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Supernatural Sensations--4 Scalding Hot Paranormal Stories

Page 4

by Logan Woods

  The fear that began to surround Hannah quickly faded away as she took his hand and placed it on her face. This man wasn’t going to hurt her, he wanted nothing more than to be close with her and protect her.

  “James, I’ve never felt so strongly about anyone so quickly. I can’t explain it, and I don’t want to explain it. I just want you, no matter what it takes.” Hannah said as she pressed her cheek against the burn scars. “What if you change me?”

  “Change you? I wouldn’t dare. You don’t know what you’d be giving up. We don’t eat, sleep, or age the same way as humans. My very survival depends on the blood of the rapists, thieves and murderers of the world. Is this really something you’d want for eternity?”

  “I don’t care! There is something special about you and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of time right here, by your side.”

  James began to pace around the room in thought. “I could protect you. Give you everything you could ever want and love you for eternity.” He muttered as his hand stroked his chin. “This is something you should give great thought to. If this is truly what you want, then meet me beneath the stars at Pine Hill tomorrow at midnight. But please, give yourself time to think about it.”

  “Ok, James, I promise I’ll think about it,” Hannah said as she watched him put his shirt back on. She was in awe as his huge biceps stood out beneath the shirt, reassuring her that she was safe in the arms of the man stood before her. With a soft kiss on the lips, James suddenly vanished before Hannah could open her eyes. That night, Hannah fell asleep feeling more warmth in her heart than ever before.

  ~ ~ ~

  As the sun rose, so, too, did Hannah in an extremely cheerful mood.

  Her stomach was abound with butterflies and her heart raced at the thought of James. She spent the entire morning fantasizing about James inside her and what it would feel like to have his naked body pressed so close to her. The temptation to slide her fingers into the soft lips between her legs was ever present, but she knew it was best to wait until midnight.

  Instead, Hannah teased herself for almost an hour by gently gliding her hands down across her body towards her wet spot, where she’d spend time stroking before maneuvering back up to her supple breasts. With each stroke she imagined a James on top of her, forcing his way inside her and running his hands beneath her bra.

  Even as she entered her shower she couldn’t dismiss thoughts of James suckling on her breasts like a babe, or carefully kissing every inch of her body before his tongue circled around her clit. The shower head would have provided a temporary relief from such thoughts, but she couldn’t allow herself to cum just yet.

  When at last the sun began to set once again and darkness emerged, Hannah started to panic. She had spent all afternoon in deep thought about her decision, without taking the time to study which dress to wear, or apply her make-up. So, for the next three hours she frantically perfected her hair, applied a thin layer of foundation with thick eyeliner to bring out her brown eyes, and tried on several different outfits. The outcome was a sexy, sleeveless and black lace dress with a flared skirt and studded slipper shoes.

  Hannah had also decided to curl her thick black hair and compliment her smile with a dash of red lipstick. A hint of alluring perfume added a finishing touch the beautiful, young woman staring back at herself in the mirror. Now all that was left to do was wait.

  ~ ~ ~

  Finally, the clock struck eleven and Hannah left her apartment with several hundred thoughts racing through her head all at once. Pine Hill was a desolate area almost three miles from where she lived, with gothic statues, water features and tall trees surrounding it.

  If Hannah had any hope of making it to Pine Hill on time, her only option would be to run. So, without hesitation for her perfected hair or make-up, Hannah ran like the wind in hope of catching James before he left. Her feet ached from the hard ground, and her breath grew shorter and shorter with each step, but time wasn’t going to wait for her. She pushed on until eventually she reached the gates of Pine Hill and faintly saw James stood with the wind blowing his hair atop of the hill. As she grew closer and closer towards him, she noticed his handsome smile and unbelievably gorgeous eyes. His muscles almost exploded through his thin grey t-shirt as his arms began to unfold and welcome Hannah.

  “So, is this really what you want?” James asked as his hands fell to Hannah’s shoulders.

  “There is nothing I want more, James. Please, let’s do this.” Hannah demanded as the stars above them watched. Her eyes began to close as she patiently waited for James to pierce into her.

  He took her softly by the hands and pressed his lips firmly on her neck. She felt only a slight prick as his fangs penetrated her neck and delicately changed her. Suddenly, all her hairs stood on ends and she began to feel lightheaded. James then carefully laid her on the grass where her eyes opened up in a piercing shade of blue.

  “I-Is it over?” Hannah asked calmly.

  “Yes, it’s over.” James stroked her face and looked deeply into her eyes.

  Their lips suddenly met as Hannah began to caress the body lay next to her. She slowly unzipped James’ pants and reached in for a touch of what she longed for. Long and hard, she wanted it pressed up inside her at that moment, but James carefully maneuvered his hands up her dress in an effort to tease her first. His fingers slipped underneath the pink cotton panties and circled around her lips.

  Hannah could hardly contain her excitement as she let out a few groans. “I want you in me,” she cried out as she began to undress James.

  His scars were now exposed and his tight briefs were all that remained on him. Hannah pulled him on top of her and began to tease his huge penis with her mouth. Slowly she’d lick the cotton before pressing her red lips firmly down, allowing him to feel warmth down his shaft. James retaliated by nibbling on her ear lobe as he thrust his erection onto her.

  This only made her want him more, so Hannah quickly began to pull down his briefs and run her tongue across the tip of his manhood. She cupped her small hands around his sack and slowly caressed his penis as she looked deeply into his eyes. Each stroke of the shaft made her moisten even more, but she wanted James to make the move. Hannah continued to tickle his sack, before moving her petite hand around his thigh.

  Suddenly, she forced his manhood into her mouth and let out a few teasing moans to entice James. Her red lipstick began to smear onto his penis as she sucked and toyed with it. James couldn’t delay any longer, he quickly pulled down the panties staring right at him and slowly fell six inches deep inside her.

  The first thrust had Hannah tearing at the grass beside her. The second came almost after the first completely left her, forcing anticipation to grow stronger. The third thrust made her yell out with joy.

  Hannah could hardly contain it anymore, each thrust took her to a heavenly spot that only a woman could know, where tantalizing pleasures surged throughout her body, and her legs trembled as she desperately tried to contain her indulgence. Her smooth legs wrapped around James and each moan resulted in her toenails digging deeper into him.

  James suddenly began to slow down as he lowered his face to Hannah and passionately kissed her on the lips. His huge arms made her feel safe as he stroked her hair and caressed her cheeks. Quickly, James began to reach down for her breasts and expose her erect nipples. His hands groped as he thrust back and forth at a slow and controlled pace.

  The silent night, surrounding trees and sounds of the water features added a certain escape from the city surrounding them and Hannah felt it added romance to such an eventful night. Her whole body tingled in a way no man had made it tingle before, and staring into the eyes of James felt perfect.

  Hannah had never felt so aroused, and as she began to perspire slightly on her forehead, suddenly her waist thrust forward in an uncontrollable manner. A faint moan escaped her trembling red lips as she managed to cum like never before. Her entire body fell completely relaxed as she let out a sigh.

bsp; Together they lay silently on the hill as they looked up at the stars. Hannah had never felt so full of joy. She wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her days staring up at the sky with James by her side.

  Their hands met and for the first time, Hannah felt a warm touch from James.

  About Simone Perry

  You might wonder what Simone Perry was doing wasting her days away as an IT professional when she could be producing some of the world's hottest, steamiest romances and erotica. In fact, that's exactly what Simone herself was thinking and why she's decided to touch us all with her enticing prose with Steam Books Erotica & Romance and other publishers.

  Hailing from the UK, this British, brainy beauty also worked as an administrative assistant and has now put her word processing powers to greater use: making her readers melt with passion and lust.

  And more from Simone Perry:


  The Red Forest has always provided seclusion and solace for Morrigan, a young elf looking to escape her troubles. It was the one place she could escape the soldiers that sacked her peaceful village of Elwood. But one morning during her routine escape from reality, she discovers a saucy secret that would change her life forever.


  As two clans feud over land, a forbidden romance blossoms. She knows she shouldn’t, but Tallis is a young elf that can’t help fall for the enemy who sweeps her off her feet. He’s charming, sexy and heroic – but he also belongs to The Thunder Crows who are a vicious clan without mercy. Will their passion grow, or tear them apart?




  Misty Springfield

  York was terribly hungry, lost, and confused. The only thing that he remembered was hiking in the Alps just a few days before. He had slipped, hitting his head on a boulder, but had awoken in some type of cavern. There had been a number of women around him, and all had been naked. He recalled marveling at how perfect their bodies had been. There was only one of them that he was entranced by, but he did not know her name. Though he’d been told he wasn’t a prisoner, he almost felt like one. He had no clothing, other than some form of loin cloth, and all of his belongings had been taken from him.

  Without a cell phone he had no way to seek out help, but it wasn’t like he would have had a signal that far away from civilization to begin with. He hadn’t been hurt, but he had been bitten by them, repeatedly. He felt they were some kind of cult, but he couldn’t be certain. One had funny eyes that seemed to pierce right through to his inner most thoughts. He had no idea how long they’d had him either, or how long he’d been unconscious. He suspected it’d been days, but couldn’t be sure as none of them had given him any straight answers. On his first night of consciousness he clearly remembered being coerced into sexual acts with different women while the main one had stood back and watched.

  It hadn’t taken much to convince him to fuck them; after all, they were all gorgeous and they’d all wanted it. None had spoken during the act, but all had made the love making noises that all women make when they are hot and turned on. As he sat recalling it, he felt his cock rising beneath his loin cloth. They were all scattered about him now, upon sleeping mats on the floor. He slept on a higher position above them, while the other female, apparently the one they followed, slept a little higher than him, off to his left. Looking at their naked bodies now, he could easily take any one of them he wanted, and with the boner he was getting he really did want it.

  He still hadn’t figured out what they were doing or how they had come to be there. One thing in particular he had noticed about all of them was the way their eyes glowed, and how fast they moved. He didn’t believe in the supernatural so he didn’t even want to let his mind go there, but he couldn’t help but wonder. He remembered one night in particular when all of them but one had ventured out of the cavern, into the moonlight. He thought he had seen a wolf out there among them, but then he couldn’t be certain. He couldn’t help but wonder if they were werewolves, even though he kept telling himself he didn’t believe.

  He rose as quietly as possibly, stepping in between them ever so lightly. His foot falls were quiet, as quiet as a mouse really. Sometimes one of them moved just a little as he approached but they did not waken. He found that his whole body ached, and he had a deep craving inside of him. It wasn’t just a craving for food, but for something so much more than that.

  By the time he had crept past all of them his cock was rigidly hard with want. He was now at the entrance to the cavern, but there was very little light coming in. He estimated it had to be early morning. He looked back, making sure that he hadn’t woken any of them before he stepped out into the breaking dawn. He stepped behind some trees to relieve himself, sighing as his bodily fluids left his body. His kidneys had been near bursting; at least it had felt that way. There were fresh berries growing around the cave-like structure, and with the hunger filling his belly he began picking as many as he could, popping some into his mouth as he walked through the mix of them. As the pain in his stomach grew stronger, he dropped the rest of the fruits, staggering back to the cave entrance in the process.

  He was surprised to find Salena, the main female waiting for him there. She looked at him with a stern expression on her face. The pain dropped him to his knees in front of her, and when she knelt to offer some form of condolence, he scooted away from her, curling up into a tight ball against the cave interior. His face spoke his thoughts, but he was lost so much with the pain that he didn’t have the strength to voice them.

  “York, you know that you cannot eat food such as this. I know you are aware of the changes taking over your body; you can’t just live the way you used to and think that it is all going to work out for you. It isn’t. If you didn’t know what we were before, surely you know what we are now?”

  He felt fear take hold of him, his heart pounding faster in his chest. There was nowhere for him to escape, he knew that already. As she helped him rise, she then half-carried him to his resting spot below her, but this time she did not go to her own. She stayed with him, caressing his face and rubbing her hands across his abdomen. She pulled a flask from between her breasts, and when he took it he found it warm from the heat of her breasts. She smiled warmly at him, encouraging him to drink it.

  “It will take the pain away and you will rest. You’ll see.”

  He popped open the tiny little flask and gulped down the substance inside in one swig. It had tasted horrible, like rust mixed with something so sweet, it was almost repugnant. He couldn’t shake the taste from his mouth, and he felt like he was going to begin gagging without something to wash it away.

  “Can I have water?”

  She nodded, turning from him and asking one of the others to hand over their flask of water. He accepted this just as greedily as he had the other, but the water was refreshing. He swirled it through his mouth, rinsing every crevice. As he sat, she continued to whisper in his ear, running her fingers through his hair. The pain was subsiding, just as she’d said it would, but he thought he had to be hallucinating too, as she and one of the other females began touching each other in a way that was more like an interlude to sex. He blinked hard, even rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and it didn’t appear he was.

  They moved around each other in some sort of seductive ritual. As Salena began removing her clothes, his eyes grew bigger. Her breasts were creamy and voluptuous. In fact he had never seen any female with tits the size of hers. They were somehow perfect, and matched her body size.

  He truly felt he had died and gone to heaven as they began sucking and licking upon each other’s flesh. The girl that had no name—at least not one that he’d heard—caressed her breasts in a way that made her nipples grow extremely hard. Salena jutted forward, grabbing the girl’s head and forcing her mouth to suck on her there as she gyrated her pussy against her abdomen. She moaned, or it seemed more like some form of a howl.

  York was in ut
ter shock as she motioned for him to join them. He just knew he was dreaming at that point, or it was the drug causing some form of hallucination. He felt his loin cloth fall to the ground as another female from behind loosened the fastenings and began kissing his back. He felt her tits pressed firmly against him at times, her nipples grazing across his skin.

  As his cock grew and became more pronounced Salena took hold of him in one hand. She pulled him to her by his manliness, her mouth coming into contact with his. When he felt her tongue sliding across his lips he could hold back no more. He grabbed her, his mouth grinding against her own, and when he opened it her tongue darted in, meeting his own. Their bodies were tightly connected to one another, and as she stroked his well-endowed manhood while kissing she felt the leakage of semen coming from him. She smoothed it across his cock, using it as a lubricant to stroke him faster.

  He felt someone probing at his ass, and he tried to push them away but he simply could not. Whatever it was entered into his ass, moving hard and fast inside of him. The feelings of her hand stroking him and the stimulation in his ass sent him over the edge. He shot his cum upon her, thrusting his hips forward as if he were inside of her, fucking her already.

  “Oh York, you have to give it to me, I need your seed inside of me York, please…” She spread herself upon one of the higher rock platforms, her legs opened wide for him. He was already getting hard for her again. The other women moved around him, and whatever had been fucking him in the ass had been removed. As he moved over to Salena, caressing her breasts and leaning in to suck her nipples, one of the other females crawled in between his legs and took the head of him into her mouth. She sucked at him hard until he was once again at full rigidness. Removing her mouth from his dick she then smiled at him and turned her gaze toward Salena, almost bowing to her.


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