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The Cowboy's Baby_Mpreg Romance

Page 11

by Giovanna Reaves

  He deepened their kiss, pulling a loud moan from the shorter man. They kissed and nipped at each other’s lips, touching and groping each other. His cock was hard and leaking in his pants. He pulled away from Cole’s lips and opened his eyes, looking down at the other man. They were both panting for breath.

  “Kane, take me upstairs . . .”

  He didn’t let Cole finish his words and swooped him up in his arms, causing the other man to giggle. He took the stairs two at a time as Cole started kissing him on his neck. Once he reached the bedroom, he set Cole down to his feet. They started kissing again, fingers pulled at the buttons on his shirt. Frustrated that they wouldn’t do what he wanted, Cole ripened open his shirt. Buttons flying everywhere, but Kane didn’t care. His focus was on the man in his arms. Slowly, he backed them up toward the bed. He pulled away from the other man.

  “Get your clothes off.”

  Cole nodded and licked his lips. He started undressing, Kane did the same thing while not taking his eyes off the other man. He was eager to feel the other man’s warmth surrounding him. Once they were both naked, he captured Cole’s lips in another searing-hot kiss. He groaned once their flesh came into contact. Hot was the word that came to his mind. He slowly lowered Cole to the bed and lay down beside him. Their lips didn’t separate.

  He reached down taking Cole’s cock into his hand, jerking it lightly. He kissed his way down to his neck and then down to his nipple before sucking it into his mouth. His thumb swiped at the head of Cole’s cock and he smiled when the man’s body quivered under his touch. He licked his way over to the other nipple and did the same thing as he’d done to the first.

  “Kane, don’t take your time.”

  “What do you want?” he asked around the nipple he had just swirled his tongue around.

  “You, in me.”

  Kane raised his head and looked down at his new lover. “Where’s the lube?”

  “Um . . . under the left pillow.”

  In the moonlit room, Kane saw the blush that graced his face. “That sure of tonight?”

  “No, just really hopeful.”

  Kane smiled and reached under the pillow and pulled out the lube, throwing it in arm’s reach. He leaned in and licked his way down Cole’s chest, over his small baby bump, and swallowed his hard cock in his mouth. Cole yelled his name, his hand gripped the back of his head as Cole’s hips jerked up, sending his cock further into his mouth. Kane bobbed his head up and down sucking Cole’s cock down further into his mouth.

  He reached up with one of his free hands and fondled his balls. Cole widened his legs as nails dug further into Kane’s flesh causing him to wince, but that did not stop him from what he wanted. Pulling off Cole’s cock, he licked and sucked his balls before making his way further down, slipping his tongue in and out of the crack of his ass. Kane wanted more than just a taste.

  Going to his knees, he looked at the breathtaking man lying down in front of him. He leaned forward and kissed him on the side of his mouth then his chin. He reached for the lube and with one hand he opened it. Going to his knees again, he squirted enough on his fingers. Throwing the bottle back down on the bed he reached between Cole’s legs, not taking his eyes off his man as he inserted one finger inside of him.

  Kane watched Cole’s face for any sign of discomfort. Cole grunted and closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip. He lifted his legs, holding them up by the back of his knees. When his hips started grinding, Kane added another finger and another, opening and stretching his lover. Before he added the fourth finger he leaned down, mindful not to press down on the other man, and pressed their lips together. Cole released his legs, and they fell on the bed.

  “Kane,” Cole breathed against his lips. “Need you.”

  “You have me, baby.”

  He leaned back, bringing the lube with him. He squeezed a good amount on his hard cock before throwing the bottle of lube down, not caring where it fell that time. He jerked his cock a few times while he fucked Cole with the fingers still inside of him.

  When he knew that his man was close to cumming, Kane removed his fingers from the other man’s ass and he wrapped his legs loosely around his waist. He rested a hand on the other man’s hip as he lined the head of his cock between Cole’s ass, teasingly fucking his cheeks without pushing it directly into his hole. He wanted Cole so needy the man couldn’t tell what was night or day. Slowly, he pushed the head of his cock into Cole’s greedy hole.

  “Kane,” Cole moaned as his hands went above his head and grabbed onto the railings of the bed. The heels of his feet dug into Kane’s ass as he started moving his hips.

  “Gods, you feel so fucking good.”

  He started moving his cock in and out of Cole, slowly. But the heat building between them wouldn’t allow for him to be gentle. He grunted and pistoned his hips, fucking Cole. His fingers digging into the other man’s hips would leave marks for days. Their moans filled the little room and Kane was happy that they were alone in the cabin. Because if their moans and whimpers didn’t wake Cole’s roommate, the headboard of the bed banging against the wall would.

  “Kane, fuck me harder,” Cole babbled. “Need it harder.”

  He was never one to leave a lover wanting. Kane released Cole’s hips and reached up for his ankles. He widened his legs as far as they could go and fucked his lover with wild abandon.

  “Like that?”

  Cole grunted, nodding. He begged for more of what Kane had to offer. Kane didn’t stop him when the other man reached for his cock and started fucking his hand in rhythm with how he was being fucked.


  Cole whimpered just as ropes of cum squirted on his stomach and the bottom of his chin. Kane’s hips stuttered at seeing the sight. He didn’t have time to warn his lover as he felt the first burst of his cum rush from his cock, searing Cole’s walls. He let out a long and pleasurable moan as his body stilled and he released the legs that he was holding. He fell forward, propping himself up on his elbows. He felt his cock knot inside of Cole and wondered if the other man felt it too.

  There was nothing he could do to stop it and he felt proud that he knotting the other man, placing the first stake on his claim. It seemed he was wrong about mates not existing and the fates were proving him wrong. He’d found a mate that he wasn’t looking for. Cole leaned up, pulling them into a sloppy kiss. Kane felt his cock jerk inside of his lover’s channel, he was still a bit hard but not hard enough to go again. His mind was on planet earth but his body felt as if it was waiting or looking for something.

  Kane kissed his way down to Cole’s chin and licked the cum off it before going back up to his lips and sharing it with his lover. They shared another kiss just as his knot went down and his cock softened, giving him the chance to pull out of Cole. He got off the bed, and with shaky legs, he walked into the bathroom connected to the room, getting a warm washrag.

  Going back to the room he smiled when he noticed in the short time he was gone, Cole had fallen to sleep. He cleaned the other man and himself before throwing the rag in the direction of the bathroom. He joined Cole on the bed, pulling him into his arms before reaching down and grabbing the covers and pulling it over them. He rested his hand on the other man’s hip and listened to his breathing.

  He closed his eyes as a thought came to him. He was satisfied. For the first time in his sexual experience, he was sated and satisfied but something felt incomplete. He wanted more with Cole. Not just sex but a life with the man. After one night together he was already hooked, and there wasn’t any turning back once he made up his mind. His hand slid over to Cole’s small baby bump. The warmth he felt coming from the other man’s skin filled him with joy. He felt a tiny flutter and snapped his eyes open.

  That couldn’t be what I thought it was, could it?

  As if hearing his question, it happened again. A different kind of emotion washed over him. There was another human being in there and in a little over three months they were going to enter the
world. The thought didn’t scare him as much as it should. Closing his eyes, he buried his face in the juncture of Cole’s neck and breathed in his scent.

  Mine, chanted in the back of his mind.

  Cole smelled like him and he wanted to keep his scent on him for as long as the other man would allow him. He opened his mouth to suck up a mark on the nape of Cole’s neck leaving his mark of ownership. But something else happened, and he bit down on Cole’s flesh hard. Cole moaned and stirred but didn’t wake up. He simply moved in as close as he could to Kane, melding their bodies together.

  He closed his eyes and sparks flashed behind them as he saw three lines entwine together and become one. It was then his body finally felt as if it had found what it was looking for and he felt settled. He licked at the mark and took in Cole’s scent once more and was satisfied when the man still smelt like him. He relaxed and started to drift off to sleep, listening to Cole’s deep breathing and thinking of a future for all three of them.

  Chapter Nine

  Cole woke up and stretched before opening his eyes, his body was sore and in a very good way.

  He reached back hoping that Kane was still there, he was a bit disappointed when he was greeted with an empty space. Opening his eyes, he blinked away sleep and saw a sheet of paper folded in half leaning against the clock with his name on the front. Smiling, he reached for the note and opened it. Giggling like an excited child and clutched it to his chest before reading it again.

  Sorry I had to leave your warm and cozy body. But some of us have work to do. Call me when you see this.

  Setting the note back down on the nightstand, he picked up his cell and dialed Kane’s number.

  “Hey, you,” Kane answered.

  “Hi.” He smiled and felt a bit shy. “How’s the hardest-working man on Black Meadow doing this morning?”

  “Wishing he’d stayed in bed a bit longer.”

  Kane’s voice was low and sultry, and it did something to him the way it did the night before. “I wasn’t planning on kicking you out of bed.” They were silent for a few minutes. Cole was thinking about their night together and blushed, remembering how he acted. He cleared his throat and spoke. “So why did you want me to call you?”

  “Have lunch with me today.”

  “Okay,” Cole answered. “Is that it?”

  “No, I just wanted to hear what you sound like right after waking up.” Cole blushed and was glad that Kane couldn’t see him. “I have to go, but meet me at the Meadow Brook at noon.”

  “Okay,” Cole answered.

  “Hey,” Kane said before he hung up.


  “I had a good time last night.”

  “I did too. See you later.”


  They hung up and Cole stayed in bed for a few minutes before the need to use the bathroom took over. After taking care of his business, he stood in front of the sink and took a double take of himself in the mirror. His eyes widened when he noticed the large marks on his neck. He looked as if he got into a fight with his vacuum was the perfect way to describe his neck.

  He reached up and touched it, wincing when his fingers touched the nape of his neck, feeling the bruise on his skin. Leaning forward he noticed the teeth marks. Then he remembered how he felt being with Kane the night before, the only word he could think of to describe the feeling was euphoric. He was there physically with Kane but something inside of him had felt as if it was incomplete. Until Kane knotted him.

  Oh gods, he knotted me and it made me feel completely different from the first time it happened with Ryker. It all felt natural and he didn’t protest when the hard knot brushed against his prostate. Does that mean we are mated now since he bit me? How can that be possible when Ryker knotted me? Maybe our bond was incomplete because he didn’t bite my neck? Fuck, this mating shit is so fucking confusing. And what about Kane, does he see us as mates?

  Cole knew what Kane believed when it came to mates, they’d had the conversation many times over the past couple of weeks. But with what happened the night before, he wasn’t sure if he should bring it up when they’d meet for lunch. He looked back at himself in the mirror and the smile that was plastered on his face didn’t ease his doubts, but he was still thrilled to be claimed by a man he cared about.

  Maybe he should be angry that Kane claimed him without his permission, but Cole had a feeling he would have been disappointed if the other man hadn’t taken him as his. His mind was clear for once in his life and he knew what he was doing and getting into. Humming, he walked out of the bathroom and got dressed for the day. He had a few things that he needed to take care of at the bakery before he met Kane for lunch. Things were starting to look up for him, even if there was some lingering uncertainty.

  “That’s it,” Kane said to one of the guests he was showing how to care for Dewi, the horse they’d ridden that day.

  They had just gotten back and it was about time for him to meet Cole for lunch, but he had to check on one of his horses who was about to foal.

  “Like this?” the guest asked as she leaned closer and whispered in his ear. Shelia was her name, and during their entire ride, she gave him the “I want to fuck you” look. Kane wasn’t a stranger to those come-ons. He got them all the time. But even after telling her that she was barking up the wrong tree she seemed too persistent.


  Kane turned and backed away from Shelia when he heard Cole’s voice. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He stepped closer to his man, resting a hand gently on his stomach, thankful that the shirt he was wearing showed his pregnant belly. He leaned down and kissed him on the lips. It should have been quick, but Kane couldn’t stop himself from tasting more of his lover’s lips.

  “We got a bit hungry and thought maybe we could convince you to stop working just a bit early.”

  “You have a husband?” The shrill caused both Cole and Kane to turn to see Shelia standing there with a disgusted look on her face. “I thought—they told me you were . . .”

  “I’m sorry, let me introduce myself.” Cole stepped out of Kane’s arms and around him, extending his hand. “I’m Cole Cartwright and who might you be?” Kane would have laughed out loud just by the expression on Sheila’s face, but he was caught off guard by how his last name sounded really good with Cole’s.

  “I thought you weren’t married. I asked around.”

  Cole put his hand down seeing that Shelia was not going to shake it. “I’m not sure who you asked, but Kane and I got married when we found out we were having this little one,” he said patting his belly.

  “But . . .”

  Cole stood next to her. “I’m sorry, dear, but he’s taken.” That stopped anything else that Shelia was about to say. “I’d advise you to enjoy the rest of your vacation and find someone else. He’s all mine.”

  Kane loved the claim and the jealous and possessive tone he heard coming from Cole. He stood still and waited for the anger to spike at being claimed by another man in that way, but again where Cole was concerned he felt nothing but pride. He still wasn’t sure what possessed him to bite Cole the night before, he’d decided not to make a big deal about it and hoped that Cole would do the same. The only thing he was sure about was that he cared for Cole and the child he was carrying.

  “I’m sorry,” Shelia apologized. “I don’t know what came over me.” She looked very contrite and Kane nor Cole saw any reason to say anymore. “Excuse me.” She ran out of the stables and neither one of them stopped her.

  Kane turned to look at Cole. “Cole Cartwright,” he said raising an eyebrow.

  “It was the only way I could think of to get through to her.” Kane got the impression that there was more he wanted to say but held back. He stepped closer to Kane and wrapped his arms around his neck. Kane rested his hand on his hips. “I’m not going to freak out because it happened. But I still want us to take our time before we move further. My connection with Ryker was severed before I left New York. I’m you
rs now if you will have me, well, us.”

  Kane knew what he was talking about and that he was asking for some time for things to grow between them. He stared into Cole’s eyes and even though he didn’t say it with words, he saw the worry of rejection playing in his eyes. Kane leaned down and kissed him on his lips that time keeping it short and sweet but with a lot of meaning.

  “Come on, let’s go to lunch.”

  Kane cut the red ribbon that was tied around the handle of the Heavenly Meadow Bakery. There wasn’t much he had to say, he was simply happy that the store was finally open. Plus, once he had cut the ribbon, everyone rushed through the doors before he could even open them. He couldn’t blame them, the scent coming from inside the bakery smelled as heavenly as its name said.

  Not wanting to be left out, he opened the door and walked in, stopping then looking around seeing the cafe for the first time. Even with the sea of people in line to order a treat and mingling around, he was very impressed with the shop. The wood floors looked better than he imagined they would, it was the only thing he recognized on his credit card receipts.

  The counter was made of dark mahogany wood that matched the tables and chairs that surrounded the room. There were stairs leading up to another sitting room that overlooked downstairs adding a different element to what he had in mind. It was one of the interior changes that Cole had made. And he wasn’t disappointed. The high ceiling windows were also Cole’s idea, and they balanced the brightness of the room with the dimly lit lights.

  “He’s done a wonderful job.”

  Kane looked beside him and was surprised to see his parents standing there. “What are you guys doing here?” He leaned down and kissed his mother on the cheek and patted his dad's shoulder lightly. He was looking better lately, it could be the rides he’d been taking more often that were lifting his spirits.


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