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Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 49

by Anna Zaires

  She felt the same but she also felt different. Sex had never been a big deal before, but last night opened her eyes to what she had been missing all this time. Closing her eyes she could still see Stefani as she rubbed her body up and down against her own. The touch of their clits as they brushed against each other. The taste of her lips had Becky hoping to experience it again. But she had no plans on going back to that hotel and Stefani and Hawke didn’t know where she lived.

  She jumped when she heard the knock on her door. “Becky? I know you are home.”

  “Bryan?” she yelled through the door. “Go away. I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “Come on Becky. Let me in.”

  Knowing that he wasn’t going anywhere, she opened the door, “What do you want Bryan?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were ok. You left with Hawke and Stefani and never came back down. How is your headache?”

  “Like you care.” Becky scoffed.

  “Becky, I love you.” Bryan said. “Truth is that if I didn’t think of you as a sister, I would have tried to seduce you a long time ago. I understand what you are feeling, trust me. When I was approached about doing this job I was insulted at first. But then I thought about it. The thing that appealed to me even more is that if my old man ever found out he would be pissed.”

  “I would love to see his reaction when he finds out.” Becky chuckled.

  “It's his own fault.” Bryan said without remorse. “But I love this job. I don’t think I could give up this job.”

  “Do you have sex with guys?” Becky asked.

  “Not that often. If I do most of it is just blow jobs,” Bryan shrugged. “Not that big of a deal. So what happened between you, Stefani and Hawke?”

  Becky felt herself turning red thinking of everything that happened. “Well, they took me up to their suite and Stefani gave me a massage that helped with my migraine.”

  “Did you have sex with them?” Bryan asked. “Wait that was a stupid question. I can tell by the bruise on your neck that you not only had sex with them, but they bit you too.”

  Becky wasn’t sure how much to tell him. “Bryan it was the most erotic night of my life. I want them again. What is wrong with me?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you Becky.” Bryan walked in her kitchen and grabbed a can of Pepsi. They will want you again tonight. What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know,” Becky started to pace. “I am so confused.”

  “Did you like any of it?” Bryan asked. “Wait aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

  “Yes, of my god, Bryan. I loved everything, the sex, the biting.” Becky admitted. “Joy fired me.”

  “Why? You were the best employee she had.”

  “That’s sweet, but she obviously didn’t feel the same way. Truth is that things have been strained between us for months. I just refused to acknowledge that she didn’t really want me around anymore.”

  “Why not earn the money letting Stefani and Hawke have you for as long as they want? They can give you the money to save up and open your own. You had a lot of good ideas. Joy just didn’t appreciate you.”

  In some small part of her, Becky knew that Bryan was right. She hated ramen noodles, if she didn’t do something to earn money she would end up eating them morning, noon and night. “I know you are right about her. Joy was great in the beginning, she loved my ideas until I started suggesting a different way of doing stuff. What’s even worse is that I get the feeling that she isn’t going to close the store. There have been these people hanging around that agrees with everything she says. I almost guarantee they are going to take over my job at lesser pay.”

  “You can open your own store and kick her ass.” Bryan urged her. “You have q lot of customers who would follow you to your store. If it means getting the money by letting vampires use you for sex, what harm? Plus they are vampires, you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant or any sex diseases,”

  Bryan did make some sort of weird sense. But she needed to think. “Bryan, I need some time by myself.”

  “I understand, are you still mad at me?”

  “Yes, I am still mad at you.” Becky told him. “Go home.”

  “Will you come with me to a party tonight?

  “No. I am done with parties for now. I am going to put on my pajamas, make popcorn and watch movies.. Becky pushed him out the door.

  “What if they ask about you?”

  “They won’t, they will have plenty of others to choose from. They won’t even remember me.” Why did she feel a sharp pain when she said those words? She just met them

  “Sweetheart, I guarantee they will remember you,” Bryan kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

  Becky went in her bedroom and changed into her cleaning clothes. By the time it got dark her apartment was spotless with one last lead of clothes in the dryer. Her stomach growling reminded her it was a long time since she ate. Checking her account she saw she had enough money for a pizza in there. Remembering the money from this morning she decided to treat herself.

  She was no closer to a decision than she was this morning. She kept thinking, rather hoping that Joy would change her mind. Going in the bathroom she took a quick shower to get rid of the grime. Stepping out she knocked the toothpaste off the sink. Picking it off the floor she could smell a hint of mint, the smell triggered memories of the previous night and everything she did with Hawke and Stefani.

  Throwing it down in disgust, she changed into the tank top and shorts she used to sleep in. She thought about the party tonight and who may be sharing their bed. This was ridiculous. She was fine before meeting them, she would be fine now.

  Hearing a knock, she grabbed the money to pay for the pizza. “You got here fast.” She said when she opened the door. Instead of seeing the pizza guy, she stared into the eyes of Hawke and Stefani.

  “Expecting someone?” Stefani asked.

  “How did you find out my address?” As soon as she said it she knew it was a stupid question. Bryan, she would kill him.

  “We went in your wallet while you slept.” Hawke said. “May we come in?”

  “Yeah.” She waved them inside.

  As soon as the door closed, Hawke pulled her in his arms and kissed her. His hands everywhere. She heard fabric ripping, cool air brushed against her skin. “Maybe we should have warned you about letting vampires inside.” Lifting her in his arms, he set her on the back of the couch. Stepping back for a minute he pushed the jeans he wore down his hips.

  Hawke’s lips crushed down on hers, his hand going between her thighs and pushed a finger inside than a second. Becky whimpered as he fucked her with his fingers. Pushing in and out of her pussy, his fingers were soon coated with her juices. Pushing her thighs wider he replaced his fingers with his cock.

  Becky’s voice rang in the apartment as her pussy’s muscles grabbed onto his cock. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His eyes stared into hers as he started to move inside her. His lips started to move down her neck. Nibbling at the skin where her pulse was beating. Licking the vein there he slid his fangs into her throat and drank.

  Becky’s orgasm ripped through her. Her body possessed completely by Hawke. Licking the wounds closed, he kissed her. She could taste her blood on his lips, it was strangely erotic. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to drink their blood.

  Distantly she heard a growl, then warmth as he came inside her. His come mixing with her juices, trickled out and down her inner thigh. Shuddering he moved out of her. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the apartment.

  “I got her stuff.” Stefani said from behind Hawke.

  Becky’s head was still foggy, so it took a minute for the words to filter through. “Stuff? What stuff?”

  “Yours.” Stefani said. “We are taking you home with us.”


  “What do you mean you are taking me home?” Becky asked. “This is my home.”

  “While you are with us, you will be l
iving in our home.” Stefani replied. “We want you where we have access to you. We don’t want to have to hunt you down to fuck you.”

  “I thought we made it clear in the note we left that you were to be waiting for us at the hotel.” Hawke told her.

  “No, your note said you would see me tonight. You didn’t say where, when or how. There was no mention of me staying at the hotel. We just met. Just because we had sex one night doesn’t mean that I belong to you.” Becky denied. Some inner part tried telling her to shut up. She wanted to be with them more than she wanted a headache free day. Which surprisingly she didn’t have today.

  “Well then let’s be very clear.” Stefani walked up to her. “You belong to us. Yes, we had sex for one night, but if we have to tattoo it on your forehead for others to see than we will do so. You will be available to us when we are awake. Anytime, anyplace. Anywhere. We are going to train you in managing our parties. It is a big job and will also pay more than the sex.”

  “Shouldn’t you ask me if I want to do this job first?” Becky asked. “You can’t just invade someone’s home and kidnap them.”

  “Yes, we can.” Hawke told her.

  Before Becky could say anymore there was a knock on the door. “You expecting anyone?”

  “Yeah, I ordered pizza.”

  Hawke lifted her up and took her in the bedroom. “Stefani, will pay for it. You are not in any condition to see anyone. Although I guarantee if the pizza delivery person were to see you, you would get the pizza free of charge.”

  “How do you know it’s a boy?”

  “Boy, girl doesn’t matter. Anyone that sees you would want to fuck you. Do you have any idea how sexy you are?” Hawke asked.

  “Me? Sexy? Not in my vocabulary.’ Becky felt warmth spread through her when he told her he thought she was sexy. Her Becky Summers sexy?

  “I paid for the pizza. We can take it with us.” Stefani came in the bedroom. “Now put on some panties or something so we can leave.”

  Becky surprised herself when she did just that. She went to her dresser drawer and picked out a pair of panties and some sweatpants. The nights had started to get cooler. Halloween wasn’t far away. Truth was she wanted to be with them. Even if it was for one more night. She could always go back home when they fall asleep.

  Becky followed them out of the apartment and saw a large town car parked outside. “Mr. Hawke, Miss Stefani.” Said the driver when he stepped out and opened the door.

  “Thank you Luther.” Hawke said. “May I introduce you to our new lover Becky Summers? Becky this is Luther Meeks. He is our all-around handy man. He will drive you wherever you want to go when we are not awake.”

  “He’s a vampire too?” Becky asked.

  “Not exactly. He is a hybrid. What that means he has shared our blood three times. He will become a vampire when his natural life ends. He has been with us for forty years.” Stefani explained.

  “Damn, you look good.” Becky blurted out. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Luther grinned. “I definitely look better than my siblings and cousins. They are in their seventies. Some can barely walk. I felt probably the exact same things that you are feeling right now. So if you need advice you are more than welcome to ask.”

  “Thanks.” Becky replied. She was going to become a hybrid? Would they want her to become like Luther? “Does being a hybrid slow down your aging process?”

  “We will explain everything in the car.” Stefani said. “Get in the car.”

  Becky once again found herself listening. What the hell? She normally didn’t blindly follow orders. But something inside of her wanted to do whatever they wanted as long as they would keep fucking her. It was almost becoming an addiction.

  Once inside Hawke got in on one side, Stefani on the other. It was almost as if they were afraid that she would try to escape. The car pulled away and headed toward the hotel. “Come here.” Stefani slid Becky towards her and kissed her.

  All thoughts flew out of Becky’s head at the first touch of Stefani’s lips on hers. She opened her mouth and moaned as Stefani curled her tongue around Becky’s. She tilted her head, as Stefani nibbled down her throat, down to her collarbone. Goose bumps rose from her flesh.

  The world faded away. Cool hands slid under her shirt, cupping her breasts through her bra. Moans that could not be silenced filled the car. The tank top was pulled over her head, her bra fell away and tossed on the floor of the car.

  Becky felt as if she was floating in the car. “Damn that feels good.” She said as Stefani sucked her breast deep in her mouth. Her tongue licking around the nipple as she sucked harder.

  “You taste even better than I remembered.” Stefani straddled her waist. Hands framed her face before Stefani crushed her lips back down on Becky's and kissed her. Her tongue seeking entrance inside.

  Becky sank into the soft leather seats of the car. Her arms going around Stefani’s waist. Her tongue now tangling with Stefani’s. She forgot that she was in car, she forgot that Luther and Hawke were watching. Her necked tilted against the back of the car seat, Stefani’s lips moved down her neck, down to where her skin met the top of the shirt that she wore.

  Stefani moved the top down kissing the top of Becky’s breast. “After tonight you will have no doubt that you belong to us.” Stefani said before kissing her again. Moans replaced Becky’s voice, she felt herself hurling towards an orgasm.

  Stefani once again moved down to and circled Becky’s nipple. Becky’s hips rocked against Stefani’s, her breast pushing itself in Stefani’s mouth seeking something.

  Stefani licked a vein and sank her fangs deep and drank. Becky screamed as her body seemed to explode. Her juices soaking through her jeans. All too soon, Stefani’s fangs slid out. Licking the wound closed.

  Becky passion-glazed eyes saw Hawke drag Stefani’s head towards his and kissed her. His mouth devouring hers. Becky took deep breaths trying to return to normal. “Damn, that was hot.” Luther said from the front.

  Becky sat up realizing that Luther had watched the whole thing. Instead of feeling embarrassed she wanted to do it again. “Are you ok?” Hawke sounded concerned.

  “Yeah.” Damn, she wanted to do it again. What was wrong with her? Was she turning into a sex maniac?

  “Good.” Hawke’s slid a hand inside the waistband of her sweatpants. The heel of his hand rubbing against her clit. “I could watch you come all night.”

  “I had no idea that vampires were so horny. That is one thing that all the vampire myths never mentioned. OH SHIT.” She cried out as Hawke pushed two fingers inside of her.

  “That is one thing about us that you learn quickly. Sex is as much a necessity for us as blood.” Stefani replied.

  “Mr. Hawke? Ms. Stefani? We are here.” Luther said.

  Becky’s pussy whimpered as Hawke removed his fingers, then zipped her back up “Where are we?” Peering out the window she saw a high rise apartment building.

  “Your new home.” Stefani kissed her lightly. “Everyone that works for us lives here. Your apartment is on the top floor. I hope you will like it.”

  “My new home?” Becky stepped out of the car and looked around. The stores surrounding the apartment buildings were ones that she always wanted to go in but couldn’t afford even a pair of panties that was sold there.

  “You belong to us. As such you deserve the best surroundings.” Hawke picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. “You will have everything you could want here.”

  For now Becky thought. For now. Sooner or later, they will find someone else that they want and she would be cast out like an old shoe. To them she was just an employee.

  Just because she was developing feelings for them after a few days, doesn’t mean they felt the same. She should be used to it by now anyway. Her own mother only contacted her when she needed something from Becky. She was always busy with her new family. They never did the mother daughter things that people supposedly did. The only time she saw her was Christm
as and that was because she couldn’t avoid it.

  Even though Hawke and Stefani want her around them now, it doesn’t mean they will want her a week from now, or even tomorrow. Once they were through with her they would sell her to other vampires or take her back to her old apartment and leave her there as if she never existed. Maybe Bryan was right. She could save enough money and use it to open her own bookstore.

  Once the elevator opened, Becky’s jaw dropped. The place could easily fit two of her apartments inside it with room left for another closet. “Is this my apartment?” She walked over to the window and peered down on the traffic below. She could see for miles from this spot.

  “Yes, this is your apartment.” Stefani wrapped her arms around Becky’s waist.

  “As our exclusive lover you get the best apartment in the building. In time we will see how this relationship progresses. We have only known each other for two days. It will take time for us to get to know each other personally as well as intimately.” Hawke explained.

  “Exclusive?” Becky asked.

  “Yes, you will only be with us. There may be times we will need to bring another in bed with us. Humans don’t reproduce blood as quickly as hybrids do. We have already drank more from you than normally is the case.” Stefani told her.

  Becky nodded and turned back around. Even though she knew what she was brought here for, to hear Stefani and Hawke explain what else they wanted made her feel weird. She wanted them to want her because they liked her, not because they had to pay for it.

  “Something wrong?” Stefani asked.

  “No, just trying to get used to the idea in my head that I am being hired to be your lover.” Becky replied.

  “We hope that you will be much more than our lover. But we don’t want to rush into anything. As it is moving you in here is a big step for us. This is our penthouse. If you were like the others then you would have been assigned one of the other apartments.” Stefani explained.


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