And Then They Were Dead

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And Then They Were Dead Page 3

by Michael Martin

  “DOG? Go home!”

  “No, somebody’s ripped its throat out and cut out its tongue.”

  Small turns to one of the bollards standing outside.

  “Take a look, we’ll be inside.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The House smells fresh like a new pair of trainers, it has a homely feel and looks very well kept. Mrs Redgrave and her husband are sitting in the living room heads in hands. The feeling of homely freshness disappears in a second, this is a crime scene, a cold heartless crime scene, one where an innocent Childs life has been taken and taken, viciously if the last one is anything to go by.

  Small climbs the wide staircase, closely followed by Falls and several uniformed officers. He turns right and walks down the long corridor towards the room at the end. His stomach churns as he approaches the open doorway not knowing what horrors he may find at his next turn. He can feel the shake of his hands, and a tingle in his stomach like hunger pains. He is feet from the doorway and can smell the rose like scent coming from the room, a proper little girl’s room he thinks.

  As he turns to face the room he sees the pink wallpaper and white solid wood four poster single bed that sits in the centre of the room. There are white nets hanging to all four corners of the bed, all the cupboards are finished in a light pastel pink. There is a small dressing table situated in the centre of the wall which has a small pink mirror and numerous hair products and perfumes neatly placed at each side. A small love heart shaped photo is pushed into the edge of the mirror.

  As he approaches the bed he can make out the red clumps of blood and intestine strewn across it. There is the headless corpse of a small girl lying naked on the centre of the bed. Small has to stop for a second and close his eyes to prevent himself from being sick.

  Falls enters the room and quickly turns away reaching for the door as he notices what is lying on the bed in front of him.

  “Jesus Christ. Oh no, oh no, oh no, where’s her fucking head?”

  “Pull yourself together Falls her family are still downstairs.”

  Falls stops at the doorway and won’t turn around. He is breathing heavily and begins to heave.

  “Leave now Falls go and sit in the car and don’t talk to anyone.”

  Small looks down at the body, or what is left of it. He knows he has to find this person and find them fast. This was the second in under a week and it had escalated massively already, he feels sick. He has to leave the crime scene as forensics haven’t been in yet.

  Small has one last look at what remains of the girl’s body and vows to himself not to stop until this man is caught, caught and behind bars where he belongs. He will have this man set up so badly inside that he will suffer twice what any of these poor children have suffered. If only that was possible.


  The Date

  Chapter 10 The Date

  Adam is sitting at his dissecting desk. The head in front of him is beautiful, it resembles everything he has worked for. He is aroused, nothing can contain his excitement he pushes his hand inside the jagged stump that used to be the girls neck and scoops out the insides. He licks the brains as they pour out onto his dissecting table. He then pokes his fingers through the eyes from inside and his thumb through the roof of her mouth making a fist with the head on the end of his arm.

  This was somebody’s child, this was somebody’s little girl, this is his now, this is just the beginning.

  The rice is boiling on the stove and the lasagne is cooking in the oven. Adam wonders if his date will notice what he has mixed in with the mincemeat, doubtful, they put all sorts of shit in that mincemeat, a few chunks from the inside of one human skull surely wont make any difference.

  A knock at the door comes, he feels excited he hasn’t had a date in years, but the new him, the him who is becoming himself is much more confident, much more outgoing, much more of a ladies’ man.

  “Hi Adam.”

  “Hey Teresa, come on in dinners nearly ready, red or white?”

  “White please, I have work in the morning and red gives me a terrible head.”

  Terrible head ha ha he thinks to himself, I’ll give you some head now. He feels so intelligent, like he is tricking the whole world.

  “Head for your fucking dinner.”


  “Nothing Teresa, thought id ruined dinner.”

  Adam finds the cork screw and opens a lovely bottle of French wine chilled to perfection. It has been that way for about 2 years. He got a good deal on it so he bought it, he wasn’t a big drinker, in fact he hardly ever drank. He doesn’t really like anything that can take control of him, he likes to be in control at all times.

  “Do you like rice pudding Teresa? Its homemade, I’m cooking it for afters.”

  “We’ll have to see Adam, I’m watching my figure.”

  “Ok, take a seat Teresa dinner and wine is coming.”

  Blah blah blah blah blah. He is board out of his fucking mind, talking about meaningless shit in the hope they might fuck at the end of the night. He just wants to throw her out and go down to his cellar and spend some more time with his new toys. He wonders what she would do if he took her down there, if he showed her the index finger, the eye, or, oh my god, the head, would she accept it? Would she flip out? Or would she join him on his nights of hunting, his nights of fun? Would she fuck! She’s one of the bacteria that are ruining this planet, that are infesting every bit of land that hasn’t yet been covered by the sea.

  “That lasagne was absolutely lovely, what’s yours secret Adam?”

  “Ha ha, if I told you I would have to kill you. Look, my heads hurting a little Teresa, would you mind if we call it a night? I really don’t feel very well.”

  “Have I done something wrong?” she replies hesitantly.

  “No not at all I just don’t feel very well, I think it’s the wine. I’m not used to drinking, we can meet again next week if you like?”

  Like fuck he thinks.

  “Ok, it’s probably best I get back to my son anyway, the babysitter doesn’t like being there after 11:00pm, unless she stays over as she’s only 15 and her parents like to have her in bed.”

  Adams suddenly perks up and becomes very alert.

  “Oh you have a son? How old is he?”

  “He’s just turned 11, fantastic boy, my little soldier, he lives for football.”

  She smiles at the thought of her only child.

  “You hear about poor Mrs Redgrave’s daughter? Her 11 year old has been hurt recently.”

  “Yes I heard didn’t know it was her eldest though, how’d you find that out?”

  He starts to panic, god he’s made a mistake there, he would have to get rid of her but he couldn’t she must have told someone where she was going.

  “I called over there to see her after work today to see how she was, the poor woman’s in bits, listen Teresa don’t tell anyone, the last thing she needs is any form of gossip going around. Anyway, shall we do something next week?”

  She smiles at him.

  “You’re a sweet man, of course we can. Call me and we can arrange something.”

  Phew, got away with that one, but she has a son, an 11 year old, a partner for my newest collectable, ill have his head, ill cut his fucking throat.

  “Ok then goodnight Teresa, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  She pecks him on the cheek as she leaves his home. She is so pleased she has come tonight, what a lovely man. She thought all the good ones had been taken. He didn’t even try anything on, even though she wished he had, what a Gent.

  Adam sits back at the dinner table with a wicked smirk on his face, I’ll get that child he thinks, a partner for my newest toy, a friend, we can all eat dinner together then!

  Teresa’s phone rings, yes it’s Adam he’s called back, she can’t believe her luck.

  “Hi Adam, how’s your head today?”

  God I hope he doesn’t think that was a dig.

  “Its fine thanks for y
our concern. Look, I wondered if you fancied a night in Leeds next Friday? I’ll book us into a hotel and we can stay there? Separate rooms if you like? It’s just I have work in Sheffield so I can meet you there about 9:30?”

  “Yes of course Adam that would be lovely, and no need for separate rooms I’m sure I can trust you ha ha ha.”

  Slut, he thinks to himself.

  “Of course you can, I’ll book us in the Britannia, if you get there before me just give my name over the counter and they’ll give you the key card.”

  “Ok I’ll see you there at 9:30.”

  “Fantastic, oh before I forget, do you drive Teresa?” he knows full well she doesn’t.

  “No, unfortunately on a teaching assistants wage I can’t afford a car.”

  “Not a problem, I’ll get you a ticket in your name. Be at Manchester Piccadilly for 7:30 just to make sure you’re in Leeds on time.”

  “Ok Adam ill see you Friday.”

  “See you then.”

  Adam puts down the phone and sits back feeling like the most cunning man in the world. He knows she’ll have to leave at 6:30pm to get to the train station on time, not having a car. He smiles to himself and goes down to the cellar.


  The Arrest

  Chapter 11 The Arrest

  Mr Capel arrives in school the next morning early. The whole place is deserted; he thinks he is there all alone. The echo of the corridor seems much louder today than it usually does. The whole place feels cold and empty, and the walls look bare and uninteresting. He realises he’s spent the last ten years of his life in this building, day after day, after day, the reality of what he’s done with his life starts to close in on him, starts to make him feel like his day life has no purpose whatsoever, although there is one benefit. It allows him the finance he needs to enjoy what he does outside of work hours. God he’d lose everything if anybody ever found out what he got up to at night, what he got up to when he left this building, the thought of it made him feel sick.

  A loud voice came from behind him.


  He recognises the voice, but from where he can’t place it. He turns to find DCI Small and DI Falls standing central to the corridor. He didn’t hear them coming, he must have been in a dream world, which could be expected he had been a busy boy lately, a very busy boy.

  “Early start boys?”

  He smiles waiting for an answer, it doesn’t come. It seems like an age before they answer him. He can feel the silence like a cold chill in the corridor, god do they know? No they couldn’t.

  “Can you please accompany us to the station? We would like to ask you a few more questions.”

  “My classroom is free for the next two hours; you’re welcome to come down? I’ll put the kettle on.”

  Another silence, this one seems longer, more tense, there’s an atmosphere, a bad vibe like they have something to say but don’t want to.

  “I’m afraid not Mr Capel, this time we want to talk to you on tape.”

  Capel swallows heavily, he feels the swallow travelling slowly down his throat to his stomach, like he had eaten a hardboiled egg whole. His legs are trembling under his loose work trousers; he hopes they can’t see them. No of course they can’t, they are much too far away for that.

  “I’ll just get my coat.”

  “That won’t be necessary either, please come immediately.”

  God this is serious, he thinks. Capel walks toward the two officers slowly. The echo of the corridor now seems like a hammer banging the centre of a bass drum next to his ear. Each step feels like its a mile apart, each foot in front of the other just like every other day for the last ten years, but the corridor this time seems longer, much longer. As he begins to get close enough to see their facial expressions he can see they are not smiling, they actually look angry, his stomach sinks further, his walk slows to that of a snail. The two men are unmoving, like statues staring straight through him. He begins to feel sick as his whole life flashes before his eyes.

  If they know I’m done for, he thinks. It’s all over, no more plaques or teacher of the year awards, nothing. He remembers the saying, ‘only your mouth gets you in trouble,’ be strong, he says to himself over and over again, be strong, tell them nothing.

  “Move it Capel we don’t have all day.”


  Mostly Murder Books

  Chapter 12 Mostly Murder Books

  Teresa arrives in work at 9:00am on the dot, feeling full of the joys of spring. She can’t wait for Friday. Maybe 2010 is her year, maybe this is the year she will finally get the man of her dreams.

  What will she say if she sees him in work today? Should she smile, nod, wink, or just act professional? Should she call him Adam in front of everyone else? Yes, why not? Just not in front of the pupils Mrs Redgrave would never allow that.

  “Morning Teresa.”

  “Morning Eddie, have you seen Adam today?”

  “He was in earlier I saw him when I was buffering the corridors but I think he’s left. I haven’t seen him since.”

  Maybe that’s a good thing, it would be weird facing him, better to wait till the hot date on Friday. She smiles to herself. Hope he has a nice body, she thinks. She feels like a silly little school girl all over again.

  Small stares at Capel across the table, impatiently tapping his pen in time with the large old fashioned clock hanging on the wall that looks so out of place in this modern 21st century plastic office.

  “Anything you want to tell us? Save us all a lot of time Mr Capel.”

  “Like what?”

  “Maybe what you like to get up to in your evenings sir.”

  “I’ve already told you officers I stay in every evening.”

  “Well for the benefit of the tape maybe you’d like to re think your previous answers?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Capel starts to sweat as the tapping of the pen and the simultaneous ticking of the clock seam to play in tune with his throbbing head. He stares down at the black polished desk of the interview room. In the gloss finish he can see the red light of the tape machine that means its recording. This is real, he thinks, this is really happening.

  Falls steps towards the desk from behind Capel where he’s been standing throughout the interview. He reaches over to the tape machine and switches it off, then turns to Capel and slams his firsts hard on the desk in front of him.

  “Not everything has to be on tape you know, like you screaming in pain for example, we know it was you Capel!”

  Small interrupts.

  “Fuck it he’s not going to talk we’ll just get a search warrant.”

  Capel looks at the officer bewildered.

  “What do you need a search warrant for?” he stutters.

  The tapping of the pen stops abruptly.

  “Got something to hide have you Capel?”

  Falls leans right across the desk, his face inches from Capel’s, fists clenched

  “Now why would we need a search warrant? Hmmm let me think” he says sarcastically.

  “Possibly to find you’re Trophies?”

  “Trophies?” Capel looks puzzled.

  “Now start fucking talking Capel, its only a matter of time.”

  Falls had never felt so angry with a criminal in all his years on the force. No one had ever brought out this much anger or revulsion in him.

  “I haven’t done anything. How can I talk to you when I haven’t done anything?”

  Falls switches the tape back on.

  “Where were you on the evening of Monday 5th April 2010?”

  “I was at home.”

  The sweat was now visibly running down Capel’s brow.

  “Alone?” asked DI Falls.

  “Yes, I’m always alone I have been for the last ten years.”

  “And what about Thursday did you go out anytime during the evening?”

  “I was at home, I’m always at home. Othe
r than work I never go out.”

  “And what did you watch on TV that night?”

  “I don’t watch TV sir I prefer to read.”

  “And what do you read?”

  “Mostly murder books.”

  “Really, why murder?”

  “The psychology behind why some people do the wicked things they do interests me.”

  Small and Falls glimpse at each other with an unspoken understanding that they are on the right track.

  “We’ve been checking out some details with your neighbours Mr Capel, seems you forgot to mention a couple of things.”

  Capel looks shocked.

  “Now again I’ll ask, is there anything you want to tell us?”

  “There’s nothing to tell, please I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “This is the last time I’m going to ask you Mr Capel. Where did you go on Thursday evening?”

  “I already told you, I was at home reading all night.”

  “And what was you reading Mr Capel? How to murder and mutilate an 11 year old girl whilst sleeping in her own bed?”

  Capel’s face turns white, his hands start to shake and his voice becomes quite frantic.

  “Look that has nothing to do with me, I would never hurt a child, I live my life to help children. I want a solicitor.”

  “Oh you want a solicitor now Capel? You look nervous.”

  “Look, I thought this was about the prostitutes, I see prostitutes ok, not the killing of some innocent kids.”

  “And can any of these prostitutes confirm that you was with them on the night in question?” hissed Small.

  Capel looks horrified as the realisation of the answer to the question was a definite no.

  “Would you like to answer the last question Mr Capel?” comes from Small in a smug voice.

  “No, I just I said I want a solicitor.”

  Capel slumps forward, head on the desk feeling utterly defeated with the predicament he’s in.

  With a large smile showing all his yellowing teeth Small says “Interview terminated Monday 12th April 2010 at 8:55am” and then he flicks off the tape machine.


  Good News is Bad


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