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Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 41

by Anna Zaires


  Aspen couldn’t be sure how long or how far she ran. All she knew for certain was that she was tired, bleeding out more blood than she should be and was ravenously hungry. She had no idea if the trackers were still after her or if she’d killed the one she hit in the head with the rock, and she was almost to the point of not carrying anymore.

  She was worried about Berend. She wondered what was happening to him and wished she’d been strong enough to save him. She wanted to take comfort in the fact that she’d gotten away and was on her way to find help for him, but fatigue was starting to set in heavily, and she wasn’t sure she’d make it without stopping to rest for a few hours first.

  When the darkness began to set in, she wasn’t sure if it was from night actually coming or her body shutting down from loss of blood. Either way, the rest was welcome, and she didn’t even flinch when the ground rose up to meet her.


  Trudging through the woods in his bear form, Torben was on the hunt for something to eat. Normally, he would have just pulled something out of the small freezer at the back of his cabin, but he’d forgotten, and instead of running down to the market to grab something, he decided to go hunting. Why he felt the urge, he didn’t know. It had been months since he’d felt the need, but there was something in the air tonight that called to him.

  He was no more than a mile away from his home when the potent smell of blood filled the air, but it wasn’t just any blood, it was the blood of his mate.

  He never thought in a million years he’d find her, let alone way out in the middle of nowhere, but here she was. If he didn’t get to her soon, he had no doubt in his mind that he’d lose her because her blood was tainted with the stench of death.

  Racing through the dark, he came upon a crumpled woman lying face down in the dirt. He shifted quickly back to his human form to gauge the extent of her injuries.

  There was blood everywhere. Rolling her over gently, he pushed her blonde hair out of her face. Her skin was pale… too pale. He spotted one gunshot wound in her arm and a makeshift, blood-soaked bandage around her abdomen.

  Lifting her gently into his arms, he started running back to his cabin. He did his best not to jostle her because the last thing he wanted to do was harm her any more than she’d already been, but the longer it took to get her back, the closer he’d be to losing her.

  It took him ten minutes at a full run to reach his little cabin in the woods. Shoving open the door with his foot, he stepped inside and placed his mate down on the bed. She moaned softly. “Sorry, angel,” he replied softly.

  Moving quickly around the one room cabin, he grabbed his first aid kit, some clean towels and a bowl of warm water. When he had everything he needed, he knelt beside the bed and began his examination of her injuries. He checked her arm first. Happy to see that the bullet went straight through, he quickly cleaned the wound, applied some antibiotic ointment and wrapped it in clean bandages.

  He then focused his attention on the bloody bandage around her stomach. Most of the blood was pooled to one side, so he figured that was where the wound was. As gently as he could, he untied the knot holding it in place and slowly peeled the fabric away from her skin. It looked like his mate had tried to clean the wound herself and had done a fairly decent job, but her side still had a giant hole in it that was allowing blood to slowly trickle from her body.

  Turning her on her side, he swore when he found no exit wound. Lying her back down, he pulled a small scalpel and some medical tweezers out of his first aid kit. He ran his hand over her head and kissed her hair softly, “I’m so sorry about this, angel, but I have to do it to save your life.”

  Taking a deep breath, he made one short slice across the bullet wound, which made his mate whimper. He grimaced but continued. Next, he inserted the tweezers deep into the wound and grabbed ahold of the bullet.

  Aspen’s eyes flew open as she cried out in extreme pain. She wanted to move away from whatever was hurting her, but a warm, firm hand held her in place.

  Glancing over, she caught sight of her torturer. When their eyes caught and held, her tears began to fall, guilt filling her all over again. “Berend…” she whispered. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you.” Then she closed her eyes once more and welcomed the darkness that would deliver her from pain.

  Torben stared in complete shock, a million questions running through his head. This beautiful, petite woman, his mate, had seen his brother. Was that why she had been shot, because she was trying to save him? The thought brought an ache to his chest. Two of the people who mattered to him most in this world had been in danger, and Torben wasn’t able to help them.

  His brother had been missing for weeks. What Torben had initially thought of as his brother possibly spending a few days with some random woman, turned into him being gone for weeks. Now the only clue to his brother’s whereabouts was a tiny woman lying in his bed fighting for her own life.

  Dropping the bullet he’d extracted from his mate into a cup on the side table, he returned to caring for her wound. He re-cleaned it, stitched it up and placed a new set of bandages on it.

  Next, he stared at her blood-covered body. Not only was her clothing covered in blood, but it had also dried on her skin along with dirt and what was possibly grass or leaves. What he couldn’t decide was whether or not to clean her up or leave her alone and allow her to clean herself up later. She was technically his mate, but she didn’t know that yet. So, would she see it as him over stepping his boundaries with a stranger, or would she agree that he did the right thing?

  While he pondered the answer to that question, he cleaned up his medical tools and the bloody towels then slipped on a pair of pants. When he was done, he turned back to his mate and made the decision that cleaner was better.

  Moving to the foot of the bed, he removed her tennis shoes first and dropped them on the floor next to the bed. Then he walked to her side and unbuttoned her shorts. He started inching them down her hips but stopped when he caught his first glimpse of the dark blonde curls that covered her sex. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Despite his best intentions, his erection started to stir. “Down, boy!”

  Ignoring his overactive libido, he pulled the shorts the rest of the way down her legs tossing them next to the shoes. Lastly, he reached for the torn hem of her tank top and slowly lifted it up inch-by-inch exposing soft, smooth skin. When he reached her breasts, he slowed down immensely. His beast wanted him to rip the shirt off so he could glimpse the perfection of her breasts, but the man – well – truthfully, the man wanted the same thing if the erection he was currently sporting was any indication.

  Sighing, angry with himself for looking at her while she was currently unconscious and injured, he tried thinking of nothing but her beauty, which seemed to calm the raging hard on in his pants. He worked the shirt the rest of the way off, being mindful of her arm, and tossed it on the floor.

  Fortunately, though he wasn’t sure if the fortune was for her or him, most of the blood and dirt had collected on her arms, legs and face, except for the small area of skin that ran from her gunshot wound to her hip.

  Standing, he moved to his little kitchenette, filled a new bowl with warm, soapy water and grabbed a new washcloth and towel. He knelt back down beside her and began the task of washing her. He started with her face and worked his way down paying little to no attention to her breasts and the apex of her sex. He instead focused on her face, throat, upper chest, shoulders, arms, the area around her bullet wound, her legs and lastly her feet. When he was done, he covered her with a blanket and left her arms on top of it.

  Her essence filled his small cabin to almost bursting, and he really needed to get out and get some fresh air before he went insane with desire.

  Rifling through his pantry, he grabbed a saucepan, a loaf of bread and two cans of Dinty Moore beef stew. It wasn’t the best dinner in the world, but it would suffice.

  Torben stepped out into the cool night air a
nd took a seat on the log he’d placed before his campfire pit. He’d already placed new logs in there for the night’s use, so he pulled out a long lighter and started the fire. While he waited for the embers to form, he opened the two cans of beef stew and dumped them in the pan.

  Standing, he walked back over to his front door and just stood there. He wanted to go inside and grab a beer, but at the same time, didn’t want to be consumed by the scent of his mate knowing there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. Sighing, he thumped his head against the door.

  “Now, is that anyway to treat a door that has been good to you over the years? I mean your head is as hard as a rock.”

  Torben snickered as he turned to greet his visitor. “It must be seeing as how I’ve kept you as a friend for years instead of tossing you to the side like everyone suggested I do.”

  “That’s not being hard headed, that’s being smarter than the average bear.”

  Torben shook his head, “Only you would reference Yogi the bear.”

  Misha shrugged, “He was a smart guy.”

  “He was a cartoon!”

  “Who was created by bear shifters,” Misha argued.

  Torben shook his head. There was no sense in arguing with Misha. He’d always have a comeback for any argument you gave. He was the biggest pain in the ass, but he was also Torben’s closest friend.

  Like Torben, Misha was a bear shifter. They’d been friends since they were cubs. The only difference between the two of them was their coloring. Misha was a chocolate brown bear, whereas Torben was black.

  “So what brings you by tonight? Did we have plans that I forgot about?” Torben asked.

  “Nah, I just came by to check on you since the area is rife with the smell of blood. Wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt or eating something that you’d like to share,” he grinned.

  “I wish it was something I was eating,” he sighed. “But sadly, what you smell is the blood of my mate.”

  “What?” Misha asked shocked. “When the hell did you find a mate, and why the hell didn’t you tell me? And why, pray tell, is she bleeding to death?”

  Torben held up a hand to stop the questions, “I only just found her tonight, and the only reason I did was because she was bleeding to death. I was out hunting about a mile or so from the cabin when I scented her. I brought her back here and dressed her wounds. Now she’s resting inside.”

  “How bad is she?” Misha asked.

  “Time will tell, my friend. She’s lost a lot of blood.”

  “Do you need me to take a look at her?”

  Misha was the den’s own personal physician. He’d left the den to go to medical school and had come back a fully accredited doctor. His skills were always in high demand during hunting season when the young cubs found themselves on the receiving end of a hunter’s bullet.

  “Yeah, and while you’re at it can you grab me a beer out of the fridge?”

  Misha nodded, “Her scent driving you mad?”

  “Mad is putting it mildly.”

  He chuckled, “Give me a few minutes.”

  Torben watched as Misha entered his little cabin and closed the door softly behind him. He knew that Misha would never overstep his boundaries or do anything to harm his mate, but everything in him was pushing him to storm into the house and remove the other male from the vicinity.

  Ignoring his beast, Torben dropped down on the log and waited. Maybe he should have asked Misha to grab two beers for him.


  Misha walked out of the cabin ten minutes later handing Torben a beer before popping open his own, “You did good with the stitches. There should be minimal scarring.”

  “That’s great, but is she gonna make it through the night? That is what I need to know,” Torben clipped, throwing back his beer and drinking deeply.

  He sat down next to Torben and looked into the sauce pan, wrinkling his nose at the contents, “I checked her vitals; they were a little weak, but not weak enough for me to be worried. I’m gonna bring some antibiotics by in the morning for her to take just in case.” He took a swig of his beer, “Any idea what happened to her?”

  “She was shot.”

  “Thanks for stating the obvious, Captain Obvious.”

  Torben stared into the fire, “She called me Berend.”

  Misha’s beer stopped half way to his lips, “What?”

  “I’m guessing that where ever she came from, Berend was there too. She told me how sorry she was she couldn’t save me. I’m guessing that she was shot while trying to escape.”

  “I should inform the den master. He’ll want to question her.”

  Torben shook his head, “Not till she feels well enough.”

  “But he’s your brother, Torben.”

  “And she’s my mate. Besides, I know Berend can take care of himself. At least we know he’s still alive.”

  “Fine,” Misha said rising. “I’ll be back in the morning to check on your mate. You might want to cuddle around her tonight while you sleep. The connection will help her bear. Oh, and, Torben?”


  “Please plan on fixing the woman something other than canned meat and potatoes. She’ll need all the nutrients she can get in the next few days,” he smirked.

  “There’s nothing wrong with canned beef stew.”

  “Sure there isn’t,” Misha agreed. “Especially when you’re in a pinch, but you, my friend, are not in a pinch so make your woman some real food, would ya?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I got it.” Torben waved him away with a grin. “Hey, thanks for checking on her for me, Misha.”

  Misha grinned, “Hey, what are friends for?”


  Aspen woke sore all over. Her side felt like someone had stuck a hot poker in it, and her arm was throbbing something fierce. She wanted to move but was content not to for the moment. She was warm and cozy, and she was lying on an actual bed; not the cot she’d spent the last few weeks sleeping on. Better yet was the scent that enveloped her senses. It was woodsy, nice and reminded her of home. Though why that was, she wasn’t sure. She’d grown up in the city not the forest.

  Aspen wanted to get up and stretch to ease her sore muscles, but when she tried to rollover, she was stopped by something warm and solid. Turning her head, she glanced over her shoulder and nearly shouted for joy. “Berend! You made it!” she said, shaking him.

  Torben woke and his eyes narrowed on the green-eyed beauty in his bed, “My name is not Berend, it’s Torben. Berend is my twin brother.”

  Recognition dawned, “I made it! Oh, thank god! We have to go back and get him.”

  Torben pressed her back down on the bed when she tried to move, “You’re not in any condition to go anywhere. When I found you last night, you were nearly dead.”

  “But we can’t just leave him there!” she protested hotly.

  Torben smiled inwardly at her outrage, “And we won’t, but you can’t go anywhere until Misha clears you.”

  “Who’s Misha?”

  “The den doctor.”

  “The what?”

  “The den doctor. He tends all the bears in our den.”

  “Oh, right,” she said, smacking her head. “I forgot... bear shifter.”

  Torben arched at brow at his pretty, little mate, “How could you possibly forget you're a bear shifter?”

  “Hey! I’m pretty new to this whole bear shifter thing.”

  “What do you mean?” He asked, rising to rest on his elbow.

  “I’ve only been a bear shifter for like… a few days. I think they infected me, or whatever it is they did when I was imprisoned with your brother.”

  “Why would they do that?” he asked.

  She rested her hands across her stomach, mindful of her injury, “No idea. Can I ask you something?”


  “Did we sleep together?”

  Torben’s jaw hit the floor, “Why would you ask me something like that? Do you think me the kind of man
that would take advantage of a woman in her weakened state?”

  She shrugged, “I don’t really know you, but if you’re anything like your brother, I’d have to say no. And, I was asking because I’m lying, presumably, in your bed, and I’m completely naked.”

  Torben flopped back onto his back, “Uh… yeah… sorry about that, but you were covered in blood and filth, and I couldn’t just leave you that way. So, after I tended your wounds, I stripped you, bathed you and then put you in bed.”

  She turned to look at him, a slight pink hue dusting her cheeks, “Thanks.”

  Torben turned to look at her and smiled, “You’re welcome.”

  Unable to help herself, Aspen leaned forward and sniffed the air surrounding Torben, “You smell wonderful… like woods and home.”

  Torben grinned, “Yeah, there’s a reason for that, and I’m not sure you’re ready for it yet.”

  She laughed, “It can’t be any worse than finding out I’m a bear shifter and trapped in a cage and being tested on like an animal.”

  He smirked, “Good point. But before I tell you can I at least get your name?”

  “Oh sorry, lots of other things on the brain.” She held out her hand, “Aspen Bridger.”

  He took the offered hand, “Torben Ashford.”

  “So… what’s the deal? Why do you smell so good?” she asked again.

  He sighed but kept his eyes locked with hers, “Because I’m your mate.”

  Aspen’s eyes opened wide as understanding set in. She’d read enough paranormal romance novels to know what that meant. “Uh…wow?”

  Torben laughed, “That’s it?”

  She smirked, “I’m not quite sure what else to say at the moment. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re totally gorgeous and all…”

  “But?” he said, his smile falling slightly.

  “But before this all happened, I had a life. I had friends, a great job, a fully furnished apartment.” She looked around his tiny cabin, “Speaking of… where are we?”


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