”

  “Really?” X-man questioned. “Why was Richard at the site?”

  “Making sure what happened at the last site doesn’t happen at Davenport Estates.”

  X-man nodded, “So, what was he doing with Diamond?”

  “How in the hell am I supposed to know,” Zack replied exasperated.

  X-man stood and tried to stifle his laugh. At least he knew Zack did not like the thought of Diamond with another man. He walked towards the door, “I’m not one to get into your business, but…”

  “You’re going to anyway.”

  “Damn right. Only because I love you like a brother.”

  “I am your brother.”

  “I don’t know about that, man. My brother wouldn’t let another man walk around town with his woman.” He turned to walk out and said over his shoulder. “Don’t be a fool and let him take what’s yours. I have to get to work. See you later.”

  Zack cursed the minute he thought X-man was out of hearing range. What in the hell was Diamond doing with Richard. He stormed out of the office into his room and was in the shower before he stopped to think. Why in the hell was he mad? He wanted her to move on---didn’t he?


  Diamond arrived at the site a little after six in the morning. The thought was to get in, gather the paper work she needed for the day then go into the office to work. All of her appointments for the day were scheduled for that evening after six. She could arrive a half-hour before the time to work with the customers. However, that did mean she would not be there if a customer came by during the day. But that was the sacrifice she would have to make for her own sanity. There was no way she could do what had to be done if Zack was in her sights all day.

  Walking into the kitchen of the model home, the first thing she did was check the microwave. Since the first night of the mysterious visitor, Diamond would leave the French door unlocked and food in the microwave. At first she simply left chips and a drink on the deck right outside the French door. When she came in the next day, the snack was gone. The next night she left a drink outside the cracked door and a sandwich wrapped on the counter. On the third night, she left the French door unlocked and a plate of food on top of the microwave. Since then she would leave something for the woman to eat each night in the microwave. When she came in the next morning, just like this morning, she would take the plate and put it in the dishwasher.

  Diamond knew one day she would come and the food would still be there, which as her sister Ruby told her would eventually happen. It simply meant they have moved on. But for now, it felt good to help the woman. This morning when Diamond opened the microwave, there was a small glass jar with a sky blue marble inside. Opening the jar with a huge smile on her face, Diamond removed the marble and marveled at its simplistic beauty. A giggle escaped her throat. Her brothers would kill for such a rare find. Anyone watching the expression on Diamond’s face would have thought she was given a rare gem. But it was just a marble and one that Diamond would cherish. The simple gift of gratitude brightened her otherwise stormy day.

  Looking out the door at the rain, Diamond wondered if the woman was in a dry place. Shaking off the worry, she took a seat at her desk and began gathering the paper work she would need for the day.

  With every intention of seeing Diamond, if for no other reason than to apologize for his behavior on Saturday, Zack was driving toward the site when his cell phone rang. “Davenport,” he answered.

  “Zack, its Richard. Do you have a minute to stop by my office before going to the site?”

  Before he replied, he knew this was not a good idea. But he had no reason to deny the request—not really. Zack glanced at the clock on the dashboard of his truck. “I can be there in ten minutes.”

  “I’ll see you then,” Richard said then hung up the phone.

  Zack exhaled as he made a u-turn in the middle of the street. If Richard even mentioned Diamond’s name, he was going to knock the hell out of him. It didn’t matter that he had no right to be pissed about Diamond being with Richard or any man. She wasn’t his woman, as X-man had put it. She was just someone he had had sex with and that was that. But Richard was a friend and he should have known not to step in Diamond’s direction. Hell, why would he know that. Zack tried to reason with himself. No one but X-man knew about the weekend he spent with Diamond. Richard would have no way of knowing Diamond was supposed to be his woman. Damn, now X-man had him saying that.

  Pulling into the fire station that housed the office Richard worked out of, Zack was still battling with himself on the Diamond issue. The frown on his face must have been quite intense, since everyone seemed to step out of his way as he approached the red brick building and walked inside.

  Richard looked up to see Zack storming towards him through the glass that surrounded his office. It took everything in him not to laugh at his friend. Taking a sip of his coffee, that was still nice and hot, Richard sat back in his seat and waited for Zack to walk through the door.

  “Decided not to use an umbrella this morning Zack?,” Richard asked, almost laughing. His friend was drenched from head to toe.

  Zack raised a brow. “You called.” He stated in a tone that would have let anyone know he wasn’t in the mood to play games.

  Richard could care less about Zack’s mood. He was going to help his friend whether he wanted the help or not. “I need you to listen to something.” Richard hit a button on his computer and a voice began talking.

  It took a few moments for Zack to register that he was supposed to be listening to whatever the recorded voice was saying. “You called me in here to listen to some woman on the phone?”

  Richard pushed a button to stop the recording. “Do you recognize her?”

  “Recognize who?”

  “The woman on the recording Zack. Where is your mind this morning?” Zack rubbed a hand down his face, wiping away the wetness from the rain. What in the hell was wrong with him? “The voice on this recording matches the voice from
the tip we received before. Do you recognize the voice?”

  Zack took a deep breath as he sat in the chair in front of the desk. “Play it again,” he calmly requested.

  Richard played the recording again. The woman was ranting about letting Zack Davenport off the hook with the fire. The woman also accused the chief of covering for Zack. While listening to the recording, the only thing Zack could conclude was that the woman must be crazy. Most of what was being said was incoherent because the woman was so upset. However, with all that was being said the threat at the end was very clear. “I will bring him down, one way or another.”

  Zack looked at Richard perplexed. “Her voice sounds muffled, but I have no idea who that could be.”

  “We think she is trying to disguise her voice.” Richard became very serious and sat forward. “But one thing is clear. The woman on the other end of that call is out to get you. And you have no idea who it may be? Could she be a jealous lover or ex-girlfriend?”

  “No,” Zack replied as he began to understand the seriousness of the situation. He exhaled. “You think it’s the same person from the Franklin fire?”

  “I do,” Richard replied. “This indicates to me that this is personal Zack. What woman have you pissed off so bad that she would want to see you professionally destroyed?”

  Perplexed, Zack just shook his head, “I have no idea.”

  Richard knew he had to tread lightly here, but Zack was his friend. “In your past there is a person that believes they were wronged by you in some way. How that individual deals with the hurt, real or imagined, is the unknown factor that could interrupt your life. I know you don’t want to think this way, but someone is out to get you. I need you to think, Zack. Who could that person be?” He hesitated, “What about Diamond?”

  Zack tensed, “What about her?” he asked pensively.

  “Look, I don’t know her well, but there is apparently something between you two. Is it to a point where she would try to destroy you?”


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