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The Cowboy's Baby_Mpreg Romance

Page 9

by Giovanna Reaves


  Kane rested his hands on the sides of his waist as he placed his left foot in the stirrups. Swinging his leg over the saddle when he was lifted higher and seated himself on the horse. Kane took his foot out of the stirrup.

  “Scoot up a bit,” he instructed.

  Cole looked down at him. “You’re getting up here with me?”

  “Yup, you're thin enough for the two of us to fit on the saddle.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not,” Cole said scooting up.

  “Take it as you want,” Kane said getting on the horse with expert ease.

  Once he was situated, Kane wrapped an arm around Cole’s waist, pulling him closer. He closed his eyes, biting down on his bottom lip and trying not to moan. Being in the man’s arms always did something to him. He couldn’t help the gasp that escaped his lips when he felt Kane’s breath ghosting on the nape of his neck.

  “Are you okay?”

  Opening his eyes, Cole cleared his throat before trying to answer. “Yeah.” He so was not. He prayed to all the gods in heaven that Kane’s hands didn’t shift down and feel how not okay he was. From the man’s breath on his neck and the deepness of his voice vibrating through him, Cole wasn’t sure how he was going to enjoy the ride before begging the man to fuck him.

  “Good,” he said then clicked his teeth a few times.

  When the horse started to move she was slow and Cole appreciated it. “What’s her name?” he asked, needing something to distract him from the thoughts he was having.

  “Misty, she’s my dad’s horse when he needs to go riding.”

  “I heard about your dad, how’s he doing, by the way?”

  “He’s getting better. He has his good and bad days. But overall he’s improving.”

  “That’s good to hear.” Cole looked around, trying to figure out where they were going. “Where are we going?”

  “Nowhere in particular,” Kane told him. “I realized that I haven’t been a good boss lately, and I needed to change that.”

  “Oh.” Cole wasn’t sure if he should be disappointed that this was just Kane being polite and nothing else.

  “I also want to change things between us.”

  Cole looked at Kane over his shoulder. “What do you mean?”

  Kane sighed. “I like you—a lot. And I’m doing this the wrong way.” Cole looked forward. “But before I say anymore, I need to know what you want. I know what you said about you and your ex-lover, but I get the feeling there’s more to the story. You don’t have to tell me what happened right now—”

  “He was abusive,” Cole said cutting him off. Kane’s hands tightened around his waist but not enough to hurt him. “Ryker was my boss and, in the beginning, he was sweet and kind. He listened to me, or at least pretended to. Things were great for a while and one day it wasn’t. The first time he hit me I left, but I still worked for him. Maybe I should have quit then. But I was just starting out, and I wanted to do things on my own. He apologized and promised to never do it again. But he couldn’t keep his promise. He started verbally abusing me at work and it transferred to our home life. After a while, I gave up and just took whatever he dished out. But the last time I . . .”

  He stopped talking and Kane kissed him on the side of his neck. It was comforting and sweet.

  “The last time I thought I was going to die. And he didn’t care, he just left me on the floor bleeding. I got myself to the hospital, and that’s when I found out about the baby. I can’t let my child see that growing up.”

  He wiped away the tears from his cheeks. He didn’t realize that he was crying. He’d told the same story to Marla and his parents, and each time he hadn’t shed a tear. But telling Kane about his shame and weakness hurt more than words could say.

  “I can’t promise you that I won’t get angry or yell. But I’m not the kind of man to raise his hands at another just because. Especially at someone I care about like that, ever.”

  Cole smiled. “Are you sure we are doing the right thing, Kane?”

  “No.” Kane sighed. “I’m going to be honest with you, I’ve never been in a relationship before. I’ve fucked and left the next day or kicked them out the next morning without a thought about their feelings. But after kissing you twice, I realized I want something more.”

  “Are you doing this to see if you can handle a relationship? I don’t want to be your test subject.”

  Kane pulled on the reins and the horse stopped. He got off the horse then reached out for Cole to get down. He swung his leg around as hands gripped his waist and helped him down. Their bodies sliding along each other as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “I’m not looking for a test subject,” Kane said cupping the sides of his face. “I’m looking for a lover and possibly a partner.”

  “What about . . .”

  “The baby?” Kane finished, and Cole nodded. “I’m going to be honest with you and tell you I’m not sure. Like I said, this is all new to me. But you’re having a baby and there’s no way around that. So, I’ll take you both.”

  “Are you sure?” Cole asked. “I’m not going to push you to be with me. I like you too, Kane. But I also don’t want to rush things between us.”

  “Then we will go as slow as you want.” Kane smiled and whatever ball Cole was holding onto loosened.


  “Would I be speeding things up if I asked for a kiss?”

  Cole shook his head smiling. “I think that would be okay.” He then went to his toes and kissed Kane on his cheek.

  “That’s not the kind of kiss I’m talking about.” He wrapped his arms around Cole’s waist and connected their lips before he could protest. Cole wrapped his arms around the taller man’s neck, deepening their kiss. He opened himself to Kane, giving in just a bit but not everything. He still wanted the man to come back for more. When they stopped kissing, Cole opened his eyes looking up at Kane who had the cockiest smile on his face.

  “Why the hell are you smiling?”

  “Because I love seeing that expression on your face.”

  “What expression?”

  “The one that says I’ve been kissed within an inch of my life and I want more.”

  Cole snorted. “Whatever.” He stepped around Kane and started walking, noticing that he was only a couple of cabins away from the one he shared with Marla. He stopped and turned around. “Hey, I liked it. Maybe we should do it again sometime.”

  Kane nodded and touched the tip of his Stetson. “Maybe we will.”

  Cole watched him as he got back on his horse, turned the other way and rode off as the sun was setting. Just like all the handsome cowboys in the movies riding off into the sunset, but Kane was also possibly riding off with his heart.

  Their nightly rides continued for the next few days, and days turned into weeks. Once Cole surprised Kane with a picnic lunch, that had the ranch hands teasing their boss the entire week. He found it sweet that Kane would meet Cole at the bakery, that was about to be open, and Kane would take him home. Ending each ride with a kiss that seemed to last longer than the night before.

  Those same kisses were leaving Kane with blue balls for the first time in his life. He said he would wait until Cole was ready to take their relationship to the next level and that’s what he’d do.

  Kane was learning a few things about his new kissing and riding partner. Cole had always wanted kids but would have loved to be married before he got pregnant. He believed in love but was also a bit skeptical about the whole mate and forever one thing, everyone liked to talk about. As happy as he was about having his baby, he was confused as to how he’d gotten pregnant. Growing up they were taught that only fated alphas could impregnate an omega. Truthfully, Kane couldn’t explain it either, but the same thought lingered in the back of his mind.

  He was also learning to open up. After the first day of admitting that he’d never been in a relationship, and since they were being honest, he also admitted that
he’d doubted the whole true mates and forever one thing. Or he thought he did, but now he was wondering if he was wrong and his mother was right. Right in that he’d refused to see the world as it really was and that he was afraid to get his heart broken.

  Shit, I’m still scared.

  Things had started to get busy on the ranch since the guests were back. He was in his office hiding out from the crowd for a bit. Everyone was excited about the opening of the bakery that still didn’t have a name. Since the contractors left, Cole still refused to let him see the inside of his own building. All he got were the credit card receipts and names of shit he’d never heard of before.

  Maybe it was a bad idea to tell him to order whatever he wanted.

  “You look like a man with a lot on his mind.” He looked over his shoulder to see Denny standing at his door. “I knocked, but you didn’t answer.”

  That was the second time in the past couple of weeks he’d been lost in thought and someone entered his house without him noticing.

  “What’s up, Den?” He turned around fully and leaned against the windowsill.

  “I came to drop off the list for next week’s supplies. But you look like you need someone to talk to. Anything I can do to help?” Kane was tired of talking. As if reading his mind Denny said what must have been written all over his face. “Maybe you want to talk with someone else?”

  Kane grunted. “It’s your son’s fault.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Denny said with a smile.

  “How do you feel about us dating?”

  Denny walked fully into his office and sat down. “I’m not against it, if that’s what you’re thinking. All Bill and I ever wanted was for Cole to be happy and if that’s being with you, we have no problem with it. You’re a good man, Kane. But I need to ask. How do you feel about him having another man’s baby?”

  “I have to admit, it bothered me in the beginning. But after hearing what happened between him and the other guy, all I want to do is find the fucker and beat his ass to a bloody pulp.”

  “You and me both,” Denny told him. “I wish to gods we’d known what he was going through. But Cole likes to keep things bottled up. Don’t let him do that anymore. If you think there’s something wrong, make him tell you. Bill and I made the mistake of not pushing him and you see how things turned out.”

  Kane nodded, and Denny stood. He dropped a folder on the desk then left. Kane looked back out the window, thinking about what to do next. Sighing, he grabbed his baseball cap off the hook. No sense in thinking about it when he could simply act. He checked his pockets for his truck keys and ran downstairs and out of his house. He had a destination in mind and no one was going to distract him.

  When Kane pulled up to the coffee shop and bakery, he saw Cole standing outside looking up. He got out of his truck and stood beside him and looked up to see exactly what the man was looking at. When he saw nothing but an empty space where a name should be he had to ask.

  “What are we looking at?”

  “I’m trying to figure out if the name of the shop is going to be too long.” Cole didn’t turn to look at him.

  “So, we’ve come up with a name?”

  “Yup, Heavenly Meadows Bakery and Cafe,” Cole answered.

  Kane looked at him and then at the empty space, picturing the words. “All right, why heavenly? Why not just Meadows Bakery and Cafe?”

  “One, well, two reasons. Everything I make tastes like a piece of heaven.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, that’s so.”

  “And what’s the second?”

  “I plan on taking you to heaven one day,” he answered with a flirtatious smile.

  “Are you saying that you’re ready to take things further between us?”

  Cole didn’t answer him. He looked at Kane and smiled for a second before his brows creased together. “What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be tending to guests about now?”

  “I wanted to see you,” Kane admitted.

  “Yeah, did you miss me?” Cole stepped closer to him and wrapped his arms around Kane’s neck. His arms easily went around his waist. He was careful not to pull him too close because of his stomach that was starting to show now that he was close to six months. Cole went to his toes and kissed him quickly before he could enjoy the kiss. “So, I was thinking. Marla is going out of town this weekend and I’ll have the cabin all to myself.” He paused and licked his lips, Kane could tell he was nervous. “Would you like to come over for dinner and possibly stay the night?”

  Kane held his breath. Is Cole asking me what I think he’s asking me?

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want, I just figured that since we’ve been sort of seeing each other for a few weeks now . . .”

  “Yes,” Kane answered shutting Cole up. “I just want to make sure that this is what you want to do. That you’re ready for the next step.”

  “I am,” Cole told him. “I don’t know what’s going to happen between us. But I’m ready to take a chance with you.”

  “What time should I be there?”

  “Is seven o’clock okay with you?”

  “Yup, seven is perfect.”

  Kane leaned down and kissed him as excitement bubbled inside of him. Things were starting to move forward. He pulled back from their kiss and stepped back. He looked at the bakery and cafe. The doors were closed and paper covering the windows.

  “Are you ever going to let me see what I’m paying for?” he asked tilting his head over toward the building.

  “Soon, I promise.”

  “You remember we open in two weeks, right?”

  Cole rolled his eyes, but a smile remained on his beautiful face. “How can I forget, you remind me every day.” He took Kane’s chin in his. “Stop worrying, I have everything under control. Susan, Gene, and I are almost done with everything. I will give you a full tour in a couple of days.”

  “Fine,” Kane relented. Lately he realized that a smile from Cole melted his heart and he’d give the man anything he wanted.

  Shit, what the fuck is happening to me?

  “Okay, I’ll see you later.” Cole kissed him again, this time with more tongue that had him needing more when their kiss ended. “Now, go back to work.” All Kane could do was nod and follow his instructions. He walked back to his truck in a daze, he knew he was smiling because he felt like he’d just won the lottery.

  Is this what having someone I care about feels like? If it is, I don’t ever want to let that feeling go.

  Chapter Eight

  Cole checked on his roast in the oven before he started sautéing his mixed vegetables. He wanted to make everything special for his first meal with Kane.

  They’d spent a lot of time talking and had a picnic lunch that was cut short because Kane had to leave to deal with something on the ranch. He wanted everything to go perfectly for their meal. He lit the candles and opened the wine so that it could breathe for when Kane got there, setting the bottle next to the sparkling cider.

  A fluttering in his stomach caused him to stop. He was almost six months pregnant and was feeling more activity from the baby, he was also getting bigger and eating more. And he was dealing with some weird cravings.

  Placing a hand on his stomach he smiled. “Promise me we will eat what I made for dinner tonight. Nothing gross that might run Kane off,” he said to his belly. “We want to keep him around for a bit, maybe longer.”

  His food cravings surprised him. He loved cheese. But adding cheese, eggs, pineapple, and sardines together should not taste as good as it did and not when it looked horrible. However, he took great pleasure grossing out Marla and his dads. He tried not to talk about the baby while he was with Kane because he knew the man was trying to get comfortable with him being pregnant. Even though Kane said he was fine with him being pregnant by someone else, Cole could tell he wasn’t. They were going to have to address the issue one day soon.

  Cole made a mental note to ask Kane for one of the cabin
s during or after dinner. Even though he was an employee of Black Meadow Ranch, he would have to pay for lodging. It wasn’t going to break his bank account, and all the amenities on the ranch were open to him. Since moving to the ranch, he was starting to feel like himself. The person he was before he met Ryker. He was also ready to move on from his past. Kane was a good man, and he deserved to have Cole’s full attention. He was happy that Kane allowed him to set the pace of their relationship.

  Cole knew he was ready for more and wanted to take their relationship further. Maybe tonight he would get that chance. He smiled as he thought about the other man and realized he’d been doing that a lot lately. Kane was not only sexy but smart, good-looking, and whenever they kissed, it set his world on fire. They had a lot in common and some topics they disagreed with. Cole remembered the conversation they had about mates.

  “What do you think about fated mates?” Cole asked.

  Kane sighed, his breath ghosting the nape of his neck. “I’m not sure how to answer that.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I know what you’re going to say.”

  “I don’t think you do.” Cole had wanted to have the conversation for a while, but wasn’t sure how to bring up the subject. He was slowly starting to rethink the whole aspect that there could be someone special that would love him for who he was.

  “Are we going to argue?” Kane asked.

  “No, but I am interested in what you think.”

  Kane cleared his throat before he spoke. “I’ve seen your parents and how in love they are. They are a lot like my parents and they believe in fated mates. I know that society has built us to believe that I am an alpha and you are automatically supposed to be attracted to me because you’re an omega.”

  “And that’s not what you believe?” he asked looking over his shoulder.

  Kane was gazing down at him. “No, I’ve never been in love before, but I know that instant attraction doesn’t always lead to someone being my forever one.”


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