And Then They Were Dead

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And Then They Were Dead Page 2

by Michael Martin

  Then suddenly the bell rings its 3:30pm time for the children to leave for the day. Capel bids them a good day and quickly makes his way to Mrs Redgraves office, all the time wondering if the police have been in touch with any more news.

  He finds her slumped in her chair, she looks lifeless, almost dead.

  “Mrs Redgrave” he calls.

  “Mrs Redgrave.”

  She slowly raises her head to look Mr Capel in the face.

  “That poor child, they’re a lovely family, my God I pray she’ll be ok, her mother and I are friends. There’s no answer on any of their phones. I’m so worried for her and Emma. I feel so useless Mr Capel.”

  The police arrive at 4:00pm. They enter the reception area at the school and are quickly directed down the corridor to Mrs Redgraves office. When they get there, they find Mrs Redgrave and Mr Capel sat waiting.

  “Hello I’m DCI Small and this is DI Falls. Who is the head teacher?”

  Mr Capel replies.

  “This is Mrs Redgrave she is the head teacher and I am Mr Capel Emma’s form teacher, how can we help you officers?”

  Small quickly responds (watching both of their reactions).

  “At 7:30 this morning a nine year old girl was found by her 11 year old brother almost decapitated in her bed. The body is that of Emma Richards a pupil at this school and as you can imagine we need to start by questioning everybody who knew the girl personally. Is there a room we can have in the building where we can speak with all the teachers separately?”

  Silence, then Small asks again.

  “Mrs Redgrave, Mrs Redgrave.”

  She looks up from her desk, her face frozen in shock.

  “No, no, no Decapitated? Emma? No how can this be?”

  Falls hands Mrs Redgarve a glass of water that is already on the desk.

  Mr Capel quickly jumps in.

  “I’ll help in any way possible. Would you like to interview me first? The girl was in my class and I knew her very well.”

  Small nods as Mrs Redgrave is escorted from the room by Falls. When Falls returns he looks to Capel.

  “Its hit her really hard.”

  Mr Capel nods.

  “Her being a parent I guess it would, she’s been really upset all day. We knew something serious had happened but none of us would have thought in a million years it would be so horrific. Decapitated you say? My god what is this world coming to?”

  Small writes Mr Capel’s response in his notebook with a scribble next to it that just says (no emotion).

  “So Mr Capel how long have you known Emma Richards?”

  “About 4 years since she started school here. She’s always been in my class, a very bright girl, excellent at English for a girl of her age, she kind of reminds me of me when I was her age. Well except for the lifestyle, that girl was blessed.”

  Capel roles his eyes back as he says this.

  Small frowns at Capel making it obvious he has found the previous statement insensitive and out of place.

  “Did any of the teachers dislike Emma?”

  “That’s not something you would tell a colleague, its not very professional if you know what I mean.”

  “Yes of course. Was Emma a bully in school or did she torment any of the other children who were less fortunate than she was?”

  The less fortunate comment was almost a dig but it went straight over Capel’s head.

  “Just young Teddy that I’ve noticed, but all the children bully him. In fact, he wasn’t in school today, not that that is unusual. Mrs Redgrave tried to contact his parents, but as usual she was unable to confirm why he hadn’t been in school. I’m surprised the socials services haven’t got involved with that family I just thi”

  Small interrupts.

  “I think we’re going off the subject here! Was Emma a confident child?”

  “Cocky is more the word, she had a very cocky confidence about her. She was bright and all the other children liked her. For a child of just nine she was very headstrong, a little madam some might say.”

  “Have you ever seen Emma outside of school?”

  “Yes once at the shopping centre I let on to her but her mother was far too busy to stop and talk.”

  “Just one last question then Mr Capel, where was you last night from leaving work until this morning?”

  Small notices that Capel blushes.

  “I was home alone all night; I’m always home alone I have been for years.”

  “So you didn’t go out of the house at all then?”

  “No I was at home all night.”

  “OK Mr Capel that will be all for now, unless there is anything else you would like to add?”

  “No nothing else. Do you want my contact details in case you need my help again?”

  “That won’t be necessary sir, we’ll go through Mrs Redgrave.”

  “OK well shall I get Mr Craven for you?”

  “Who’s Mr Craven.”

  “He’s the deputy head teacher. His office is just next door.”

  “Not yet, could you please send Mrs Redgrave in first.”

  “Yes of course.”

  “Thank you very much.”

  After Mr Capel had left the room Small turned to Falls.

  “What an awful man.”

  “Yes grating sir, I never liked him either, a totally insensitive man.”


  Now your Fucked Bitch, now your really Fucked

  Chapter 6 Now your Fucked Bitch, now your really Fucked

  Adam sits naked on a single wooden stool in the centre of his cold dark cellar imagining what he is going to do later tonight. He is helpless to the urges that now control his every move. This time he isn’t going to make the same mistakes as before. Fancy trying to remove a head with a rusty old scalpel, it was never going to work, it was fun trying though. He laughs to himself as he thinks about his mistake.

  This time he has his tools all set out on a thick denim tea towel that he can easily wrap them up in. There is his rusty old scalpel. This has put many an animal to its untimely death over the years, oh and one little girl. Then there is the short handled bolt cutters. These are sure to deal with the neck bone next time.

  Soon he’ll have his first head, his first real human head, something he has always craved.

  There are also the cheap black throw away rubber glove’s that he hates wearing, but he knows without these he will get caught. He isn’t ready to get caught, not yet, not until he’s finished, not until he’s made his mark on this vermin infested planet.

  The hook was just a spur of the moment choice. This is just there for when he decides to use it. One day he will pull a victim’s intestines out, show them their guts, then make them eat them as they go into shock and die right before his eyes.

  Finally, there is the gag that he has designed to keep his victims alive and quiet whilst he works on them. It has a golf ball attached to the leather strap. On all sides of the ball there are razor blades wedged in. These will ensure agony should anybody move even a millimetre whilst gagged. This is his favourite homemade tool.

  The joys of his hobby are endless, he is so much more prepared this time and he is only going to get better. He is only just beginning.

  Adam leaves the house about 10pm. It is cold out. He places his tools, as he likes to call them, into the boot of his dark blue Vauxhall Astra and climbs into the driver’s seat. During the day he prefers to listen to galaxy 102, but before a killing, classical music always gets him in the mood for blood. Just like it did for Hannibal in one of his favourite movies.

  He drives down Ashton road, picturing what he thinks the Childs room will look like, how the house will look and smell inside, how tonight it is the families’ home, but tomorrow it will be their Childs coffin. This time was going to be so much better than the last, so much more gratifying. He loves that word he’s seen it most in the serial killer books he likes to read. It has a certain ring to it.

  Adam turns into a dark side road t
hat has no streetlights, then pulls over on the left hand side and sits for a few minutes just waiting and preparing him self. He pulls the catch to release his car boot then steps out into the cold night air. He takes the tools from the boot and walks towards a small dark back alley that he knows will take him onto the cul-de-sac where the house he plans to enter is.

  The grass in the alley is long and it dampens his shoes as he brushes past the wet bristles. The cul-de-sac is well lit, anybody looking from a window could easily see him, even recognise him. He decides it is best to creep through the gardens around the back of the houses. That way he can sneak in unnoticed and uninterrupted by anyone. As he enters the first garden a security light comes on, he quickly jumps into the bushes and waits for several moments until it goes off. He then moves close to the wall of the house and travels under the security light.

  Adam peers over the fence into the garden next door, fuck they have a dog. This wasn’t going to stop him, he calls to the dog quietly.

  “Come here boy, come on.”

  The dog wags its tail and jogs confidently over to the fence.

  “Here boy.”

  Adam silently jumps the fence and begins to pat the long haired scruffy dog. It seems like a nice natured friendly animal, perfect for him. The gentle animals always seem to show more fear in their eyes, he just couldn’t resist.

  Whilst patting the dog Adam reaches into his inside pocket for his tools. He slips the scalpel from the denim rap.

  “Here boy what’s this?”

  The dog seems interested and wags its tale happy to have found a friend. He shoves the scalpel deep into the animal’s throat. There is a gurgling sound as the dogs breath curdles with the blood in its windpipe. Blood and pink froth simultaneously spurt from the gaping hole as the dog struggles to get its last breath. Once the dog is lifeless and limp, he slowly places its body on the floor, stretches its jaw open wide and begins to cut through its tongue like a butcher cutting through a fresh steak. The tongue goes into a plastic container in his pocket, as does the animals left eyeball.

  Adam is now feeling the rush of adrenalin pumping through his veins, how lucky he feels to have found a starter before his main course, and now he’s hungry for more. He quickly skips the fence into the garden of the house that he intends to enter. Now he feels alive, he feels full of energy. He knows he will have fun tonight.

  From the ground he can see that one of the upstairs windows is slightly ajar, he climbs carefully onto the conservatory, reaches the bedroom window and pokes his arm through the top to locate the handle on the side window. This will allow him to easily climb through. Fuck, he can’t reach it’s just out of his grasp. Dipping into his tool wrap he pulls out the hook, then again reaches through the window, this time just about getting to the handle. He laughs to himself.

  “Someone is on my side; I knew I had to bring the hook tonight.” he whispers.

  He opens the window, heart pounding and hands trembling hoping there will not be a squeak or a noise. Its open and he can see the parents sleeping peacefully in their bed. Swiftly and quietly he heads for the door, clutching the hook that is still in his hand just in case anybody wakes up. He grabs the cold steel knob of the door and gently twists it clockwise. This is such a rush, this is what his life has been missing, his heart pounds in his chest so hard he can even feel it in his temples.

  The door creaks as he opens it and the man sleeping just a few feet away turns in his bed, but does not wake. He quietly shuts the door behind him and enters the room immediately to his left. It is the bathroom. No luck there then. He laughs to himself as he moves down the corridor. There are two doors at the end, one on either side of the corridor. Should he go left or right this time? He decides on right as left has failed him just moments before.

  The door opens silently as he enters the room where a girl no more than 11 years old sleeps soundly on her side facing the widow. The room is decorated pink, pink everywhere, it will be blood red by morning. Adam approaches the bed and watches the girl sleeping for several minutes just thinking. What is she dreaming about, what does she want to be when she grows up, has she started seeing boys yet, is she still a virgin, does she have crushes on boy bands? Her parents will never see this girl grow up. They will never see her wedding day, or her first house. They will never meet her first boyfriend, or drive her to her school prom.

  A noise in the hallway wakes the girl. She turns and sees the giant of a man standing over her. She attempts to scream but is quickly smothered with a large bony hand. Adam jams his knuckles into the girl’s mouth and forces down hard as he stares straight into her terrified eyes and whispers.

  “Shut your fucking mouth bitch or ill put this hook straight through your eyeball and into your brain.”

  The girl’s eyes widen with terror as she comes to consciousness and realises the reality of what is happening in her own bed. The noise of water splashing is coming from the bathroom, then the flush of the toilet chain. The bedroom door squeaks shut as one of her parents go back to bed. He stares down into the girl’s face.

  “Now your fucked bitch, now you’re really fucked.”


  Oh Fuck

  Chapter 7 Oh Fuck

  A phone buzzes waking Small from a comatose state with a shock.

  “DCI Small!” He says down the phone in a husky voice.

  “Sir, there’s been another!”

  This news wakes him like a shot to the head. His stomach sinks and he realises they may have a serial killer on their hands, every detective’s worst nightmare.

  “What already?”

  “Yes sir I’m afraid so.”

  “Text me the address and get uniform to seal the area off. I’ll be there within the hour.”

  The officers pull their car into a new estate in a prestigious part of Manchester. All the houses are built out of new red brick. The whole area has a calming safe feel about it. Every Garden in this small cul-de-sac is exquisitely well kept. Small can picture all the neighbours out talking and cutting their grass together on a hot summer’s day, more like a social event than a chore.

  Small steps from the car and looks at the house for a moment. Uniformed officers are already here waiting for his arrival. They stand like bollards situated in strategic positions around the property.

  “What is the Childs name?” Small asks one of the bollards as he walks up the garden path.

  “Stephanie Redgrave sir.”


  “The girl is called Stephanie Redgrave sir!”

  “What is her mother’s name?”

  “I believe its Veronica Redgrave sir, she’s the principal at Boarshaw Primary School where Emma Richards went.”

  The bollard looks pleased with himself for remembering all the details, totally forgetting he is at a crime scene where a family’s whole world has just been torn apart. Small quickly makes the connection with the school.

  “Oh Fuck!!”


  Office Gossip

  Chapter 8 Office Gossip

  Mr Capel enters the classroom at 9:05am, it wasn’t like him, he usually got there around 8:00am. He would just sit there waiting for the students to arrive. Not today though he’d got lucky last night.

  “Morning children.”

  “Morning Mr Capel.”

  Say the classroom in unison before he takes the register.

  “Where have you been all week teddy?”

  “Sorry sir I’ve been ill.”

  “Have you got a note for me?”

  “No sir my mum wouldn’t give me one.”

  “Off you go then report to Mrs Redgrave, you know the routine. Tell her I said she needs to call your mother.”

  15 minutes later teddy returns to the classroom.

  “Mrs Redgrave’s not in today sir, I asked them to get a note off her for you Sir.”

  The teacher smiles as the classroom erupts in laughter.

  “Sit down teddy ill call your moth
er later.”

  Shortly after the bell rings for lunch and the children quickly scamper from the classroom. Mr Capel makes his way to the staffroom for his usual tuna salad with a hint of lemon, none of that disgusting cholesterol filled crap for him. As he enters the staffroom Mr Craven is standing at the foot of the table with a frown on his face.

  “Sit down Mr Capel.”

  You always do what Mr Craven says. He is a giant of a man, thin but muscular, didn’t have many friends in the office, but he takes his role as the vice principal very seriously. When he looks at you with that god awful stare you know you better do what he says.

  “Mrs Redgrave won’t be in today and probably not for some time. There was a break in at her house last night. The police believe it’s the same person who paid a visit to Emma Richards home earlier in the week.”

  “Shit” Mr Capel blurts out, “sorry guys, is she ok?”

  “One of her daughters has been attacked. We don’t know much else other than its serious.”

  The staffroom erupts with gasps and mumbling from all staff. Mr Craven stands silently and still in the centre of the room.

  “SHUT UP EVERYONE NOW, this goes no further than this staffroom. I don’t want any gossip going around and anyone I catch gossiping or talking about anything to do with this outside this room will be in deep trouble. I’m in charge until Mrs Redgrave returns so ill be dealing with any problems any of you may have. Does everyone understand?”

  Mumbled yeses come from all teachers.

  “OK back to class and NO gossip.”


  The Scented Pink Room

  Chapter 9 The Scented Pink Room

  Small and Falls walk up the path to enter the house half way down this new build cul-de-sac. They are shouted back by a balding middle aged man from next door.

  “Excuse me officer.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “We can’t tell you anything that’s happened here sir now please return to your home.”

  “No officer I think you need to see this, it my dog.”


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