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Pack Security (Were Chronicles)

Page 6

by Crissy Smith

  Alex nodded. “I know, you’re right.”

  “We’ll handle this,” she told him. “But what about the boys? Are they safe here?”

  “I sure hope so,” Alex said just as his cell phone rang. He dug it out of his pocket. “That’s Shawn. I need to take this.”

  Max waved him off and waited until he’d walked down the porch steps. He then turned his attention to Cassie. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. No. I don’t know,” she said, sighing deeply. “I can’t help but wonder if I caused all this with my paintings? Is the Pack in danger because of me?”

  Max stood and encircled her in his arms. “No, I don’t believe so. These people are so hell bent on causing trouble for us they could have found anything.”

  She laid her head against his chest. “I hate the idea of someone watching us. Planning ways to hurt us. I don’t understand why they can’t just let us be.”

  Max buried his hand in her hair and tightened his embrace. “Ever since the beginning of time, people have feared what they don’t understand. This will pass. We have the Council and now the Coalition. It’s going to be okay.”

  “I’m glad you’re here. Everything is crazy and happening fast, but I feel safe with you. Like I can get back to my art and not worry about what is going on around me.”

  “I’m glad I can give you that kind of security,” he replied. It was funny that from the moment he’d set eyes on Cassie, he had felt something settle deep inside him. Like even his wolf was at home with this woman. “And we’ll figure out what to do about the church.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she gazed up at him. “Kiss me again?”

  He cupped her cheek while he lowered his head. “Yes,” he whispered against her lips, brushing his over hers.

  She pushed into the kiss eagerly and responded so beautifully that he had to draw back so he didn’t end up embarrassing them both. Her brother might return at any time.

  “Be good,” he warned playfully when she tried to chase his mouth.

  She lifted a brow. “Oh, I can be so very good.”

  He snorted, stepping back. “Not with your brother close by,” he teased, popping her on the ass with a light slap.

  Her carefree laughter warmed his heart. They might have a lot of concern, but they would get through it. He would make damn sure.

  Max spotted Alex heading back toward them and retook his seat. Cassie smirked at him and returned to lean against the rail.

  “Shawn is calling the Council right now. He and Chase will come over to the house as soon as they can,” Alex informed them as he stepped up to the porch.

  “I’m going to call Jacob and make sure he can make it too. I thought we could have a barbeque. It’s a nice evening and we need to return to some sort of routine.”

  “Sounds good,” Cassie agreed. “I’ll make a few side dishes. The least we can do is feed everyone if we’re going to put them in danger.”

  “Hey!” Alex strode up the steps and to his sister. “This is not your fault.”

  “I know,” she said softly. “Really, I do, but I can’t help but… This sucks!”

  Alex nodded as he chuckled. “It does. Just remember there are five artists in the showing, four of them are shifters, and we don’t even know why this show is being targeted. We’ve had many over the years. Let us figure this out.”

  She nodded. “I’m going to go start on some food.”

  Max kept himself from reaching out to her as she passed. He wanted to comfort her, to take her back to the moment when she was laughing happily. As she stepped back inside, Alex growled. Max turned to him.

  Alex stood, hands fisted at his side. “I want to kill whoever is doing this to her, to us all.”

  Since Max felt the same way, he couldn’t really offer anything to say.

  “I’ve got to call Jacob. Stay close to her?”

  “I will,” Max promised. He waited until Alex was stalking back to the main house, then Max turned and followed Cassie.

  He found her at the kitchen sink scrubbing potatoes. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” she answered shortly.

  He moved up behind her and placed his hands on her hips.

  She sighed and leaned back into him. “I forgot for a minute outside. With you. How can I be happy and so scared at the same time?”

  Max nuzzled her neck. “It’s natural. You’ve got a lot thrown at you right now. It’s okay to feel good while you’re still worried. It’s okay to feel pleasure.”

  She turned and faced him. “I just keep thinking if all of this wasn’t happening, I wouldn’t have met you again. You wouldn’t be here with me.”

  Max leaned closer and rubbed his nose against hers. “I think we would have. Somehow we would have found each other. This, between us, is too good for us not to have found a way to each another. “

  “Max,” she whispered. “Kiss me.”

  Max did as she requested. He could spend forever kissing her.

  Chapter Seven

  Cassie felt better. She’d made potato salad, dips for chips and coleslaw for dinner, then she’d stepped into a quick, hot shower. Max hadn’t even tried to join her and she was little disappointed. She kept telling herself that they’d have time together, but she was struggling with patience. She wanted the man.

  While she’d cleaned up, Max had linked all of the new cameras from her place, the main house and Jacob’s residence to his laptop. He’d taught her how to work the programs and she appreciated the fact that he was including her, showing her how he was keeping her safe.

  He had the laptop on the deck table as they waited for everyone to arrive. Alex had started the grill before pulling beers out of the cooler and passing them around.

  There was a nice cool breeze that Cassie welcomed as she sat next to Max, admiring him. With his head bent over the computer screen, she was able to watch him without him noticing. He was so damn attractive with his black hair and tanned, muscular body. She could still feel his hands on her from earlier in the kitchen and felt arousal shoot through her.

  Max lifted his head and looked over at her. Upon catching her staring at him, he winked. “Later,” he murmured quietly.

  She ducked her chin, raising her gaze to Alex and flushed when she realized her brother had been watching her while her attention had been on Max. Alex was grinning at her, but luckily footsteps sounded and she turned her head to see Alpha Shawn and Chase arriving.

  Max pushed the laptop away and stood. He greeted his brother with a quick hug then he shook hands with their Alpha. She liked the way his hazel eyes brightened around the other men. He stood next to Chase and Cassie could easily see how close the two brothers were.

  That was important to her. It had just been her and her siblings for so long. Both Alex and Jacob made it a point to take care of her while she did her best to take care of them. She didn’t like to leave the ranch, so they did her shopping and visited her a lot. While there was no getting out of gallery shows, one of them stayed with her the entire time.

  Alex had even been the one who had hired James for her. He’d wanted the young artist to get more attention and had asked Cassie to help him. Since her and James had hit it off right away, she was happy to assist in his training.

  James didn’t have a lot of money, so the income that came from protecting Cassie provided him with some cash, while at the same time, the experience of working with another artist had really brought James’ art to the front.

  There would be half a dozen of James’s work in the next showing which was one reason why she didn’t want it to the postponed. This was really James’ true first shot.

  Since he was human, he wouldn’t be at the barbeque, but she had spoken to him earlier about what was happening. She had assured James that the show would still proceed as planned. His art would be seen.

  James had been relieved. Since he didn’t know about the shifter aspect of the break-in, he had been more upset that someone was trying to hurt the gallery.

; She wished she could be honest with him. Since her Pack wasn’t in the open, she had to continue to be careful.

  “What are you thinking about so hard?” Max asked as he slid to her side.

  “The show. I told James it would still go on. It’s his first art exhibition and I want to make sure that he has enough support.”

  “How long has he worked for you?”

  “Almost a year now. He applied for the job over the Internet and moved up here. He doesn’t have any family so he sort of became part of ours. Plus he’s a big help. I don’t have to worry about ordering supplies or anything else other than painting.”

  “He seems kind of young.”

  “Yeah, but he is talented. A few more years and he’ll probably have a show of his own.” She nudged his hip. “You’re looking into him?”

  “I am,” Max admitted. “He has access to the ranch and knows all of you.”

  “There is no way he’s involved.”

  “Then he has nothing to worry about. Let me do my job, Cassie. He won’t even know I’m looking if he doesn’t have anything to do with this.”

  She had to trust Max. If they were going to be able to explore the attraction between the two of them, she’d have to take Max at his word. “Just be careful. He’s been through a lot.”

  “I will.” He squeezed her shoulder before moving over to the grill.

  “So I take it everything is working out between you and Max?” Alpha Shawn asked as he took Max’s place at her side.

  She grinned over at him. “Did you have any doubt?”

  Shawn chuckled. “Nope.” He swung his arm over her shoulder and led her away from the others. “I knew Max would be a big help here. And I was sure that you would be a good influence on him also.”

  Cassie checked over her shoulder to make sure no one else was within hearing range. “Tell me you’re not playing match maker.”

  “No, actually, I’m not,” he assured her. “But Max needs to do something that will make him feel good about himself again, make him feel needed. Plus your family is one of the best I’ve ever known. He needs time to heal and less time to think.”

  She tipped her head back to get a good look at him. “You’re worried about him?”

  “Yes,” Shawn admitted. “I have plans for Max, but he needs to settle things in his mind before I can proceed.”

  “What kind of plans?”

  “The kind I’m sure he’ll fight me on. I want to name him as my successor if anything happens to me.”

  She couldn’t hold in her gasp. “That’s awesome! Why wouldn’t he jump at the chance?”

  Shawn looked over to where the other three men were laughing next to the grill. “Since he’s a non-shifter, Max has never felt truly part of the Pack. Even though everyone respects him, Max doesn’t see himself able to lead the others. I want to show him he’s wrong.”

  “What can I do?” She wanted to help Max see that he could be a great leader.

  “You already are. He seems comfortable here. Once we find out what is going on, I think Max will see on his own that he has even more to offer.”

  She didn’t have time to respond. A loud commotion announced the arrival of her nephews, younger brother and her sister-in-law.

  Her two nephews, Kyle and Korrie, raced up the wooden steps to where she and Shawn were standing.

  “Alpha! Alpha!” Kyle, the youngest at four, cried out.

  Shawn crouched down to catch the small boy. “Hey there, little man!”

  “Me too!” Korrie called, jumping up and down.

  Shawn easily picked him up in his other arm. It was a sight to see the two children in the arms of their powerful leader.

  Cassie leaned over and kissed both boys on their cheeks. “Well, hello to you too.”

  Kyle laughed. “Hi, Aunt Cassie.”

  “Hi, honey,” she said, hugging her sister-in-law. Peyton had been her best friend since grade school. When Peyton and Jacob had gotten married, Cassie had been so happy. Peyton had always been like a sister to her and now she truly was.

  Cassie accepted a quick hug from her brother. Pulling away, he then joined the other men.

  “Come on, you monkeys,” Peyton said to her children. “Let Alpha Shawn breathe.”

  Their Alpha set the kids down, patting them one last time, then he hugged Peyton, then strolled toward the grill.

  “Well, look at Max Lawson,” Peyton murmured. “He sure is looking good.”

  Cassie grinned. “Uh-huh.”

  “Jacob tells me he’s staying at your place?”


  Peyton faced her. “And?”

  Cassie laughed. She ran her gaze over the boys then back to Peyton.

  “Oh, an adult conversation? Nice!” Peyton commented. “How would you boys like to play with the Legos?”

  Kyle and Korrie hooted then raced over to where Alex had a small play area in the corner of the porch. The entire family enjoyed hanging out together, so Alex had made sure the boys had plenty with which to entertain themselves.

  Peyton put her arm through Cassie’s and pulled them even farther away from the crowd. “So?”

  Cassie shook her head. “I don’t really know what to say. You’ve seen him, he is sexy as all get out, and he seems to be a really great guy. We kissed last night and ever since then I can’t seem to get him out of my mind. There is just something there, you know?”

  “I do, but are you ready for that? You’ve been fighting Alex on finding a mate for a long time. ”

  “But that’s because I never felt any sort of connection. Max is different. I don’t know what will happen between the two of us, but I do know that I have to find out. I want him, but I’m worried about scaring him off too. He might not be ready. ”

  “Huh.” Peyton frowned. “All I can say is that if you are truly interested in him then don’t give up. Let him set the pace, yet let him know you’re interested.”

  “I guess.” Cassie turned so she could watch Max.

  He was standing between his brother and Alpha Shawn, talking and gesturing. His tight T-shirt was stretched against his chest muscles and damn if that sight didn’t make her mouth water.

  Max glanced over at her and the heat in his eyes called to her. She licked her lips, watching as his gaze followed the motion.

  Peyton bumped her arm. “Well, let’s go join them.”

  As they made their way over, Alex declared the burgers were ready. The next several minutes consisted of everyone filling plates and grabbing new beers. The group settled at the wooden picnic table.

  Cassie was filled with love. This was what family was all about. These people had come together to figure out how to protect one another and the entire Pack.

  She sat between Max and Alex and felt one hundred percent safe. Of course, having a successful show would really prove that she had gotten her life back after the break-in. Let whoever was responsible know that they hadn’t won.

  She’d felt compelled to bring Max’s wolf to life for him. There was no way that she would let that piece of art go into the show, though. The canvas of Max’s wolf would be for Max alone.

  Even if he wasn’t able to shift into his animal, sometimes she could sense how close his wolf was to the surface. Even at a young age, she’d known that Max was different. It wasn’t until the night before that she’d really started to understand, though. She’d always taken the ability to shift for granted.

  Now she was seeing things differently.

  There was so much more to Max than what she had first considered.

  “So, I spoke with the Council and they are sending out two guards to aid us in the investigation. The leader of the Church for Humanity was arrested in Nevada, but the Council has been keeping an eye on the other locations. However, owing to a problem with one of the people, they’ve pulled out all the shifters they had under cover in the church,” Alpha Shawn told them. “Now they have to watch from the outside.”

  “What about the Coalition
?” Max asked.

  Shawn shook his head. “They said we can wait. The Council has dealt with the church before and the two guys they are sending already brought one location down. Since we want to remain in secret, we won’t bring in the Coalition until we have no other choice.”

  This was great. At least it wouldn’t lead her Pack to having to reveal themselves. There were a few humans who lived around the canyon or in town, but not many. Luckily their community was mostly made up of Pack.

  “With the security measures we’ve taken here and in town, I’m confident about what we’ll be coming up against,” Alpha Shawn assured everyone.

  She felt Max’s hand on her back and leaned into his touch. She hoped they caught whoever was causing the trouble quickly.

  The others spoke more about who could be involved and why, but Cassie just listened. She finished her burger. She accepted her bottle after Alex stood and grabbed another round of beers.

  They were connecting the church with the break-in to her studio, but Cassie couldn’t really see the link. Okay, so the church didn’t like the art that featured animals since they were fighting against shifters, however there was no actual proof that her art had any association to shifters at all. It was a great chance someone from the church had to take.

  No, the culprit had to be closer to home.

  She didn’t realize that she’d spoken out loud until everyone turned to her. She flushed while ducking her head. “Sorry.”

  “No,” Max said. “We want to hear your ideas too.”

  She glanced over at their Alpha and saw him nod.

  “I just don’t see how the church could know enough about me to break in.”

  “They would have had to be watching.”

  “How?” She motioned, indicating the property. “Our land isn’t easy to get to. And if strangers were wandering around, someone would have scented them.”

  Alex and Max shared a look and she stiffened. “You don’t think it’s a stranger either.”

  No one said anything. She glared at her older brother.

  Alex sighed. “No, we don’t. We think that whoever is involved with the break-in has a connection to the church. ”


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