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The Tower Of The Watchful Eye: The Legend Of Kairu Book 1

Page 8

by Tim McFarlane

  “I don’t know how prepared I am to kill someone,” I said.

  “Trust me,” The Keeper started. “When it comes to a life or death situation you’ll make the right choice.”

  “Is there anyway I can back out of this?” I asked.

  Coward, Cathy scoffed.

  “Sorry, Andy,” The Keeper said sympathetically. “You need to do this. Like I said, I would go myself but I’m too old now. Trust in yourself. You’ll be fine.”

  I nodded glumly. “Ok, Keeper.”

  “Jacob, my boy, no need for formalities,” he smiled warmly.

  I put the map and coin purse into my robe pockets. “I guess the Teachers taught me something after all. Always call the elders by their title.”

  “HA!” he laughed. “Good to see the education system is at least partially effective.”

  I rearranged the pack on my back and let out a breath. “Wish me luck.”

  He smiled. “You’ll do fine. I’M the one that has to climb all those stairs again. Imagine what I have to go through.”

  I laughed. “Don’t overwork yourself, Jacob.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Andy,” he smiled.

  “Now, you’re starting to sound like the Teachers,” I said.

  “Bah!” he exclaimed. “That’s my cue to leave then.”

  He shuffled into the Tower and shut the door. I turned around and started walking the trail. I pulled out the map to study it. This trail would lead to ‘The Crossroads’ and I could head into Balendar from there. If the Staff is going to be the easiest one to get then it’s the logical place to start.

  Something still doesn’t feel right about this, Cathy said.

  What do you mean?

  The Keeper was too twitchy about this, she explained. I think he’s hiding something.

  You never said anything before.

  I was watching and waiting to see if I was wrong, she said, and to see if you felt the same way.

  He did seem nervous but given the state of the Tower, the problems in Kalenden and the rivalry between Master Pryce and Master Larose, it’s no surprise. It’s like the Order is on the brink of starting a war against itself and if Master Pryce is going to be Silenced...I don’t know what will happen. And I think THAT’S what bugging the Keeper. He doesn’t know either.

  Hmm, perhaps you are right, she said. We shall wait and see.

  I’m just glad to be out of there.

  She chuckled. You think the wilderness will be safer?

  No. But I won’t have to deal with Mages at least.

  Nope, just wolves wanting to eat you as a snack, she said playfully.

  Good point. Maybe I should be paying more attention.

  Not that there was much of a reason to pay attention. The field was wide open and stretched as far as the eye could see. Except for the occasional tree or hill, any danger in the area could be seen long before it could even be considered danger.

  I approached ‘The Crossroads’, which was just a sign with arrows pointing in every direction and choose the trail for Balendar.

  Do you mind if I ask you a question? Cathy asked.

  “Only if you don’t mind that I talk like this,” I said. “It’s less distracting than talking in my head.”

  As long as you don’t mind that people will think you’re crazy, knock yourself out, she responded.

  I chuckled. “Ask away.”

  How come you never became friends with Lily? Cathy asked. She clearly liked you and you liked her.

  “She had her own friends,” I answered. “There were a couple of times I tried to get to know her friends but it didn’t go well.”

  Tell me about it, she said as some memories quickly flashed in my mind. You are so awkward!

  “Hey! Stop digging around my memories!” I exclaimed.

  Why? She whined. I’m bored.

  “Well then, answer me this,” I said. “How come I can’t access your memories but you can access mine?”

  You don’t hide them well enough, she answered. I’m withholding my memories because I’m afraid it would be too much for you too quickly. You were freaking out a bit after discovering that we are trapped together in the same body. If you had to deal with my memories and personality as well...I don’t know how well you would have handled it.

  “Am I ready now?” I asked.

  Maybe, she said. Maybe not. I wasn’t completely ready for it when we woke up. It took a lot to ‘create my own place,’ if you will, so your personality, memories and emotions wouldn’t over take me. I could ease you into having the two personalities, if you’d like, but the memories are going to have to wait.

  “I don’t know,” I said unsure. “What does it feel like to have two personalities?”

  She stalled for a second while she thought. It’s tough to describe. It’s like feeling two different things for the same situation. As well as acting in a way that might surprise you because it wouldn’t be something you would normally do. But it all feels right.

  “Hmm, maybe I should hold off on it then,” I said unsure.

  But it could be a good opportunity to not be a coward any more, she said.

  “You just won’t stop calling me that will you?” I asked frustrated.

  I just want to help, she said sadly.

  “Well annoying me isn’t helping,” I said calming down.

  Clearly, she said. I’ll stop, for now.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Now, seeing as I can’t dive through your memories, tell me more about you.”

  What is there to know? She asked.

  “What ISN’T there to know?” I asked. “You’ve lived for a long time. You’ve possessed, what, 30 people?”

  32, she answered.

  “Right, 32 people!” I exclaimed. “Are you telling me you don’t have a story to tell?”

  Some of those people didn’t live very long, she said. They are not very interesting stories.

  I stopped walking. “Take a look around. Don’t you think ANYTHING is more exciting then what we’re doing right now?”

  Aww, you said ‘we’, she said sweetly.

  “You’re dodging the question,” I said as I started walking again.

  She chuckled. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. It is certainly fun, though.

  I sighed.

  Oh, very well, she said then sighed. I don’t know how to do this. I’ve never told anyone my story before.

  “That’s okay,” I said. “Start at the beginning.”

  Let’s see, she started. I came into existence on the Spirit Plain, what I am assuming, a long time ago. My first possession was of a young Mage about your age, he wasn’t part of your Order. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure your Order existed at the time. If it did, it wasn’t as powerful and influential as now.

  “Do you remember which Era it was?” I asked.

  212 of the 1st Era, she answered. I think.

  “Wow that’s a long time ago,” I said shocked.

  Really? She asked sceptical. Doesn’t feel like it.

  “Each Era is 500 cycles of the seasons,” I explained.

  Hmm, that’s not that long when you’re immortal and live on the Spirit Plain, she said.

  “What’s it like on the Spirit Plain?” I asked as we passed by a small farm. The farmers watch as I walked by with curious eyes.

  They think you’re crazy, Cathy explained before laughing.

  I didn’t say it THAT loud.

  I picked up my pace and the farm disappeared slowly behind us.

  In answer to your question, Cathy started. It’s difficult to describe because I was just a soul, I didn’t have a physical presence. So I would just search for power and when I found it, it would be the mind of a Mage and I could create a ‘physical’ presence. I was able to see the world through their subconscious and it made me want to experience it for myself. That’s why demons possess humans. We just want to experience life.

  “Yeah, I would probably do the same,” I said sympathetically.
“How were you created?”

  How is any soul? She asked rhetorically. One second I didn’t exist, the next I did. I have no memories nor even knew what I was doing, just instinct and a hunger for power.

  “Were you always a Desire Demon?” I asked.

  She chuckled. Not always. You kind of...find what you are good at. I found that I could play to human’s desires better than their pride or rage. I have tried pride and rage a few times and well...let’s say it’s like you trying to fit into a group.

  I chuckled. “That awkward?”

  She laughed. That awkward.

  “So, of the 32 mages you’ve possessed, which one was your best? For lack of a better word,” I asked.

  My, my, she said playfully. What a question for a human to ask.

  “What’s wrong with the question?” I asked.

  Nothing, she answered still in her playful tone. Just humans tend to get uncomfortable about the subject. It seems our personalities may be more compatible then I thought.

  I chuckled. “I don’t know. This is more curiosity than anything. How many people actually get to ask a Demon these questions? It would be silly of me to not take advantage of this opportunity.”

  Now you’re learning, she said. In answer to your question, my ‘best’ possession was when I possessed a Teacher of the Order. Poor guy was having a stressful week and fell for my ‘love’. It didn’t take the other Mages long before they knew something was wrong. I was having WAY too much fun corrupting the Apprentices.

  “I bet,” I laughed. “A Teacher? I always thought they were able to shield their minds from ever having another Demon attack.”

  Most can. Others love the challenge and open their minds to us again.

  “That’s ridiculous,” I said. “You would think after dealing with the dreams as a youth, you wouldn’t be in a hurry to deal with them again.”

  You would think, she agreed.

  “Was it a teacher I knew?” I asked.

  Nah, this was, what cycle was that... 124 of the 2nd Era, she answered.

  “Wow,” I said. “So what do you normally do whenever you possess a Mage?”

  Just screw around and have fun, she answered. You humans are always in a rush to get rid of us, so we have to have fun while we can: sabotaging the human’s friendships, talking down to Teachers, killing sprees all that fun stuff.

  “Wait, killing sprees?” I asked shocked.

  Yeah, she answered. After they discover me, people are always in a hurry to kill me. So I fight back. Am I supposed to just sit there and be killed?

  “I see what you mean,” I said thoughtfully.

  I knew you would, she said playfully.

  “It’s strange,” I started. “I never thought I would be agreeing so much with a Demon... wait, what are you up to in there?”

  What do you mean? She asked in mock innocence.

  “Don’t give me that,” I chuckled. “I may have only known you for a couple of days but I know that you are always up to something.”

  She chuckled. You do have your moments of cleverness.

  “What did you do?” I asked shaking my head.

  The whole time we’ve been talking, she started. I’ve been slowly merging my personality into yours. I figured you would always be too scared to ever WANT to do it, so it was just one of those things that needed to happen. I’m shocked it’s going so well, actually.

  I stopped walking. Part of me was furious that she would just go ahead and do this but a different part of me was sympathetic to it to the point of welcoming the new experience.

  “It’s weird,” I said trying to figure out how to say it. “I’m mad but I’m not.”

  Yeah, that’s that whole feeling two things at the same time thing, she said. Told you it’s tough to describe.

  “So I’m mad but your not. That’s why they are conflicting?” I asked.

  Yes, she answered. Well, sort of. Our souls are still learning to coexist. I know that you are mad that I did it without your consent but I could also feel your curiosity and that you wanted to do it. You would have never chosen to do it on your own. So I made the choice for you.

  I took a deep breath and could feel my anger leave me. “You’re right. I probably wouldn’t have.”

  I know it’s not easy but we are both in here forever, she said sympathetically. You wouldn’t like it very much if you were the passenger, cramped up in the back of someone’s mind.

  “Yeah, that wouldn’t be very appealing,” I agreed. “Is that also why I was agreeing with you all the time?”

  Yup, she chuckled. Because you’ve absorbed some of my personality you see things as I would see them. Just like when I absorbed your personality I became more sympathetic and friendly. Remember what I was like when we first talked?

  “Yeah, you were a bitch,” I said bluntly. I was a little shocked that I had said that.

  Look at you, baby’s first insult, she giggled. Yes, I was a bitch. It wasn’t going to get us anywhere so I started absorbing your personality to help get used to this situation. It changed me into who I am now.

  I took a deep breath. “So, what will happen to me?”

  It’s tough to say, she said. With any luck you’ll become a sarcastic bitch.

  “That tries to fulfill everyone’s desires,” I joked.

  Cathy laughed. Exactly.

  “Now,” I said as I pulled out the map. “I think I got us lost. I have no clue if we’re heading in the right direction.”

  Use the sun, Cathy said. Isn’t that what you were taught?

  “I can’t remember how,” I said.

  You really do need to focus more, Cathy sighed. Just a second.

  A memory from a survival class flashed into my head.

  “Always remember: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west...” the memory of my Teacher said.

  I shook my head as I snapped back to reality. “Thanks.”

  Your welcome, Cathy said pleased.

  I looked up at the sky for the sun and found it about half way up behind me.

  “Ok and it’s...” I said trailing off.

  Afternoon, Cathy finished mockingly.

  “Right,” I said as I looked at the map. “We should be coming up to Balendar territory soon. We’ll make the Farmlands by nightfall.”

  Good, Cathy said. Why don’t you take a break? Let me take over from here.

  “Oh, Cathy,” I chuckled. “No.”

  Bitch, she scoffed.

  Chapter 10

  Darkness fell over the land as the sun disappeared behind me. The transition from the Archanion Field to the Balendar Farmlands was minimal, less hills and more people. It looked like the only thing that prevented the farmers from journeying too far into the Archanion Field was the terrain.

  After the long day’s travel, I was exhausted and in need of a rest and a hot meal. I threw my pack down next to a tree on the edge of a farm and checked my provisions. The Keeper had obviously decided that the lightest-weight, easy to prepare food was the best for me to take on this trip. A good idea in theory but as I stared at the twelve dried soup packages I realized that I would have preferred to have carried something a little heavier.

  Like a sheep.

  Plenty of farmland around, Cathy said. Lots of sheep too.

  “Don’t tempt me,” I said as I searched for water to make the soup.

  My only source of water was the canteen The Keeper packed and I had already sucked that dry. Besides, I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice it for soup so I kept digging until I found a small cast iron pot.

  “So he didn’t want to weigh me down with food but cast iron cookware is ok?” I asked before a chuckled.

  You better hope he packed a wooden spoon too, Cathy chuckled. Unless you like putting your lips on hot iron.

  “We almost kissed,” I joked. “So you know I don’t.”

  Cathy laughed sarcastically. I would have rocked your world.

  “Then stolen it,” I said as I turned my attenti
on back to the pack. Sure enough, next to the pot was a big spoon.

  “I don’t think the farmers will mind if we borrow a little water,” I said as I gathered up the pot, spoon and canteen. “We’ll refill then come back here and make a fire to cook.”

  You can’t make a fire out here, Cathy said. The farmers will think you are a bandit or trying to destroy their field.

  “So how do I make the soup then?” I asked.

  You’re a Mage, aren’t you? Cathy asked. Hold onto the pot and think warm thoughts.

  “I don’t have THAT good of control,” I said. “I’ll just burn it.”

  I said warm thoughts, Cathy chuckled, not volcanic.

  “Well, if it gets too hot, we could just use your heart to cool it back down,” I suggest as I headed for the closest farm.

  We share the same heart so be careful with your insults, Cathy said playfully.

  I sighed and shook my head. The farm was one of the many corn farms that we had passed on the journey. I weaved through the corn stalks quietly as I walked closer to the house. The small well pump was between the edge of the field and the house. I would have to be careful but I had my Illusion spell on stand-by.

  I reached out with my mind and stopped as I felt the presence of three people in the corn field slowly moving towards the house. Their minds lay wide open and I was able to read them like a book.

  They were here to raid the farms.

  My heart started pounding as I reached out with my mind and checked inside the house. Five minds pulsed as the owners of the house dreamed.

  I need to wake them up.

  Just take care of the bandits, Cathy said. There are only three of them.

  I can’t just ‘take care of them’. I’ve never killed anyone before.

  It’s easy, Cathy said. You just do it. Like standing or walking or complaining.

  I sighed softly and headed in the direction of the bandits. Through the corn and darkness nothing could be seen easily but I had their minds to guide me.

  Maybe I could trick them into leaving.

  So they can come back tomorrow when you aren’t here? Cathy asked. A permanent solution ensures the residents survival. It’s them or the bandits. Choose.

  No pressure or anything.


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