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And Then They Were Dead

Page 12

by Michael Martin

  “We will be there detective.”

  Small sits thinking of all the officers who are tall and slim with dark hair like Mr Craven, he spends ten minutes writing down all their names and then begins calling them.

  The ID Parade is schedule for 10:00am the following morning.


  Nothing Left

  Chapter 39 Nothing Left

  Derek Richards has been in the bathroom about 3 hours, tears still stream down his face, his whole life has been taken away from him. He opens the bathroom door and goes downstairs.

  Two officers remain on his front door and it is wide open as they have broken the locks.

  “You two can go home now, ill be ok here on my own tonight.”

  “Are you sure Mr Richards? We are probably best to remain here just in case he comes back.”

  “I hope he does come back, if he takes my life I will feel a lot better than I do now. Please just go home I want to be alone.”

  “Ok Mr Richards, if there are any problems please call 999 immediately.”

  Inspector Cole and his colleague set off down the path to their car as Derek closes his front door.

  Derek walks into the kitchen and takes a bottle of whisky from the wine rack and the first aid box from the cupboard. He sits in his favourite seat in the living room and begins to remove all the tablets from the first aid box. He lines them up along the arm of the chair sobbing. His whole family are now gone, he and Denise have been together since school and he could not imagine his life without her, or his beautiful children. He knows Billy is dead too, this guy doesn’t leave people alive.

  Derek unscrews the lid from the whisky bottle and begins to drink, each mouthful of whisky is quickly followed by a hand full of tablets. His eyesight soon begins to fade and the bottle falls from his lifeless hand to the floor.

  As he sits back into his chair and closes his eyes, he knows he will be with his family again soon.

  Derek Richards is dead!


  Cravens Haven

  Chapter 40 Cravens Haven

  Small wakes up early the following morning, he is excited about the day ahead, he can’t wait for the line up, he’s sure James will pick Craven from the line up, he’s sure Craven is their man.

  Small gets into the station about 7:00am he makes all the necessary phone call and finds a black pair of trousers, and a white shirt for Adam to wear.

  “Good morning Adam” Comes through the small hatch on the Cell door.

  Craven is stood in his cell just inches from the door which startles Small a little bit.

  “Good morning Small, you caught any real killers yet?”

  Small pushes the shirt and trousers through the hole.

  “Put these on I’ll be back for you shortly.”

  Small slams the flap closed hard causing an echo through the corridors.

  Billy arrives at the station with his mother at 9:30am. Betty looks excited, she’s enjoying this and will no doubt enjoy the bragging rights more if her little boy fingers the right man.

  “Good morning James how are you today?”

  “Yeah cool man.”

  “Are you ready to do the line up this morning?”

  “Yeah why not it’s only pointing at some dude int it?”

  “Yes that’s all it is, nothing to be afraid of.”

  “I ain’t afraid o nothing me mate, don’t worry about me.”

  “That’s good, I’ll just go and get everything ready for you, can you please wait here.”

  Small leaves James and his mother in reception whilst he gathers all the officers together, then Adam Craven is escorted to the room where 5 officers stand emotionless looking directly into the mirror.

  “Stand there Adam and face the front.”

  Small goes back and gets James, leaving his mother in the waiting area.

  “Do you recognise the man standing in this line you saw at Teresa’s house the night Andrew Bennett was killed? If you recognise the man, please continue to the end and look at all men. Please take your time, it’s very important.”

  James glances at the line of men.

  “Its number 3 mate.”

  “James would you like to look again and walk up and down the line to make sure that you have chosen the man you recognise from Teresa’s house from the night of the killing.”

  James walks straight up the line not even looking at the men and then walks back.

  “Its number 3 still mate!”

  “Are you sure this is the man you saw that night?”

  “Yeah man, shit its number 3 how many times do I have to tell you 3 3 3 3 3 it aint gonna change that’s the dude man.”

  Craven was number 3.

  “Thank you very much for your help James we will be in touch very soon.”

  Small takes James back to where his mother is waiting. Small leaves him at the door to avoid any questions from Betty.

  “DI Falls.”

  “Falls its me Small, where are you? We need to search that bastards house. The kid fingered him.”

  “I’ll meet you in reception in 5 minutes sir.”

  Small runs to the front of the police station, he is on top of the world, he knows it’s their guy now, he just needs to find some evidence.

  The officers pull into Adams street and open the metal door which has now been put on there for security. The house is immaculate, everything has its own place, all the books on his book shelves are in alphabetical order, even the plates are put away in order of their colour and size. They pull the house to pieces and find nothing, the house doesn’t have one piece of evidence in it.

  The men can’t believe there is nothing in the house, they check his keys to make sure they can account for them all, they even go through his attic which appears to have been nailed shut for years. Not a single piece of evidence to tie him to the crimes. Both officers are beginning to feel beat.

  “I tell you what sir, let’s have a coffee and think about it, there must be something if it’s him.”

  The two men stand in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, Falls notices an echo sound coming from under foot.

  “Has this place got a cellar sir?”

  “I don’t know Falls, I haven’t seen the door to one here if it has.”

  The two men begin to stamp their feet around the kitchen floor, the largest echo comes from where the rug is situated in the middle of the room, they lift it up and there they find a door!

  Small quickly lifts the door releasing a fowl smell into the kitchen. Both men slowly descend into the cellar looking for a light switch. They find one at the bottom of the stairs on the left hand side. They flick the switch on.

  Nobody makes a sound, there are heads on the floor forming a half circle all facing a cage, a cage which contains a small boy. Every wall is covered with shelves containing hundreds of animal body parts. The boy in the cage on the floor is looking at the two men but does not speak. He looks emotionless, and has a very serious wound to the inside of his left leg, this has covered the bottom of the cage in blood.

  They are stood silent at the foot of the stairs in shock.

  “Are you ok son?”

  Falls speaks to the boy first but he just stares back at the man and does not answer him.

  Small instantly recognises the boy from the photo’s at the Richards home and knows its Billy Richards. Both men help the boy from the cage and wait upstairs with him until an ambulance arrives.

  “We got the bastard falls, we got the bastard and saved Billy.”

  “Yes we did sir, but I don’t feel like celebrating, I feel sick.”

  The office is called and forensics come in, to what will years later be known as ‘Cravens Dungeon of Death.’

  Small and Falls go back to the station to talk to Craven one last time before his court date is set. Small opens the flap on the door to Adams Cell.

  “We found Billy you bastard!”

  Adam smiles but does not reply


  The Pupil

  Chapter 1 The Pupil

  Its Billy’s 21st birthday as he leaves the gates of the psychiatric unit where he has been for almost ten years. He walks down the block paved path towards the gate and feels a slight sense of fear and apprehension. He has spent almost half his life locked away inside this place and doesn’t know anything about the outside world.

  What he does know he learned from the man who took his family ten years previous and what that man did teach him was right. Since Adam Cravens incarceration there have been a number of books released documenting his actions and one movie staring an unknown actor who was made famous by the storyline and is now a Hollywood superstar. The film and many of its associates won a number of Oscars and awards. All of the victim’s names have been changed only Adams remains the same. These people have made a life from the deaths and suffering of his family, they must be stopped!

  The gates open with a loud creek and Billy walks through to his freedom. He has spent many an hour with psychologists and mind doctors over the years, he has had to learn to play them very well to win his freedom.

  For the first two years of incarceration Billy did not speak a single word to anybody. People referred to him as the mute, they would talk in front of him like he wasn’t there, as though he was deaf as well as mute. He was not deaf, he was listening, listening to every single word.

  The only person he ever spoke to was himself. In the dead of night when there was nothing around him other than silence and black he would repeat to himself

  “Breed spread and destroy, breed spread and destroy, nothing more.”

  The words of Adam Craven rang true in his mind over and over again. He knows he hates the world, he knows the world did not care for him or his dead family, he knows that all around him were intrigued by what had been taken from him.

  As he climbed onto the bus outside the psychiatric unit he scanned the emotionless faces of the people riding the bus and in his mind all he could think was, breed spread and destroy, breed spread and destroy, nothing more.

  He knows that now he is free he is not going to join the human race in destroying every inch of land that has not yet been covered by the sea. He was the cure, his roll in this has one purpose, his one reason for being is simple.


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One - Pain in Paradise

  Chapter Two - Teacher of the Year

  Chapter Three - Like a Virgin

  Chapter Four - Just another Days Pay

  Chapter Five - I’m Sorry, I’m so, so Sorry

  Chapter Six - Now your Fucked Bitch, now your really Fucked

  Chapter Seven - Oh Fuck

  Chapter Eight - Office Gossip

  Chapter Nine - The Scented Pink Room

  Chapter Ten - The Date

  Chapter Eleven - The Arrest

  Chapter Twelve - Mostly Murder Books

  Chapter Thirteen - Good News is Bad

  Chapter Fourteen - Neglect

  Chapter Fifteen - Your fucked now mate

  Chapter Sixteen - Dead Man Walking

  Chapter Seventeen - Who’s A Clever Boy

  Chapter Eighteen - Paint The Town Red

  Chapter Nineteen - You Fucked Me Up The Arse

  Chapter Twenty - I'll Teach You

  Chapter Twenty-One - Three’s a Family (almost)

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Cheeky Grin

  Chapter Twenty-Three - The Bad Date

  Chapter Twenty-Four - Still Like a Statue

  Chapter Twenty-Five - Billy

  Chapter Twenty-Six - Out With The Old

  Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Room at The End on The Right!

  Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Burning

  Chapter Twenty-Nine - Bringing Back The Zombie

  Chapter Thirty - No Flies or Bodies

  Chapter Thirty-One - Heads It Is

  Chapter Thirty-Two - It’s Human Skin

  Chapter Thirty-Three - Billy Comes Home

  Chapter Thirty-Four - It’s All About Money

  Chapter Thirty-Five - The Bed is Cold

  Chapter Thirty-Six - Breed, Spread and Destroy, Nothing More

  Chapter Thirty-Seven - Everyone is Smiling

  Chapter Thirty-Eight - Check Mate

  Chapter Thirty-Nine - Nothing Left

  Chapter Forty - Cravens Haven

  Chapter Forty-One - The Pupil




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